Sorted by date Results 1526 - 1550 of 2586
To The Eagle: Where’s Jaime? Many Long Beach peninsula residents (voters) wish that our fourth-term U.S. Representative, Jaime Herrera Beutler, would appear in person to field questions and address our concerns at a town hall. Ms Beutler seems to prefer telephone town halls (sometimes quickly announced and conducted), community coffee meetings, or sending surrogates to communities in her district. That’s not sufficient. Her predecessor, Brian Baird, conducted over 300 town hall meetings during his twelve-year tenure. Many were held in Long Bea...
To The Eagle: I am well familiar with and Breitbart and, yes, I do see a pattern. I’m glad you (previous letter writer) see it too, though we see it in a different way. I typed in Hamtramck, MI, and you’re right; right away I see website for it and you’re wondering how could “lazy people who are not fact-checking” miss it? In the first place, I’d never heard of the city. I was researching Sharia Law in many websites, and as you go into each website, you find words that are highlighted you can click on that would give...
To The Eagle: Hello from Finland! I sometimes visit your paper’s site in internet, but this time I was advised by Bud Lindwall’s widow, Pat, to read about the memorial for gillnetters. I am very happy to read and find that the initiative of Pat’s husband and my dear cousin, Bud Lindwall, to raise a memorial to fishermen in the area, is coming to reality. I send my best to you all lovely people who has taken the acts to make the memorial a reality. This activity will have my best appreciation and also is a nice memory of Bud Lindwall and all L...
To The Eagle: I found Toni Below’s Feb. 23 letter to the editor to be full of dark humor, political irony and some gross factual errors. The humor starts right away with The Eagle’s header of “Writer praises Trump.” I found faint praise indeed and deftly delivered irony such as Toni’s implication that the new Trump regime is just as likely to deliver this nation over to the Muslim Caliphate as Hillary Clinton might have been had she been elected, and that if we don’t believe that, then consider that no one believed either that Donald coul...
To The Eagle: I am writing to comment on Bob Pyle’s letter of Feb. 9 concerning the failed efforts to enroll the county in the Timberland Library system. When I first started using the Cathlamet Library, I inquired as to why we were not on that system and received an answer citing a lack of funds or will, not the detailed explanation given by Mr. Pyle. Now that I know the approximate amount of money that currently would have to be spent by an individual or family either for a card at the Naselle Timberland or as part of property taxes, I w...
To The Eagle: I will be attending the Sewer Fairness meeting scheduled an hour prior to the March 20 Cathlamet Town Council meeting between 5-6 p.m. at the Cathlamet Fire Hall. I have already presented my concerns and requests to the Town Council although I used the Hotel Cathlamet as a focal point. Prior to the Sewer Fairness meeting I would like the opportunity to understand what other residents and businsses are thinking about the Cathlamet sewer/water rate situation. To that end, the Hotel Cathlamet will be hosting a coffee/cupcake...
To The Eagle: Reading the lengthy letter to the editor in the Feb. 23 edition: I find it irresistible to not respond. I usually get enough of this sort on Facebook. When I find unsubstantiated claims, I usually try do some research. Being retired and not having nice weather allows all sorting of facts and fictional stories. I love fiction stories, but not when pushed as being true facts. Main thing was a divided nation being blamed on the media. I find that is an opinion which many have. My opinion is that it is the fault of the politicians...
To The Eagle: Those of us who dink around regularly in the "letter to the editor" department do so mostly to advance alternative points of view, and occasionally deflate bubbles of political or governmental hot air. We are always delighted when we manage to evoke an inappropriate, intemperate, or defensive response from the object of one of our rants. It's not so much drawing blood as it is counting coup in the old spirit of the Plains Indians. For that particular endeavor, kudos are due to Mike Swift for his polemic in last week's Eagle....
To The Eagle: Some of the rights we all have in America are to believe what we each feel is right. And to speak about our concerns. These are rights we all have here. It does not matter if you are liberal or conservatively inclined. What matters is, what are you doing every day to improve this country? Try this, at the end of each day ask yourself, “Ahem! What did I do today that improved productivity or some condition here in America?” If you can not find a reply you are proud of, then get busy and do something good for this country bef...
To The Eagle: Wow! Fake news, alternative news and propaganda news. What else is next? It’s becoming apparent the liberal media detest President Trump and are out to destroy him. Media today it seems is not the same as it was a few years ago. It’s gotten worse and I believe it’s becoming the number one cause for dividing our nation today. They’re abusing the freedom of the press for what it truly stands for. Let’s talk about immigrants. We know our country is made up of immigrants and they’ve come with the desire to live here as legal citizens...
To The Eagle: Mardi Gras is February 28th! Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church is excited to tell everyone about our 4th Praisin’ Cajun Mardi Gras. This year Mardi Gras is Tuesday, February 28th and we will be celebrating at the church from 6-8 p.m. Mardi Gras (French for Fat Tuesday) is the day before Ash Wednesday. While Ash Wednesday is a somber reflection in the Christian church, ushering in an equally somber season of Lent, Mardi Gras is the last party beforehand. Over the last few years we at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church have used this oppor...
To The Eagle: One letter to the paper last week did more to prove the point I attempted to address than I dreamed possible. Fanning the flames does cause a fire to burn brighter which of course focuses more light on something. Falsehoods and cockroaches are both terrified of further illumination so of course those that aren't apparently familiar with history would find reason to blame the editor and myself for exposing such things. The results of the recent election are not in question and were never brought into the conversation by either Mr....
To the Eagle: In response to the letter to The Eagle of two weeks ago written by Cindy Lahti, a.k.a. Cynthia Cook, I feel compelled to reply to the accusations and assumptions she relayed about the Grays River Valley Library and my books. In 2008 I was given 7,942 fiction and non-fiction books, 114 large print books, 875 children’s books and 145 books on tape as well as 95 DVDs and 67 VHS tapes. I have a receipt in hand that states that fact and the Johnson Park has a copy. These books were never donated to GRVC at JP but were loaned, and I h...
To The Eagle: In your disregard for the clear majority of voters in this county (57 percent for Trump, 35 percent for Hillary), will you continue to scold and cajole your readership with your editorial bias? As owner and publisher you control the message. After eight long years of living with the miserable economy and social racial division from the Democrat administration, many of us voted for change. And now, three weeks into the new presidency, we’re told to believe that he is not “legitimate,” indeed, that he’s Hitler. A silly and hysterica...
To The Eagle: Attention Wahkiakum County home and property owners: Some info for thought! If you are dissatisfied with your new home appraisals like I was, then you should file an appeal like I did. It’s easy to do to find comparison properties, then send the info to the Wahkiakum County Board of Equalization. Sometimes your figures stay the same, or sometimes they are lowered. It does not cost a fee, just a little paperwork. Get the paperwork from Bill at his office. I did this and my assessed fee was lowered $96,200! Well worth the p...
To The Eagle: The official statement by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on the Presidential Executive Order currently in the news related to a travel ban is available for anyone to read. Reading it yourself is much better than listening to news people explaining in 30 seconds what it says. Link: or, if you enter into your browser's search engine simply "ninth circuit ruling" it will show up near the top. On page 22 of the document the judges appear to say that the...
To The Eagle: Why does Trudy Fredrickson have all the books donated to Johnson Park? The Friends of the Bend Library and librarians say they only donate to public facilities not private individuals. So what happened? Apparently old board members were angered the library they configured had been changed. Mrs. Fredrickson was right when she said the conditions where the books were housed were ideal. The room was dark and warm, and it was almost impossible to read the titles of books, so great for books, not so wonderful for users. In an effort to...
To The Eagle: A common call among all cultures, societies, governments and aspirations among all parents, is to have and promote opportunities for education, more and better education. Education might be best described as obtaining knowledge based on facts to make good/appropriate decisions. Now that we are moving forward with a new administration that promotes the concept of “alternative facts” what happens with real facts? Then what happens to “truth”? Dennis T. Gordon Puget Island...
To The Eagle: What a heartening and reassuring collection of opinions on page 2 of the February 2 Eagle! Beginning with the thoughtful and reasoned editorial by Rick Nelson, I was reminded again of how fortunate we are to have him in charge of our local newspaper. Rick has consistently offered thought-provoking opinions and “real news” to the residents of Wahkiakum County and beyond. Thanks Rick! I also appreciated the articles shared by Ms. Bucklin regarding the dangers of the methanol project in Kalama, the importance of the media art...
To The Eagle: So, so many years ago, while I was a student Wahkiakum had some larger classes and was playing as a class A school in sports. At that time seniors were not allowed to play JV ball and with the interest being high and following the WIAA guidelines on the allotted number of players per basketball team they had tryouts for varsity. I do recall one year when a couple of seniors did not make the team and were cut, there were some pretty upset in the community but the Varsity coach was trying to put the best players he had available on...
To the Eagle: It was fine to see the front page of the Ground Hog's Day edition dominated by literary matters. Diana Zimmerman did a fine job reporting on poetry and libraries in the county, as she does on so many stories. We are very fortunate to have her on your staff. As to the poetry, I was frustrated to read the announcement of the state's new poet laureate, Tod Marshall, reading in Cathlamet only on the very day of the event the previous week, and then to read in Diana's report that the audience was small. I might have missed it in an...
To The Eagle: When you protest something you are validating its existence. You might not believe it, but the best thing to do is quietly ignore what you would have protested and get very very busy doing things that make conditions better all across the board. Ben Elkinton Cathlamet...
President Donald Trump has been in office less than two weeks, but he's working hard to implement his campaign promises, from walling out Latin American immigrants to prohibiting people from certain Muslim-majority nations from entering the US. Here are some of the headlines, as reported by the Associated Press: --Trump pulls US from Transpacific trade pact; --Trump's border wall faces reality check; --Trump denies immigration restriction caused airport chaos; --Anti-Trump protesters gather again in Seattle; --Hundreds march in downtown Spokane...
To The Eagle: If you haven't heard of "Cancer Alley" please look it up before you decide it's a good idea to build the largest methonol plant in the world, right in our neighborhood. I live on Puget Island and my family supports the following groups: Wildlife Center of the North Coast, Portland Audubon Society, Columbia Riverkeepers and Columbia Land Trust. Every single one of these groups are steadfastly against the approval of the proposed Kalama Methanol project. Why? Because for the past 20 to 30 years they've done their best to mitigate...
To The Eagle: In regard to last week’s excellent article about journalism’s value, I thought the writer’s perspective that media plays an important role for all of us was spot on - regardless of our political slant. Being a democracy, it is crucial that all of us are as educated and informed as possible when we vote. If everyone spent just 20 minutes or so a day reading a variety of news sources about domestic and world events, political decisions, local events, etc., we wouldn’t need to worry about fake or biased news. This is because we’d be...