Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Will young people study history?

    Sep 28, 2017

    To The Eagle: A big heartfelt thank you to all the athletes and fans that stood for our National Anthem this week. Now to those that took a knee, you missed an opportunity to stand and show your respect for your fellow Americans of all colors, shapes and sizes. I, as just one of so many that served our country, remember some of the finest people I served with were Black, White, Hispanic, Asian and Gay. Now ain’t that America? My greatest concern for our country is that our young people, those that are our future, will not study the history o...

  • Sheriff's Corner

    Sheriff Mark Howie, Wahkiakum County Sheriff|Sep 28, 2017

    On September 19, I joined 18 other sheriffs and police chiefs around the state who were invited to meet with U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. I was among a select number of agency heads, including neighboring sheriffs from Pacific County and Cowlitz County, invited to meet with the nation's top law enforcement officer. The Attorney General kept to his word in meeting with local law enforcement wherever he was able, and he took the time to meet with us after visiting family in Bremerton the...

  • Board should consider roundabout decision

    Sep 21, 2017

    To The Eagle: To be against the idea of roundabouts just because one doesn't like them is not keeping the best interests of the community in mind. These traffic safety structures provide a practical way to slow traffic while including nice highway landscaping. As for our local truckers, most have no objection. Those who have used the Warrenton roundabout find traffic there easy to deal with. At least 10 times as many log trucks use that facility there as compared to here on SR 4. The Port of Astoria Log Shipping Yard is right there. Have you...

  • Writer wonders about health care

    Toni Below|Sep 14, 2017

    To The Eagle: What’s all the commotion on healthcare about? I remember when we worked, so much was taken out of our paychecks for SS, Medicare and Federal. Then we had up to three options of what type of health benefits we could choose from, Kaiser, Blue Cross, etc. Have the companies stopped providing health benefits? If so, why? Is it because the government taxed them so much with fees and regulations that they could no longer provide decent health benefits for its employees? I understand those with health issues need some type of health i...

  • Pete Seeger tribute set for Sept. 30

    Sep 7, 2017

    To The Eagle: As a kid growing up in the 50’s/60’s I listened to music on my transistor radio. A lot of music. Those two decades brought us an eclectic assortment of songs and songwriters. Who can forget Purple People Eater, Wake Up Little Susie, Ahab the Arab and Surfin Safari? The mid 60’s was all about the British invasion and the Beatles, Rolling Stones and The Who battling it out with American rock bands The Doors, The Byrds and The Grateful Dead. In 1965 we heard the amazing American Folk/Rock duo of Simon & Garfunkel bring us The Sounds...

  • Commercial poachers at work on the Elochoman

    Rick Nelson|Aug 31, 2017

    I received this communication Tuesday from an Elochoman Valley resident who feared retribution if he were identified. With that in mind, I'm printing here. "Some may be aware of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife biologist counting fish on the Elochoman. Yesterday he informed me he has uncovered several poaching teams stealing fish from the river only to sell to restaurants. They use nets to circle the fish, then pull them out. While several are netting the fish, there is usually someone along the road keeping watch to alert the...

  • Sheriff's department taking part in Target Zero

    Aug 31, 2017

    To The Eagle: The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office would like to announce that September 7-9, sheriff’s deputies will be participating in the statewide grant funded program through the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, known as Target Zero. In the years 2012 through 2014, 1,336 people died on Washington State Roads and 6,123 people were seriously injured. The personal, financial and societal costs are huge. No one should suffer the loss of their friend, family member, or coworker. "Target Zero" is a plan to reduce traffic fatalities and se...

  • National health insurance is not socialized medicine

    Aug 31, 2017

    To The Eagle: Let me first say, as chief member of our island’s DODV (department of deja views) that my esteemed and erudite neighbor Howard Brawn has yet to be observed prevaricating about anything under discussion. I agree. The seeds of the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) weakness were sown at its inception. They might even have been “sewn” onto it like a denim patch, as Mr. Brawn suggested. The devil is in the details of any plan, be it our Constitution, the federal tax code or that 2000 page monster, the ACA. Mr. Brawn’s latest devilishly detai...

  • A lot of untruths are floating around

    Poul Toftemark|Aug 24, 2017

    To The Eagle: We have an awesome community here in the outback of Wahkiakum County, able to stand up to political giants. A lot of the outback success has a lot to do with our support of each other, including packing community halls; also our county commissioners, with whom we stood up to the Department of Ecology enough to deny them spreading crap next to our river. I personally have to thank our congresswoman for a mid-winter victory against Corps of Engineers for which I am sure we got blacklisted. On the Affordable Care Act, I find it...

  • Everyone is entitled to their own opinion

    Howard Brawn|Aug 24, 2017

    To The Eagle: Thought I'd take time off from my day job here at PIPI (Puget Island Prevarications Inc.) to respond to the Bouchard expository epistle in last week's Eagle. As Ronaldus Magnus said to Jimmy Carter in their 1980 debate, "There you go again!" The seeds of self destruction were sewn at the inception of Obamacare but initially hidden by legislative legerdemain and technical incompetence. The internet registry was so shoddily constructed it bollixed enrollment for a year. Most of the actual poor went on the expanded Medicaid program...

  • This good community is full of hope

    Minette Smith|Aug 24, 2017

    To The Eagle: We have a good community, and it takes a lot of hard work from everyone. When Ryan and I moved to Cathlamet three years ago, we noticed the element of community right away and fell in love. We have received so much support and made many friends. In the climate of seemingly endless uncertainty our country faces, I must confess to moments of hopelessness. However, when I attend local Health & Human Services advisory board meetings, I walk away with hope again. Wahkiakum county is full of caring, hard-working, creative—genuinely g...

  • What love does: One family's story

    Jerald Meiers|Aug 24, 2017

    To The Eagle: As military veteran, public servant, just living in America, I have happened to notice that we are a nation of assimilation! I may not like a neighbor, but I will defend their right to free speech. And expect patriotism. Change starts with you. If you go directly to violence instead of a public office, or activism, non-violent, your agenda is a loser, and you need help. My ancestors were immigrants. We crossed into this territory by boat, refugees from Norway, outlaws, shunned there. Canada didn't have R.C.M.P. then, just natives...

  • White supremacy has no place in our nation

    Rick Nelson|Aug 17, 2017

    So, our nation witnessed an ugly clash between white supremacists and counter demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend. The clash left one demonstrator dead, and two police officers responding to the event died in a helicopter crash. I joined vigil Sunday afternoon in front of the courthouse to express sympathy with the victims and opposition to the racist, ultra-right values of the supremacists who initiated the demonstrations. Some 32 people were there, and they expressed grief, shock, disbelief and outrage that we have the...

  • It's more important to be human

    Aug 17, 2017

    To The Eagle: I guess I'm confused about the issue surrounding removal of statues, flags, and everything removable from the public eye, because some are offended. Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't we been in the longest conflict in our history with no end in sight? This is against people that, among their other cultural issues that our society finds offensive, were destroying their historical artifacts because they were offensive to some. I just finished Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel titled, Uncle Tom's Cabin, which ignited a firestorm...

  • Take a moment and enjoy living here

    Aug 17, 2017

    To The Eagle: I have been enjoying the back and forth letters over the past weeks. I am grateful to live here where everyone can have their own opinion and get it printed! We have so much to be grateful for here. I hope, in light of the rioting in Virginia, that we can all take a moment and just enjoy living here where we can share our ideas and thoughts and not hurt each other in the process. My greatest gift is my collection of neighbors. I am so blessed to have them, every one. We are a small county, yes, but we are strong in love,...

  • More reader participation is encouraged

    Aug 17, 2017

    To the Eagle: There has been no end to the hectoring from our collectivist letter writers the past few months. Most of us in this county voted for @realDonaldTrump and it is sad that the minority here chooses to see us as racist, bigots and rubes. When half of the county's concerns can be dismissed with “Waving the bloody shirt” of the 20th Century, public discourse is stifled. Some have not rethought the European/Swedish utopian fantasy they absorbed in college and it sadly explains their “Fake Solutions” to problems in the 21st Century...

  • Inform yourself now

    Aug 17, 2017

    To The Eagle: The statement that Obamacare is self destructing is a blatant falsehood repeated over and over again by those who hope that a lie repeated often enough will be accepted as the truth. For the Affordable Care Act to fail your Destroyer In Chief Donald and his Republican wrecking crew must help it to fail. They are being as helpful as they can. The Kaiser Family Foundation’s measurements of average premiums, claims, medical loss ratios, gross margins and related data states the ACA is functioning as intended to increase access to m...

  • No whining here

    Aug 10, 2017

    To The Eagle: The wilds of western Wahkiakum, the "outback" of greater metropolitan Cathlamet, is home to three of my greatest local heroes in the continuing battle against the encroachment of overweening government and bureaucracy. They are: Maury Mooers, for his valiant stand against the Corps of Engineers in the Steamboat Slough Struggle, the late Del Frederickson, who put Grays River back in its banks, and Poul Toftemark, who, with patience and forbearance, stopped Columbia Land Trust's destruction of the Kandoll Road environs. So, in...

  • Strut your stuff

    Aug 10, 2017

    To The Eagle: We have a lot of talented people in this area and the Wahkiakum County Fair is the place to show it off. Whether you grow green beans, can cherries, plant posies, brew beer, sew skirts, create crafts, bake bread or paint pictures, now is the time to strut your stuff. Pick up a fair book at The Eagle, the community center, or the extension office. Bring your nonperishable entries to the fair on Monday, Aug. 14 between 3 and 8 p.m. Bring fresh produce, flowers and baked goods on Tuesday, Aug. 15 from 3-8 p.m. Volunteers will be...

  • More comments on the back and forth

    Aug 3, 2017

    To The Eagle: Keep in mind, I am chuckling as I write this serious comment. Mostly because I find it so absurd, the place our 26 percent of eligible voters put us in. Also I don’t want to cry, literally. I find it difficult to stomach, when someone is in disagreement with the direction of the government, called such as “whining,” while at the same time ‘whines’ about our last president and the not elected candidate. Such a weak argument is needed to defend our president, who has had more White House turmoil in six months than Obama’s eight year...

  • Save your car

    Aug 3, 2017

    To The Eagle: The photograph of a fully involved (completely ablaze) car in The Eagle of July 20 (Sheriff's Report, page 5) makes a dramatic point that having a proper fire extinguisher, readily available, can limit damage to a minimum, as opposed to a complete loss of the vehicle. The highway between Cathlamet and Longview is no place to expect rapid response from emergency personnel. A fuel leak in the engine compartment can be readily extinguished by the driver who has an extinguisher handy. The alternative is the metal skeleton of a...

  • See you at the fair

    Aug 3, 2017

    To The Eagle: The Wahkiakum County Fair is August 17-19th. My wife Pat and I will be there Friday the 18th for lunch at 1 p.m., with any Class of 1961 members wishing to join us. Also on Saturday the 19th for the Salmon Feed at 1 p.m., to catch up on what is going on in our lives in these Golden Years (???). Hope to see some of you there! My Cell # is 509-979-8028. Chuck Carroll Class of 1961...

  • Info offered about electoral college

    Aug 3, 2017

    To The Eagle: I was surprised to read some folks see the Electoral College as simply an “anachronistic” practice. Great word anachronistic, as many today also believe it applies to capitalism or socialism, depending on your viewpoint. Others believe the word applies to personal liberty, state sovereignty and even our constitution. Anyone who reads the pros and cons of our electoral college, quickly becomes aware that our EC was designed to protect a unique federalism with self-regulating states and ensuring individual citizen liberty. “In...

  • Relief from whining seems to be lacking

    Jul 27, 2017

    To the Eagle: Hey J.B., if you're gonna use quotation marks, you gotta get it right (Bouchard letter in last week's Eagle). The actual quote was, "so Trump stumbles along, so far doing more good than harm . . ." and the operative word was "stumbles." He may have already accomplished the greatest "good" he's going to by saving us from Hillary, whose only offering was Act III of the existential nightmare that was the Obama administration, given the bellicose progressive attitudes, including media attacks and bureaucratic treachery. To wit: the cu...

  • Democracy is bleeding into history

    Jul 27, 2017

    To The Eagle: Touché Mr. Brawn. Big words worked in Charles Dicken's times but when a two year old now asks for an IPad when waking from a nap I fear our language is doomed. Mr. Bouchard writes a thoughtful letter based on real events unlike the perceived successes alluded to by another writer. If you have ever wondered what would happen if there was an election and everybody lost, stay tuned as it's happening around us and rats are beginning to jump ship. When the wife of a foreign leader pretends she can't speak English rather than chat...

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