Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Granges seeking photos and information

    Jun 8, 2017

    To The Eagle: The Skamokawa and Grays River Granges have played an important role shaping our Wahkiakum community. But, there is very little information available at our museum in Cathlamet concerning the Grange and its history. We are requesting the community share any memorabilia you may have that will preserve and honor the Grange. Any photos or information will be shared with the Wahkiakum County Historical Museum. We are interested in the active Skamokawa Grange #425, active Grays River Grange #124, the closed Elochoman Grange and Puget...

  • Deadline for participation in PIGYS sale is June 16

    Jun 8, 2017

    To The Eagle: Just a reminder to everyone about the PIGYS sale coming up June 23-25 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Those interested in having a sale need to contact me by June 16 to ensure you get on the map. My number is 360-430-0951. Sandie York Puget Island...

  • Changes in store for swimming pool

    Jun 8, 2017

    To The Eagle: I am really excited about the upcoming 2017 season at the Julia Butler Hansen Swimming Pool. Last year we invested in an excellent pool liner, two new water heating systems for our showers and a new locker room floor for the ladies. This year we will have a fantastic new pool heater system. Perhaps more significantly, I have chosen to change the lifeguard training and the swim lesson programs to what I think will be a very successful system for us. I signed up for the Starfish Aquatics Institute programs to train guards locally...

  • Writer voices thoughts and opinions

    Jun 8, 2017

    To The Eagle: After reading the opinions of varying people, presumably all Americans, I will do my best to stick to that label, though I have been labeled something else, at different times. I, and I believe most, except perhaps Hillary, are way over the election. That said, do not expect that we will all of a sudden be lockstep with Trump’s policies. Once the election surprise was over, hoped for some good changes. In particular to the EPA and in my opinion over-reach of regulations. Instead it has been a baby with the bathwater approach, v...

  • Calm yourselves about Trump

    Jun 8, 2017

    To The Eagle: This is a suggestion for your reader, Mr. Bouchard: Why not calm yourself about president Trump, elected legally by many of our neighbors? We put up with your guy and his incompetence for eight long years. Eight years of low employment and weakness in our society. Your side lost the election and refuse to accept it. You would rather bellyache and wear your pink hat, or is it the black mask and hoodie? It seems you would rather have a failed and crippled country than a successful one. The narcissism and hubris old hippies like you...

  • Residents thankful for help with sand placement

    Jun 8, 2017

    To The Eagle: It's important to us as recent Cathlamet residents to thank all that have played a part in helping the Cape Horn area property owners sign the Right of Entry document. This last effort has taken all of us over two and a half years to finally get to this point of achievement, and because of this time invested for our need of the sand replenishment, we can finally move forward with the final details to get on the Corp of Engineers’ calendar. Thank you to all of County Commissioners; Blair Brady, Mike Backman and especially our D...

  • Writer issues challenge for current events debate

    Jun 1, 2017

    To The Eagle: I declare myself in response to Howard Brawn’s and in support of J.B. Bouchard’s recent letters to The Eagle. I am perhaps brain dead and I have been irresponsible as a citizen of the United States not to insure that Trump would not be elected president. He will never earn a capital “P” from me. But who would have thought… , but I understand, members of both parties have been irresponsible to America and Americans' needs. Change was needed but not Trump. But with my faults, I do take pride in knowing the facts and using facts in a...

  • Writer happy to suggest valuable readings in history

    Jun 1, 2017

    To The Eagle: I feel like Mike Swift just shouted in my face without really saying much beyond a few tired platitudes [Letters To The Editor, May 25, 2017 edition]. He might consider expressing an original idea once in a while. No sense in my denying the aging hippy comment. Got me dead to rights. I also feel like Swift left his audience hanging on to nothing with his final comment that we "read more history." I do actually read quite a bit of it and have some publications to recommend. If you're an insomniac and like multi-volume series, try...

  • Trump will improve our economic interests

    May 25, 2017

    To The Eagle: Thank you for printing the letters to The Eagle. Lately we have read the tendentious and tedious letters from our neighbor, Bouchard, who it seems is very upset about the election of DJT, the estimable Donald J. Trump. They illustrate very well the ignorance and arrogance of the aging hippie “Zen-marxist.” First of all, this county and country had an election on November 8, 2016. We selected a president in accordance with our election laws and our constitution. Now the crybabies and weak-minded among us want to somehow go bac...

  • Washington attorney general is right on

    May 18, 2017

    The following news release from theWashington Attorney General's Office details Attorney General Bob Ferguson's involvement in promoting the rights of transgender people, who are people just like the rest of us. No citizen's rights should be diminished. Kudos to Bob Ferguson. --Publisher Rick Nelson OLYMPIA —Attorney General Bob Ferguson is leading a coalition of 17 states and the District of Columbia in urging the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit to uphold the right of a transgender student in Virginia to use the school b...

  • May is Older American's Month

    May 18, 2017

    To The Eagle: May is Older American’s Month. As Vice-Chair of the Washington State Council on Aging and an active advocate for senior programs with the Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities of Southwest Washington, I happily admit to being senior sensitive. The theme for Older American’s Month 2017 is Age Out Loud and The Administration for Community Living wants you to know that. More than ever before, older Americans are working longer, trying new things, and engaging in their communities. They’re taking charge, striving for wellness, focus...

  • May is Older American's Month

    May 18, 2017

    To The Eagle: May is Older American’s Month. As Vice-Chair of the Washington State Council on Aging and an active advocate for senior programs with the Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities of Southwest Washington, I happily admit to being senior sensitive. The theme for Older American’s Month 2017 is Age Out Loud and The Administration for Community Living wants you to know that. More than ever before, older Americans are working longer, trying new things, and engaging in their communities. They’re taking charge, striving for wellness, focus...

  • Community center shares update

    May 18, 2017

    To The Eagle: Grays River Valley Library and Community Center wants to welcome everyone to come visit our reorganized facility. Our collection of books, DVDs VHS is now managed utilizing a computerized library system. The new system allows library staff to easily reference the library’s collection by title, author, or type of media. We currently have over 4,000 books, DVD's and a large selection of VHS tapes and CD's, available for check out. The Computer Center has three computers available for public use. The Library is open Monday and T...

  • Community center shares update

    May 18, 2017

    To The Eagle: Grays River Valley Library and Community Center wants to welcome everyone to come visit our reorganized facility. Our collection of books, DVDs VHS is now managed utilizing a computerized library system. The new system allows library staff to easily reference the library’s collection by title, author, or type of media. We currently have over 4,000 books, DVD's and a large selection of VHS tapes and CD's, available for check out. The Computer Center has three computers available for public use. The Library is open Monday and T...

  • Wetland information is available online

    May 18, 2017

    To The Eagle: The May 11 article regarding the Shoreline Master Program (SMP) significantly understates the areas of the county that are impacted. By state law, shorelands are not limited to just 200 feet from the ordinary high water mark of certain designated waterways as the article suggests, but also include any associated wetlands and their buffers. If any portion of a wetland falls within the 200 foot shoreland boundary, then the entire wetland is under the jurisdiction of the SMP regardless of how far from the stream that is. For my...

  • EPA has made things better

    May 18, 2017

    To The Eagle: After reading Howard Brawn's latest attempt to “put me out of my misery” I can only profess gratitude that he is not my doctor or pharmacist. Appreciating Howard's literary admonition, I feel we must consider “for whom the bell tolls.” It does so loudly and clearly for all of us who may have taken for granted the liberal, progressive, enlightened political climate that I thought was evolving during the last five decades. Fifty years ago Rachel Carson's seminal environmental publication “Silent Spring” explained her well resear...

  • Writer from Sweden searching for relatives

    May 18, 2017

    To The Eagle: Hello, My name is Annica Eriksson and I am from Sweden. It seems that parts of my family went to America as a lot of other Swedes did. I found a letter from one of them that lived in Cathlamet. She died in 1989 (17/8) and her name was Helga Benson Head. She came to America in 1912 with her mother Berna (Bernhardina) and her grandfather. Her father had probably left Sweden earlier I think. I found a letter that Helga had sent in 1968 to my father and mother in Gothenburg. She mentioned a son and his three daughters. They lived in...

  • No positive consensus on proposed county SMP

    May 18, 2017

    To The Eagle: The article in last Thursday's edition of The Eagle concerning the shoreline master plan (SMP) would have you believe that there was a positive consensus between the members of the initial County Shoreline Advisory Committee and the county planning board. Nothing is further from the truth. While we all want clean air, clean water and a healthy environment, the challenge that occurs is in the accomplishment of this goal. The Department of Ecology (DOE) would attempt to accomplish our shared goal with methods that would result in...

  • Clean up day scheduled for Seal River Cemetery

    May 18, 2017

    To The Eagle: The Seal River Cemetery annual clean-up day is scheduled for Saturday, May 20 at 1 p.m., at the cemetery. Please bring your favorite tools/equipment, soft bristled brushes (jugs of water) for cleaning headstones, rain gear or sunscreen depending on the weather. One year we did get rained on but most times it has been pleasant. The stories that are told make the time fly. This year we want to identify the stones that need to be repaired. The board appreciates the volunteers who help because we can't do everything on our own. Kari...

  • Trump could have saved us money

    May 18, 2017

    To The Eagle: I’d like to offer another take on the cruise missile strike on the Syrian Air Force base. I noticed in a before-and-after photo spread that showed the Syrian fighter planes we blew to bits were MiG 21’s. Fantastic aircraft when they first flew in 1954 (gas was 12 cents a gallon). The Russians built 10,000 of them, the Chinese probably another 3,000. A lot of them are still around. Even though they are Mach II aircraft, they are gas guzzlers and didn’t have much range. Still highly effective against camels and Toyotas. Tomah...

  • Trump is battling our current problems

    May 11, 2017

    To The Eagle: Well okay, one last shot at putting J.B. out of his misery (Bouchard letter in last week's Eagle) before we head off to the Irish wolfhound national show in N.Y. First of all, no one blamed Obama for the financial meltdown. That one gets pinned squarely on Clinton (that other Clinton; the priapic one) who put new teeth in the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA) coercing banks to provide mortgages to unqualified borrowers. To protect themselves, these banks created byzantine financial instruments that set up the house of...

  • National Police Week starts with memorial

    May 11, 2017

    To The Eagle: This year National Police Week runs Monday May 15 through Sunday May 21, with National Peace Officers Memorial Day starting on Monday. This is a week of reflection, honor, and celebration for law enforcement officers across the nation. Peace Officers Memorial Day honors the ultimate sacrifice made by tens of thousands of officers throughout history in protecting and serving our communities across the country. In the U.S. over 20,800 officers have lost their lives in the line of duty. The week is set aside to honor peace officers...

  • Celebrate the work of corrections professionals

    May 11, 2017

    To The Eagle: On May 5, 1984, then-President Ronald Reagan issued Proclamation 5187-National Correctional Officers’ Week, in which he called “upon officials of State and local governments and the people of the United States to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies and activities,” to recognize “the contributions of correctional officers to our nation.” President Reagan was the first president to formally recognize the great work of those in our profession and the very difficult, and at times dangerous, nature of corrections work. He...

  • It could happen here

    J.B. Bouchard|May 4, 2017

    It could happen here To The Eagle: Howard Brawn is right. No amount of rusticated humor, light hearted irony or clever twisty logic is going to make me feel better about the national disaster that is Donald Trumpeting from his Awful Office. His agenda is to regress this nation back to the 1950's when: “Every woman knew her place / seating was assigned by race / coal was king / pollution ruled / no, Donald does not have me fooled.” One can now imagine Mike Swift muttering “Enough wailing and gnashing already! Too. Many. Words. Incoh...

  • Volunteers sought

    Chip Meredith|May 4, 2017

    To The Eagle: Would you be interested in joining local volunteers to pressure wash the sidewalks on Main Street at 9:30 on May 6? If you have a pressure washer, protective eye wear and/or raingear (we will be cleaning rain or shine) please bring them with you. We could also use some hoses, gas cans and gas. Cash donations will be appreciated for the cost of fuel. If you are unable to work all day, maybe you could volunteer for a couple of hours. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be available for all volunteers. Please contact Chip Meredith at...

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