Sorted by date Results 1405 - 1429 of 2586
To The Eagle: More great news from our favorite president; President Trump has put forth 59 names for district and appeals courts around the country. He has the potential to flip the balance for the judiciary from liberal to conservative. He has filled eight appeals court seats in just 10 months. Neil Gorsuch, his Supreme Court choice, has the potential to serve for several decades. And his pending nominees for Supreme Court are going to overturn the current 4 to 4, one swing vote alignment to a more originalist and sensible court. My wife...
To The Eagle: I wish my family was getting ready to go elk hunting. I wish we were shopping for supplies, setting up our camp along the Coweeman River, and maybe even doing some scouting on the weekends. Instead, my dad, my uncle, my brother and the rest of our hunting party are boycotting our Department of Fish and Wildlife and Weyerhaeuser for the fourth consecutive year. It all began when a pitifully unsuccessful black powder rifle season prompted my family to start attending meetings and asking tough questions about why there were so few...
To The Eagle: I voted Gary Johnson for president in the last election. One of his messages was how much debt the US government carries and how bad this is for our future. During the election of 2016, federal debt was over 19 trillion dollars. The amount of debt is now over 20 trillion dollars, and if politicians have their way, it will grow even more. The GOP tax plan, currently supported by our US Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler, proposes we scoop out another 1.5 trillion into the hole they’ve already helped dig. It is a valid policy p...
To the Eagle: It appears that some of our local citizenry have chosen a winter exercise program of jumping up and down on the ol’ Trump-o-line (last week’s letters to The Eagle). Great sport, but many criticisms are in the category of missing the mark, or beside the point, or, as a youngster might say, clueless. Yes, Trump got elected with less than a majority of the popular vote. That’s happened 20 times since the founding, five times when only two candidates were running, and proves the efficacy of the electoral college system. Get used to it...
To the Eagle: I know a pot store was opened in Cathlamet but after reading the three letters to the editor in last week’s Eagle I now wonder if a Kool-Aid stand opened too because the writers surely are drinking the stuff. Fact 1, Donald Trump is our president. He is getting no help from Democrats and only marginal help from Republicans to accomplish anything for us especially bringing manufacturing jobs back to America which would benefit every man, woman and child in our country. Fact 2, We need tax reform to boost our economy and create g...
To The Eagle: This letter is from the Kiwanis Club of Cathlamet to thank everyone in the community who found time to attend the St James Gift Bazaar on Saturday making it a great success for our booth. Our success was because of all the donations of your used Christmas items. We had such a huge response of donations we were overwhelmed and not able to even display all of them at the bazaar. We have decided to set up a Used Christmas Items sale at Linda Barth’s, Farmer’s Insurance Agency @ 325 E SR 4 in the garage beside the house. We will run...
To The Eagle: A year and a couple of weeks ago, Donald Trump became president of the USA, even though he lost the popular vote. Since then, over 60 percent of the country now feels he’s doing an overall poor job performing his presidential duties. This is increasingly borne out through many national polls, including recently Fox News. Without stating the obvious, we all know the president has been purposely divisive on many fronts. He was as a candidate, for one by encouraging people to punch those that disagreed with him in the face, and o...
To The Eagle: It comes as no surprise that even the little man has a chance in the Trump administration! To wit: A former manager at a Meineke auto repair venue was appointed to the Energy Department. A cabana attendant at the Westchester (NY) country club was appointed to the Agriculture Department. Energy Secretary Rick Perry stated that if we used more fossil fuels to keep the lights on there would be fewer sexual assaults. A new member of the EPA Scientific Advisory Board stated that the air in the USA is too clean for optimal health. A...
To The Eagle: A recent contributor suggested honoring the year ago election of our current president by coming together in celebration. Presumably to do with the many successes. I'm game so allow me to name a few of the successes. Boy, where to start.... So far has managed to load his cabinet with ones willing to lie under oath. Nice touch to include his family members as advisors. Has instructed his base to ignore any news that doesn't flatter him and his administration’s many highly questionable actions. Has allowed and encouraged by his acti...
This is the fourth part of my disaster preparedness series, and this week I am going to discuss how you can "GET INVOLVED." In the face of emergencies and disaster, Americans come together with courage, compassion and unity and ask, "How can I help?" There are many ways to get involved, especially before a disaster occurs. Each resident can participate in activities to make their families, homes and communities safer and more prepared. The formula for ensuring a safer and more resilient community consists of volunteers that are trained and...
To The Eagle: One year ago this week thirty states of our union of states elected our president, Donald Trump. Let us, all of us, join together and celebrate this momentous occurrence. The change he is bringing will be beneficial and lasting to our dear country. We, the people, would love to experience a good economy again and a stronger more centered nation. Positively. Mike Swift Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: Let me begin by thanking our county commissioners for saving the county recycling program. Throughout this process to decide whether to continue the recycling program at an expense to Wahkiakum County without reimbursement of tax dollars from the state, several county officials and commissioners stated concerns that “if the recycling containers were not available to residents, there would be an increase in illegal dumping.” As an avid recycling family, we are concerned that the people running our county think we will become cri...
Editor’s Note: Under our guidelines for Letters to the Editor, we say, “4. Political or election-based letters will be run until the week prior to the election.” So, the two letters below normally would not have been run. However, as they involved candidates running for the same office, it seems fair to each. To The Eagle: As many of you may know, I was appointed in September to the vacant Town Council position #5. I am enjoying the insights and the opportunity to work with some excellent people. However, I have had to mount a write-in campa...
Editor’s Note: Under our guidelines for Letters to the Editor, we say, “4. Political or election-based letters will be run until the week prior to the election.” So, the two letters below normally would not have been run. However, as they involved candidates running for the same office, it seems fair to each. To The Eagle: I am writing to endorse Laurel Waller for town council. I share Laurel’s concerns about the town. I believe her background and experience could help the town. As a Main Street business owner, she will bring a much needed...
To The Eagle: I’d like to share a few quotes from Thomas Sowell that I think you would find thought-provoking: If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand the difference, and choose their news sources accordingly. The big divide in this country is not between Democrats and Republicans, or women and men, but between talkers and doers. It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals a...
To The Eagle: I am writing this letter to endorse Jean Burnham for Position #5 of the Cathlamet Town Council. I met Jean nearly four years ago and we have become friends. She is smart, dependable and hard working. I believe she would do a great job for the Town of Cathlamet if elected to the council. Char Damitio Cathlamet...
To The Eagle: In response to his letter of last week, it would appear that Mr. Schreiber wants to take me to the woodshed. If so, it would be nice if he presented fact rather than innuendo. At no time did I suggest that the second amendment be scrapped, although it would seem prudent to at least take a look at adjusting it for the technology of our time. Never was it suggested that guns be taken from us but doubt the Founding Fathers would have approved of Joe Blow having a gun capable of firing 600 rounds a minute or bump stocks for all. A...
This is the third part of a disaster preparedness series and this week I am going to discuss the components you will need to "Build a Kit." A disaster supplies kit is simply a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency. You should try to assemble your kit well in advance of an emergency. You may have to evacuate at a moment's notice and don't forget to take these essentials with you. You may need to survive on your own after an emergency for an extended period of time. This means having your own food, water...
Trust, but verify the facts To the Eagle: A friend asked me if I read James Roberts’s last letter to the Eagle, my first thought was my God I hope so. Then I read his letter in the Oct. 7 Eagle and was left with the same amount of bewilderment as when I read almost all of his letters. He apparently believes we should give up our second amendment rights and have the government he so eloquently points out shouldn't be trusted, suddenly be trusted to protect our family and property. I say no thanks to that idea. He uses the fact that one well arme...
To The Eagle: Nearly deafened by the silence, the dichotomy of the current Tale of Two Cities stuns anybody that pays attention to current events. Now that the NRA has been spared the indignity of responsibility and the Las Vegas slaughter has joined Sandy Hook and all the other mass killings in the little can with the foot operated flip lid, the new issue seems to be the abuse of women. Two powerful men accused of the same type of abuse face totally different sanctions. The Hollywood guy gets fired from his own company and the political guy...
Department of Emergency Management (DEM) The Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Office Department of Emergency Management (DEM) is happy to announce that October is Disaster Preparedness & NOAA Weather Radio Month. It is my goal to make Wahkiakum County and its residents as prepared and ready as possible for a disaster through preparation and public education. Each of the coming weeks in October, I am going to provide you with information on how you can take four basic steps: Be informed, Create a Plan, Build a Kit, and Get Involved. By taking these...
The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergency Management (DEM) is happy to announce that October is Disaster Preparedness and NOAA Weather Radio Month. It is my goal to make Wahkiakum County and its residents as prepared and ready as possible for a disaster through preparation and public education. In each of the coming weeks in October, I am going to provide you with information on how you can take four basic steps: Be informed, Create a Plan, Build a Kit, and Get Involved. By taking these steps now, it will make you and y...
To the Eagle: Not sure where to start but why not with this. 59 dead, over 500 wounded from the horrific slaughter in Las Vegas yet we're told by Ms. Huckabee-Sanders that, "This isn't the time to talk about gun control." This cognizant gem comes a day or so after our illustrious Attorney General is seen in Seattle whining about marijuana. Please, would someone tell me I'm just in a weird dream rather than the America I proudly served as a United States Marine? A side note: Freedom Market is now open in our highly advanced rural community...
To The Eagle: After reading the recent article in The Eagle about questioning the need for health care, I feel I need to share my thoughts. First of all, I have never met a person that never needed any health care provided to them. Everyone eventually needs it – whether preventative or reactive. We all know that without it, a sick person risks wiping out their family’s financial well being. As a nurse friend of mine that works at a hospital recently said, “Even with health care, most people are never more than one bad health issue away from...
To The Eagle: In response to the Mayor’s recent advocacy for roundabouts on Highway 4, I would like to bring to your readers attention some practical matters affecting our community that these structures would affect. If two roundabouts are built, one at the intersection of Main St., Greenwood Rd., and Hwy 4 and the second roundabout at the intersection of Columbia St., Boege Rd., and Hwy 4, many adjoining properties and infrastructures owned and/or operated by the following interests would be impacted: Fire Dist. 4; State of Washington; C...