Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Let's look for ways to fix our existing problems

    Feb 15, 2018

    To The Eagle: We all want to do what’s best for our families, but most of us are doing almost nothing to face a huge threat to our elders’ health and welfare. Even those of us who have carefully planned for our other major life events get caught off guard because we don’t realize an important reality until it’s too late: Medicare does not cover the cost of long-term care for most of us. As the director of an agency that serves aging Southwest Washingtonians, I’ve seen firsthand how difficult these needs can be for families to manage. Most of u...

  • Wahkiakum water woes a problem

    Feb 8, 2018

    To The Eagle: At last, a crystal-clear snapshot of the sewer segment of the Wahkiakum water woes (front page headliner in last week’s Eagle). Using the data from that story, a minute on your family abacus will show that a $588,000 annual obligation divided among 408 customers is $1439 each, or 120 bucks a month, which is a bit much for a village sewer system. The unavoidable stone wall that consultant RosAna Noval hit is that if any customers pay less, others will have to pay more, so no matter what arbitrary payment categories are set up, i...

  • The Emperor has no clothes

    Feb 8, 2018

    To The Eagle: Have you noticed how much harder the more ardent Trumpsters and GOP Congress need to work these days to keep supporting their pro-Trump position? Whether Trump is thumbing his nose at our law enforcement and judicial system, or generally denigrating anyone that’s not a rich white man, or undermining our decades old relationships with key international allies, he’s increasingly harder to accept as trustworthy, and as an agent of positive change. I think his base and our “bobble head” GOP congress understand this. It’s probably...

  • Credit where credit is due for the robust economy

    Feb 8, 2018

    To The Eagle: I agree with neighbor Brawn’s comments in a previous issue regarding giving credit where it is due for perceived improvements in the national economy. The foundation upon which our present robust economy stands was built by the Obama administration and its courageous efforts to correct the fiscal disaster it had inherited from the Bush dynasty. Wall Street’s unregulated sub prime derivatives disaster withered our domestic economy and threatened that of the world. The real estate speculators and mortgage felons who caused it mad...

  • Give Mexico a break

    Feb 1, 2018

    To The Eagle: Mexico cannot afford to pay $25-billion right now for a wall. So why can't the U.S. give them a break in the price and showcase our modern technology by using drones and extra manpower to guard the border? We could save Mexico about $20 billion. I bet they would appreciate the great reduction in price and front the money to pay for the technology and manpower update for border security. I'm not trying to offend anyone who thinks it's a great idea to have the USA pay the $25 billion and forgo the promises of Mexico paying the...

  • The economy seems to be getting better

    Feb 1, 2018

    To The Eagle: To hear and read the hysterical utterings rampant among some of our fellow citizens is both enjoyable and unsettling at the same time. I've been paying attention to national politics since my youth. This year has been exhilarating and hopeful for many of us who have been agonized over our country's drift to collectivism and nihilism. The economy seems to be getting better. Let's not ruin the mood with Hitler comparisons and pussy hats. Sincerely, Mike Swift Cathlamet...

  • Trump successful on many fronts

    Jan 25, 2018

    To the Eagle: Last Thursday, a week ago, was a landmark day for us. We spent a lot of it driving up and down SR4 and I-5 listening to a cascade of breaking news on radio stations from Longview to Portland. Domestic news: Unemployment at historic lows; minority unemployment at lowest ever since record keeping began; female unemployment at a 17-year low. Stocks market at record breaking highs; 81 Fortune 500 companies giving large bonuses to all employees; Amazon to build new $30 billion campus; Apple repatriating $250 billion from overseas – wil...

  • Only two cheers for Novoselic

    Jan 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: Two cheers for Krist Novoselic (letter in last week’s Eagle) for nailing a bad problem ($20 trillion national debt) and its cause (profligate government spending). As an erstwhile and capable leader of the Democrat Party effort in this county, we’ve long hoped Krist would eventually drift toward the conservative side of the ledger, and his comments on indulgent government squandering indicate he has – so why only two cheers? He lost that third one by characterizing a vote for the tax cut as contributing another tril-‘n- a-half...

  • We can do better than easy fixes

    Jan 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: Allow me to applaud Krist Novoselic’s assertion that less knee-jerk partisanship and a restored focus on “real problems” would be healthy for Wahkiakum County. During a recent visit, I encountered a harder, more bitter right-left divide than I remember from my term as Cathlamet’s mayor (2010-13). I also sensed that tensions between old-timers and newcomers are intensifying beyond the point where the cross-current of ideas and perspectives is healthful to one where hard “camps” are emerging. In one instance, a friend shared that...

  • N/GRVSD superintendent explains levy request

    Jan 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors recently authorized the placement of a three year maintenance and operations levy on the February 13 ballot. This is a replacement of the existing levy at just under half the rate that taxpayers are currently paying. The rate for the proposed levy is $1.50 per $1,000 dollars of assessed valuation, or $150 per year for a $100,000 home. The current school levy expires in December 2018. The replacement levy, if passed, will be collected in calendar years 2019, 2020...

  • Lifelong struggles point to problems, solutions

    Jan 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: I was born and raised on Puget Island and went to Wahkiakum High School. I'm of Norwegian descent and raised in a Protestant, commercial fishing family. I'm now 65 years old, and I see a lot of things that need to be fixed in this country. I'm disabled. I want to go back to work. Years ago, I was in a car wreck; a man came out of nowhere from behind at a high rate of speed as I was making a left turn in a 35 mph zone. The impact was so great that it knocked out the caps and fillings in my teeth. I was in severe pain with a back...

  • Trump is disaster to the country

    Jan 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: Future scholars will sift through Trump’s digital proclamations the way we now read the chroniclers of Nero’s Rome - to understand how an unhinged emperor can make a mockery of republican institutions, undo the collective nervous system of a nation and degrade the whole of public life. Chaotic, corrupt, incurious, infantile, grandiose, obsessed with gaudy real estate and his own inflated self regard, Donald Trump is of Neronic temperament. Longing for undying fame, he has always craved attention. Now the whole world is his aud...

  • Government keeps spending, so more debt

    Jan 11, 2018

    To the Eagle: I was recently having dinner out with friends. Over the courses, the conversation ultimately became partisan. These folks, with a liberal political opinion, seemed obsessed with how President Donald Trump needs to be removed from office. The conversation never got around to policy issues such as the liability of our $20 trillion debt, the broken healthcare system, foreign relations or other aspects of what we should refer to as politics. Now, some Liberals seem enchanted with the idea of Oprah Winfrey as the next president! This i...

  • Star Program thanks community

    Jan 11, 2018

    To The Eagle: We want to say thank you to all of the people of Wahkiakum County that participated in helping with the Star Program for the 2017 season; Mrs. Merz’s class for fundraising and purchasing gifts, the high school classes that also raised money and shopped for extras, the families that took stars and for the businesses that allowed us to place our trees. We also appreciate the monetary gifts that completed 10 emergency families’ needs. NovaLee Knopp Director, Wahkiakum County Star Program Not a Wahkiakum County funded age...

  • Shop local and help save America

    Jan 11, 2018

    To The Eagle: I recently made my first online purchase. I got what I wanted and I got it in two days. Sounds good, yeah? Well along the way I read a report on how Amazon is actually taking business away from the Big Box stores. So what? They have it coming for wiping out all the local Mom and Pop stores, right? Here is something to consider. I am 70 years of age and I can remember when anything and everything we needed was available locally or we made it ourselves from whatever was to hand. Again, so what? Along comes the big box stores and wip...

  • Women's March set for January 20

    Jan 11, 2018

    To The Eagle: The Lower Columbia Indivisible Group is inviting folks from throughout the Lower Columbia area to join them for a 2018 Women’s March on Saturday, January 20, from 11 am to 1 pm. This march celebrates the anniversary of last year’s marches where more than 4 million people participated worldwide, including approximately 200 people in Longview. There’s more reason now than ever to come together. Folks will meet at the Longview Civic Circle. For those not familiar with the circle, it is a large traffic circle with a park in the middl...

  • The Cuban embassy problem and elk hoof rot

    Dec 28, 2017

    To The Eagle: There is one disease that can explain the symptoms of the Cuban-American brain disease happening to the American embassy workers and not happening to the Cubans in the area. The Cubans, millions of them, were immunized a couple of years ago against a water-borne disease named Leptospirosis, which is also the cause of elk hoof rot. Leptospirosis (lepto) can and does cause malfunction of every organ of the body of mammals except the salivary glands. Americans do not get the vaccine. We do not have a vaccine for leptospira approved...

  • Current fishery situation is not sustainable

    Dec 28, 2017

    To the Eagle: I feel compelled to comment on the article in the Eagle (12/21/17) from the Columbia Basin Bulletin, “Group Tests Fish Trap above Cathlamet.” I attended the Wild Fish Conservancy presentation to the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission and noted several inaccuracies, and the CBB added a few more. 1. Fish traps were never the “massive” harvest technology on the Columbia. They were outlawed in 1936 in Washington and 1948 in Oregon because many, if not most, were vertically integrated with the fish packers, and were being use...

  • Community members urged to participate

    Dec 28, 2017

    To The Eagle: I would like to take this opportunity to address a couple of issues: The first is on a personal level. I imagine that many of you have heard that I will be retiring June 30, 2018. It will mark the end of my 24th year as the superintendent of Wahkiakum School District, and I just want to let everyone know what a rewarding and enjoyable tenure it has been for me. My “hat is off” to the board of directors, staff members, students and community members of this fine school district. You all make this such an awesome place to live and...

  • It's about our country, not politics

    Jim Roberts|Dec 21, 2017

    To The Eagle: It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. Forgive, please, the obvious rip-off of Charles Dicken's immortal line from the opening of Tale of Two Cities, but it seems rather appropriate given the times we share as Americans. It is heartening to note that ignorance and disgusting behavior was voted out by the enlightened citizens of Alabama in last week's senatorial election. It is disheartening to hear that the current administration is beginning to ban words that don't agree with the narrative they want in place to...

  • Officers are appreciated

    Dec 14, 2017

    To The Eagle: We would like to express appreciation to the Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Department for their help recently. Our daughter, visiting over Thanksgiving weekend, locked her keys in her Jeep. A call to the sheriff's department brought two deputies, Mike Balch and Josh Scholten, to our aid on a chilly, rainy day. We thank you gentlemen, along with all members of the department for all the services you provide our community. Char and Rick Damitio Cathlamet...

  • Sheriff's Corner

    Dec 14, 2017

    I am pleased to announce that the Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Office is coordinating a Shop With a Cop Program this year. Thanks to donors, Emergency Manager Beau Renfro, and the STARS volunteers we are making this wish a reality. On Saturday December 16th, 10 kids will be accompanied by deputies and reserves from the Sheriff's Office to shop for gifts for family members and will receive a gift themselves. Deputies will convoy to Longview with their designated child and help them pick out gifts. Once they are all through shopping the kids and...

  • This proud Democrat is willing to check the facts

    Nov 30, 2017

    To The Eagle: I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful the stock market has been on a steady climb for eight years now; too bad I and many do not own stocks. Hopefully it will keep going that way. Trump and Republicans want to eliminate the Consumer Protection [Agency], which was initiated after the big bank and stock debacle in 2007. I am thankful employment rate is continuing to improve at the same steady rate it has for the last eight years. I am thankful some less fortunate people still get some medical insurance relief, desp...

  • Is class action suit necessary?

    Nov 30, 2017

    To The Eagle: I have wondered for years why it is that the Corps of Engineers can dredge the river and promote heavy ship traffic up and down the river at speeds that cause large enough wakes to cause such a large amount of damage to the banks of the river and not take or be held responsible for that damage. Any vessel owner will tell you that they are responsible for the wake they create. Why aren’t the people who cause the wakes that are causing the erosion and or the people who are encouraging the vessel traffic? Perhaps it's time for all t...

  • Trump has potential to flip the balance

    Nov 30, 2017

    To The Eagle: More great news from our favorite president; President Trump has put forth 59 names for district and appeals courts around the country. He has the potential to flip the balance for the judiciary from liberal to conservative. He has filled eight appeals court seats in just 10 months. Neil Gorsuch, his Supreme Court choice, has the potential to serve for several decades. And his pending nominees for Supreme Court are going to overturn the current 4 to 4, one swing vote alignment to a more originalist and sensible court. My wife...

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