Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Place credit (and blame) where due

    Sep 14, 2023

    To The Eagle: Last week a contributor treated us to a mixed menu of sour grapes, a sour attitude, and a hefty helping of disinformation. First, that perennial whine about gas prices supposedly being an indicator of the state of Bidenomics is actually an indicator of that fellow’s misleading economic illogic. Of course gas prices are higher at the local Chevron station! It’s perpetually a nickel or a dime more expensive than the station across the street, and those in Longview. To ice the cake, this was Labor Day week, when it’s a great Ameri...

  • Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance

    Sep 7, 2023

    From the National Office of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Edited and Submitted by Bill Tawater, Commander, Wahkiakum VFW Post 5297 I speak on behalf of the Veterans of Foreign Wars to honor and remember the deeply meaningful observances, Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance. Both of these significant days hold a special place in our hearts as they not only commemorate the tragic events of September 11, 2001, but also remind us of the enduring spirit of unity and service that defines our nation. Patriot Day, observed annually...

  • Local races are equally important

    Sep 7, 2023

    To The Eagle: Seems we are already in the presidential battle for 2024. Keep in mind, local and state candidates and policies are equally important. You only need to look at southern red states, to see the will to ban books, halt free speech, stop personal freedoms and persecute anyone different from themselves. As for president, the difference is glaring. Used to be I could vote for best qualified, as with McCain, Kasich and others. Not sure what the Republicans stand for these days, not law and order, childcare, health care, personal...

  • Bidenomics isn't working

    Sep 7, 2023

    To The Eagle: To those that sing about the joy of Bidenomics, I invite you to drive past the Chevron station in town to take a look at the price of gas. I bet you’ll change your happy tune. The writer last week states that Old Joe will create 1.5 million new jobs a year but I wonder what good that will do when at the same time he is letting 4 million enter our country illegally. Bidenomics is causing the working middle class incredible difficulty staying above financial ruin, and the poor--you know, the folks the Democrats say they care so m...

  • In defense of Bidenomics

    Aug 31, 2023

    To The Eagle: Today I received an anonymous letter [in response to my last letter to the editor of The Eagle]: “Bidenomics is not working. Everyone is starving. Bidenomics is crazy.” No name added. (Used to be, people didn’t need to be anonymous.) So I will use this platform to respond. My wife and I are on social security, with no other retirement income -- she with only $840 a month, mine $2,100. We are not averse to high prices, and have made some adjustments to make it. So what are Bidenomics? Covid was remarkably disruptive to people’s liv...

  • POTUS contenders are too old

    Aug 31, 2023

    To The Eagle: Several things seem apparent to this perspicacious reader of The Eagle. First, without putting too fine a point on it, having just turned 80 it astonishes me that somebody my age would even want or consider running for POTUS. Regardless of qualifications, we're old men! And the other guy, at 77, has no business even considering another run. Being a serial liar, bully, cheat, and sniveling brat should be enough to disqualify him or anybody else with that kind of record from the highest office of our once great republic. Our...

  • What do parents know?

    Aug 31, 2023

    To The Eagle: Regarding the school board candidate interviews, I would ask if there is such a thing as science, or such a thing as history? Ever wonder what these really are? Do they represent some abstraction of reality and worthy process? Are they are some component of the sum-of-us, of what it means to be human, what it means to be moral, ethical, practical? My sense is some ‘school issues’ represent ‘parents’ talking to themselves out loud about subjects of which they know little. Regarding my home schooling experience, I came to find th...

  • Women's Equality Day and Women's right to vote 103rd anniversary is August 26

    Aug 24, 2023

    To The Eagle: GFWC-Cathlamet Woman’s Club, would like to give special recognition to the women in our community and throughout the county who provide leadership, positive influence, and care for others in the community. The women are administrators, artists, authors, business owners, bank managers, child care providers, community service personnel, crisis intervention and emergency response personnel, health care providers, homemakers, journalists, judges, law enforcement personnel, librarians, mentors, office workers, parents, philanthropists,...

  • The Bible is divine in origin

    Aug 10, 2023

    To The Eagle: The literal fulfillment of Bible prophecy over the centuries provides conclusive evidence that the Bible is divine in origin. To date, 500 prophetic predictions in the Bible have been fulfilled. See “Ancient Prophecies Revealed (500 Prophecies Listed in Order of When They Were Fulfilled)” by Ken Johnson, Th.D. and “Every Prophecy of the Bible” by John F. Walvoord. The Old Testament is a collection of 39 ancient books written centuries before the New Testament. They contain over 300 specific prophecies concerning the first coming...

  • Maybe things aren't so bad after all

    Aug 10, 2023

    To The Eagle: I am so happy that Jacob and Brandon will continue where Rick Nelson left off. I have tried to promote small newspapers, as critical to our small communities. When I waved goodbye to Rick, I considered not only the loss of him, but all the information we might have lost as well. So thank you! We have so much to be thankful for, living in a small community. We share vegetables with friends and neighbors; we enjoy that every summer. The garden is going well and looks like we will be giving away grapes by the bucketful. I just...

  • Another view of Broken Gate Fire

    Aug 10, 2023

    To The Eagle: Thanks to Diana Zimmerman for her authoritative and interesting article involving the Fire Boss aircraft fighting the Broken Gate Fire on Sunday, July 23. My daughter lives near Red Deer, AB and her husband is an aviation mechanic who has worked for Buffalo Air in Yellowknife, NWT and Red Deer, and for Airspray in Red Deer. Both operate "borate bombers" so to be conversant with him I have researched the aerial firefighting industry. You can research the Fire Boss online but I was curious as to where the aircraft was based and her...

  • Smith got it wrong

    Aug 10, 2023

    To The Eagle: Jack Smith’s 45-page indictment charges seem to hit head on; the only mistake is his absentmindedness of who he indicted. Instead of USA vs Donald Trump, it should be USA vs Biden and his family, Kamala, Pelosi, Schumacher, Hillary, Obama, Cheney, Benny Thompson, Adam Kinzinger, Stephanie Murphy, Pete Aguilar, Jamie Raskin, Adam Schiff, Zoe Lofgren, General Milley, Fauci, Mayorkas, Garland, Romney, Pence, big government, big tech, big pharma, big MSM news and the list goes on, himself included. All they do is lie and twist the tru...

  • Editor's Note: The Eagle is here to stay

    Aug 3, 2023

    Rick Nelson’s death in June left big questions as to the future of The Eagle. Today we can provide some answers. The Nelson family continues to own and operate the paper. Rick’s son Jacob and his husband, Brandon J. Simmons, are taking on management of The Eagle. Jacob grew up working in the paper, and while he’s been in the technology industry for many years—currently working for Microsoft Research—he’s continued to help in ways behind the scenes throughout that time. Brandon is taking on a number of day-to-day operational roles; his backgro...

  • He sees his glass as completely full

    Aug 3, 2023

    To The Eagle: Admitting being wrong is not my strong suit, but I do, and will if proven to be so; not my opinions, but facts I use to come to those opinions. I would like to ask all, including Republicans, to consider that! For six years, I have commented on “The Big Lie” from our former president. Sixty three lawsuits proved this to be a big lie, yet more than half of Republicans still believe election 2020 to be stolen. Trump started with this: On election night in 2012, when President Barack Obama was reelected, Trump said that the ele...

  • Writer responds to criticism

    Jul 27, 2023

    To The Eagle: It is my opinion that contemporary radical fundamentalist Christianity is evolving into a clear and present danger to our secular State and its democratic principles. Those who think Socialism will be the undoing of this country are missing a big “ism” that slips in beneath their radar because it’s wrapped in religion. Its name is Christian Dominion ideology, and it has the power to eviscerate our democracy. Dominionism is a central tenet of authoritarian Christian Nationalism, that the Christian god has tasked its zealots with ta...

  • Former resident is still writing

    Jul 20, 2023

    To The Eagle: I was told by none other than Ralph Kaiser that just because I don't live in the valley any longer is no excuse to not write letters to The Eagle. Given that encouragement here goes. First, thanks, Ralph! Secondly, it's only fair to other avid readers of my somewhat frequent opinion pieces to continue from afar. Actually, Longview isn't that far but it sure seems like it after 13 years in the Elochoman. I suppose one of the most noticeable things is that it doesn't really get dark at night. I miss the night sky with the stars,...

  • Stop writing trash

    Jul 20, 2023

    To The Eagle: Well now, last week’s letter in The Eagle, written by none other than the Liberal Town Crier, with his usual anti-religious rants, went way beyond the nonsense that is typical in his letters. This time his ugly comments were clearly aimed at Christians. The writer went into some of his so called historical facts dating back to the 3rd and 4th century. Here is a real fact for you. That writer thinks people of faith are somehow ignorant, perhaps even foolish to believe in God; well just like Karl Marx. He thinks we should embrace h...

  • The power of religion can be destructive

    Jul 13, 2023

    To The Eagle: I was a young teen in 1963 sprawled on a hillside meadow looking up at the clouds, when I saw Roy Rodgers up there - not a cloud vaguely shaped like him, but a photo-perfect image. To this day I can say with certainty that I saw him. Of course, his image was not in the sky. It was projected in my brain. The Roman emperor Constantine, before the battle of Milvian Bridge in 312 AD, allegedly saw a ‘cross of light’ in the sky with the words “In hoc signo vinces” (In this sign conquer). Constantine credited the Christian god for his...

  • Most Americans support safe and legal abortions

    Jul 6, 2023

    To The Eagle: Last week marked the first anniversary of the reversal of Roe Vs Wade, which stripped women of the essential 50 year old constitutional right to safe and legal abortion. Access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion and birth control, is a pivotal step on the road to equality for women in this democracy. Over 60% of Americans support the right to a safe and legal abortion. After Texas banned most abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy, a new analysis from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health shows that...

  • Much good progress has been made

    Jul 6, 2023

    To The Eagle: If you haven't already figured out, electing a president goes far beyond his time in office. The Supreme Court of the United States got three who lied to get elected, after Mitch (the Turtle), through corrupt methods, got three far-right lifetime memberships in SCOTUS. Having six Catholics, now, in my opinion, ruling on their faith, not the Constitution, after proclaiming presidence, in order to be elected. Term limits and ethics should be implemented, not self-done! SCOTUS now has the lowest numbers of trust in history; way to go...

  • They all need to be impeached

    Jul 6, 2023

    To The Eagle: In 2016 our national debt was around $19 trillion. Now it is over $31 trillion and still rising. The varmints in DC just keep on ‘charging’ with money we don’t have. They don’t care how much they ‘charge’ because they know they don’t have to pay it. Their salary comes out of our pockets with their ‘Visa.’ They got it made. How much have they ‘charged’ us on Trump’s false witch hunt, Ukraine, their travels and reimbursements? How much have we spent on the Biden regime’s criminal activities? None? It’s just all on Trump? If the M...

  • Why did he take them?

    Jun 29, 2023

    To The Eagle: The crimes listed in the June 8, 2023 Department of Justice (DOJ’) 37-count indictment against former president Donald Trump, involving his taking of classified documents, did not require a motive to charge; So the question “Why did he take them?” has not been asked. But considering Trump’s modus operandi of deception, fraud, and his willingness to break the law for personal gain, the answer to the question “Why did he take them?” becomes clearer. I believe Trump intended to use the stolen classified information to obtain favo...

  • Nothing new under the sun

    Jun 29, 2023

    To The Eagle: It seems like every time I write a letter to the editor, the following week comes the barrage of letters from the liberal local pack of witless writers. One writer seems to think Republicans are to blame for what the welfare state has done to the black community, obviously forgetting it was Democrats with the handouts to buy votes and keep many good people from the pursuit of the American dream. Another is so blinded by his closed mind that he goes on about the justice system, ignoring the fact that our laws are being corrupted wi...

  • What are Republicans looking forward to?

    Jun 22, 2023

    To The Eagle: FBI director James Comey reopened the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server days before the 2016 election. Possibly giving election (not popular vote) to Republicans. Now, the twice-impeached, twice-indicted Republican ‘front runner,’ is going up in the polls and bringing in $$$$. What does that say for the Republican party? Witch-hunt? Really? A grand jury shall find an indictment only when, from all the evidence, at least three-fourths of the jurors are convinced that there is probable cause, to belie...

  • Two quotes - food for thought

    Jun 22, 2023

    To The Eagle: “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." Lyndon B. Johnson. If you can convince the lowest MAGA Republican that they’re better then the best Democrat, they won’t care when you cut their Social Security, health care and lower the quality of their kids’ education, to pay for billionaire tax cuts. Hell, if you give a MAGA Republican somebody to hate, they’ll even vote for...

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