Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Enjoy America's prosperity

    Sep 13, 2018

    To The Eagle: This is it, after two years of non-stop vilification, slander, and legal harrassment from the establishment, all they have is this: One, the president says mean things. Two, he doesn't act like the scripted presidents of the recent past. Three, they imagine that he will do something bad in the future. With 4.2 percent GDP growth, record employment (even, locally, Norco in Longview has added more jobs due to the policies of @realDonaldTrump and his administration). The good news for real people belies the nail-biting, bed-wetting...

  • Vote to retain Howie

    Sep 13, 2018

    To The Eagle: Mark Howie has shown in several ways that he has the ability, desire and leadership skills to continue as our Sheriff of Wahkiakum County. Mark is a role model for what public service is all about. He has integrity, diligence, is ethical and trustworthy. Vote to retain Mark Howie. Jeff & Sherrill Bollen Puget Island...

  • Another endorsement for Mark Howie

    Sep 13, 2018

    To The Eagle: I would like to start by publicly endorsing Sheriff Mark Howie. Mark has been a dear friend of mine for the past 10 years. Throughout that period, he witnessed my family and I go through the best and worst of times. Words cannot truly convey my gratitude for Mark and his willingness to lend a helping hand whenever it is needed. I spent numerous years as the wife of a Wahkiakum County officer. I can tell you from my experience, I gained a greater appreciation of the daily sacrifice given by the men and women of law enforcement....

  • We've been had by a professional

    Sep 13, 2018

    To The Eagle: Sarcastic declarations of diminished intellectual capacity aside, I am baffled by my fiscally astute neighbor, Howard Brawn's, disingenuous assertion that he "has no clue as to who is getting fleeced" by the Trump misadministration. Here are a few of those clues. Let's consider how the middle class and poorer taxpayers will now be shorn. The Republican tax "reform" package is the most egregiously immoral, ravenously greedy, singularly heartless transfer of wealth from the middle and low income classes to the wealthy that this...

  • McClain lacks qualifications

    Sep 13, 2018

    To The Eagle: Last week’s letter about the experience levels of all the other assessors in surrounding counties is very interesting. Why should Wahkiakum County be the only county in SW Washington with an assessor who has no certifications and no training in real estate appraisal? Brian McClain’s lead in the primary is concerning to me. People are ignoring his lack of qualifications. He promises he’ll get certifications, but the kind of experience and training he’ll need to be competent doesn’t take just weeks or months. And of course, t...

  • Candidate offers further explanation

    Sep 13, 2018

    To The Eagle: While my opponent is not confused by party endorsements he is certainly confused by the meaning of the words “Attention To Detail.” Partially reading a regulation and then cherry picking only those parts that support your view is not what I consider due diligence when researching a topic. If my opponent had thoroughly read the RCWs and WACs he referenced before jumping to conclusions he would have found the following paragraphs : WAC 458-10-030 (4) Waiver of examination requirement. The department shall waive the acc...

  • Retain Sheriff Howie

    Sep 13, 2018

    To The Eagle: I met Sheriff Mark Howie when the then-Sheriff John Dearmore brought him onto the sheriff’s office while trying to restore our sorely depleted sheriff’s office. When we were down to four deputies and down a corrections officer, and had no emergency manager for our county, Sheriff Howie pulled every available string for funds including state monies. We now have six deputies and a full staff in the 911/corrections center. For years we had no realistic night shift; a deputy had to be called out thus amassing a horrible overtime exp...

  • Who is Matt Kuhl?

    Sep 6, 2018

    To The Eagle: By now I’m sure you’ve seen the signs and heard the name Matt Kuhl, who is running for our county Auditor, but I’m here to tell you, most of you don’t know who he is. As his stepfather, I’ve known him most of his life. I first met Matt at the Christmas Tree Lighting the weekend of Thanksgiving in 1993 where he was singing with his twin sister Megan Kuhl and my son, Scott. Through those kids, I met their mother, Sandi Kuhl, who worked as a therapist at Columbia View Nursing Home. We married the following summer and her kids beca...

  • Outed by anti-Trumpers

    Sep 6, 2018

    To The Eagle: Having been so thoroughly outed by the valiant anti-Trumpers last week, I am now compelled to submit my mea culpa and confess to dwelling in a parallel universe. I had no notion that eight years of 1-2 percent growth and high unemployment was “handing over a good economy,” nor that the recent record-breaking highs in the stock market were “flatlining.” And it certainly was unsportsmanlike of our prez to complain about a two-year investigation based on a fabricated dossier used to dupe the FISA court into warranting campaig...

  • Sheriff Howie sets the tone

    Sep 6, 2018

    Sheriff Howie sets the tone To The Eagle: It’s been my privilege to have been introduced to Sheriff Mark Howie by former Sheriff John Dearmore some ten years ago. During these ten years, I’ve visited with the Howies about local social occurrences and have found them to be in touch with the pulse of Wahkiakum County. Mark Howie is the kind of sheriff that stays connected to the youth of Wahkiakum County on a constant basis. As the local High School Golf Coach we cross paths regularly. Many of you know that in April of this year, I was inv...

  • Citizens urged to research candidates

    Sep 6, 2018

    To The Eagle: I wanted to take a few minutes to address the concerns that Mr. Watts has expressed.The first item of concern is the stated $100,000 salary, just under $68,000 is the actual salary paid by our county. The second item of concern is that the county will have to hire a substitute Accredited Appraiser. This need not be a concern, since Mr. Dahle who works in the assessors office is accredited by the Department Of Revenue. As a matter of point, The DOR reports that, as of the 31st of August 2018, Mr. Dahle is the only Accredited...

  • Coins are only money with no debt

    Sep 6, 2018

    To The Eagle: Many have shared commendable things about Wally Wright since his recent passing. I would like to share one to remind folks of something he was willing to do that few are bold enough to do. Do you remember that he was willing to do business transactions entirely with coins? It was his way of reminding folks that coins are the only portion of our money supply that do not have a debt attached to them. And that is also a reminder that our debt based money system is a fraud, a hoax, a swindle. Wally was not in favor of any of those...

  • Coons offers rebuttal to candidate McClain

    Sep 6, 2018

    To The Eagle: It is sad to see my opponent engaging in the political ploy of accusing me of “cherry picking” regulations and then doing just that himself. In my letter of August 23, I was quoting from the form one needs to submit to the Department of Revenue (DOR) to become an accredited appraiser. I guess I need to mail this form to him. There is an interesting omission in my opponent’s letter last week. The word “experience” is nowhere to be found. As I stated in my letter: “You must have at least one year of full time work experience...

  • Will vote for the man with experience

    Sep 6, 2018

    To The Eagle: The job of county assessor is comprised of understanding and complying with complex rules set forth by the state. The training is rigorous and hard. Citizens typically vote for people with years of experience either in real property appraisal or at least in real estate. For instance, Pacific County’s assessor had 10 years at a title company before running for assessor. Lewis County’s assessor had been an accredited appraiser since ‘75 before she first ran in ‘98. Clark County’s had been a licensed fee appraiser since ‘04 befor...

  • Trump voter majority

    Aug 30, 2018

    To The Eagle: I got a great chuckle out of our ‘Wordy Islander’s’ letter. He submits more letters in than anyone else but feels his majority voters get less coverage. This time two side by side of the ‘majorities’ opinion. It is good to see he is so supportive of Trump, because Trump’s ship is seriously listing to starboard. I watch enough FOX ‘news’ to see he has all their ‘not fake news’ talking points. I am grateful Trump has kept the economy on the steady climb it’s been on now for nine years, since the Obama years handed him a good eco...

  • Candidate offers further explanation

    Aug 30, 2018

    To The Eagle: While my opponent is not confused by party endorsements he is certainly confused by the meaning of the words “Attention To Detail.” Partially reading a regulation and then cherry picking only those parts that support your view is not what I consider due diligence when researching a topic. If my opponent had thoroughly read the RCWs and WACs he referenced before jumping to conclusions, he would have found the following paragraphs: WAC 458-10-030, (4) Waiver of examination requirement. The department shall waive the acc...

  • McClain is not an accredited appraiser

    Aug 30, 2018

    To The Eagle: Warning: Brian McClain for assessor is not playing fair. He is currently not an accredited appraiser, the best way to protect the taxpayers. If McClain wins, we taxpayers will be forced to hire, pay for, a substitute accredited appraiser, plus pay McClain some $100,000 (including benefits) for not working as an accredited appraiser for at least a full year. After the passage of one year, McClain may or may not become an accredited appraiser. Vote for a currently fully accredited appraiser – Bill Coons. Dick Watts C...

  • With start of school, keep safety in mind

    Aug 30, 2018

    To The Eagle: As the new school year begins, we here at the Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Office wish to remind folks to take extra caution as children, staff, and parents drive or walk to school and home. We will have extra traffic patrols near the school to enforce speed, stop sign, and bus paddle enforcement. One of the violations we have seen increase in the last couple of years is drivers passing a school bus while the stop paddle is extended (RCW 46.61.370). Not only is the fine for this violation $419, but passing a school bus with a stop p...

  • Yes, we are being fleeced

    Aug 30, 2018

    To The Eagle: Mike Swift’s recent lament that his hero isn’t receiving good press locally brought tears to my eyes, I was laughing so hard. It’s about time y’all figured out that our Fibber in Chief doesn’t give a hoot what kind of press he gets from anywhere, as long as any publicity is All About Him, all the time and as often as possible. Don’t you know our Egomaniac in Chief gets goosebumps all over, every time he sees his name in print? This real estate shyster and howling frontman for our latest kleptocratic plutocracy successfull...

  • Juvenile tactics should be decried

    Aug 23, 2018

    To The Eagle: I agree with Paul Schreiber's letter of last week. The letter by the former deputy that was essentially whining about Mark Howie and how he runs the sheriff department, was totally off base. According to the fired for cause former deputy, Sheriff Howie has caused several other deputies to either quit or feel dissatisfied. I am curious as to what is in his background that led to his firing in the first place? A reasonable suggestion to the former deputy would be to pull up his big boy panties and stick to fact rather than sour...

  • Assessor clarifies a few points

    Aug 23, 2018

    To The Eagle: My opponent seems to be confused by more than party endorsements. I am writing to clarify the requirements for accreditation as an Ad Valorem Real Property Appraiser. When the term “Real Estate License” is used it refers to the state law contained in 18-85 RCW, Real Estate Brokers and Managing Brokers. When the terms “certify,” “certified,” or “certification” are used they refer to 18-140 RCW, the Certified Real Estate Appraiser Act (fee appraisers). Neither of these statutes pertain to assigning values to property by an...

  • More on fake news

    Aug 23, 2018

    To The Eagle: Last week’s editorial in these pages was an enigmatic oxymoronic paradox. How else would you describe a piece of fake news protesting fake news? The fake news beast is like Hercules’ Hydra – cut off one head and two appear in its place. One manifestation is the Charlottesville incident in which the president, referring to the originating kerfuffle over a Confederate statue, remarked that there were “good people on both sides” and got pilloried for an imagined defense of white supremacists. Another is expressing outrage over the...

  • Did The Eagle join in the hysteria?

    Aug 23, 2018

    To The Eagle: Ironic that The Eagle joined in the hysteria generated by media monopolies last week in pretending that their 1st Amendment rights were under attack by the president while exercising those same 1st Amendment rights. The president has criticized #FakeNews not actual reporting. Examples of what POTUS refers to are legion. Just this week, ABC News ran a breaking story with companion video of an illegal alien being arrested by ICE. It was presented as the shocking story of a father wrenched from the arms of his pregnant “wife” whi...

  • There's no excuse for fake news rhetoric

    Fred Obee, Executive Director, WNPA|Aug 16, 2018

    The plight of a grieving orca who continues to carry her dead calf for weeks is reported by the Seattle Times. The Spokane Spokesman-Review lets people know for the first time the Legislature is forming a task force to exempt lawmakers from portions of the Public Records Act. The Columbia Basin Herald in Moses Lake warns that air quality for the county fair may be unhealthy because of wildfire smoke pollution. The Omak County Chronicle reports that Wally Richards is this year's Omak Stampede grand marshal. The Nisqually Valley News in Yelm tell...

  • Candidate clears up previous error

    Aug 16, 2018

    To The Eagle: It has recently come to my attention that I have made an error in believing that I had received the endorsement of the Democratic Party in Wahkiakum County. For this misunderstanding I feel I owe an apology to the citizens of Wahkiakum County and the Democratic party, it was never my intention to mislead anyone and I can assure you that it was not intentional. I strive to “Lead by Example” and believe that when a person makes an error they should own up to it and do everything they can to correct it. In response to a few of the qu...

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