Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Writer supports McClain for assessor

    Oct 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: I am writing to support Brian McClain for assessor. Brian is my neighbor and friend. I’ve talked to Brian about access to hunting lands I previously used to be able to hunt that are now off limits. He has told me that he will look into this and see what the facts are regarding their tax liability and public access. Remember, if all else fails, vote out the incumbent to keep them honest. Also a vote for Carolyn Long is a vote for the left wing radical leadership! Tony Cleveland Skamokawa Editor's note: This letter has been c...

  • Wahkiakum Democrats endorse Coons for assessor

    Oct 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: Although no Democrat is running in the race for Wahkiakum County assessor, both candidates have come to Wahkiakum County Democratic Party meetings and asked for our endorsement. The decision whether to endorse a candidate in a Democrat-free race was one we discussed for some time. We decided that the party has a duty to promote excellence in government, so we should take a stand and endorse a candidate in the Wahkiakum County assessor race. Once we made that decision, the hard choices ended. The Wahkiakum County Democratic Party...

  • Howie is a strong leader

    Oct 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: I encourage you to vote and to retain Mark Howie as the Wahkiakum County Sheriff. I worked at the courthouse when Mark was hired as undersheriff and I witnessed Mark take on the unexpected duties as sheriff after the death of Sheriff Jon Dearmore. Mark lead the sheriff’s department through rough times and proved himself as a strong leader. That’s not the only reason I am encouraging you to vote for Sheriff Mark Howie. Mark and Debb have a vested interest in our county and it shows every time they volunteer their personal time for...

  • A bridge too far?

    Oct 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: One could perhaps drum up a little sympathy for a political candidate reeling from multiple criticisms and recovering from a star-crossed performance at the Grays River Grange Forum, but the latest retaliatory letter from Candidate Coons truly qualifies as “a bridge too far.” Bill’s opponent had told many of us of his impending candidacy last winter, and actual campaign launch was an unintended consequence of a legitimate complaint letter by Lori Hamp in the March 22 Eagle, giving Brian a graceful entre, which he took the follo...

  • Response to Bill Coons letter

    Oct 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: In answer to a previous letter from Mr. Coons, I never launched Brian McClain’s run for assessor. He did that all by himself. Please get the facts straight. The first straw for me was that he inflated a property value to $165,000 when my business partner and I bought it for $120,000 even after we showed you the bill of sale. That property was on the market for over four years. We paid fair market value. The real frustration was when he turned me into the Washington Department of Revenue for personal property taxes on “Welcome Slou...

  • Assessor's answers just pass the buck

    Oct 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: Bill Coons, in playing the “pass the buck card” in his reply to my letter, speaks untold volumes about his desperation. That’s right, he did say he wasn’t old enough for social security. Let’s just cut to the chase. 1. His wife owns the property 2. He lives on the property 3. He is the experienced county assessor 4. The “mokki” in question was constructed while he resided on the property on Welcome Slough. Now, one of the following occurred: 1. He knew about the construction and with all his experience chose not to inform the pers...

  • Vote for Carolyn Long

    Oct 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: What has happened to access for health care? As a surgeon privileged to take care of many wonderful people from Cathlamet and our beautiful Southwest Washington region during the past 40 years, it is sad to see now how hard it is for people to get healthcare. There is always blame for local hospital administration, but this is a national problem. Bizarre decisions are made primarily because those running health care locally must try to figure out what “system” is being developed in Washington DC. I have been suspicious of politici...

  • Please vote for Brady

    Oct 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: I urge Wahkiakum County to re-elect Blair Brady as District 3 county commissioner. As commissioner, Blair will continue to dedicate himself to working with issues that will benefit Wahkiakum County. Blair has served on the Legislative Steering Committee for eight years and has built connections necessary to pass the upcoming timber bill that is so vital to our county. Please, vote for Blair Brady as he is the only District 3 candidate who can get this done. Thank you, Dan L. Cothren Wahkiakum County Commissione...

  • Are licensing fees out of control?

    Oct 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: I wrote a letter to each of our legislators in our state of Washington, including President Trump even though our president has nothing to do with this. I just received my renewal for licensing: $30 License fee funds road construction and maintenance projects. $25 Vehicle weight fee funds highway improvements, transit and other transportation needs. $3 Filing fee funds go directly to the county in which the fee is paid. $5 Service fee retained by subagent or funds ferry replacement if renewed at county auditor/DOL. $.25 License...

  • A voice for Matt Kuhl

    Oct 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: Matt Kuhl is the right choice to serve as the next Wahkiakum County Auditor. I have had the privilege of getting to know Matt through his membership in the local Veterans of Foreign Wars Post in Cathlamet. For a man so young, Matt has already chosen to dedicate much of his life to public service. He joined the United States Army at 20 years of age and served two tours of combat duty in Iraq before he was 25. As Matt told me, he believed it was his duty to volunteer to serve in Iraq because if he didn’t, somebody else would have t...

  • Howie has proven leadership skills

    Oct 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: Mark Howie had the leadership skills needed, even back in 2006 according to the Tukwila yearly report to the mayor. In a statement from the report, Sergeant Mark Howie and three others worked together to provide a peak level of supervision to the patrol staff. This team of leadership met on a regular basis, developing and providing to its staff consistent goals and objectives, with an end result of improving public safety within the City of Tukwila. Nothing has changed and that is why I’m encouraging you to join me in voting M...

  • Long will continue to listen to constituents

    Oct 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: We, the people of the 3rd congressional district, have the opportunity to choose a leader that will fight for us, not for special interests. That leader is Carolyn Long! She will fight for us on all fronts. For example: 1. She will work to assure medical coverage for all including keeping everyone with pre-conditions safe. 2. She will work to keep Social Security and Medicare safe. 3. She will work to improve education and educational opportunities for all. Unlike her opponent, Carolyn has visited every corner of our district....

  • Couple supports Howie

    Oct 18, 2018

    To The Eagle: My wife and I are relatively new to Cathlamet having moved here about five years ago but we certainly like this little town. During the past year, we have gotten to know Mark Howie and are very impressed with the way he conducts himself. There have been a large number of endorsements for Sheriff Howie in The Eagle which has also impressed us. We believe that Mark has a good feel for what is needed in this county and what we can afford. We are going to vote for the man wearing the big cowboy hat. Dan and Nona Preble...

  • Coons is the right candidate for assessor

    Rick Nelson|Oct 11, 2018

    For weeks, I've been waiting for the edition when we didn't have a letter to the editor regarding the election for county assessor. I've wanted to write an opinion column about the race, but I've wanted to avoid giving the impression that I'm responding to a letter. However, there's been so much interest in the race, the letters keep coming, and I don't think there will be a lull before the ballots come out later this month. And so, here it goes. I met Bill Coons not long after he moved to Wahkiakum County in the early 1990's. At that time, he...

  • Nicci Bergseng for county auditor

    Oct 11, 2018

    To The Eagle: Nicci Bergseng has done a commendable job as our county auditor, overseeing a multi-million dollar budget for Wahkiakum County. Nicci assists the county commissioners and department heads in balancing the budget and reporting financials to the state auditor. She has been involved in three state audits, overseeing the last two. Nicci has received outstanding marks in every one. Being county auditor requires a skill set that goes beyond being great at accounting and numbers. Nicci has proven to be a great manager as well. Nicci, as...

  • Every vote is important

    Oct 11, 2018

    To The Eagle: Every vote is needed and counts. I have bragged about our county’s voters for years with our high turn outs. I hope to continue doing so. Your party affiliation or how you vote pales to the importance of registering and voting in our elections. Vote on the issues and the people not the hype. Having had a tie election in the past I can assure you every vote is important. Please encourage everyone to participate in voting. Thank you. Commissioner Blair Brady Rosburg...

  • Experience needed in assessor's office

    Oct 11, 2018

    To The Eagle: I have lived in Wahkiakum County for 50 years. I worked in the assessor’s office for almost 10 years appraising timber and real property. I am now a board member on the Board of Equalization and have been for 10 years. The Board of Equalization is an appeals board for the assessor’s values. Normally the board hears 10-12 appeals most years. The previous assessor had 168 appeals in her last as assessor. She had no experience in property valuation. The board also had to revalue Puget Island land values. Bill Coons has done a goo...

  • Knowledge is power

    Oct 11, 2018

    To The Eagle: It’s not surprising that Bill Coons is conducting a negative campaign when it was he who insisted it should be clean. It’s not out of character for him to take another person’s comments out of context to design an attack ad. And it’s to be expected that he would make a campaign promise to hold an appeals workshop but renege on it in the end. Mr. Coons plays politician as he has conducted himself as assessor. However, what does surprise and bother me is the number of people, including Bill Coons himself, who point proudly to his...

  • You can make a difference

    Oct 11, 2018

    To The Eagle: It's time to Tidy the Town again! The Pioneer Center Association will be holding the biannual event Saturday, October 27, and are hoping to have a good turnout of people looking to improve the town's appearance. Meet at the Community Center on Main Street at 9 a.m., with gloves and tools, and plan to have a good time making Cathlamet trash and weed-free once more. If you have questions, please contact Suzanne Holmes (360-430-6184), April Peterson (971-404-6184) or Pat Battaglia (360-703-1185). We are looking forward to seeing...

  • Couple gives support to Matt Kuhl

    Oct 11, 2018

    To The Eagle: After speaking with Matt Kuhl and asking many questions of him, we feel that Matt is fully qualified to fill the position as Wahkiakum County Auditor. His education, accounting degree, experience as well as his ability to listen to and answer questions are also huge assets. He is honest and believes in being transparent and accountable to the citizens of the county. We support Matt Kuhl in his run for Wahkiakum County Auditor. Sincerely, John & NovaLee Knopp Cathlamet...

  • Writer urges all citizens to vote

    Oct 11, 2018

    To The Eagle: Recent letters to the editor have been great reading. I have a concern, though. In Wahkiakum County, rarely do we have great voter turnout! In our current political races, I fervently wish for all who can vote, to vote! Remember when we had to go somewhere to vote? Not anymore. It only takes a short time to fill out the ballot and send it in. No trip anywhere and no gas used. You can leave your robe on by the fire and just make some marks, if you’d like, then mail it in or drop it off at the Courthouse. How easy is that? I even r...

  • Current assessor responds to comments

    Oct 11, 2018

    To The Eagle: A few of last week’s letters to the editor about my candidacy deserve a response. Mary Gustafson questioned my integrity due to a structure on my wife’s property. She should get her facts straight. My wife owns the property where I live. The title is in her name along with her late first husband. I have no ownership interest in her property. She has lived here for over 40 years. She is Finnish. She built the mökki on her land. Mary attributes everything about the mökki to me. It’s no secret that Michael Baccellieri launche...

  • Kuhl is most qualified auditor candidate

    Oct 11, 2018

    To The Eagle: We are voting for Matt Kuhl because he is truly the wise choice to fill the position of Wahkiakum County Auditor. Matt grew up in Cathlamet and graduated from Wahkiakum High School. Matt served in the military after high school and was deployed twice for active duty in the ongoing Middle East conflict. After military service Matt attended WSU/Vancouver where he received an accounting degree, and is currently working at an accounting firm in Longview. Matt is a homeowner in Cathlamet and is currently volunteering at our local...

  • Retain Mark Howie for sheriff

    Oct 11, 2018

    To The Eagle: Mark Howie has proven he is the only candidate for the job. When I first met Mark and his wife Debb, they were both so excited about being a part of our community, and to this day he is still volunteering, attending and promoting community development. Mark is a professional, he goes above and beyond the call, and is very concerned and dedicated about mental and physical health issues. He is a positive leader and expects his officers and staff to treat everyone with respect. He is very dedicated to his career and the safety of...

  • Writer choose McClain based on integrity

    Oct 4, 2018

    To The Eagle: The word most often used in the assessor’s race between the incumbent, Bill Coons and the challenger, Brian McClain, is experience. There is another word that needs to be added to the discussion – integrity. Follow the storyline: Bill Coons, the incumbent assessor with experience, is in the process of building a “mokki” on the property he resides on located on Welcome Slough which is defined as a Finnish word for cottage which is defined as a simple house, one near a lake or beach. Now we’re rolling in Wahkiakum County to build...

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