Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Writer asks, 'To Trump or not to Trump?'

    Nov 29, 2018

    To The Eagle: Yesterday (Nov. 20), Trump made some more appalling statements. He actually said that for a few bucks, we can sell human rights! Over the last two years, I have offended some people with my writing and posting on Facebook, but I have never been as offensive as has been the president. For my offenses, I am sorry. Not sorry I wrote or posted, but sorry that some took offense to it. I have had many friends demote me to acquaintance; I understand, it’s difficult to scroll past all my postings of truthful criticism, especially if y...

  • Writer changes stance on taxes for firearms

    Nov 29, 2018

    To The Eagle: Last week I suggested a high tax on ownership of assault weapons. Today, I do not think that this is a very practical idea. With 11,000,000 of these weapons already out there, it would be really hard to collect such a tax. With 96 Americans being killed by guns every day in the US one would think that this death rate certainly could be defined as an epidemic. In the 1970’s when the death rate from automobile accidents was going through the roof, our government made seat belts and wearing them a law. When a new virus or bacteria t...

  • There is no trust, so mayor and three must go

    Nov 29, 2018

    To The Eagle: More of the same: At the October Cathlamet Town Council meeting, town councilor Sue Cameron discussed having invited John Morgan from the Morgan Group to speak with the town council. The purpose was to meet the council about helping them develop strategies when making decisions on major issues. She publicly stated he had been referred to her by Bill Fashing, the Council of Governments director. In fact, she had known Morgan since the 90’s when she worked with him in Tillamook. This really isn’t a big deal, except at that mee...

  • Fair Foundation presents terrific traditional dinner

    Nov 29, 2018

    To The Eagle: My husband and I attended the Thanksgiving community dinner at the Hope House last week. The dinner was put on by the Wahkiakum Fair Foundation. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed one of the best Thanksgiving dinners we've ever eaten. Turkey, ham and all the traditional trimmings. Price was by donation, and no one was turned away. We want to thank Jean and Neil Beerbower and all those who volunteered their time and hard work, and/or donated financially to make the dinner a success. While fairly well attended, I am certain there...

  • United we stand

    Nov 29, 2018

    To The Eagle: After reading the article in The Eagle titled, “After midterms, Dems develop 2020 plans,” I recalled the old adage, “divide and conquer.” I noticed that nearly all of the “Dems” in the article were talking about fighting. Without getting into the specifics ask yourself who stands to profit if America is busy fighting internally? Perhaps we should/could all stand united against the source(s) of internal strife, or better yet let’s all get busy and get this country productive. Drop all the ism’s, politics, et al and just get busy!...

  • Writer sends a message of thanksgiving

    Nov 22, 2018

    To The Eagle: Thank you, Wahkiakum County! Thanks to my parents, Lief and Mattie Enge, along with Dr. Fritz who got me started in 1930 on this trip called life. Yesterday (Nov. 13) was birthday number 88, and things have gone very well. Also, thanks need to include a lot of other people and things, including two places called Puget Island and Skamokawa where all of my extended family got their starts. I am sure that all of them have now found a better and higher place to live. If that is possible, then Wahkiakum County is in second place. I als...

  • Every vote counts, and all will be needed

    Nov 22, 2018

    To The Eagle: Apparently, every vote does count! In the Kentucky state House race Democrat Jim Glenn defeated Republican DJ Johnson by 1 vote. Democrat Jeff Greer lost to Republican Nancy Tate by six votes and Republican Jill York lost to Democrat Kathy Hinkle by 5 votes. All of these House race results were upheld after recounts failed to reveal any irregularities. By the way, welcome, Anna Zimmerman, to electoral politics and to our public forum. You should immediately join the debate team at whichever university accepts you and hone your...

  • Tax on weapons not practical

    Nov 22, 2018

    To The Eagle: Last week I suggested a high tax on ownership of assault weapons. Today I do not think that this is a very practical idea. With 11,000,000 of these weapons already out there it would be really hard to collect such a tax. Eric Skemp Cathlamet...

  • Initiative 1639 violates constitution

    Nov 15, 2018

    To The Eagle: Initiative measure 1639, authored by the Attorney General of Washington and apparently approved by the voters, violates the United States Constitution in that it discriminates against a class of voters (18 but under 21 years of age) by denying them equal protection and due process of law. An attempt is made to mitigate this by permitting ownership of so-called “semi-automatic assault rifles” to those within the class who already own them, provided they keep them locked up at home and do not use them except in “training sessi...

  • Veteran's Day programs were spectacular

    Nov 15, 2018

    To The Eagle: I feel extremely fortunate to have attended two spectacular Veteran’s Day programs produced by Mike Thomas and the Wahkiakum High School Leadership Class. The November 7, 2018 assembly featured Vietnam Veterans Ron Kimmel, Brian Elliott and Edward Garcia with videos expressing their individual experiences and patriotic views. Last year Mike produced an equivalent Veteran’s Day program featuring Tom Irving, Ralph Keyser and Ralph Kenner expressing their individual experiences and patriotic views. Both programs were amazing and mad...

  • How about annual tax to own guns?

    Nov 15, 2018

    To The Eagle: There have been 301 mass shootings in just a bit over 300 days. How can America continue to just let these horrific events happen nearly every day? Some say its because our mental health system is broken down. Others say that we just need to arm ourselves against the evil shooters, but more often than not it’s the guards and police that also lose their lives to this insanity. And how many of us want to shop, learn, pray, be entertained in an armed camp? The fact is that there will always be people who need help mentally and t...

  • Promises have not been kept

    Nov 15, 2018

    To The Eagle: I appreciated your reprint on the “Kitzhaber Plan” or Columbia River Policy C3620, that appeared originally in the Columbia Basin Bulletin. I attended the presentations by the Washington Fish and Wildlife Dept. staff to the Fish and Wildlife Commission on Nov. 1 and 3. What did not appear in the Bulletin article and received scant attention, although commercial fishermen testified at the meetings on the topic, are the economic dislocations that have occurred due to this policy, including here in Wahkiakum County. Until rec...

  • Student feels privileged to vote

    Nov 15, 2018

    To The Eagle: I’m a student in twelfth grade, and being 18, I was privileged to vote in the election for the first time. I understand that not everyone will be pleased with the outcome of some of the elections, but I believe it is admirable if we respect those in authority over us, whether we voted for them or not. The Bible tells us, in Romans 13:1-7, to respect our leaders. Ultimately God sets up our rulers for our protection, and if we show disrespect for our leaders, we are actually being disrespectful to God. We may ask ourselves, “What ab...

  • Veterans say thank you

    Nov 15, 2018

    To The Eagle: Wahkiakum Veterans were recognized at the Wahkiakum High School Veterans Day assembly. We want to thank the students and faculty for an outstanding program that touched our hearts. The students know what patriotism is! We were also honored with a dinner at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church. The veterans want to thank Pastor Jeff and the parishioners for a wonderful dinner and program. Bob Roche VFW Post 5297...

  • Happy to see election in rear view mirror

    Nov 15, 2018

    To The Eagle: I am writing to express my gratitude to the voters of Wahkiakum County for returning me to the position of Wahkiakum County Assessor for the next four years. I am committed to improving the information available on the assessor’s website, making appeals of value less painful, and approaching all interactions in my office with compassion and caring. I am very happy to put this election in the rearview mirror as we move forward together to make our county even better. Bill Coons Wahkiakum County Assessor...

  • PCA thanks all the volunteers

    Nov 8, 2018

    To The Eagle: Volunteers contribute knowledge, experience, energy, and passion every day in our community. Some are highly visible, while others quietly work behind the scenes. Most don’t seek recognition because they find satisfaction in knowing their efforts do indeed make a difference. On Saturday, October 27th more than 30 volunteers turned out for Tidy Up the Town and took on five Fall clean-up projects for National Make A Difference Day. The Pioneer Community Association wants to extend a special thanks to Scott Anderson with Anderson S...

  • Hope you voted

    Nov 8, 2018

    To The Eagle: If you voted, thank you. If you didn’t, please don’t waste our time complaining. Karen Bertroch Grays River...

  • Fair Foundation news

    Nov 8, 2018

    To The Eagle: This is the start of our fundraising season. We will be holding many events to support the second year of The Challenge of Champions Bull Riding exhibition so please check The Eagle and our Face Book page for more information. The Foundation is holding its annual holiday wreath, swag and centerpiece sale. Following are the dates and locations where they will be available: Nov. 10 Fairgrounds Flea Market; Nov. 16 Fair Board Bingo, Fairgrounds; Nov. 17 St. James Holiday Bazaar; Nov. 24 Cathlamet Tree Lighting Ceremony, Hotel...

  • Rewards are great for volunteering

    Nov 1, 2018

    To The Eagle: A book sale was held at Cathlamet Public Library on Saturday to raise money for the library. I would like to extend a huge thank you to some very dedicated and hard-working volunteers. On my way to the library, I noticed another dedicated group of volunteers working hard to Tidy up the Town. Thank you! A little kindness goes a long way. Our community is wonderful in so many ways, and I hope we can all keep that in mind as we approach November 6th. Please don't forget to exercise your right to vote! I believe we have a...

  • Assessor, florist respond to Cressa letter

    Nov 1, 2018

    Last week's issue carried a letter to the editor by Karen Cressa taking Assessor Bill Coons to task for a floral bouquet delivered to her. She called the inscription on the accompanying card ("Love you too, Karen) "an offensive, condescending jibe." The Eagle contacted Coons for a response, which didn't make it into last week's edition. Here it is: "On October 11, I ordered six bouquets delivered. Two went to supporters, one to a letter writer, one to The Eagle, and one to my wife. The last one went to Karen Cressa. I wanted to try a nice...

  • Campaign dirt is getting out of control

    Rick Nelson|Oct 25, 2018

    The general election campaigning continues to boil and bubble. Among last Friday's bulk mail was an ad urging District 19 voters to write in Teresa Purcell's name instead of voting for either Republican Jim Walsh or Erin Frasier for district representative. Rose Lundy and The Daily News of Longview did a good job of following up on the mailer. Briefly, it come from either Walsh, Fraiser or Purcell. In fact, Purcell told The Daily News she is campaigning for Fraiser and is not a write-in candidate. Instead, the mailer came from a Republican...

  • Let's keep our county great!

    Oct 25, 2018

    To The Eagle: It’s election time and once again we have a slate of candidates on the ballot for us to choose from. Rose and I support all our current county office holders for re-election. They have served us, the citizens of Wahkiakum County, well and will continue to do so upon returning them to their respective offices. They are experienced, knowledgeable, qualified for their offices, and dedicated to serving our community. Let’s keep our county great! Re-elect: Assessor Bill Coons, Auditor Nicci Bergseng, Court Clerk Kay Holland, Cou...

  • The system will endure; the sky will not fall

    Oct 25, 2018

    To The Eagle: Has Bill Coons come unhinged? Politicians have to acquire thicker skins than the rest of us when they run for office. However, Mr. Coons has stooped to singling me out for the letters that I have written to this paper criticizing his performance as assessor. I have written my share of letters to newspapers when I thought the public deserved to know what I had experienced or researched concerning public officials. Over the years, my husband and I have taken on corporations and government agencies in order to expose their...

  • McClain's final words

    Oct 25, 2018

    To The Eagle: As the campaign season comes to end, I am told this will be the last week the paper will accept letters to the editor. Therefore, I want to take a few minutes to ensure that the record is set straight. Despite all of the mud slinging and smear tactics on my opponent’s part, I ensured that I ran a clean campaign based on facts. I have stated many times before and I will say it again “I have not asked anyone to write any derogatory letters about my opponent.” Any letters you see of that type are the result of how the writers felt...

  • Elections have consequences!

    Oct 25, 2018

    To The Eagle: We, Wahkiakum County residents, are very lucky to have a county government that works so well. Our current elected officials are all highly qualified and have proven track records. This is not something that you see at all levels of government. We are very fortunate to have people in these elected positions who run their offices well and keep the county services working smoothly. During this election it is important to look at the facts and think critically. We are choosing those who will be running the business of Wahkiakum...

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