Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • The wars of the Bible repeated

    Oct 19, 2023

    To The Eagle: As we are on the edge of a big Middle East War, we have Republicans bickering over who to lead Congress. We have one Republican senator holding up military promotions and appointments. Minority Republicans are intent on destroying this country. Republicans want to destroy the ‘deep state.’ Do they even know the meaning? A body of influential members of government agencies and military believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy. (In other words, anything they don’t agree with, which inclu...

  • I support Merz for School Board

    Oct 19, 2023

    To The Eagle: I would like to endorse Kandice Merz for school board. Kandice is a candidate with high moral standards, who has a true servant heart. She is actively involved in our community with her children, a business at the marina, works with youth at a local church. She is very approachable, humble and is deeply committed to making school a safe and better environment for children. I rarely endorse political candidates but give Kandice my 100% support. Steve Marshall Cathlamet...

  • Heston is a true centrist

    Oct 19, 2023

    To The Eagle: Brian Heston, a lifelong Lower Columbia resident, is running for position 2 on the School Board. Aside from his expertise in IT, which would be valuable for the school, and his volunteer work with the school’s robotics team, he brings no specific agenda to the table and isn’t funded by any outside groups. He is a true centrist whose primary concern is for the general student population and is well though of by school leadership. I encourage people to vote for Brian. Floyd Young Puget Island...

  • Heston is the better choice

    Oct 19, 2023

    To The Eagle: Brian Heston is my choice for Wahkiakum School Board position #2. With all the issues facing our young people today, it’s important to give our kids a good education, in a facility that is safe and a credit to our community. Our school board needs to build on the past, but look toward the future. After reading the newspaper articles and listening to both candidates I am convinced that Brian Heston is the better choice to do this job. Libby Vik Whitney Cathlamet...

  • Extremists target truth

    Oct 12, 2023

    To The Eagle: Anti-C.R.T. mania and book banning are the latest tactics being employed by reactionary White supremacist conservatives in the Republican party, to derail the racial justice movement. Recently, Critical Race Theory (C.R.T.), an academic concept examining the evidence and effects of institutional racism, and taught exclusively to post graduate and law school students, has been catapulted into the public dialogue. It has become the catch-all phrase of those seeking to censor or actually expunge educational discussions dealing with...

  • They do not speak for us

    Oct 12, 2023

    To The Eagle: We are local Republicans who talk, work, and socialize with many other Republicans. The school board candidate running for Position No. 4 who is supported by the Republican party group of this county does not represent these Republicans and many others in the county. They do not speak for us. School board positions are non-partisan positions. They are not political, but have been made so by the other candidate. Our vote is for the kids, schools, and people of this community. These Republicans are voting for Patty Anderson for...

  • Serve those in need

    Oct 12, 2023

    To The Eagle: Wahkiakum County has many retired people. Some have been nurses, social workers, first responders, teachers, coaches, and lots of others with valuable skills that are still needed. Being retired just means that you have had valuable training and experience, skills that could be dedicated to others if you had the opportunity to serve. The Emergency Warming Center (EWC) needs more volunteer hosts for the upcoming winter. Beginning November 15 and continuing through March 15, we serve those in need of a secure place to spend the...

  • Let kids read

    Oct 12, 2023

    To The Eagle: The election of school board members is very important to our kids’ education and safety. Board members should be reasonable, educated, and knowledgeable about schools. We don’t need people who think everyone should have to subscribe to their radical beliefs. Kandice Merz has stated in a public meeting that she has requested a complete list of all books in our school libraries. This leads me to believe her intention is to ban books she does not agree with. Apparently she has never read any books that would tell her how that wor...

  • We've been down this road before

    Oct 5, 2023

    To The Eagle: Last week’s letters “Stop the blame game” and “Place credit where it’s due,” were supported by facts gleaned from the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Bloomberg, Neil Cavuto on Fox, the bipartisan immigration bill passed by the Democratic Senate (which House Republicans refused to debate), the Deptartment of Energy, Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals, and Biden’s White House proclamations. Ludicrously, a contributor last week, declared those sources to be “in her opinion, disinforma- tion because they were written by Democrats and liberals....

  • A bickering school board

    Sep 28, 2023

    by Karen Bertroch When the NGRV School Board met on September 19, there was a good-sized audience with comments and questions. They were, for the most part, respectful. On the other hand, board member Tyson Vogeler continues to challenge most items on the agenda and how the meeting is run. His actions set a tone for everyone in the room to do the same, which is unfortunate. To my knowledge, no one on the board is embezzling money. Nor is the board intentionally ignoring state law involving board procedures. As the “newspaper lady” att...

  • We are on our own to find the truth

    Sep 28, 2023

    To The Eagle: In regard to last week’s letters “Stop the blame game” and “Place credit (and blame) where due,” in my opinion, the articles they’re getting their information from are disinformation. These articles are written by Democrats and liberals who will not report negative activities against their own party. They’ll come up with justifications in a way that doesn’t make sense. I hate to say this, but Republicans do the same. So really we are on our own to find the truth. Disinformation is not important but what’s important is that...

  • Cheap shots are not economic policy

    Sep 28, 2023

    To The Eagle: In last week’s letter titled “A Wild Idea,” a contributor skewered the libs ‘humorously’ by cracking wise at the expense of this nation’s homeless. That writer suggests, only for our ironic amusement of course, that our increasing population of American families who will endure another winter in tents, on this nation’s sidewalks and back alleys, could profitably be “taxed to build nice homes” for undocumented emigrants, that other vilified population of the desperate, huddled poor. What other class of afflicted humanity is this...

  • Publisher's Note:

    Sep 21, 2023

    The Eagle continues to evolve. Our staff is taking on new roles and responsibilities. Diana Zimmerman continues to report on matters of interest to our readers in Wahkiakum County, but additionally has taken on the mantle of News Editor, determining the scope of each weekly issue’s reporting. At her direction, new publisher Brandon J. Simmons has taken on some writing duties; and regular readers will have noticed that business manager and photographer Ian Brandon has taken on the weekly county commissioner’s meetings. Many of these changes hav...

  • A wild idea

    Sep 21, 2023

    To The Eagle: Two comments to the letter writer in last week’s paper. First, you should not make personal comments about someone you don’t know personally. Second, just because you may not agree with, or more likely not understand, someone’s point of view in their letters to The Eagle, that doesn’t make it disinformation. That is just my opinion. The other day I found myself thinking like the very extreme left in Congress (must have been having a bad day) and came up with what I believe to be a wonderful idea, at least one that likely would b...

  • Stop the double standard

    Sep 14, 2023

    To The Eagle: Don’t you find it peculiar that, from day one when Trump became President in 2016, every day there was a front page headline from Democrats, liberals, and Republican-turned-RINOs trying to impeach him with false allegations? Even now, when he’s not president, we have front page headlines: Trump indicted with false allegations. They’re after other conservatives as well: Clarence Thomas, Rudy Giuliani, and Peter Navarro to name a few. Yet I don’t see front page headline news of the criminal activities done by Biden and his Democra...

  • Stop the blame game

    Sep 14, 2023

    To The Eagle: In last week’s Eagle, a writer made Biden-related comments that seem either ill-informed or disingenuous. So, in 350 words or less, here are my thoughts: By most accomplished economists’ metrics (Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Bloomberg, Neil Cavuto on Fox, etc.), not only is the Biden administration’s economic strategy working well, it’s working too well. That is why the Federal Reserve is still raising the Fed Funds rate. They have to slow down the economy to keep a lid on inflation. If you don’t like Bidenomics and a strong economy...

  • Place credit (and blame) where due

    Sep 14, 2023

    To The Eagle: Last week a contributor treated us to a mixed menu of sour grapes, a sour attitude, and a hefty helping of disinformation. First, that perennial whine about gas prices supposedly being an indicator of the state of Bidenomics is actually an indicator of that fellow’s misleading economic illogic. Of course gas prices are higher at the local Chevron station! It’s perpetually a nickel or a dime more expensive than the station across the street, and those in Longview. To ice the cake, this was Labor Day week, when it’s a great Ameri...

  • Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance

    Sep 7, 2023

    From the National Office of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Edited and Submitted by Bill Tawater, Commander, Wahkiakum VFW Post 5297 I speak on behalf of the Veterans of Foreign Wars to honor and remember the deeply meaningful observances, Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance. Both of these significant days hold a special place in our hearts as they not only commemorate the tragic events of September 11, 2001, but also remind us of the enduring spirit of unity and service that defines our nation. Patriot Day, observed annually...

  • Local races are equally important

    Sep 7, 2023

    To The Eagle: Seems we are already in the presidential battle for 2024. Keep in mind, local and state candidates and policies are equally important. You only need to look at southern red states, to see the will to ban books, halt free speech, stop personal freedoms and persecute anyone different from themselves. As for president, the difference is glaring. Used to be I could vote for best qualified, as with McCain, Kasich and others. Not sure what the Republicans stand for these days, not law and order, childcare, health care, personal...

  • Bidenomics isn't working

    Sep 7, 2023

    To The Eagle: To those that sing about the joy of Bidenomics, I invite you to drive past the Chevron station in town to take a look at the price of gas. I bet you’ll change your happy tune. The writer last week states that Old Joe will create 1.5 million new jobs a year but I wonder what good that will do when at the same time he is letting 4 million enter our country illegally. Bidenomics is causing the working middle class incredible difficulty staying above financial ruin, and the poor--you know, the folks the Democrats say they care so m...

  • In defense of Bidenomics

    Aug 31, 2023

    To The Eagle: Today I received an anonymous letter [in response to my last letter to the editor of The Eagle]: “Bidenomics is not working. Everyone is starving. Bidenomics is crazy.” No name added. (Used to be, people didn’t need to be anonymous.) So I will use this platform to respond. My wife and I are on social security, with no other retirement income -- she with only $840 a month, mine $2,100. We are not averse to high prices, and have made some adjustments to make it. So what are Bidenomics? Covid was remarkably disruptive to people’s liv...

  • POTUS contenders are too old

    Aug 31, 2023

    To The Eagle: Several things seem apparent to this perspicacious reader of The Eagle. First, without putting too fine a point on it, having just turned 80 it astonishes me that somebody my age would even want or consider running for POTUS. Regardless of qualifications, we're old men! And the other guy, at 77, has no business even considering another run. Being a serial liar, bully, cheat, and sniveling brat should be enough to disqualify him or anybody else with that kind of record from the highest office of our once great republic. Our...

  • What do parents know?

    Aug 31, 2023

    To The Eagle: Regarding the school board candidate interviews, I would ask if there is such a thing as science, or such a thing as history? Ever wonder what these really are? Do they represent some abstraction of reality and worthy process? Are they are some component of the sum-of-us, of what it means to be human, what it means to be moral, ethical, practical? My sense is some ‘school issues’ represent ‘parents’ talking to themselves out loud about subjects of which they know little. Regarding my home schooling experience, I came to find th...

  • Women's Equality Day and Women's right to vote 103rd anniversary is August 26

    Aug 24, 2023

    To The Eagle: GFWC-Cathlamet Woman’s Club, would like to give special recognition to the women in our community and throughout the county who provide leadership, positive influence, and care for others in the community. The women are administrators, artists, authors, business owners, bank managers, child care providers, community service personnel, crisis intervention and emergency response personnel, health care providers, homemakers, journalists, judges, law enforcement personnel, librarians, mentors, office workers, parents, philanthropists,...

  • The Bible is divine in origin

    Aug 10, 2023

    To The Eagle: The literal fulfillment of Bible prophecy over the centuries provides conclusive evidence that the Bible is divine in origin. To date, 500 prophetic predictions in the Bible have been fulfilled. See “Ancient Prophecies Revealed (500 Prophecies Listed in Order of When They Were Fulfilled)” by Ken Johnson, Th.D. and “Every Prophecy of the Bible” by John F. Walvoord. The Old Testament is a collection of 39 ancient books written centuries before the New Testament. They contain over 300 specific prophecies concerning the first coming...

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