Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891


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  • Community support helps programs work

    May 2, 2019

    To The Eagle: The Cathlamet FFA and CTE program would like to take the time to thank our community for donating their time and animals to make our petting zoo a huge success. We would like to thank the following people: Robert and Naomi Schultz, Sarah and Jeff Tobin, Jerry Peterson, Patrick Mckay-Beach, Steve and Stephanie Leitz, Monika Hughes, Kylie and Brad Snead, Brent and Renea Freeman, KC and Andrea Luce. In order for events like this to take place successfully it requires the generous help from our community and CTE advisory board...

  • Will the mayor show leadership?

    May 2, 2019

    To The Eagle: Richard Nixon accepted advice from his friends, or at least the guys on his side of the aisle, and resigned the presidency in August, 1974, saving the country from the continuation of a divisive imbroglio and a paralyzed government. To achieve similar goals, it would be helpful if Mayor Dale Jacobson would accede to the handwriting on the wall and step down. An interim mayor could be appointed and the actual replacement process be deferred until November when the county already has the burden of running an election. The four...

  • Officials: State should pay fair share of election costs

    Apr 25, 2019

    Submitted by Wahkiakum County Auditor Nicci Bergseng and Commissioner Mike Backman No one should have to choose between safety and democracy. Your county shouldn’t have to prioritize one over the other. But that’s what happens every other year. And that’s exactly what will happen again in 2020 if the Washington State Legislature continues refusing to pay its fair share of election costs. Counties conduct elections on behalf of every level of government – from federal presidential elections all the way to local fire districts. Washing...

  • Summer food program planning is underway

    Apr 25, 2019

    To The Eagle: Plans are underway for an exciting summer lunch program for kids in Wahkiakum County. Last year, an army of volunteers and generous donations enabled us to offer a free five-week program that served more than 400 meals and provided free books every day. The challenge we have taken on for 2019 is to do more. In addition to serving more meals, we want to offer activities to beat the summer boredom blues. Our free summer program for 2019 is called Outdoor Café. Efforts are underway to offer a variety of volunteer directed...

  • Park on Main Street is a very bad idea

    Apr 25, 2019

    To The Eagle: When I heard about the mayor's plans to make what was formerly a parking lot into a park I thought what would be the intent? This town clearly does not have enough parking especially when there is something happening at the courthouse or, God forbid, a new business opens downtown. Right now with cars parked on the street outside the "park" it’s actually a bit dangerous to enter Cathlamet. It's clear to me that someone thinking of starting a business downtown would now think twice with a large amount of parking removed for making a...

  • JBH House is privately owned

    Apr 25, 2019

    To The Eagle: This letter is in response to George Wehrfritz’s letter of April 18 in which he refers to the Julia Butler Hansen House. I wish to clear up some misconceptions that Mr. Wehrfritz has. He is somehow under the mistaken impression that the JBH House is in the “public domain” or should be, which it is not. It is privately owned by me and is not a public entity “largely unused by the public” as he states. For 13 years, the Wahkiakum Community Foundation owned the house, but the foundation dissolved in 2017 and the house was returned...

  • Corrections furnished for musical associations

    Apr 25, 2019

    To The Eagle: There were a few errors in the April 18 article "News from the new Naselle Community Center." The wind ensemble is associated with the North Coast Symphonic Band, not an orchestra; and while there are two orchestras in the Astoria area (the North Oregon Coast Symphony and the Columbia River Symphony), there is no "Astoria Philharmonic." Finally, while you could not have known at the time of publication because we had not yet selected a name, the name of our quintet is the Columbia Wind Quintet. Thank you for your promotion of the...

  • Remarkable friend will be honored by event

    Apr 25, 2019

    To The Eagle: This is a reminder that Saturday, April 27, the Pioneer Center Association will host their annual spring Tidy the Town event. They are dedicating the day to their former president, the late mover-and-shaker Kay Cochran, who was always very enthusiastic about the Tidy the Town program and making Cathlamet look its best for residents and visitors alike. As usual, the hope is that the weather will cooperate, but the work will go on even if it rains. Wear appropriate "gardening" gear, bring your gloves and weeding tools, and meet at...

  • Council rushing ahead on questionable deal

    Apr 18, 2019

    To The Eagle: At the April 15 town council meeting, 13 members of the public were in attendance, excluding county employees. One issue of interest was the council-planned installation of a sixth (!) Wahkiakum County park at the Butler lot site whose purchase price (paid for by you, the taxpayer) exceeded the appraised value and resulted in the request for a recall, paid by private citizens, of the mayor and three council members. The case is currently undergoing an appeal process, and its defense, by vote of the council, has so far also been...

  • POTUS has this writer's support

    Apr 18, 2019

    To The Eagle: Thank you, Eagle, for revealing that while Trump Derangement Syndrome, TDS, has been largely contained by the Mueller report, there are still local flare-ups. Positive statements of fact about our president, @realDonaldTrump, produce word salad reactions complete with connect-the-dots mind reading. A laundry list of imagined slights and wished-for offences by his administration ending with Orange Man Bad is the hallmark of those suffering from TDS. Positive movement in the national economy, coupled with appointments to SCOTUS and...

  • No need for boredom in this county

    Apr 18, 2019

    No need for boredom in this county To The Eagle: Recently a new resident to our community posted on Cathlamet News on Facebook. He asked if there was anything to do around here because he was “feeling bored.” As a newcomer as well (coming up on three years) I would like to offer some suggestions to him and other folks new to the Wahkiakum area. First, join a church. It’s an immediate community of friends. We have seven churches from a Bible church to the Catholic Church. Find one that fills your spiritual needs. Join a Bible study. Our Saviour...

  • Town council should take care

    Apr 18, 2019

    To The Eagle, Cathlamet’s Town Council should take care as it moves forward with “Jacobson Park.” Having purchased the Butler Street lot at above market value with scant due-diligence, the town must avoid pushing through a get-‘er-done design that opens the door to costly litigation. Specifically, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that new public spaces “must be accessible to persons with disabilities” and include a pathway to ADA parking. Some history: ADA requirements were a major hurdle when we repurposed the old fire hall t...

  • Citizen left council meeting in disgust

    Apr 18, 2019

    To The Eagle: It’s Monday night. The Cathlamet Town Council meeting is currently in session. In direct contradiction of a democracy, the town citizens are not allowed to participate. According to town Mayor Dale Jacobson, citizens are not allowed to comment on items on the agenda. This is in direct violation of Robert’s Rules . . . According to Jacobson, if citizens want to ask questions about town business, we need to go to Town Hall and speak to the temporary Town Clerk. Of course, according to what the Town Clerk stated in the meeting, she...

  • How much 'green' goes on a white elephant?

    Apr 11, 2019

    To The Eagle: According to a quote cited in the February 28 issue of The Eagle, Town Council Member Sue Cameron stated, “I think if we can get this pinned down, we'd be in a lot better shape. Then we can have some fun planning a park." At the April 8 special council meeting, Ms. Cameron presented a slide show of parks created elsewhere but was unable to pin down an amount available/budgeted for this potential white elephant park at 20 Butler Street in Cathlamet. Upon leaving the Friday “Brown Bag Lunch” at the Cathlamet Community Center, Ryan...

  • Political parties flourish from state subsidy

    Apr 11, 2019

    By Krist Novoselic, Deep River Washington State Democratic Party members last week voted to not use a caucus system for nominating their presidential candidate. The party will now use the results of a state funded primary ballot. The old caucus system is an archaic ritual, seemingly designed to waste participants time and exclude as many people as possible. It was a good idea to scrap this kind of caucus. However, to have taxpayers instead fund the workings of what should be a private group is wrong. In 2016, I voted for Gary Johnson for...

  • Don't despair, trickle down may reach us

    Apr 11, 2019

    Don’t despair, trickle down may reach us To The Eagle: Swamp draining is an ugly but entertaining business. As the slime recedes, the denizens go through thrashing death throes or beat noisy, smelly retreats. The always farcical Russia collusion investigation hoax has ended, exposed as nothing more than a coverup for the felonies and pecadillos of the Hillary- Obama cabal and three dozen or so high officials from DOJ, FBI, IRS, and Intelligence are scrambling for cover. Devin Nunes of the House Intelligence Committee has forwarded eight c...

  • Wahkiakum youth suffer food insecurity

    Apr 4, 2019

    To The Eagle: Food insecurity for youth is a real problem in our state. One in six Washington kids live in a household that faces challenges in putting enough food on the table. One in eight Washingtonians relies on SNAP (food stamps), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Half of all people on SNAP are kids. If you think things are better in Wahkiakum County, think again. Just check with the school to see how many of the 300 students served every day qualify for free or reduced lunches. The connection between adequate nutrition and...

  • Let's hold off on no collusion conclusion

    Apr 4, 2019

    To The Eagle: We would all do well to hold off on the “no collusion conclusion” until the bipartisan Congressional House Intelligence Committee has examined the findings presented to them by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. That committee’s chair, (D) Adam Schiff, responding to insults from President Trump to his person and to the committee’s efforts, has stated “I say this to the President and his defenders in Congress. You may think it’s okay how Trump and his associates have interacted with Russians during the campaign. I do not. I thin...

  • Chicken Littles can sleep easy

    Mar 28, 2019

    To The Eagle: Oh happy day; Robert Mueller has washed all of the collusion away. After two years and over 25 million spent, the DOJ investigation has concluded that not the president, not anyone in his campaign colluded with Russia. Which those of us, who supported @realDonaldTrump, knew all along. This ridiculous and criminal hoax was spread ad nauseum by Democrats, the media- including this and other local newspapers, TV, "entertainment" shows, and repeated by the benighted and hoodwinked consumers of their products. I'm not going to hold my...

  • Congratulations to President Trump

    Mar 28, 2019

    To The Eagle: I have completed my research into JB Bouchard's suggestion in last week’s letter to the editor as to what a wonderful world this would be if we lived as suggested by the song Imagine by John Lennon. No religion, no nationality, nothing to kill or die for and more blah blah blah. Well as with most people that think they are smarter then the rest of us they just can't help themselves unless they tell us how to think and live. Last point, I bet Lennon wasn't dreaming when he wrote the song unless it was about the money he would m...

  • America needs ethically grounded capitalism

    Mar 28, 2019

    To The Eagle: Karen Lane’s histrionic “anti socialism” themed letter in the March 21st edition milked every panicky right wing conservative trope in existence since the 1940's as well as a few bogus new ones such as undocumented illegals qualifying for Social Security. Medicare, Social Security, any federally funded efforts such as Rural Electrification and school nutrition programs, farm price supports, bank deposit insurance, labor union organizing, to name but a few, have at their inception been decried as deadly forms of creeping socia...

  • Feels like dictatorship

    Mar 28, 2019

    To The Eagle: I have an angering concern regarding how our property tax is appraised. For simplicity, in my opinion, all the appraiser needs to inspect are the sizes of the buildings and property; no matter the view/frontage or the quality of construction and condition. As to the value of what we do to our buildings and property inside/outside, what business is that to the legislators? Did our legislators pay for and plant the garden/flowers/shrubs we put in? Plant/prune the orchards/trees? Lay out the granite, marble countertops? Laminate or...

  • Airplanes are too complex

    Mar 28, 2019

    To The Eagle: On Sunday, March 10, Ethiopian Airlines 302 crashed shortly after takeoff from Addis Ababa, killing all 157 people aboard. Since this was a similar event to Lion Air’s October crash (shortly after takeoff from Jakarta) and in the same relatively new model aircraft (Boeing 737 Max 8), our mainstream media immediately launched into what they are best at: Breathless speculation about defects and danger, and endless finger-pointing at the obvious evil-doers, in this case Boeing, FAA, pilots, and, of course, Donald Trump. In both a...

  • Appraiser gives heads up to community

    Mar 21, 2019

    To The Eagle: The Wahkiakum County Assessor’s Office will be out, as always, doing the annual revaluation inspections of properties. The county is divided into four areas. We will begin the inspections in Area 3 over the next few weeks. Area 3 includes all properties on the west side of KM to the western edge of the county. As we begin this inspection season, we wanted to remind property owners of what is entailed in an annual revaluation inspection. The state of Washington requires us, here in Wahkiakum County, to physically inspect p...

  • Church was filled to overflowing

    Mar 21, 2019

    To The Eagle: While attending Kay Cochran's funeral at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church on Puget Island on Sunday, I was giving thanks for the architect and builders who put the building on a sure foundation and built it sturdy and well to last all these years. The entire sanctuary and overflow room were filled to capacity with people squished together and some left standing around the edges, which is a wonderful testimony to the life of the woman who left an indelible imprint on so many hearts. What a great community! Victoria Block...

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