Sorted by date Results 1034 - 1058 of 2586
To The Eagle: I have been amazed at the vitriol being directed at Dollar General. I don’t see the same hate toward oil companies that control our local gas stations. Yet they are two of the world’s wealthiest, greediest, and most environmentally dangerous companies. Minute marts generally pay only minimum wage. Should we run them out of the county, pass laws banning them, and put their workers on unemployment? Newcomers to this area may not realize that Cathlamet once had a clothing store, a variety store and another grocery. I have a few que...
To The Eagle: Commissioner Cothren should probably think twice in the future before he claims to represent the thinking of the people who reside in our fine community. Contrary to his assertion, my family did not decide to move back here because we “don't like all these restrictions.” Our decision had a lot more to do with the fact that this area was still free of the strip malls with their low wages, outside owners that suck the wealth out of the area, and tons of cheap plastic trash which ends up all over the place. Dollar stores are a pri...
To The Eagle: Amateur Radio Field Day is a nationwide event where several thousand radio clubs simulate a large-scale emergency and attempt to contact as many other clubs as possible in North America. Our local club - N7WAH - is practicing as if there is no public power: batteries and solar recharging only. The contest runs from 11:00 a.m. on Saturday June 22 to 11:00 a.m. on Sunday June 23. We will be operating 24 hours straight. Last year we placed fourth in the nation in our category. New this year is our satellite communications station....
To The Eagle: Are you ready? Time to clean out those attics and garages. Puget Island people: You need to be signed up by 10 a.m. June 26. Please call me to sign up, (360) 430-0951. The fee is still $10. I’m looking forward to having an awesome sale and know we’ll have a great turnout. Sandie York PIGYS Coordinator...
Following are the remarks delivered at the Memorial Day remembrance ceremony sponsored by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5297 at Greenwood Cemetery on Monday. By Bill Tawater Commander, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5297 In quiet services across our country today, we come together as a nation to remember those lost in the clash of battle; the thunder of bombs, the roar of tanks, the rumbling of airplanes flying overhead and the scream of artillery shells. This Memorial Day, we come together to appreciate the freedom that we enjoy today as we hon...
To The Eagle: Over half of the Nevada legislature are women, and they are busy lighting candles instead of cursing the darkness. Their senate just passed the Trust Nevada Women Act which codifies women’s reproductive rights and decriminalizes all abortion related matters. They are also on the cusp of joining the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. The object of the compact is to bypass the Electoral College by mandating that their six electors commit their votes to whichever presidential candidate has nationally won the most popular v...
To The Eagle: Dollar General stores are a proven magnet for shoplifting and crime. There is a website for shoplifters that lists Dollar General as an easy target. They will be calling our local sheriff and deputies for help which will be a drain on their department as well as taking time away from a real local need. Is this how you want your hard earned taxes spent, taking care of a corporate giant or taking care of our community? Kristin Lee Puget Island...
To The Eagle: When I first heard about Kyleen Austin’s Ketchikan to Puget Island kayak adventure two thoughts came to mind. First, what an amazing adventure and second, how do you get ready to paddle solo for 1,000 miles? Seriously, the preparation that goes into being ready mentally, physically and spiritually in addition to the logistics of itinerary planning and provisioning are mind boggling. I would be a frantic mess, but Kyleen isn’t. She’s ready to go and excited to share this great adventure with all of us. To find out more about her c...
Lots going on around the county, and in the Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Office as well these days. First and foremost, I am pleased to say that our theft and burglary cases have plummeted the last couple months. Two burglaries and three thefts were reported in the entire county. Zero thefts or burglaries were reported in the Skamokawa area or areas where we have held neighborhood watch meetings or coffee-with-a-cop meetings. In my experience, wherever there are police/community meetings to talk...
To The Eagle: Due to a misinterpretation on the part of Wahkiakum Building and Planning, it was incorrectly stated that the proposed Dollar General needed a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Notice. Shoreline Permit review requirements are not applicable to the Dollar General Development due to the property being located outside of the regulated shoreline development area. A State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review had been conducted in accordance with WAC 197-11. Dollar General falls within the recommended use category of the...
To The Eagle: Con-job definition: Scams in which the victim is induced to hand over money (or votes) as a token of confidence. How many people have been conned over the years, by Trump, or the ‘use’ of his name? Just watched a show, listing some of his failed ventures and bankruptcies, with thousands of people ending up losing their investments. The list is too long to name them all, and doesn’t take into account all the people he has ‘stiffed’ of due wages and earnings. I am of the notion that we, the American people, were part of his bigge...
To The Eagle: Big thanks to Kristin Lee (Opinion, May 16, 2019) for skillfully outlining details related to the proposed Dollar General store on Hwy 4, including the potential impact on our charming town. She pointed out that it is not a done deal. We have a say in whether or not this happens. If you are interested in learning more about the impact of Dollar General stores on rural towns across America, I encourage you to insert the words "Dollar General rural communities" into your favorite search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, etc.) where...
To The Eagle: My wife and I attended the liquidation sale at Wally Wright’s Pro Hardware on Thursday morning. To say I was impressed with the citizenry of Cathlamet is an understatement. There was a crowd, as per expectations, but as far as I saw, there were absolutely no problems whatsoever. In fact, quite the opposite. People let other folks ahead of them. People helped other folks find things. Fair prices were offered on items not marked. People were kind. People were cordial. People were pleasant. People said “Thank You” and “Plea...
To The Eagle: The quickest way to kill a small town, such as our rare gem here in Cathlamet, is to allow some kind of big box store to come in and undercut the prices of everything we have here. The pharmacy and the grocery store would be the first two casualties followed by who knows what. Look at what happened in other communities that have allowed a travesty such as Wal Mart, Dollar General and others of the mega corporate ilk. My wife and I, along with many others, have chosen to live here in a pseudo rural setting for the very reasons...
To The Eagle: Three weeks ago in these pages we were treated to a dystopian diatribe from ol’ JB maligning the intent of Madison and other founders for designing the government, and specifically the electoral college. to keep the slaves and us other deplorables in our place. Sounded pretty devoid of historical fact to me, but there was precedent: Senator Stephen Douglas made much the same argument in 1857 campaigning against upstart candidate Abe Lincoln. Lincoln said that his argument “came to nothing at all. I think the authors of that not...
To The Eagle: 12/18/17: Bernadette Goodroe leaves the Cathlamet Town Council. 1/16/18: Executive Session (council only)- The regular meeting was recessed at 7:33 p.m. for an executive session to consider the selection of a site or acquisition of real estate, expected to last for approximately five minutes. 3/15/18: $1,000 Promissory note paid to Goodrow. 3/19/18: Executive session regarding the acquisition of real estate expected to last for 30 minutes with no action afterward. 4/16/18: Executive session regarding the acquisition of real...
To The Eagle: For those of you who aren't aware, Zaremba group LLC has proposed to construct a Dollar General store on Highway 4 at Jacobson Road. First of all it is not a dollar store where everything is a dollar or less like a Dollar Tree. They are not a general store either. They are a discount retailer that sells items such as groceries, cleaning supplies, clothing, health and beauty, alcohol, cigarettes ,and many have a Redbox video rental as well. Dollar General is the fastest growing outlet in the United States. They currently have none...
Just a word regarding the murder of Deputy Justin DeRosier and the effect this incident has on our protocols in patrol moving forward from here. When I spoke to Sheriff Thurman in Cowlitz County the morning of this tragedy, I offered to assist our neighbors in any way we could. Expectedly, the sheriff was beside himself but handling the situation with grace and calm. The Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Office was available to handle any calls for service that Longview was unable to handle from Coal Creek to County Line Park. Undersheriff Gary...
To The Eagle, So far I've pretty much stayed out of the fray, such as it is, considering the fact that living in the Valley I don't really have a dog in the fight. However, it has reached a point where I find it impossible to not contribute my thoughts on this. First, it does make it difficult as I know most of the council members, call several of them friend and see them socially in one venue or another. That being said, here goes. Has it not occurred to the council that there is a park just a block away that has a museum, and old logging...
To The Eagle: According to a recent letter, we bleeding heart liberals lack a sense of history, responsibility and appreciation for the wonders of the Electoral College. Let’s dispense with those delusions forthwith. The Electoral College was a poisoned compromise forged during the constitutional convention of 1787 by slave owner and founding father James Madison to establish slavery as an essential element of the new republic. Since 40 percent of the southern state’s population at that time were slaves, it was agreed by the delegates that a s...
To The Eagle: Like any normal person, I'm disgusted and sickened by the gun violence and other assaults in our country and around the world. Not sure of the reasons although there are many more than ready to blame Trump and company. That would be too easy so will not jump on that sinking ship as it has a limited future. Poverty, real or perceived, could be one reason as well as different belief systems but that is just an excuse and is in no way productive in solving what is turning into a world wide problem. Listening to the news this...
To The Eagle: The Cathlamet FFA and CTE program would like to take the time to thank our community for donating their time and animals to make our petting zoo a huge success. We would like to thank the following people: Robert and Naomi Schultz, Sarah and Jeff Tobin, Jerry Peterson, Patrick Mckay-Beach, Steve and Stephanie Leitz, Monika Hughes, Kylie and Brad Snead, Brent and Renea Freeman, KC and Andrea Luce. In order for events like this to take place successfully it requires the generous help from our community and CTE advisory board...
To The Eagle: Richard Nixon accepted advice from his friends, or at least the guys on his side of the aisle, and resigned the presidency in August, 1974, saving the country from the continuation of a divisive imbroglio and a paralyzed government. To achieve similar goals, it would be helpful if Mayor Dale Jacobson would accede to the handwriting on the wall and step down. An interim mayor could be appointed and the actual replacement process be deferred until November when the county already has the burden of running an election. The four...
Submitted by Wahkiakum County Auditor Nicci Bergseng and Commissioner Mike Backman No one should have to choose between safety and democracy. Your county shouldn’t have to prioritize one over the other. But that’s what happens every other year. And that’s exactly what will happen again in 2020 if the Washington State Legislature continues refusing to pay its fair share of election costs. Counties conduct elections on behalf of every level of government – from federal presidential elections all the way to local fire districts. Washing...
To The Eagle: Plans are underway for an exciting summer lunch program for kids in Wahkiakum County. Last year, an army of volunteers and generous donations enabled us to offer a free five-week program that served more than 400 meals and provided free books every day. The challenge we have taken on for 2019 is to do more. In addition to serving more meals, we want to offer activities to beat the summer boredom blues. Our free summer program for 2019 is called Outdoor Café. Efforts are underway to offer a variety of volunteer directed...