Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

(3181) stories found containing 'Naselle'

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  • Vote for change or keep hoping

    Apr 8, 2010

    To The Eagle: Adding to the editorial last week on the health care bill, what hasn’t died down is the utter disdain that the majority of American voters has for the bill, along with the way it was written/drafted and passed into law. That disdain will show up over the next five to eight months, and then in another two years. The only bipartisan part of the bill was in opposition to it, where a few Democrats, worried about this year’s elections, voted against it. All other Democrats drank the Obama Kool Aid! The first year of the Obama adm...

  • Naselle students get inventive in competition

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Apr 8, 2010

    Spring? What’s going on here? Studded tires are supposed to come off on April 1 so we wake up to snow the next few days. Something’s wrong with this picture. This wasn’t the only place with bad weather for the Easter weekend, as we headed south to spend time with our family in California. It started snowing just out of Ashland, Ore. and got pretty scary in the Siskiyous. We made it through the snow, slush, wind and downright nasty stuff, just ahead of a 20-car pileup near Weed, Calif. We had a wonderful time with the family and headed home on M...

  • Grange News

    Krist Novoselic|Apr 1, 2010

    The election for the Grays River Habitat Enhancement District board will be on April 27. There has not been an election for quite some time and I’m finding that many are unaware of the way the district conducts the voting. It appears the rules for the election are set up with landowners and taxpayers in mind. For example, school funding levies used to have a sixty percent threshold to pass – the intention was to provide a balance for citizens who pay the property taxes. Instead of a supermajority threshold, voters in the district will have wei...

  • Smokey the Bear makes a visit

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Apr 1, 2010

    I realize this is April Fool’s Day, but let’s hope Mother Nature will be kind to us for a nice holiday weekend. Wishing all the little Easter egg hunters lots of luck. News from Naselle: At the February 16 school board meeting, Steve Sultemeier submitted his resignation after six years of service on the Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors, leaving an open seat on the Board. Citizens are invited to nominate candidates for the position provided the nominees are registered voters who reside in the director district in...

  • Myron D. McMaster

    Mar 25, 2010

    Myron passed away at 80 years old on Saturday morning March 20, 2010 in the Columbia View Care Center in Cathlamet from congestive heart failure. He was born in Watford City, N.D. on July 30, 1929 and lived in Vancouver for 45 years before moving to Naselle in 1995. Myron was a truck driver most of his adult life. He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Patricia; four children, Carley Nancy Adams, of Vancouver, Susan Martin of Hillsboro, Ore., Le Ann Hunter of Washougal, and Corbett McMaster of Naselle; four grandchildren; four...

  • Dorothy H. Trimble

    Mar 25, 2010

    Dorothy H. Trimble died peacefully in her sleep in Olympia, Washington on 20 March 2010. She had struggled with Multiple System Atrophy and all its complications for a number of years. She was a resident of Naselle, and only since October 2008, had she and her husband, Robert, moved to Olympia. Dorothy was a “woman of God” and “a faithful servant.” Dorothy was born 10 December 1932 in Fredonia, Kan., to Helene Bauman and Tolly J. Lugenbeal. She was the eldest daughter of three girls. The family moved to Cathlamet, where Dorothy graduated from W...

  • What's happening at the Fair?

    Becky Ledtke, Wah. County Fair Manager|Mar 25, 2010

    It’s only March, yet it’s time to start crafting, sewing and creating the exhibits that we enjoy during our fair. If you put your special fair items together throughout the next months, you will have more items to exhibit and not feel so rushed when August arrives. If you are new to our county, entering items in the fair is easy, doesn’t cost money, and it’s a great place to showcase your talents. This year we would like to have more sewn items in the Open Adult exhibits to display. If you are a talented seamstress we look forward to filling...

  • Sultemeier resigns from Naselle school board

    Cody Cooley|Mar 25, 2010

    Naselle-Grays River Valley school board members accepted the resignation of board member Steve Sultemeier of Grays River and listened to reports from administrators at their March meeting. Interested residents of District 1 are invited to apply for the position by contacting Marilyn Strange in the district office. Anyone may nominate a candidate. A rough map of the Grays River-area district is on the Naselle schools website, or the Wahkiakum County auditor’s office can provide a detailed boundary description, Strange said. Sultemeier said t...

  • Grange News

    Darlene Ammer|Mar 25, 2010

    Norman Anderson prepared his traditional oyster stew for the March 23 Grange meeting. Side dishes and desserts were provided by Grange members in attendance. For those of you who were not there, you missed another great meal. Following the potluck was the annual Pies for Charity auction. Grangers were asked to bring pies to be auctioned. Monies raised will be donated to the Skamokawa Grange to go towards a new sound system for their hall. Pies for Charity has a long standing tradition with the Grange. It goes back to the days of Franklin D....

  • Spring brings the hummingbirds

    Mar 25, 2010

    Is it my imagination, or are there lots more crows flying around this year? They seem to take great pleasure in bothering our dogs while they nap in the sunshine. I know one thing for sure, the hummingbirds are here and they are hungry. I have two feeders and they empty them every other day. They are so much fun to watch. News from Naselle: The sports calendar for Naselle-Grays River Valley School this coming week is as follows: Thursday, high school track - Home Meet with start time 3:30 p.m.;...

  • Naselle Library urges families to read aloud

    Mar 25, 2010

    Timberland Regional Libraries' Family Read-Aloud will continue throughout this month until April 12. Families can pick up free Read-Aloud House kits from any Timberland Library and enter a drawing for a chance to win a book or a whole backpack of books. Ongoing programs at the Naselle Timberland library this month are: --Family Story Time; Tuesdays, March 2-30 and April 13-27. --PageTurners Book Discussion, Kabul in Winter: Life without Peace in Afghanistan; April 3, 10 a.m. to noon. --Friends of Naselle Library meeting, April 6, 6 p.m....

  • Deadline to contact Ecology is Monday

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 18, 2010

    I had the pleasure of finding my first trillium of the year on the hill behind my house, and also my first butterfly of the season. It must mean that spring is really on the way. News from Naselle: No school for Naselle-Grays River Valley students on March 19. Teachers will be working on curriculum improvement. Sports for the week include Thursday, boy’s and girl’s varsity baseball/softball at Ilwaco starting at 4 p.m.; also on Thursday - high school track at South Bend starting at 3:30 p.m.; Friday, baseball at Warrenton starting at 4:30 p.m...

  • Vivian J. Smalley

    Mar 11, 2010

    Altoona native Vivian Josephine Smalley 86, of Rosburg, died March 2, 2010 in Longview due to complications following heart surgery. She was born March 15, 1923 on her parents homestead on Hitchcock Creek, near Altoona. Her parents were Helge and Jenny (Buskala) Saari. They owned a family farm and dairy on Hitchcock Creek. Helge was the Altoona milkman and delivered to the area by boat. Vivian attended grade school in Altoona and graduated from Naselle High School. She enjoyed playing the accordion and swimming. In 1943 she married Oris Smalley...

  • Community Library now open Mon-Sat

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 11, 2010

    It’s certainly hard to figure out what Mother Nature has been trying to tell us for the last week or so. One day we have shirtsleeve weather and the next is snow flurries, lightning, thunder, hail, wind and long underwear. It looks like a not so nice forecast for the next few days. News from Naselle: It looks like Barb Swanson’s music class had a rare treat on February 26. Local musician, Wilho Saari brought his 16 string Kantele to introduce to the Elementary Music students. He played familiar melodies for them and allowed the students to ask...

  • Vikes cool Comets

    Mar 4, 2010

    The Willapa Valley edged the Naselle Comets 50-48 in a Southwest 2B District basketball contest at W.F. West High School last week, eliminating Naselle from the playoffs. The Comets led 26-19 at halftime, but the Vikings outscored the Comets 16-8 in the third quarter to get back in the game. A final 12-4 spurt in the final minutes sent them to the district finals for third and fourth places, which Pe Ell won 70-43. Manny Lopez led the Comet scoring with 16 points. Austin Burkhalter had 15, Drew Macy 7, Leonel Mendoza four, John Hines three,...

  • Grange News

    Darlene Ammer|Mar 4, 2010

    If you haven’t already done so, take the time to visit Redmen Hall where Grangers, Tom and Cora Irving’s, beautiful handmade quilts are on display. Redmen Hall is open Thursday through Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. A photo of the quilt display can be found on the Grays River Grange website Quilts will be on exhibit through April. Grays River Grangers will move forward with restoration work at the Grange Hall. The ceiling tiles have already been removed opening up the original high ceiling. With the ceiling...

  • Seventeen states say FERC acted improperly

    Mar 4, 2010

    To The Eagle: On March 3, at 6 p.m., at the Knappa High School gym, we had an opportunity to applaud Oregon's Department of Environmental Quality for doing the right thing regarding, we hope, the imminent demise of Northern Star's preposterous LNG project. Oregon's Department of Environmental Quality continues to refuse to bow to Northern Star's demands. ('Bradwood dealt triple permit blow' The Daily Astorian, February 23). For this courageous act, we are extremely grateful. Would that other public agencies, assigned to protect our...

  • GRV Library open house this Saturday

    Mar 4, 2010

    News from Naselle: Our Naselle Comet basketball team deserves our thanks for such a great team effort this year. Though they didn’t quite make it to state, they did their best as a well rounded team. Congratulations to a successful year. Winter break began on Wednesday and students will return to regular classes on March 8. The Naselle Booster Club will hold their regular monthly meeting on March 9 at 6:30 p.m. at Naselle High School. Naselle Timberland Library presents PageTurners Book Discussion at 10 a.m. to noon on March 6 for adults. J...

  • Comets top Mules to advance at district

    Feb 25, 2010

    The Naselle Comets pulled away from the Wahkiakum Mules in the fourth quarter to claim a 65-42 win in the SW Washington Class 2B Basketball Tournament on Saturday. The win kept the Comets alive in district play; they took on the Mossyrock Vikings Tuesday evening in Centralia. The loss ended the Mules' season. The teams traded the lead throughout the game. The Comets led 19-13 after one quarter, but the Mules outscored the Comets 16-9 in the second quarter to lead 29-28 at haltime. Naselle took control of the key in the third quarter and...

  • Comets stop Mossyrock

    Feb 25, 2010

    The Naselle Comets beat the Mossyrock Vikings 64-41 Tuesday to stay alive in the Class 2b boys district basketball tournament. Naselle takes on Willapa Valley tonight (Thursday) 8 p.m. in Chehalis. The winner advances to state and plays the winner of the Adna-Pe Ell game on Saturday, 11:30 a.m., Chehalis in the battle for third and fourth places. The Comets got a good start and led Mossyrock 35-24 at halftime. Leonel Mendoza led the scoring with 15 points; Austin Burkhalter had 12, Manny Lopez 9, Drew Macy eight, Alan Erickson seven, Marcos...

  • March has many events scheduled

    Kay Chamberlain, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 25, 2010

    GORGEOUS--We might be back to some rain now but wasn't last week gorgeous? West Valley saw freezing temps several nights in a row, but those sunny days sure made up for the cold! The only down side to the wonderful weather was my back and knees and everything else, were aching in rebellion against the yard work I was trying to get done! Whew! Always quite a job but I'm glad to get ahead of some of the weeds for a change. I hope you've been able to enjoy some of this sunshine prior to the rains coming back, as it's really a "pick-me-upper."...

  • Naselle board considers summit

    Cody Cooley|Feb 25, 2010

    Naselle school board members were honored for their service to district students at their meeting on February 16. Elementary aged students made thank you cards and paper flower bouquets, while middle school students created thank you posters that were presented to the board at the meeting. High School Treasurer Alan Erickson reported that the school would hold daily pep assemblies this past week to mark the kickoff of district basketball playoffs. Board chair Hollis Fletcher brought up his idea of having a summit meeting between school board me...

  • Lots of events on Valentine weekend

    Kay Chamberlain, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 11, 2010

    NOT TOO BAD--Monday wasn't too bad; some fog in the morning and lots of sunshine, which was nice after several days of partially wet and cold. Looks like the dry streak won't last long as by the time you read this, we'll be ready for more raindrops and maybe even some wind. At least we aren't "shoveling" our weather, as those folks back East got hammered with a couple of feet of snow, so we're looking good. The only down side is that we might be singing the blues when our lack of snow pack brings us a drought this summer. Let's hope that...

  • Voters approve special levies

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 11, 2010

    Voters in the Wahkiakum and Naselle/Grays River Valley school district approved special school levy requests when mail-in ballots were counted Tuesday. Both levies would continue measures which voters had previously approved. Wahkiakum School District voters approved a four-year levy that will raise $927,000 the first year and increase $20,000 per year to a total of $987,000 the fourth year. Estimated tax rate is $2.49 per $1,000 of assessed property value. The vote was 636 in favor, 58 percent, 466 opposed, 42 percent. School levies need only...

  • What's Happening at the Fair?

    Sarah Lawrence, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 11, 2010

    The wait is almost over as our third Annual Valentine’s Diamond dinner is happening this Saturday! Fear not, as tickets are still available, just call our ticket hotline on 360-849-0001 or stop in at the Lower Columbia Realty or Bank of the Pacific offices in Cathlamet. An evening filled with delights, enjoy our delicious bacon wrapped filet mignon, heavenly wine and scrumptious dessert. Tickets are a steal at $25 and include a raffle ticket for our beautiful diamond necklace. We’ve pulled out all the stops and will be featuring some of Wah...

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