Sorted by date Results 2832 - 2856 of 3181
To The Eagle: As many of you know, Grays River residents Del and Trudy Fredrickson lost their home in a fire last Thursday. I would like to thank all of the emergency crews that helped on the scene, including crews from Grays River, Cathlamet, Skamokawa, Dist. 4, and Naselle. Fortunately Grays River volunteer Jon Gudmundsen, who is a battalion chief for Kitsap County, was first on scene. He did an excellent job of commanding the scene and helping the crews work together to get the fire out. My husband Troy Norris was in charge of staging. He...
State Representative Dean Takko represents the 19th district position 1 which includes Wahkiakum, Pacific and parts of Grays Harbor and Cowlitz counties. During a forum last Friday in Long Beach, he told the audience he is a lifelong citizen of southwest Washington and knows the area’s priorities. “I have worked and raised a family; I know joys and the difficulties that each of us face," he said. "I will work diligently to restore trust in government and try to make our values a priority. “One thing that’s important, when you’re in the legis...
News from Naselle: Mother Nature must be at least part Finn. What a great weekend in Naselle! The place was packed with activities and folks from everywhere. Many thanks to everyone, especially the volunteers, for another wonderful Finnish-American Folk Festival. On July 22, a group of 35 golfers met at Peninsula Golf Course in Long Beach for the Finnish-American Folk Festival’s biennial golf outing. According to Mike Swanson, “The golf course was in excellent condition and all the staff in the clubhouse were very helpful. Special kudos for...
CLOUDY BEGINNING--As this week began, we saw lots of clouds and many complained about not seeing the sun, but it really was perfect weather for outside work as it was dry, around 70 and it kept the "it's too hot outside" excuses away from those who were intent on getting some yardwork done. I thought we were going to have some sprinkles but we never did out here, so it was back to watering the plants. It seems weird to have to do that in an area that gets 100 inches of rain a year, but things are already as dry as dust and the ground is rock...
Now that the days are a little warmer and the humidity is lower, we are about to tackle painting my husband’s 1959 Ford pickup. It seems like he has been waiting forever to finally get it done. Darrel Sotka has finally had enough dry days to get the hay baled in our fields, and even a few berries are beginning to ripen. Maybe that means summer is finally here. News from Naselle: It’s time for FinnFest once again. Lots of fun for the whole family, Finnish or not. This three-day event, held in even years, will take place on July 23 through Jul...
The Finnish-American Folk Festival of Naselle will be in full swing on Friday, 10 a.m., and continue through the weekend to Sunday afternoon. The fesitval includes a variety of events including exhibits of photography, craft, historical kitchen crafts, flowers, art, genealogy as well as outdoor exhibits. It offers a chance to shop for local and Finnish-American gifts, to sample the Finnish foods, and to learn and participate in lectures and workshops. There will also be the Paavo Nurmi Run, and the Parade of the Mummus (Grandmas.) As for...
NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Notice is hereby given that the budget hearing for the 2010-2011 school year of Naselle-Grays River Valley School District No. 155, will be held on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at the Naselle Middle School Commons. Everyone is welcome to appear at said hearing and be heard for or against any part of such budget. Copies of the District budget will be on file in the School District's administration office by July 12, 2010. A copy will be furnished to any person who calls upon the District for it. Publish July 15,...
After another week of “kinda summer” it makes you remember why this is the most wonderful place to live. Even though my husband hasn’t yet been able to paint his ‘59 Ford pickup because of the humidity, things are also looking up for that project. I see much activity in the fields and gardens, so that is more good sign. Actually I love the rain but some sun is always welcome. News from Naselle: Activity is ramping up for the Finnish American Folk Festival in Naselle. The three day family friendly event will take place July 23 through July 25...
Many new workshops will be offered at this year’s festival in Naselle on July 23-24. Featured artists from Finland, Jemina and Selina Sillanpää, will offer “Stimulation for Children: Music, Dance, and Drama” on Friday at 1:30 p.m. Their father, Seppo, will share his expertise on Saturday at 2 p.m. titled “Lovely Harmonies & Finnish Tunes: A Workshop.” Shari DePauw, a seventh grade teacher from Ontario, Ore., will conduct a workshop “Poetry for Tweens and Teens” Friday at 10 a.m. Participants will compose poems which capture treasured memor...
Former Cathlamet resident Lewis G. "Louie" Jeaudoin Jr., 86, passed away June 30, 2010, at Canterbury Gardens in Longview. He was born Oct. 17, 1923, in Aberdeen, to Lewis and Catherine (Dieble) Jeaudoin. He attended Providence Academy in Vancouver. Louie served in the Air Force during World War II. On Dec. 3, 1973, he married Margaret Slaughter. They lived in Naselle and Vancouver before moving to Cathlamet in 1986. They resided there until moving to Longview three years ago. Louie was a lifelong member of St. James Catholic Church in Vancouve...
Naselle, Washington resident A. R. “Dick” Grabenhorst, 88, died in Longview, Washington on June 30, 2010. The son of Albert and Letica (Frink) Grabenhorst, he was born in Flasher, North Dakota on April 4, 1922. At age 18 months he moved with his family to Onalaska, Washington where his father worked in a local mill. Dick attended Onalaska High School until joining the US Navy in 1940 where he served during World War II as a gunner’s mate aboard the USS New Mexico and USS Hollandia until honorably discharged in 1946. Following his milit...
It was a wonderful weekend despite the rain and unpredictable weather. With more than 20 family members staying for a few days, we were either cooking or playing, and had a few tents set up for extra sleeping quarters. It’s so nice to have this many family members in the same place at the same time. Lots of motorcycle riding, swimming, Frisbee golf, roasting marshmallows for s’mores, fireworks, and all the other fun things we enjoy, with 78 acres to enjoy it on. In addition to all the people we had six members of our dog family as well. New...
Former Deep River resident Gary Anderson will be reading from his book of poetry, My Finnish Soul, on July 10, at 6:30 p.m. at the Deep River Legion Hall. Nick Nikkila will also read prose he has written about growing up in Deep River. Coffee and cookies will be served. Books and wooden cooling racks designed by Steve Ullakko will be for sale. Admission is free. Lyle Haataja's Scandinavian Hour on KMUN, 91.9 FM from Astoria will feature an interview with Anderson on the same day from 2-3 p.m. The Deep River Legion Hall is located off SR 4,...
Was Monday really the first day of summer? It felt more like June-uary. Tuesday has turned out to be a gorgeous day, but how long will that last? All day maybe? I’m wondering if the farmers will be able to get any hay in this year, as wet as it has been. Someone needs to give Mother Nature a hug, or something. News from Naselle: A few last minute items need to be posted now that school is out. The following students were chosen to represent their elementary grade classes as students of the month displaying the character trait of ...
The boards are waxed for the triumphant return of Vaudeville Della and her entertainers at the Skamokawa Grange Little Theatre Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. The Third Annual Skamokawa Follies includes music, comedy and melodrama from an era when rural entertainment included traveling shows. All tickets are $10 and are available at the Cathlamet and Naselle Bank of the Pacific; the doors will open one half hour before the show. Written and directed by Adele Swift with musical direction by Sunrise Fletcher, the cast...
The volunteers for the Finnish-American Folk Festival in Naselle are moving into high gear as it fast approaches on July 23-25. It will once again be held at the Naselle School at the junctions of highways 4 and 401 and is a celebration of the culture and community of the area. More than 70 performers will participate in the festival in more than 15 groups on three stages. They will dance, sing, recite, and tell stories of their “mummus” (grandmas). Most performers live in the Northwest. Naselle choirs, kanteles, and marimba band are just some...
It was hard to tell if it was sun or the ceremony making everyone smile during the Naselle High School graduation. The graduating Class of 2010 had a total of 31 students. Alan Erickson was valedictorian and Karli Nelson salutatorian. Erickson, Nelson and Drew Macy also graduated with High Honors and grade point averages between 3.75 and 4.0. Erickson also won the Bob Chamberlain Award. Educational Honors also went to Emily Green, Nicole Laney, Calen Thompson, Orianne Condon, Tim Blaylock and Jesus Martinez for receiving GPA’s between 3.2 ...
To The Eagle: It is quite clear that, prior to the removal of the two floodgates on the lower Kandoll Road, and their replacement with two 13 foot diameter culverts, the Seal Slough Dikes were quite stable, and had been so for decades. It doesn't take a rocket scientist (actually, a Fluvial Geomorphologist!) to determine that the flow of tidewaters back and forth, through the culverts, is affecting the dikes. Rather than do a complex three dimensional incompressible fluid flow analysis of the river and the slough to prove what is self evident,...
SAW THE SUN--Last Saturday was certainly gorgeous and it got flat hot outside. My skin starting turning dark pink after a short time of being out in my flower beds. By the following morning though, it was so foggy and socked in, the ground was all wet and the trees were dripping, so at first, I thought it was raining. It sure was a far cry from the blue skies the morning before. The sun finally came out later in the afternoon but it was accompanied by a lot of wind. Monday brought us more overcast weather, while in Seattle they still had a...
Lifelong Naselle resident Audrey M. Wirkkala, 76, died June 10, 2010 in Kirkland, Washington. Survivors include her husband of 56 years, Howard Jr., of Naselle; sons Jerry, Chris and Andy Wirkkala; daughters Julie and Jenelle Wirkkala; and seven grandchildren. Audrey was known for her photography skills which she shared at the annual Finn Fest and in the Chinook Observer newspaper. Viewing will be Thursday, June 17, 1 until 7 p.m. at Penttila’s Chapel by The Sea in Long Beach. The casket will be closed at her service. Funeral will be Friday, J...
PERFECT--No matter that it was raining last Friday or that it was just an all day soaker on Sunday, what really mattered was that on Saturday, the Wahkiakum Dollars for Scholars annual car show and sturgeon derby was basking in sunshine all day long down here in Skamokawa at the fairgrounds and surrounding area! Everyone involved had all been holding their breath all week long, so when I woke up and saw the fog, I knew we'd have sunshine soon to follow, so it worked out perfect! There were over 200 awesome cars and trucks registered this year...
The Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce (CREST) is working on a design concept for three new projects on the upper Grays River. CREST has received a $40 thousand research grant through an operating agreement between NOAA and the Ecotrust “Whole Watersheds Restoration Initiative.” The grant is to begin the conceptual design phase of a job that, if funded, would restore several areas of riverbank and salmon spawning areas along the upper Grays, constantly being impacted by winter floods and erosion. Amy Ammer is CREST’s Habitat Resto...
Local high schools will hold commencement ceremonies for their senior classes this week. Wahkiakum High School's graduation ceremony will be Friday, 7:30 p.m. in the high school. Naselle/Grays River Valley High School will hold its graduation ceremony on Saturday, 4 p.m., in the high school. Thirty-four seniors are set to graduate from Wahkiakum. Valedictorian is Erin Turner, and salutatorian is Jordyn Wirkkala. They will speak, and joining them will be Class Choice Speaker Andrew Weiler and Faculty Choice Speaker Jeffrey Vik. Thirty-one...
The Finnish-American Folk Festival of Naselle will host musicians Pekka Pentikäinen and Perttu Paappanen from Finland, for a pre-festival concert. The event will be held June 22, 7 p.m., at Johnson Park in Rosburg. Pentikkäinen, who has played for the Finnish-American Folk Festival of Naselle several times plays two-row and chromatic accordion, while Paappanen plays both accordion and fiddle. Both graduated from the folk music department of the Sibelius Music Academy. After graduation Pentikäinen began working for the Katrilli dance group as...
SW Washington Class 2B State Meet May 28, 29 at Cheney Local athletes earning medals by finishing in the top eight at the state 2B track meet last week were Naselle Comette Nicole Laney, third in pole vault, 8'3", and Wahkiakum Mules Blaine Land, fourth in discus, 114', and sixth in shot put, 32'7"; Brett Chaput, fourth in discus, 149'2", and Shay Bingham, fifth in pole vault, 11'9". Boys: Riverside Christian 70, 2. NW Christian (Lacey) 58, 3. Willapa Valley 49, 4. SouthBend 39...11. Mossyrock 21...19. White Pass 13...22. Wahkiakum 9, 24. Pe...