Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

(3179) stories found containing 'Naselle'

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  • Student project unearths forgotten hero

    Rob Dalton|Apr 28, 2011

    Following Veteran’s Day last year, I proposed a joint project between the Naselle-Grays River High School (NHS), The Appelo Archive Center in Naselle and the American Legion Post 111 in Deep River. The project was to have NHS juniors in my US History class interview veterans living in the school district and video tape those interviews so their experiences could be preserved for future generations. As a part of that project, Tavish Hammonds and Rachel Underwood interviewed William (Billy) Wuorinen, a resident of Naselle. As the interview u...

  • Community News Round Up

    Apr 28, 2011

    Preschool registration starts St. James Family Center's preschool pre-registration for fall, 2011 opens April 28 for the community. Parents may fill out a pre-registration form at the front desk of the family center. Classes are on a first come, first served basis. For more information, contact St. James preschool at 795-8612. YAP program seeks teaching volunteers The Summer Youth Adventure Program (YAP) is approaching and St. James Family Center is seeking volunteers to teach classes. Those with special talents or hobbies such as arts and...

  • Priscilla Circle salad luncheon this Saturday

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Apr 28, 2011

    Thank you, Wahkiakum County Commissioners Blair Brady and Dan Cothren for stepping up to the plate and passing an ordinance, two votes to one, restricting the use of septic sludge and any biosolids not determined to be Class A in Wahkiakum County. Also a thank you to Prosecuting Attorney Dan Bigelow for putting it all together to be voted on. Another thank you to the folks who have supported passing an ordinance, through their letters and phone calls and for attending meetings with regard to this issue. You all know who you are. News from Nasel...

  • Track Results

    Apr 27, 2011

    April 21 at Wahkiakum High School Wahkiakum Mule and Naselle Comet results Boys: Naselle 101, Winlock 66, Wahkiakum 61, Toutle Lake 45, Vancouver Christian 30 100m--3. Kai Leach N 12.49; 5. Dakota Thompson N 12.83; 6. Jake Condon N 12.9. 200m--1. Cameron Elliott W 25.49. 400m--1. Ryan Helms W 59.97; 2. Thompson N 1:01.39. 800m--2. Nathan Reitz N 2:11.27; 3. Connar Riley W 2:30.47. 1600m--1. Cramer Smith N 5:01; 3. Cody Hauff W 6:03.38; 4. Austin Smith N 6:06.23; 5. Keith Reitz N 6:36.1; 6. Ramiro Ramirez W 6:42.0. 3200m--1. C. Smith N 11:15.9;...

  • Special Easter service, breakfast this Sunday

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Apr 21, 2011

    At least we are seeing some real spring like weather the past few days. The temperatures are still colder than normal, I think. The poor cherry trees and apple trees aren’t sure whether they should start to bloom or not. I guess we just have to chalk it up to “global warming.” News from Naselle Naselle-Grays River Valley School sports calendar for the coming week: Thursday-baseball at Naselle vs. Northwest Christian at 3:30 p.m., track at Wahkiakum at 3:30 p.m.; Friday-JV baseball at Wahkiakum at 3:30 p.m.; Monday-fastpitch and baseball in Nase...

  • Track and Field Results

    Apr 20, 2011

    April 12 at Naselle WHS Mule and Naselle Comet results Boys: Ilwaco 122, South Bend 110.5, Warrenton 107.5, Willapa Valley 102.5, Naselle 65.5, Raymond 37.5, Wahkiakum 36, North Beach 32, Pe Ell 29, Mary Knight 11.5, Knappa 8 100m--5. Rob Baker N 12.0. 200m--5. Cameron Elliott W 24.8. 400m--4. Ryan Helms W 56.0. 800m---3. Nathan Reitz N 2:12.8; 5. Cramer Smith N 2:14.4. 1600m--2. Reitz N 4:54.0; 4. Smith N 4:55. 3200m--2. Smith N 11:30.6; 4. Reitz N 11:36.7. 1600m relay--4. Mules (Brett Chaput, Connar Riley, Elliott, Helms) 3:45.7. Discus--1....

  • Mules rough up Comets

    David McNally, Wah. Co. Eagle|Apr 14, 2011

    The Mules took advantage of smart base running and numerous Comet errors as they sent the Comets packing with a 15-1 defeat last Friday in Cathlamet. Defense was a chore for the Comets as they committed eight errors that led to many of the Mules’ runs. However, the Mules did their part at the plate as well, tallying 12 hits and swiping a ridiculous 17 bases. The Mules also took advantage of five walks and three hit batters. Brandon Fudge led the charge offensively, going three for four with a double, three runs batted in, three stolen bases and...

  • Sheriff's Report - April 14, 2011

    Apr 14, 2011

    Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: April 4--9:30 p.m. An officer took an Oregon resident into custody after stopping the man's vehicle on SR 4 near Cathlamet. April 5--5:48 a.m. A Puget Island resident reported a fire in a range hood; he turned off the power, and a fireman responded to check the residence.10:54 a.m. A motorist reported that a person in a silver Ford Ranger had crowded into the line of traffic waiting for the Puget Island...

  • Priscilla Circle luncheon April 30

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Apr 14, 2011

    Welcome sunshine! At least intermittently, for the past few days. Looks like more wet stuff on the way, but at least we know there is a sun. I found my first trillium on the hill above the house. Kinda late but beautiful. They always remind me of my mom. News from Naselle: The Naselle-Grays River Valley sports schedule for the coming week: Thursday-track at South Bend, fast pitch and baseball with Ocosta in Naselle at 3:30 p.m.; Monday-fast pitch and baseball at North Beach at 3:30 p.m.; Wednesday-middle school track at North Beach. Go Comets!...

  • Priscilla Circle salad luncheon set for April 30

    Apr 13, 2011

    April 30 marks the date for the 35th annual Spring Salad Luncheon held by the Priscilla Circle of the Naselle Lutheran Church. "Farm Fresh," this year's theme, will be used throughout the event, which will feature a garden area with Alfred Simukka's tomato plants totalling well over 500 and other starts to add to Spring planting. The Lutheran bakers will provide an assortment of products including traditional Finnish fare as well as a signature chocolate bar created by Kathy Hamilton. Quilts constructed by members will be on sale in both the...

  • Science Fair winner announced

    Apr 7, 2011

    News from Naselle: Naselle-Grays River Valley Students will return to their classes on Monday, after a week of spring break. I hope everyone had a wonderful vacation. Sports coming up this week include: Monday-fast pitch and baseball at Taholah at 3:30 p.m.; Tuesday-Comet Classic track meet at 3 p.m. in Naselle; Wednesday-middle school track at Valley at 3 p.m., fast pitch at home vs. Knappa at 3:30 p.m., JV baseball at Wahkiakum at 3:30 p.m. Go Comets! The Comet Booster Club will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is...

  • Smokey the Bear pays a visit

    Mar 31, 2011

    Is it ever going to really be spring, or is it already over? Then where is summer? I haven’t even seen a trillium on our property yet. I do have a couple of hummingbirds back, finally. Looks like another rainy week. I guess we really shouldn’t complain too bitterly though, things could be worse, as many in other parts of the world can attest to. News from Naselle: Sports for the coming week include: Thursday- high school track meet at home at 3 p.m.; fast pitch and baseball vs. Quinalt in Naselle at 3 p.m.; Monday, fast pitch and baseball at...

  • Naselle school board studies building needs

    Cody Cooley and Betsy Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 24, 2011

    Naselle-Grays River School Board members approved an overnight senior trip and heard an update from a Facilities Committee representative at their meeting March 15. District Superintendent Dr. Rick Pass introduced Scott Beaulaurier to report to the board on the Facilities Committee’s work. Beaulaurier recently stepped down from chairing the committee after 13 years of service, Pass said. Beaulaurier explained that part of the work of the committee is to establish a five-year plan of projects. Some items have been completed, including e...

  • Science Fair set for March 29 and 30

    Mar 24, 2011

    It’s definitely spring. The birds singing and chirping in the morning is enough to wake anyone up. I don’t remember them starting out so early in the morning though. Daffodils are blooming everywhere even where there haven’t been any before. Must be from flood waters. I’ve even seen quite a few eagles sitting in the trees along the Grays. Looking for an easy fish meal, maybe? News from Naselle: Remember when all the rhodies in front of the school were just huge and beginning to look kind of ratty? Then they were all cut back due to their h...

  • Children’s Theatre goes on Arthur’s quest

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 17, 2011

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I hope every reader hooked up with a leprechaun and found his pot of gold! Oh well. It was a nice thought anyway. I didn’t find one either. News from Naselle: Sports on this week’s calendar include: Today (Thursday)-home track meet in Naselle at 3 p.m., baseball and fast pitch at North Beach at 3:30 p.m.; Saturday-baseball at Ilwaco at 3 p.m. and fast pitch at Seaside at 3 p.m. Go Comets! Wednesday is an in-service day with early dismissal at 12:30 p.m. The two performances of “King Arthur’s Quest” last weekend wer...

  • Wilson Creek Bridge repair next week

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 10, 2011

    Wahkiakum County commissioners addressed a variety of issues at their meeting Tuesday ranging from bridge work to legislative lobbying. A bridge maintenance crew from the Washington Department of Transportation will start work next week to repair the East Valley Road bridge over Wilson Creek. The bridge has been limited to one-lane traffic since inspectors discovered early this winter that the road deck is disintegrating. Public Works Director Pete Ringen sought assistance from WSDOT because, he said, their repair crews have expertise and equip...

  • Johnson Park looking for more volunteers

    Mar 10, 2011

    Can you believe it? Three days with sunshine all in a row. What a treat. Daffodils are blooming like crazy, and trees are showing buds. Mother Nature is pretty impressive with her timing. News from Naselle: Its spring and time for a whole new set of sports which include the following for the coming week: Tuesday- baseball and fast pitch at home with Wahkiakum at 3 p.m. Don’t forget to attend one of the performances of the play “King Arthur’s Quest” presented to the community in association with Naselle School and the Missoula Childre...

  • Naselle school board preparing bond issue

    Cody Cooley and Betsy Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 3, 2011

    The Naselle - Grays River Valley School Board met February 15 to discuss preparations necessary to include a bond measure on the February, 2012, ballot. The first step, explained District Superintendent Rick Pass, is for the board to advertise a request for proposals from architectural firms. This proposal would be for pre-bond planning. After receiving the proposals, a committee would go through all the applications and schedule three or so to do presentations to the board and committee to assist in their final selection. Pass suggested that...

  • Veterans' crab and oyster feed Saturday

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 3, 2011

    News from Naselle: The following Naselle Middle School students were selected as students of the quarter by their teachers. Each quarter, one student from each grade in grades 6-12 is selected for academic excellence, outstanding citizenship, and personal achievement. In the 8th grade, Brittany Waltemate was selected for academic excellence, Emily Gjovik for outstanding citizenship, and Jared Davis for personal achievement. In the 7th grade, Jake Clark was chosen for academic excellence, Taylor Eaton for outstanding citizenship, and Allyn...

  • Drifter's Moon Band at Valley Bible Church

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 24, 2011

    Looks like snow and colder weather is on the way. Time to stock up on a few necessary supplies just in case. Remember to check on your animals, make sure their water is thawed and available, and that they have a warm, dry place to bed down. It’s also a good idea to check on your neighbors just in case they need something that you might be able to help them with. We’re all in this weather pattern together, so it can’t do any harm to help each other out. News from Naselle: The first grade class at Naselle School was alive with excitement that...

  • Man charged with thefts, killing vicitms' dog

    Feb 24, 2011

    A Portland man has been charged with six crimes ranging from killing a pet animal, a misdemeanor, to residential burglary and third degree theft, both felonies. The man, Richard T. Stone, 39, will be arraigned Monday in Wahkiakum Superior Court. Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Department officers arrested Stone last Thursday after responding to a report of a theft at a Rosedale business. A store owner reported that a man had stolen some wine and gone to a nearby business whose owner asked him to leave. The man sped off in a pickup, and the owners re...

  • Comettes swamp Mules 49-29 in district play

    David McNally, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 17, 2011

    The Naselle Comette defense was too much for the Wahkiakum Lady Mules as Naselle won a 49-29 2B Girls District Tournament basketball team Tuesday in Rochester. The Mules had a tough time advancing the ball down the court against the Comets full-court pressure and open looks from the field were few and far between. The Mules mustered only 29 points on eight of 55 shooting from the field and 11 for 29 from the free throw line. The loss ends the Lady Mules' season. The Comettes had a much better night, shooting 38 percent as they rolled to a...

  • SR 401 reopened on Monday

    Feb 15, 2011

    The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has repored that contrators have opened State Route 401 between the Astoria-Megler Bridge and Naselle two weeks earlier than expected. The department closed the road on February 2 after discovering threatening signs of a massive landslide near Megler. The department signed an emergency contract with Tapani Underground Inc. of Battle Ground, whose crews worked seven days a week to excavate more than 2,000 dump-truck loads of dirt, rocks and debris. Crews increased progress significantly...

  • Valentine Smorgasbord Sunday at High School

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 10, 2011

    News from Naselle: Congratulations, Naselle Lady Comettes Basketball team, on being Pacific League champions! Naselle sports schedule for the coming week includes Thursday-high school boys basketball vs. PeEll at Montesano at 8 p.m.; Saturday-high school girls basketball at Montesano at 1 p.m.; Monday-middle school boys basketball at Ocosta at 5:45 p.m. The Naselle School Board will meet on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday will be an in-service day and students will be released from classes early at 12:30 p.m. Students at Naselle recited poetry...

  • Winter is most definitely still here

    Kay Chamberlain, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 3, 2011

    GRAY BEGINNING--The first couple of days of this week have been gray and drizzly but the sun came up Tuesday morning while temperatures dropped below freezing. They say we're going to have some clear but colder temps, so I hope you are prepared for that. Despite the mild temperatures we had the last week in January, this is still winter. Remember when the water line to Puget Island froze and broke? I bet everyone on Puget Island does! Let's hope we don't get that kind of weather again, as it was registering zero degrees in West Valley that day...

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