Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

(3179) stories found containing 'Naselle'

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  • No. 11-81

    Jul 14, 2011

    NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Naselle-Grays River Valley School District is calling for bids for propane, diesel and unleaded fuel for the 2011-2012 school year. Information may be requested by calling 360-484-7121. Sealed bids are due at the district office by 12:00 p.m. on July 22, 2011. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Naselle-Grays River Valley School District 793 State Route 4 Naselle, WA 98638 Publish July 14 and 21, 2011...

  • No. 11-80

    Jul 14, 2011

    NOTICE OF SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District will hold a surplus sale on July 25, 2011 from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. A list of surplus items is available at the district office or on the school website. The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District is seeking sealed bids for a 1991 Ford Taurus V6 Wagon with left rear door damage. Sealed bids are due at the district office by 12:00 p.m. on July 22, 2011 with a minimum bid of $500. For information, please contact the transportation supervisor at 484-7121. The...

  • No. 11-79

    Jul 14, 2011

    NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District will hold a special public hearing on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. at the Naselle Middle School Commons for the purpose of fixing and adopting the 2011-2012 school year budget. Copies of the budget will be available at the Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Office as of July 11, 2011. Everyone is welcome to appear at said hearing and be heard for or against any part of such budget. Publish July 14, 2011...

  • Sheriff's Department has new officer

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jul 14, 2011

    What an absolutely wonderful week we had with our kids, grandkids and dogs last week. They must have brought the sun from California and taken it back with them when they left. At least it’s not cold. For the first time our grandkids didn’t want to go home. They all learned how to drive a stick shift car while they were here, learned how to shoot a .22, how to build a brick fire pit, went swimming in the river, picked salmon berries and they all got along with each other. That was quite an accomplishment in my book of raising kids. News fro...

  • Community News - July 14, 2011

    Jul 14, 2011

    Volleyball camp set for next week Wahkiakum High School will sponsor a volleyball camp for players entering grades 6-12 on July 20-21. The camp will be led by former collegiate player and Cathlamet resident Kayli Anderson. Anderson, the current Assistant Volleyball Coach at Lower Columbia College, played at Lower Columbia during the 2004 and 2005 seasons earning MVP honors for the NWACC Western Division both years. After graduating from LCC she continued her volleyball career at Warner Pacific College in Portland where she was named conference...

  • Board cool to assessor's extra help plan

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 30, 2011

    Wahkiakum County commissioners discussed a variety of issues ranging from assessor department staffing to state contract renewals but didn't act on them at their meeting this week. To avoid having to make difficult decisions on the same meeting day an issue is presented, commissioners have adopted a policy of hearing an issue at one meeting and voting on it at a following meeting. Assessor Bill Coons ran into this policy and more when he asked the board to authorize him to hire extra help for a maximum of 79.5 hours a month for the rest of the...

  • Summer makes spotty appearance

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 30, 2011

    I guess one day of summer weather every once in a while is all we are going to get from Mother Nature this year. It sure doesn't make it easy to build a house or plant a garden. News from Naselle: School is out for the summer but I would like to commend the high school and middle school students who made the honor roll for the 4th quarter. They are: Seniors--Alex Bighill, Chase Chapman, Cody Cooley and Taylor Wasmundt; Juniors--Robert Eaton, Trevin Leeland*, Lidia Sanchez, Austin Smith, Cramer Smith*, Rachel Underwood, Christopher Walkowiak*,...

  • Changes planned for Wahkiakum on the Move

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 23, 2011

    Changes are in store for Wahkiakum on the Move, Wahkiakum County's public transportation system. System managers said Tuesday they are planning to expand their schedule and that they're going to start charging ridership fees, effective August 1. The news came Tuesday as the county board of commissioners signed a new contract with the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) that will increase funding for the program. In other business Tuesday, the board heard project funding requests from Diking District No. 1 of Puget Island. Bob...

  • Candidates finish filing for fall elections

    Jun 23, 2011

    Filing for positions on the 2011 election ballots wrapped up last Friday with the closure of a special filing period for four unclaimed positions. No candidates came forward for the positions. Typically, members of boards find someone to appoint to fill vacancies. There will be no primary election in August, and there will be only one contested position on the November ballot. Lori Scott is challenging incumbent Carlton Appelo for the seat on the Port District 2 board of commissioners that he's held since the district was formed. Other filings...

  • Summer full of programs, events

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 23, 2011

    Welcome to summer. Today, it actually feels like summer with the sunshine and blue sky. Let’s just hope it continues. News from Naselle: During the last four days of school, the Naselle High School football team held a football camp for elementary students. The youngsters were taught the basic fundamentals and plays by the more experienced team members. This up and coming group will perform during half time at the first home football game. What a wonderful way to build up camaraderie with kids of all ages. Even though school is out for a c...

  • Community News

    Jun 23, 2011

    Follies to take to the stage this weekend This weekend, Della and her cast of characters will present the Smoky Water Follies, an old-fashioned vaudeville show, for a three-day run. Performances are scheduled for June 24, 25 at 7 p.m. with a Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. on June 26. A fund raiser for the restoration and continued work of the Skamokawa Grange, the annual event is directed by Adele Baker-Swift with musical direction from Sunrise Fletcher. Their cast includes Mike Linn, Gwen Gorley, Jon Peterson, Jeffrey Reynolds, Steve Puddicombe,...

  • Countdown on for Smoky Water Follies

    Kay Chamberlain, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 16, 2011

    WET AND MUGGY--As this week began, we were back to raindrops off and on but some sun breaks made things steamy at times and it was pretty muggy on Monday really. Of course, anybody who has been fighting to get their lawn mowed between showers, knows that this is just the kind of weather that makes the ole grass grow before your eyes. They say we're going to get some summer like weather, and with summer officially starting next Tuesday, I'm sure we're all hoping that's true! It's almost impossible to get much done with only a day and a half of...

  • Bernadine M. Chattick

    Jun 16, 2011

    Bernadine Marine Chattick, 63, died May 5, 2011 in Olympia. She was born December 23, 1947 to Ray and Betty Blain. She attended Rosburg grade school and graduated from Naselle Grays River Valley High school where she met her husband Michael. They have three sons, Michael, Shawn and Brent. She lived in Olympia where she worked in arts and crafts retail but had many family members in the Grays River, Rosburg, Deep River and Naselle areas. There will be no services. The family will hold a gathering at a later date....

  • NHS graduates close knit class

    Rick Nelson with Betsy Nelson|Jun 16, 2011

    Naselle/Grays River Valley High School seniors breezed through their commencement ceremony Saturday with a look back at their past and an acknowledgment of their potential for success in the future. The 22 classmates spoke of their close bonds, and they took in scholarships totaling over $150,000. Valedictorian was Taylor Wasmundt, and salutatorian was Haleigh See. They and Cody Cooley were honored for maintaining grade point averages of 3.75 or higher. In her Valedictorian Address, Wasmundt commented that many of the students had been in...

  • Candidates file for fall elections

    Jun 16, 2011

    Filing for positions on the 2011 election ballots closed Friday with only one contested position on the ballot. Lori Scott is challenging incumbent Carlton Appelo for the seat on the Port District 2 board of commissioners that he's held since the district was formed. For the four positions that didn't have candidates, a special filing period will be held June 15-17 in the Wahkiakum County Auditor's office. Positions that didn't draw candidates included: --Wahkiakum School District board of directors, Position 1, Tony Boyce incumbent....

  • Blessing of the animals Sunday at 10

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 16, 2011

    I understand that several people have been having some issues with their telephones and their service through Wahkiakum West. I also had some problems. When I spoke with Carol Larson at the Wahkiakum West office, she asked that I put the word out for everyone who is having a problem, please document the time, date, phone number of origin and/or destination, your phone number and exactly what was going on, then e-mail it to her at By doing this she can forward the gathered info to the outside carrier and maybe get to...

  • Election filing closes; special filing period June 15-17

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 10, 2011

    Filing for positions on the 2011 election ballots closed Friday with only one contested position on the ballot. Lori Scott is challenging incumbent Carlton Appelo for the seat on the Port District 2 board of commissioners that he's held since the district was formed. For the four positions that didn't have candidates, a special filing period will be held June 15-17 in the Wahkiakum County Auditor's office. Positions that didn't draw candidates included: --Wahkiakum School District board of directors, Position 1, Tony Boyce incumbent....

  • Weather holds for derby and car show

    Kay Chamberlain, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 9, 2011

    FANTASTIC--While we were all stressing out about the rain and the wind that had been going on most of last week, come Saturday, the Dollars for Scholars Rods and Reels Rod Run met with clear skies, sunshine and just fantastic weather all day long and of course, brought with it a wonderful turn out of cars once again. For the past six years we have had to stress out about the weather, as everyone knows that miserable weather means disaster when it comes to car shows, but the lucky streak has continued! The only thing you could say negative...

  • Desire to excel drives See, Wasmundt

    Ruby Murray|Jun 9, 2011

    Naselle High School valedictorian Taylor Wasmundt and salutatorian Haleigh See are passionate about their prospective careers in health care, their love of sports-- volleyball, basketball, track and softball--and the 22 people in their graduating class, 12 of whom have been together since preschool. “We are really close,” they both say. “We’re not divided into academic nerds, sports and drama groups,” See said. “We all have to work together.” Both students have had a strong desire to excel academically, and both balance that with a desire to b...

  • Graduation is this Saturday at 4 p.m.

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 9, 2011

    Well, it looks like we had at least a couple of summer days. It seemed like a perfect day for the Dollars For Scholars Sturgeon Derby and Barbecue, as well as the car show. Once again a huge success. News from Naselle: Naselle-Grays River Valley Class of 2011 will hold their graduation ceremony on June 11 at 4 p.m. in the gymnasium. I would like to congratulate each and every on of these students on this accomplishment and wish them well in the new chapter of their lives. You have been given a huge opportunity by going to school in Naselle, so...

  • High School Track

    Jun 2, 2011

    Wahkiakum Mules Blaine Land and Brett Chaput and Naselle Comet Rob Baker returned with medals from the Class2B State Track and Field Meet last Friday and Saturday at Eastern Washington University, Cheney. Land placed second in the discus at 118-3. She also placed fifth in the shot put at 33-4.25. Chaput placed second in the discus at 154-02. Baker placed seventh in the 110m hurdles at 16.36 to earn a medal. He also placed 10th in the high jump at 5-6. Athletes finishing in eighth place or higher earned medals. Here are the results from other...

  • Sturgeon derby and car show Saturday

    Kay Chamberlain, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 2, 2011

    DECENT--As this three day Memorial weekend comes to an end, the sun is shining and it's turning out pretty nice; it's just too bad it wasn't like this the entire weekend. I hear tell that we're going to warm up and be very sunny and nice for the weekend and it couldn't come at a better time because the car show is coming! THIS IS IT--This weekend is a big one in Skamokawa and all the sturgeon fishermen are hoping for some good catches and all the car show folks are hoping the sun shows up, as the annual Dollars for Scholars Rods and Reels Rod...

  • Cathlamet library receives teen input

    Ruby Murray|Jun 2, 2011

    Wahkiakum High School senior Keisha Harris, freshman Paris Cothren and sophomore Brittaney Martin told the Cathlamet Blanche Bradley Public Library Board of Trustees that they liked having a teen library separated from the children’s and adult areas of the library. The group has been operating on a Wahkiakum Community Network grant to increase youth use of the library. They are creating a list of books they’d like to see the library provide and have visited local libraries to get ideas of best practices. The librarian at Longview Public Lib...

  • Class of 2011 looks to the future

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 2, 2011

    News from Naselle: The school year is just about done, kids are getting anxious for summer vacation, and our class of 2011 is looking forward to a new chapter in their lives. One more fun family event will take place on June 8. The all school carnival will begin at 6 p.m. for all ages. Come join in and have a last get together with all the kids and their friends before they all go separate ways for the summer. Naselle-Grays River Valley Class of 2011 will hold their graduation ceremony on June 11 at 4 p.m. in the gymnasium. When you’re l...

  • What's Happening at the Fair? June 2, 2011

    Jun 2, 2011

    This Saturday the Fairgrounds will be the site of the Derby Dollars for Scholars and Rods & Reels Rod Run event! This is a special fund raising event established to generate funds for student scholarships. The Rods & Reels Car Show will be set up in the Fairgrounds Park and the Dollars for Scholars Sturgeon Derby & Barbecue is located on the Fairgrounds midway area. The day begins with a fishing derby for the biggest sturgeon caught before the final weigh-in time at 3:30 p.m. The Fairgrounds Park will be completely filled with beautiful cars....

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