Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

(3179) stories found containing 'Naselle'

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  • Easter events occurring this weekend

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 28, 2013

    Happy Spring, everyone! It seems that all the flowers are beginning to bloom at once. Daffodils are everywhere. I actually found my first trillium yesterday. News from Naselle: The sports lineup for the week for the Naselle Comets is as follows: Thursday, high school track meet in Naselle at 4 p.m. Students will be on Spring Break beginning April 1 and will return to classes on April 8. The school grounds will be closed on April 3 and 4. Kids, grab your Easter baskets and head to the Naselle High School football field on Saturday at 11 a.m....

  • Nortrup graduates from basic training

    Mar 28, 2013

    Air Force Airman Tylor C. Nortrup has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Nortrup is the son of Mike Nortrup of Naselle. He is a 2009 graduate of Naselle...

  • What's happening on Main Street

    Sarah Lawrence, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 27, 2013

    Grand Opening Celebration of The Diner Get ready to party as tomorrow marks the official Grand Opening of The Diner on Main restaurant in Cathlamet. Owned and operated by Sharon & John Buennagel, The Diner on Main is open seven days a week from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. and is located at 88 Main Street in Cathlamet. 1st Annual “Hook the Hawg” Salmon Derby Grab your fishing rods and head on down to the Elochoman Slough Marina tomorrow and Saturday for the First Salmon Derby. Tickets can be purchased via the Elochoman Marina, Bank of the Pacific, Moo...

  • WHS students start fundraiser for Doernbecher

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 21, 2013

    A bit of mischief and a whole lot of heart have set the mood for students this week in Wahkiakum School District. In its fourth year locally, Doernbecher Week is upon us. Students are raising money for Doernbecher Children’s Hospital through the Kids Making Miracles Foundation (KMM). It is being led by the school’s chapter of the Key Club, which is the youth branch of the Kiwanis Club. Opening ceremonies took place Monday at the grade school and the high school. Student leaders led the entire as...

  • Tsuga Gallery to host open house / reception

    Mar 21, 2013

    Friday, March 22, from 5-7 p.m., the Gallery will be hosting an open house and reception for new members. There will be music and refreshments, and the public is invited to stop by and enjoy the art and talk to the artists. Egg artistry by Tymothy Bates of Naselle will be featured. He is self-taught in the art of Ukranian egg dying, an intricate and painstaking process of wax and color layering called pysanki. Also, they welcome two members who have been with them for awhile but have been out of town and not able to attend a reception until...

  • Busy week for Fredrickson family

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 21, 2013

    Oh, the sounds of family, the laughter of grandchildren, the extra commotion, cooking and chaos. What a great week we are looking forward to. We were hoping for better weather, but will make do, just being together. News from Naselle: The sports calendar for Naselle Comet teams includes: Thursday, track at Seaside and home baseball and fastpitch against North Beach at 3:30 p.m.; Monday, baseball at MM Knight at 4 p.m.; Wednesday, baseball and fastpitch at Oakville at 4 p.m. and middle school track at South Bend. Go Comets! The annual Naselle...

  • No. 13-35

    Mar 14, 2013

    NOTICE OF REGISTRATION DEADLINES NASELLE-GRAYS RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT #155 ELECTION APRIL 23, 2013  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, April 23, 2013, a special election will be held in the above named School district for the submission to the qualified electors of said School district of the following proposition: PROPOSITION NO. 1 NASELLE-GRAYS RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 155 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS - $8,100,000 The Board of Directors of Naselle-Grays River Valley School District No. 155 adopted Resolution No. 121304...

  • Spaghetti feed a success, thanks to many

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 14, 2013

    News from Naselle: Sports calendar for the coming week for the Naselle Comet teams: Thursday, home baseball and fastpitch against Ocosta at 4 p.m. and a home track meet at 4 p.m.; Friday, home baseball and fastpitch against Ilwaco at 4 p.m.; Monday, baseball at NW Christian at 4 p.m.; Tuesday, fastpitch at Warrenton at 4 p.m.; Wednesday, home baseball and fastpitch against Wahkiakum at 4 p.m. and middle school track meet at home at 4 p.m. Go Comets! The Naselle-Grays River Valley School Board will meet on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. These meetings...

  • Naselle students recognized

    Mar 7, 2013

    Naselle-Grays River Valley Elementary School staff recognized the following students of the month for displaying the character trait of compassion. Front row, left to right: Cannon Johnson (2nd), Kaelin Anderson (2nd), Kaylin Shrives (1st), Bella Colombo (1st), Audian Muessig (K), Kevin Lopez (K). Back row: Shelby McEneny (3rd), Connor Fithen (3rd), Abby Moten (5th), Justyn Blaylock (5th), Joey Singleterry (4th), Peyton Dalton (4th)....

  • Finnish trio to perform

    Mar 7, 2013

     On Tuesday, March 12, at 7:00 p.m. the PKH Trio will perform at Peace Lutheran Church in Astoria. The PKH Trio performs folk music from the coastal area between Vasa and Kokkola in Finland, interspersed with some international tunes and solos by Pia Karin Helsing, who is an accomplished soprano in her own right. Members of this group have studied and performed extensively both in Finland and Sweden. Pia Karin Helsing plays the cello and violin. Görel Särs plays accordion, piano, and guitar. Cay Nyqist, composer, plays...

  • Guest chefs in town for spaghetti dinner

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 7, 2013

    News from Naselle: Sports calendar for the Naselle Comet teams this week includes: March 12, baseball and fastpitch at Montesano at 4 p.m.; March 13, baseball and fastpitch at Cathlamet at 3:30 p.m. Go Comets! The Comet Booster Club will meet on Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. ESA Alpha Theta annual Senior Citizen Dinner will be March 17 at 12:30 p.m. in the social room at the Naselle Assembly of God Church located at 278 Knappton Road. The free dinner is open to all Naselle/Grays River Valley senior citizens 60 years and older. For more information,...

  • Head to crab feed Saturday in Rosburg

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 28, 2013

    I picked my first bouquet of daffodils yesterday afternoon, so that must be a good sign of things to come, right? I see lots of baby sheep and calves being nurtured by their mothers in the fields along the highway and county roads. Spring must be almost here, new beginnings, new life and hopefully good things ahead for all of us.  News from Naselle: Naselle-Grays River Valley School kids are on Winter Break and will return to classes on Monday. I understand that the new coffee shop at the Appelo Archives center is now open and serving up...

  • James J. "Jim" Gatens

    Feb 28, 2013

    James John Gatens passed away Feb. 10, 2013, at home surrounded by loved ones.  More commonly known as “Gator,” he was born March 28, 1937, in Nemah, Wash., to James Francis “Frank” Gatens and Lucy Slater.  In 1958 he married Marilyn Head. They later divorced but had three beautiful daughters.  Gator began his logging career at the age of eight, working with his father. He continued logging in many capacities, working for several companies for another 32 years. He began commercial fishing in Alaska in the early 1960s and continu...

  • Please consider school bond benefits

    Feb 28, 2013

    To The Eagle: Looks like we might get a second chance! After the huge disappointment that the Naselle-Grays River Valley school bond didn't pass, I wanted to take this opportunity to plea for the no voters to give it more thought and perhaps choose to be supportive. I'm not sure of the demographics (other than west end Wahkiakum county soundly voting no), but I would imagine locals with kids and grandkids in our schools would generally be positive. They see first hand how an area that gets over 100 inches of rain a year might need more room...

  • School board member goes to Olympia

    Feb 21, 2013

    To The Eagle:  I’m engaged in an effort to convince our state Legislature to exempt rural school districts from high-cost state prevailing wage requirements. Such an exemption would save our school district $2 million (or more) on an $8 million construction program. On February 13 I testified in Olympia before a Senate committee hearing in favor of proposed bill SB 5508 for that purpose. FYI: Ohio exempts all school construction.  First, I’d like to publicly thank Sen. Hatfield for agreeing to sponsor this bill as a result of a cam...

  • Head to stew lunch Saturday in Grays River

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 21, 2013

    News from Naselle: Naselle students will have Winter Break beginning next Wednesday. They will return to classes on March 4. Other news from the Westend: The Grays River United Methodist Church’s Friendship Circle will be serving their Stew Lunch & Bazaar this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy this delicious beef stew, cheese bread, beverage and dessert prepared and served by the members of the Friendship Circle. You are welcome to leave a free-will donation for the meal. Take-out orders are also a...

  • Naselle students recognized by staff

    Feb 21, 2013

    The following Naselle High School students were selected as students of the month by staff during December and January for displaying the character traits of ambition and kindness to others. Emily Bjornsgard and Grace Zimmerman were selected for both ambition and kindness. Jake Clark, Chloe Zimmerman, Amethyst Wirkkala, Keith Reitz, Dakota Phillips, Tom Shotwell and Levi Wasmundt were selected for their demonstrated ambition and motivation. Alexa York, Shae Trost, Shalin Wulf, Skyler York and Taylor Eaton were selected for displaying kindness...

  • Naselle/Grays River building bond fails to reach 60% approval

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 14, 2013

    Voters in the Naselle/Grays River Valley School District supported an $8.1 million building bond issue in Tuesday voting, but the vote tally wasn't high enough to pass the measure. The bond issue needed 60 percent approval to pass; it received 55 percent approval. The vote in Wahkiakum precincts was 137 in favor, 174 opposed. The vote in Pacific precincts was 304 in favor, 180 opposed. Auditors in the two counties will tally late arriving votes later this week. Wahkiakum County Auditor Diane Tischer said she would count late arriving votes at...

  • Writer sends Valentine’s Day wishes

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 14, 2013

    Happy Valentine’s Day to all the Eagle readers and staff. I feel very blessed this day for the love of family and friends. These past few months have not been the most wonderful of my life but things are certainly looking up. Thank you, everyone, for all your good thoughts, deeds, prayers and encouragement after my husband’s stroke. He is making wonderful progress in his recovery, but we still have a long road ahead. Today, I wish everyone much love and happiness in return for all that you have given us. News from Naselle: There will be no sch...

  • Archive center opens café, gift shop

    Feb 14, 2013

    The Appelo Archives Center in Naselle has expanded its facility to include a larger gift shop and a new café. The Café and Gift Shop are located in the downstairs level of the center. The gift shop will be selling books, gifts and on consignment by members of the community. The new café, run by Beth Johansen, offers homemade soups, artisan breads and baked goods Tuesday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. "I'm hoping folks will see this as a gathering place for the community," Beth Johansen commented. "I'd also like to...

  • Archive Center hosting viewing of Finland scenes

    Feb 14, 2013

    All are invited to enjoy tantalizing scenes of Finland by coming to watch “A Musical Journey” at noon on February 16. The film will be shown at the Appelo Archives Center, located at 1056 SR 4 in Naselle. Along with scenes from Helsinki and the countryside, the visuals include works of painter Akseli Gallen-Kallela. The artist was stimulated by stories from the Kalevala, the epic poem of Finland. A featured building is the Kerimäki Church, the world’s largest wooden church. It was built in 1848 and has a capacity of 3,500 people. Also...

  • Rep. Herrera-Beutler visits in Cathlamet

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 7, 2013

    Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Distict 3, and constituents discussed issues in a public gathering last Wednesday in Cathlamet. Herrera-Beutler had come from Naselle, where she had participated in a ceremony to honor Korean War veteran William Wuorinen and present him with a Silver Star medal. Here are some of the topics discussed last week: Money supply Puget Island resident Gilbert Vik offered to work with Herrera-Beutler to distribute a book he had written on money supply, Congress, Banks and the IRS. "It's worth $16 trillion, if and...

  • Korean War vet receives Silver Star

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 7, 2013

    Nearly 60 years of silence ended when a class of juniors at Naselle-Grays River Valley High School had an assignment to interview local veterans in 2011. Korean War veteran William Wuorinen soon found himself sharing with young people from his hometown. They heard a story which, he said, "I would have gladly taken to my grave." Their conversation set in motion a chain of events that led to a moving ceremony this last week to honor his heroism witnessed in Korea so long ago. Wuorinen was awarded...

  • No. 13-18

    Feb 7, 2013

    NOTICE OF VOTE BY MAIL SPECIAL ELECTION NASELLE-GRAYS RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 155 TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 12, 2013 WAHKIAKUM COUNTY, WASHINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 the SPECIAL ELECTION will be held in Wahkiakum County for the attached proposition: OFFICIAL BALLOT NASELLE-GRAYS RIVER VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT #155 February 12, 2013 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: To vote in favor of the following proposition, place a cross (X) in the square opposite the word "APPROVED”; to vote against the following proposition, p...

  • Signs of spring are appearing now

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Feb 7, 2013

    News from Naselle: This week’s sports calendar for the Naselle teams: Thursday- varsity boys basketball at Montesano (first round of the District Tournament) at 8 p.m.; Monday, middle school boys basketball at South Bend at 5:45 p.m. Go Comets! On Thursday, the Naselle Drama Club will present a Shakespeare performance at 7 p.m. in the Naselle Commons. The Comet Booster Club will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Students are on an early release schedule for February 13. The American Legion Auxiliary, Deep River Post #111 w...

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