Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

(3179) stories found containing 'Naselle'

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  • 14-71

    Jun 26, 2014

    No. 14-71 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO OBTAIN CUSTODY. Per RCW 79.100, the WA Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) intends to take custody of twoabandoned vesselsonJuly 9, 2014 (Custody Date). Thevessels aresunk in Deep River, near Naselle, Wahkiakum County: (1) a 30-ft EX-COAST GUARD VESSEL adjacent to 207 E. Deep River Rd,(2)a 158-ft STEEL VESSELadjacent to 96 Waranka Rd.After taking custody, DNR may use or dispose of them without further notice. The ownersare responsible for all related costs. To retain custody of the vessel, before the Custody...

  • Saturday pancake feed raising funds for center

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 25, 2014

    News from Naselle: One more month until Naselle becomes the home of history sharing, delicious food, heartwarming music and stories, dancing, and just plain fun for the whole weekend. Mark your calendar for the upcoming Finnish-American Festival, to be held on July 25, 26 and 27. Bring the whole family as there will be something for everyone. Westend news The Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park is sponsoring their first Country Pancake Breakfast on Saturday from 8 to 11 a.m. Bring the whole family and enjoy pancakes, cheesy eggs and...

  • Naselle/Grays River school to host teacher from China

    Jun 18, 2014

    Xie Fen from China has been awarded a fellowship from the U.S. Department of State to participate in the 2014 Teachers of Critical Languages Program (TCLP). She will teach Chinese for a full academic year at Naselle/Grays River School. Naselle/Grays River has participated in a nation-wide competition in order to host a TCLP teacher, and Xie Fen is one of a total of 22 teachers who have been selected from China and Egypt for participation in TCLP. TCLP is designed to increase the study and acquisition of important world languages in U.S. schools...

  • The Sheriff's Corner

    Sheriff Mark Howie|Jun 18, 2014

    Independence Day is in two weeks already. With that in mind I want to remind folks of the state law that provides the guidelines as to when they may be discharged. Last year we had an increase in the number of complaints regarding the types of fireworks discharged as well as the time they continued beyond what state law allows. Here is the law, RCW 70.77.395 in a nutshell when it comes to consumer use: Consumer fireworks may be used or discharged each day between Noon to 11 p.m. on June 28, 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. on June 29 through July 3, 9 a.m. to...

  • Pancakes, insurance, yellowjackets on tap

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 18, 2014

    News from Naselle: Many of us have a problem with yellowjackets around our yards and homes this time of year. Here’s a solution for your problem. Call 360 578-2018 and the critters will be captured and taken away. Westend news: One more week to wait for the first pancake breakfast being sponsored by the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park on Saturday, the 28th from 8 to 11:00 a.m., Chef Steve Ramsay will be cooking up yummy pancakes, cheesy eggs and sausage with milk , coffee and tea. Bring the family. You can’t go wrong for $5 a plate, s...

  • NHS Class of 2014 makes the transition

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 11, 2014

    Friends and family gathered in Naselle to watch the Class of 2014 make the official transition from high school to adulthood during graduation ceremonies on Saturday. The crowd stood as the band began to play the traditional Pomp and Circumstance and 23 students filed out in their caps and gowns to finally take their place front and center of the high school gymnasium. Valedictorian Grace Zimmerman spoke of her community and school with obvious pride and called upon all to do even better. She ca...

  • Katie Green to study physical therapy

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 11, 2014

    Katie Green, the salutatorian for Naselle/Grays River High School’s Class of 2014 might be a little shy or it might be that her interviewer forgot to introduce herself. Green, who was born in Astoria and has gone to school in Naselle since preschool, is the daughter of Jerry and Laurie Green and will finish her studies with a GPA of 3.76. She competed with the basketball team but ultimately she is a runner, having competed for the cross country team all four years of high school and running d...

  • Grace Zimmerman looks to the future

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 11, 2014

    Grace Zimmerman, the valedictorian for the Class of 2014 at Naselle/Grays River High School graduated on Saturday. The daughter of April and Thomas Zimmerman of Grays River finished her studies with a GPA of 3.98 and will attend Pacific Lutheran University in the fall to study nursing. Eventually she plans to work as a nurse missionary. Raised on the family farm and home schooled along with three other sisters, she jumped at the chance to attend public high school when her parents gave her the...

  • Naselle school year ends this Friday

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 11, 2014

    News from Naselle: Friday, the 13th will be the final day of school for the 2013-2014 school year and the students will be released at 10:30 a.m. Here’s to a fun and safe summer vacation for everyone. The Naselle-Grays River School Board members will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. The Finnish-American Folk Festival will be held on July 25th-27th. Food, fun and history for the whole community. Check out the posters on local bulletin boards for more information. Westend news Mark your calendar for June 28, 8-11 a.m. and j...

  • Naselle graduation Saturday at 4 p.m.

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Jun 11, 2014

    Last weekend, it seemed like all the old cars in the whole area were driving down SR 4. What a wonderful sight, seeing all the cars and bringing back lots of old memories for many of us. I hear that the Car Show in Skamokawa was once again a huge success. I was happy to finally get a chance to mow the lawn again after all the moisture we had been getting. It was almost time to decide whether to bring cows into the yard to graze or to make hay. Once it starts growing in the spring, there’s no stopping it. News from Naselle: Naselle high s...

  • Local students on WSU honor roll

    Jun 11, 2014

    Several Washington State University students from the Cathlamet and Naselle areas have been named to the 2014 Spring Semester President's Honor Roll. They are: Cathlamet: Amanda Christine Collier; Ryan James Gunnip, and Kimberlee Herren. Naselle: Krist Anthony Novoselic and Rebecca Michelle Rostad. The President’s Honor Roll recognizes students who stand above the rest with excellent academic performance. To be eligible for the honor roll, undergraduate students must be enrolled in a minimum of nine graded hours in a single term at WSU and e...

  • Athletes medal in state meet

    Jun 5, 2014

    Athletes from Naselle and Wahkiakum high schools traveled to Cheney last weekend to compete in the State 2B Championships and returned with a few medals. Athletes needed to place eighth or higher to earn a medal. For the Naselle Comets, Kyler Wulf cleared 12'3" in the pole vault ant placed third. Matt Carter jumped 5'10" in the high jump, good enough for seventh place. On the girls' side, freshman Ellie Chapman ran the 300m hurdles in 50.79 and placed sixth to earn a medal. The Wahkiakum Lady Mule team of Tyra Elliott, Rory Heywood, Cheyenne...

  • Sheriff's Report, June 5, 2014

    Jun 5, 2014

    Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: May 26 – 3:17 p.m. A Cathlamet resident reported that an individual had been yelling and threatening to kick in a door. 8:40 p.m. A woman was seen leaving a Cathlamet cemetery with flowers she had collected from graves. May 27 – 11:26 a.m. A Grays River resident reported suspicious vehicles coming and going at odd times. 3:52 p.m. A caller reported an argument outside a Cathlamet business. 4:11...

  • Graduation programs are on the way

    Jun 5, 2014

    Senior classes at Naselle and Wahkiakum high schools will graduate in the next two weeks. The Naselle commencement ceremony will be this Saturday, 4 p.m., in the high school gymnasium. Class valedictorian is Grace Zimmerman, and salutatorian is Katie Green. Kayti Nelson will give the welcome at the ceremony; Grace Zimmerman is the class speaker, and Rob Dalton is the faculty speaker. See Page 10 of this edition for photos of the graduating class. The Eagle will publish profiles of Zimmerman and Green next week. Wahkiakum's graduation will be...

  • Naselle celebrates region's Finnish heritage

    Submitted by Anita Raistakka|May 29, 2014

    The theme for this year’s 17th biennial Finnish American Folk Festival reflects the history of the Naselle in southwestern Pacific County. “Nasel” is the original spelling of this nonincorporated area mainly settled by immigrants from Kaustinen, Finland, starting in the late 1800s. They came here to log, fish, and farm. This free festival will be held July 25-27 at the Naselle schools, which are located at the junction of SR4 and SR 401. There are activities for people of all ages. Whether you are of Finnish heritage or not, please bring your...

  • Calendar of Events

    Wah. Chamber of Commerce|May 29, 2014

    May May 31 - Rods & Reels Car Show at Wahkiakum Fairgrounds in Skamokawa, WA. Contact 360-430-4377, Dollars for Scholars Fundraising Event. June June 27-29 - Puget Island Garage & Yard Sale on Puget Island in Cathlamet, WA. Contact 360-849-4253. A shoppers paradise a you make your way around the entire island finding treasures. June 28 - Vista Vendor Market- This event will be held at Skamokawa Grange. July July 12 - Kiwanis Golf Tournament- This event will bee held at the Skyline Golf Course. For questions please call Carol Danker at...

  • A Day in the Life of Wahkiakum and Naselle photo contest winners

    May 29, 2014

    Adult Division 1. Andrew Emlen,Pacific Sideband and Townsend snails 2.Erla Crouse, Tree Trunk of Treasure 3. Clara Berkshire, Elk Youth 1. Luke Stacey, 12:57 a.m. 2. Leeandra Tischer, What I Think of the Spring Rain 3. Luke Stacey, Silk...

  • Comets head to state

    May 28, 2014

    Three athletes from Naselle High School qualified for the state Class 2B track and field meet at last week’s district meet. On the boys’ side, juniors Kyler Wulf finished second in the pole vault at 11’6” and Matt Carter placed third in the high jump at 5’8”. For the girls, freshman Ellie Chapman ran the 300m hurdles in 51.66 and finished fourth. The state meet is this Friday and Saturday at Easter Washington University, Cheney....

  • Chloe Zimmerman aces SAT math test

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 28, 2014

    News from Naselle: Congratulations to an outstanding student, Chloe Zimmerman, who received a perfect math score on the SAT test. She had a total score of 2240 and is a potential National Merit Scholarship recipient. Chloe is the daughter of Tom and April Zimmerman of Grays River. She is a very active member of her class and of her community, and is a delightful young lady. You make everyone proud, Chloe, and I’m sure you will accomplish everything you set out to do. Best of luck. Lots of last minute things going on before graduations begin. T...

  • T-shirt design winners announced

    May 28, 2014

    Hannah Wirkkala, a 6th grade student at the Naselle Grays River Middle School is the winner of the 30th annual Great White Tail Run Art Contest. She received shirts with her design plus $25 for her effort. Second place went to Bryanna Peek, a 10th grade student and 3rd place to Jansi Merz, a 5th grade student, both of the Wahkiakum School District. Each received art supplies. Honorable mention to: Brittany Waltemate and Ethan Lindstrom of the Naselle Grays River School District, Breanna Daniel, Randall Ecklund, Miya Kerstetter, Ashden Niemeyer...

  • Naselle art show winners display works and ribbons

    May 28, 2014

    April was the time for Naselle's Annual Art Show. The winners from 3rd, to 2nd, to 1st place were: Kindergarten: Royce Hoff, Capri Parrina, and Lukas Dalton; 1st Grade: Jacob Lindstrom, Landon Bradley, and Aliya Teinharra; 2nd Grade: Avalon Sullivan, Cannon Johnson, and Kayli Wirkkala; 3rd Grade: Grace Stephan, Kaylin Shrives, and Jasmine Do; 4th Grade: Theron Frame, Josh Chadwick, and Grace Hunt: 5th Grade: Emma Colombo, Holli Haataia, and Abby Knopski; Middle School: Samantha Wert, Micah Cenci; High School: Kylee Phillips, Brittany...

  • School events, Legion breakfast this week

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 21, 2014

    News from Naselle: The Naselle Comet track team will compete in the Track District Meet at Raymond today (Thursday) at 3 p.m. Go Comets! The state track meet is next weekend. The final drama production of this school year will take place on Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m., Saturday and finally a matinee on Sunday at 2 p.m. On Tuesday, the 27th, one of the most important events of the year will take place. It is the Evening of Excellence at which time many students will reap the reward of all their hard work for the school year. This is a very...

  • White Tail Run this Saturday, 8:30 a.m.

    Kay Chamberlain, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 14, 2014

    GORGEOUS--If you've been wanting to do yardwork and garden work and you've been stopped by the pouring rains we had last week, you certainly have had no excuses this week, as it's been beautiful out there. A little light breeze was blowing on Monday morning and along with that wonderful sunshine, I thought the temperatures were just right. With tornadoes in the midwest, snowstorms in Colorado and fires raging in the drought-stricken state of Texas, I almost feel guilty for enjoying this wonderful weather that we are currently experiencing....

  • Project provides students a powerful demonstration of impaired driving

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 14, 2014

    Last Friday, a powerful presentation on the effects of impaired driving was given to high school students from the Naselle/Grays River and Wahkiakum school districts. A panel of five people impacted by drunk driving met the students in the Wahkiakum High School gym in the morning and spoke to them about their experiences. Two had been convicted of vehicular manslaughter. They all spoke of what they had lost. “It may be a form of healing for each of them,” said WHS Prevention Specialist Lisa Fri...

  • Layton Elliott: Music without limits

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 7, 2014

    His youthful appearance and quiet soft spoken manner belie local musician Layton Elliott’s nearly six decades on this planet, his gravelly baritone and mean guitar skills. Elliott really wanted a drum set when he was a young teen. What he got was a guitar from Montgomery Ward. Disappointment quickly turned to fascination. “I remember playing all day long,” Elliott said, “just to learn how to play. I had deep grooves in the ends of my fingers. When they started to bleed, I wrapped them with wh...

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