Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

(3179) stories found containing 'Naselle'

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  • Many activities scheduled in area

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 16, 2013

    It looks like we have reverted to spring weather again. Although the sun was nice, I do like to see it cool down a bit, and I do like the rain. Besides, isn’t rain the reason we live in such a beautiful green place? News from Naselle: The District track meet will be held in Raymond on Thursday (today) at 3 p.m. Good luck, Comet competitors. The state meet will take place in Cheney on May 24 and 25. Other school events coming up as the year winds down: May 20- high school music concert at 7 p.m.; May 22- elementary music program at 7 p.m. The N...

  • Plant/Book/Bake Sale & Soup Lunch approaches

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 9, 2013

    News from Naselle: Though the school year is nearing its end, there are still some sports on the calendar. This week includes: Thursday- middle school track at North Beach at 3:30 p.m.; Friday, home subdistrict track meet at 4 p.m.; and May 16- District track at Raymond at 3 p.m. Go Comets! The Comet Booster Club will hold its regular meeting on May 14 at 5:30 p.m. Students will be released early at 12:30 p.m. on May 15. The two final performances of “Thoroughly Modern Millie Junior” will be held on May 10 and 11 at 7 p.m. The group has don...

  • Filing opens May 13 for elected offices

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 2, 2013

    Filing for elected offices that will appear on this year's primary and general election ballots will take place May 13-17 in the Wahkiakum County Auditor's office. Positions that will appear on the ballot include: County sheriff--one year unexpired term; Mark Howie, incumbent. Filing fee is $700.27. The position is a partisan position; all other positions are non-partisan. Fire District 1, commissioner position 1, 6-year term--Lee Tischer incumbent. Filing fee is $12. Fire District 2, commissioner position 3, 6-year term--Kent Martin...

  • Tea celebrates "School Days" this weekend

    May 2, 2013

    News from Naselle: Sports calendar for the Naselle Comet teams this week: Thursday- high school track at Raymond at 4 p.m.; Monday- middle school track at Raymond at 4 p.m.; Wednesday, May 8- home track meet in Naselle (sub-district) at 4 p.m.; Thursday, May 9- middle school track at North Beach League at 3:30 p.m. Go Comets! The Naselle Drama Club has been hard at work on their latest production, “Thoroughly Modern Millie Junior” and the public is invited to the opening on Friday at 7 p.m. in the Naselle Commons. Tickets are $5 for stu...

  • Wahkiakum & Naselle track results

    Apr 25, 2013

    April 18 at Ocosta Men: NW Christian 181, Naselle 80, Ocosta 60, Hoquiam 47, Wahkiakum 44, Wishkah Valley 43, North Beach 24, Taholah 14.5, North River 2.5 Women: NW Christian 186, Ocosta 102, North Beach 100, Wahkiakum 58, Wishkah Valley 43, Naselle 15, Hoquiam 14, Taholah 10, Mary Knight 9 Wahkiakum and Naselle results Men: 100m--1. Nathan Cothren W 12.08; 2. Dustin Eaton N 12.23; 3. Thorben Hubner N 12.46; 5. Jake Condon N 12.71. 200m--4. Cothren W 25.6; 5. Eaton N 25.7. 1600m--4. Levi Wasmundt N 5:23.2. 110m hurdles--5. Kyler Wulf N 20.71....

  • What's Happening on Main Street

    Sarah Lawrence, Wah. Co. Eagle|Apr 25, 2013

    Silver Linings, Antiques, Vintage & Wares Opens this Friday! This Friday, April 26 marks the Grand Opening of the newest business on Main Street, Silver Linings, Antiques & Wares. Located at 90 Main Street, in Cathlamet, the official ribbon cutting ceremony starts at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow. Join new owners Deb Howie and Sherrill Bollen for music and cupcakes as they celebrate the launch of their new business. For more information please call 206-940-3950. Spring Salad Luncheon at Naselle Lutheran Church The Naselle Lutheran Church is proud to host...

  • Naselle Drama Club to present “Modern” play

    Apr 25, 2013

    The Naselle High School Drama club will present their 14th Broadway production: "Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr." through Music Theatre International, New York. Showings will be held May 3 at 7 p.m., May 4 at 2 p.m., May 5 at 2 p.m., May 19 at 7 p.m. and May 11 at 7 p.m., at Naselle High School. Admission is $8 for adults and $5 for students. This play is the story of Millie Dillmount who has arrived in New York City from Salina, Kansas in 1922. She is determined to make it in the big city, so bobs her hair, changes her fashion and joins the...

  • Naselle bond election fails for second time

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Apr 25, 2013

    For the second time this year, voters in the Naselle/Grays River Valley School District rejected a proposed building bond to refurbish and enhance school facilities. In votes counted Tuesday, 366 voted in favor, 44.26 percent, and 461 voted against, 55.74 percent. In Wahkiakum County precincts, 103 voted in favor, 32.7 percent, and 212 voted against, 67.3 percent. In Pacific County precincts, 263 voted in favor, 51.37 percent, and 249 voted against, 48.63 percent. The election would have authorized the school district to issue $8.1 million in...

  • Rosburg mainstay will celebrate 80th birthday

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Apr 25, 2013

    We had one more trip to the ER, this time for low heart rate and low blood pressure, an overnight stay at St. John’s and came home again on Tuesday with a pacemaker. We hope this will be the last hospital trip for a while. The nurses and staff doctors are on a first-name basis with both of us lately, and we certainly appreciate them and the care they have provided during our visits. Thank you everyone for all your kindness, support, and friendship through this long and tiring journey. We certainly look forward to a calm period for a while. N...

  • Film to be shown at Appelo Archives Center April 20

    Apr 18, 2013

    The Finnish film “Valo” will be shown April 20 at 11 a.m. at the Appelo Archives Center, located at 1056 SR 4 in Naselle. There is no admission charge. It is a story of a boy, Aleksanteri Ahola-Valo, about eight years old, who begins to keep diaries during the time of tsarist rule in Finland. Valo, his best friend, and Valo’s father participate in a parade in St. Petersburg in January, 1905, to present demands for change to representatives of the Russian government. Valo loses his best friend that day when the peaceful demonstrators are shot...

  • Anniversary 75 coming soon

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Apr 18, 2013

    I’m finishing up this article as I sit in yet another hospital room with my husband. We ended up back in the emergency room on Saturday night and after many more tests, up and down blood pressure, and a few other issues, I think we are headed uphill once again. Hopefully he will be back home again in a day or two. Thanks everyone for your good thoughts, prayers, support and friendship. We will overcome. News from Naselle: Sports calendar for the Naselle Comet teams this week include Thursday, home track meet at 4 p.m.; Saturday- home baseball a...

  • Spring luncheon to be held April 27

    Apr 18, 2013

    On Saturday, April 27, the Naselle Lutheran Church will hold their annual Spring Salad Luncheon from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 308 Old Knappton Rd, Naselle. A $7 donation is asked and all funds raised will support church mission work. They will also receive matching funds from Thrivent up to $600. There will also be salads, baked goods, crafts, quilts and more available....

  • Naselle / Grays River Students of the Month

    Apr 18, 2013

    Naselle/Grays River Valley students for the month of March displayed the character trait of optimism. Front row, l-r, are Kaelin Anderson (3rd), Blake Finley (K), Alia Lebovitz (K), Kaylee Langston (1st), Brynn Tarabochia (1st), and back row, l-r, Jamine Do (2nd), Kolby Glenn (4th), Julee Andring (4th), Corey Gregory (5th), Anna Kulp (5th), Ella Hale (4th). Courtesy photo....

  • It's tea time this Saturday at SJFC

    Kay Chamberlain, Wah. Co. Eagle|Apr 17, 2013

    DAMP--It seems that whenever my flowers bloom and are looking pretty, we get a heavy rain or hail storm or some strong winds and my poor flowers take a beating. Sure enough, that's what happened last week. My camellias were looking real nice, as was my red rhododendron, but after being pounded by the hail and tossed around by the wind this weekend, they are looking pretty sad and droopy. Even the hummingbirds would rather get some nourishment from my feeders than to deal with those soggy, droopy plants. We're hoping to see a little more sun in...

  • Donald Deege

    Apr 11, 2013

    Donald “Donte” Loynel Deege, age 51, passed away in his sleep at his home in Iowa City, Iowa on March 11, 2013. He was born November 20, 1961 in Los Angeles, CA He was raised in Thousand Oaks, CA, were he graduated from Newberry Park High School in 1980. In 1981 he enlisted in the Army and graduated from Military Police school. He was blessed with many gifts and talents. He loved music and played many instruments including guitar, piano, banjo, and accordion, just to name a few. He wrote his own music and enjoyed performing. He was a gif...

  • Writer urges support of building bond

    Apr 11, 2013

    To The Eagle: Since we received our school board election ballot on Saturday the 6th, it’s time to fill it out with a positive approval and get it back to the auditor’s office in Cathlamet or South Bend. I want all of you eligible voters to remember that it was our parents and neighbors within our school districts nationwide that provided the schools we were educated in and now, ladies and gentlemen, it is our turn to return the favor. I want all of you to read what you are paying with the $8.1 million; your yes vote will provide and it will be...

  • Writer comments on Naselle bond issue

    Apr 11, 2013

    To The Eagle: As in the Wizard of Oz, voters need to pull the curtain back and have a look for themselves. Naselle School District is pushing back when voters say no, understand that, we’ve watered and fed that behavior, and it grew. No means no, no matter who says it. A few weeks ago I received a letter signed “Voters for Accountability”. This letter talked about various issues going on in our school. Although I agree with their concerns, I felt there were a number of issues not addressed. At the end of the day it comes back to the same issue...

  • No. 13-37

    Apr 11, 2013

    Wahkiakum County Notice of Determination of Nonsignificance Wahkiakum County issued a determination of nonsignificance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) for the following project: Install bank protection along Deep River Valley Road to alleviate erosion from Deep River East Fork. Project is located at mile post 2.1 of Deep River Valley Road, Naselle, WA 98638; Section 4, T10N, R8W, W.M.; application 2013-2-5. Proposed by Wahkiakum County Public Works After review of a completed environmental checklist...

  • Chicken dinner ahead in Rosburg

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Apr 11, 2013

    News from Naselle: The sports calendar for the Naselle Comet teams this week includes the following: Thursday- home baseball and fastpitch against Wishkah at 3:30 p.m. and track at Raymond at 4 p.m.; Monday- baseball and fastpitch at Ocosta at 3:30 p.m.; April 17- home middle school track at 4 p.m.; April 18- home track meet at 4 p.m. Go Comets! The Naselle-Grays River Valley School Board meets on April 16 at 6:30 p.m. for their regular meeting. Other news from the Westend: Would you like to hear about a holistic approach to medicine and wellne...

  • Appelo celebrating his 91st birthday

    Apr 11, 2013

    The Appelo Archive Center in Naselle will host a birthday reception for Carlton Appelo on May 11, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Appelo will be celebrating his 91st birthday. The public is invited to attend; refreshments will be served. Hosts ask people bring no gifts, but donations to the Archive Center will be welcomed....

  • Johnson Park a very busy facility

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Apr 4, 2013

    Wow, the sunshine has been wonderful. I even had the opportunity to mow the lawn over the weekend. Lots of other folks were doing the same, and the smell of new mown grass was in the air. Unfortunately, after the first mowing, you really have to keep up with the fast growing grass on a regular basis. Oh well, it’s actually relaxing to sit on the mower for a few hours and see the progress as you cut the tall grass. News from Naselle: Naselle-Grays River Valley students will be back in the classroom on April 8 after a week off for Spring b...

  • Lady Mules lose 16-6 to Mossyrock

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 28, 2013

    On Friday, the Mules softball team met Mossyrock at home for a double header. Mossyrock won the first game 16-6, but the second game was called in the fourth inning due to darkness. Starting Mule pitcher Tori Wegdahl struggled to find her rhythm. After two innings, Dallas Gott came in to relieve her, and Wegdahl moved to shortstop. “Dallas is a tremendously hard worker and really gives you her best efforts but even our best efforts couldn’t overcome Mossy’s strong bats,” said Coach Cindy F...

  • Westend voters can still register for April election

    Mar 28, 2013

    The deadline for mail-in or online voter registration passed on March 25, but people not yet registered to vote have until April 15 to register in person at the county elections department. In Wahkiakum County, voters can register in person at the Auditor’s Office located in the county courthouse. Wahkiakum County voters residing in the Naselle-Grays River School District are eligible to vote in the April 23 special election for an $8.1 million, 20-year school bond measure. Voters narrowly rejected it in the February election, with 55.5 p...

  • Mules top Comettes, lose 2 to Onalaska

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|Mar 21, 2013

    The Wahkiakum Mule softball team defeated Naselle and lost a Central League match to Onalaska in action this past week. On March 13, the Mules outscored the visiting Naselle Comettes 13-5. Pitcher Tori Wegdahl threw a complete game, striking out 12 batters and allowing only two hits. On offense, she hit a triple. Catcher Sam Boyce “did a great job defensively as well as offensively. She was a vacuum behind the plate,” said Coach Cindy Fudge. She hit a home run, two triples and a single. Mor...

  • High School Track and Field Results

    Mar 21, 2013

    March 14 at Naselle Men: Wishkah 111.75, Toledo 101.5, South Bend 94, Wahkiakum 53.5, Naselle 53, Ocosta 37.25, North River 25 Wahkiakum and Naselle results 100m--3. Dustin Eaton N 12.28; 6. Thorben Hubner W 12.46. 400m--3. Levi Wasmundt N 1:00.97. 800m--4. Aaron Miranda W 2:37.36. 1600m--2. Wasmundt N 5:18.46. 300m--3. Adam Vasion W 53.45. 400m relay--2. Wahkiakum (Jesús Crawford, Brady LaBerge, Nevan Bingham, Hubner) 2:52.81. 1600m relay--3. Wahkiakum (Vasion, Hubner, Miranda, Crawford) 4:13.66. Shot put--1. Chad Andring N 39-9; 5....

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