Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

(3179) stories found containing 'Naselle'

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  • The Eagle Calendar

    Mar 26, 2015

    THURSDAY Lecture Series, Cathlamet Community Center, 101 Main St., 10 a.m. - Noon. Preschool Story & Craft Time, Cathlamet Library, 4 p.m. Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Congregational Church, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. District No. 4 Fire Department, drill night, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, fire/ambulance, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, 7 p.m. Wahkiakum Fire District 2 Commissioners, Skamokawa Fire Hall, 7 p.m. AA meeting, Cathlamet Congregational Church, 7:15 p.m. Community Librar...

  • Easter egg hunt set for Saturday

    Trudy Fredrickson|Mar 26, 2015

    News from Naselle: Sports calendar for the Naselle Comet teams include: Thursday, track at Ilwaco at 3:30 p.m.; Monday, fast pitch and baseball at North Beach at 4 p.m.; Wednesday, middle school track at Raymond at 3:30 p.m.; Thursday, track meet at home in Naselle at 3:30 p.m., fast pitch and baseball at Pope John Paul at 4 p.m. Go Comets! ESA Alpha Theta will be holding its annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 4th at 11 a.m. sharp on the Naselle High School football field. Please bring your own container for gathering eggs. Lots of prizes and a...

  • Mandarin program continues

    Superintendent Lisa Nelson|Mar 26, 2015

    The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on March 17. The board approved the resignations of the following staff: Toni Smith, assistant cook; Tina Verhulst, bus driver, and Sean McNulty, cross-county coach. The board approved one year leave replacements for Seth Scrabeck, assistant fastpitch coach, and Karl Johnson, drama director. The board approved leaves of absence for Rebekah Wirkkala, fastpitch coach and assistant volleyball, and Barb Swanson, drama director. The board accepted the...

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Mar 19, 2015

    THURSDAY Lecture Series, Cathlamet Community Center, 101 Main St., 10 a.m. - Noon. Preschool Story & Craft Time, Cathlamet Library, 4 p.m. Rosburg Community Club, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Congregational Church, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Cathlamet First Aid Division, fire hall, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, First Aid Division, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, ambulance training, 7 p.m. Wahkiakum Fire District No. 4, 7 p.m. AA meeting, Cathlamet Congregational Church, 7:15 p.m. Community Library & Computer C...

  • Community calendar is full of fun events

    Trudy Fredrickson|Mar 19, 2015

    News from Naselle: Sports calendar for the Naselle Comet teams this week include: Thursday, track at South Bend at 3:30 p.m.; Friday, fast pitch and baseball at Ocosta at 4 p.m.; Tuesday, fast pitch and baseball with Wahkiakum in Naselle at 4 p.m.; Wednesday,middle school track at South Bend at 3:39 p.m., fast pitch and baseball at Warranton at 4 p.m. Go Comets! Students will be released at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday for inservice. A hearty congratulations to The Force, Naselle’s Knowledge Bowl team, for placing 7th in the state competition. Y...

  • Former coach leaves lasting impact on players

    Diana Zimmerman|Mar 19, 2015

    Post season basketball tournaments bring players old and new together, and Eagle writer Diana Zimmerman caught up with her former coach and Mule players. Photos and story by Diana Zimmerman "The difference between winning and losing is so close sometimes, Paul Dretsch said. "There is a lot of luck involved." The Wahkiakum High School girls basketball got its first dose of luck when Dretsch, a football player and wrestler raised in Minnesota, finished his teaching degree at Pacific Lutheran...

  • On the diamonds

    Diana Zimmerman|Mar 19, 2015

    On Tuesday, the Wahkiakum Mule baseball and softball teams met long time rivals Naselle in opening day play at home. The Mule baseball team who had been trailing early on, beat the Comets 4-3 in seven innings. Freshman Zach Brown pitched the first three innings, striking out six, and eighth grader James Anderson pitched the final four, striking out eight. Hank Ferguson went 2-2 at bat and and drove in two runs. Brown drove in the other two runs and was 1-2 at bat. Colton Mace went 1-2, Seth...

  • Spring School Sports Schedule

    Mar 19, 2015

    WHS Track & Field March 26 at Onalaska 28 at Centralia 10 a.m. April 2 WHS home meet, 3:30 p.m. 16 at Napavine 24 at Kalama 4 p.m. 30 at South Bend May 2 at Shelton Invitational 5 at Ilwaco Invitational 8 at Ridgefield 4 p.m. 15 Sub-District at 4 p.m. 21 District at Rainier 29-30, State at EWU, Cheney Meets start at 3:31 p.m. unless noted. Home meet in bold face. WHS Golf March 19 at Life Christian 23 Willapa Harbor 26 at Ilwaco 30 at Adna April 2 Adna, Ilwaco 16 North Beach 20 at Willapa Harbor 23 at North Beach 27 at Ilwaco (LCA) 30 Adna,...

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Mar 12, 2015

    THURSDAY Lecture Series, Cathlamet Community Center, 101 Main St., 10 a.m.-Noon. Preschool Story and Craft Time, Cathlamet Library, 4 p.m. TRSN Governing Board, TRSN office, Cathlamet, 1 p.m. District No. 4 Fire Department, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire District, No. 3 Commissioners, 7:30 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, fire training, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, 7 p.m. Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m. Puget Island Fire Department, drill night, 7 p.m. Port District No. 1, District Office, 500 2nd St., 5 p.m. Wahkiakum County Real Property...

  • Weekend menus have chicken, spaghetti

    Trudy Fredrickson|Mar 12, 2015

    It’s official, in my mind: Spring is here. I just found my first trillium blooming next to our driveway. Now it’s time to head into the woods and see if I can find the hundreds of trilliums that I was lucky enough to see last year. This year I will have my camera handy, so I can share. News from Naselle: Sports calendar for the Naselle Comet teams this week include: Tuesday, fast pitch and baseball at Cathlamet at 3:30 p.m.; Thursday, track at South Bend at 2:30 p.m. Go Comets! The Naselle-Grays River School Board will hold its regular mon...

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Mar 5, 2015

    THURSDAY Lecture Series, Cathlamet Community Center, 101 Main St., 10 a.m. - Noon. Preschool Story and Craft Time, Cathlamet Library, 4 p.m. Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, work night, 7:30 p.m. Puget Island Fire Department, drill night, 7 p.m. District No. 4 Fire Department, 7 p.m. Cathlamet Public Library Board of Trustees, 12:45 p.m. Rosburg Community Club, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Congregational Church, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Yoga Classes,...

  • Girl scout cookies, spaghetti on the menu

    Trudy Fredrickson|Mar 5, 2015

    News from Naselle: No sports events are scheduled for this week for the Naselle Comet teams, however the track season will be starting up soon. Students will have a day off on Friday, the 6th for their winter break and will return to classes on Monday, the 9th. Have you purchased your stash of Girl Scout Cookies yet? I got mine in the parking lot at Okie’s in Naselle last weekend, and I understand the girls will be there again this coming weekend. I also have information that girls will also be at Johnson’s One Stop in Naselle with cookies for...

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Feb 26, 2015

    THURSDAY Lecture Series, Cathlamet Community Center, 101 Main St., 10 a.m.-Noon. Preschool Story & Craft Time, Cathlamet Library, 4 p.m. Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m. District No. 4 Fire Department, drill night, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, fire/ambulance, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, 7 p.m. Wahkiakum Fire District 2 Commissioners, Skamokawa Fire Hall, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Congregational Church, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Yoga Classes, Grays River Methodist Church, 5-6:30 p.m. Art Group, Grays...

  • Great White Tail Run T-shirt design chosen

    Feb 26, 2015

    Emma Colombo, a sixth grade student in the Naselle -Grays River School District is the winner of the 31st annual Great White Tail Run design contest sponsored by the Wahkiakum 4-H Leaders Council. She will receive a t-shirt with her design and a monetary prize of $25. Second place is Micah Cenci, a 9th grade student in the Naselle Grays River School District and third is Malia Silva, a 4th grade student in the Wahkiakum School District. Both students will receive art supplies. Honorable mention recipients are Amanda Carroll, Courtney Carlson,...

  • 'Yes' votes mean a lot to staff, students, directors

    Feb 19, 2015

    To The Eagle: I would like to thank the voters of the Naselle-Grays River Valley School District for their recent support of our school’s Maintenance and Operations (M&O) levy. In this time of economic challenge, a ‘yes’ vote is of major significance and a tremendous sign of the value you place in our children’s future. Your ‘yes’ sends a message to every child and staff member that you believe in the power of education and community support. I am proud to represent a community that supports its school in this manner! On behalf of the student...

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Feb 19, 2015

    THURSDAY Lecture Series, Cathlamet Community Center, 101 Main St., 10 a.m. - Noon. Preschool Story and Craft Time, Cathlamet Library, 4 p.m. Cathlamet First Aid Division, Fire Hall, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, First Aid Division, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, ambulance training, 7 p.m. Wahkiakum Fire District No. 4, 7 p.m. Rosburg Community Club, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Congregational Church, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Yoga Classes, Grays River Methodist Church, 5-6:30 p.m. Art Group, Grays River...

  • Breakfast at GRVC Saturday

    Trudy Fredrickson|Feb 19, 2015

    Spring has certainly sprung it’s pretty head in the last few days, so let’s hope she sticks around for a little longer. The new babies being born on the farms sure seem to enjoy the sunshine. News from Naselle: The Naselle High School girls basketball team will travel to Sunnyside High School and play a Regional game with Sunnyside Christian on Saturday, the 21st at 1 p..m. Go girls! You can do it. Other news from the west end: This week’s Free Friday Night Movie in the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park is an action/adventure film...

  • News from Nordic Voices

    Feb 19, 2015

    Volunteers with Nordic Voices who interviewed 25 locals at the 2014 Finnish American Folk Festival have been busily transcribing those interviews. The first ones will be in the mail in the next week or two. Instructions will be included. The people who did these interviews had so much fun doing them, they have requested to return to Naselle May 29 and 30 to continue this project. The Appelo Archives Center is providing them with additional names and contact information. Those interviews will take place at the Naselle Lutheran Church. The...

  • Naselle/Grays River school board notes

    Superintendent Lisa Nelson|Feb 19, 2015

    The Naselle-Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors met for its monthly meeting on February 17, 2015. After approval of the minutes and authorizing general expenditures, the board conducted business on the following items: --Superintendent Lisa Nelson reported the District’s fund balance of $733,814 beginning the month of February. --Of particular note, the reader board panel at the entryway to the school will be replaced thanks to a generous donation from the Templin Foundation. Naselle-Grays River offered its thanks and a...

  • Naselle school honors students for kindness

    Feb 19, 2015

    The following students were selected as students of the month during the month of January for displaying kindness to others. Pictured left to right: Emily Gjovik, Emma Fauver, Elijah Fisher, Alexis Nortrup and Samantha Wert. Not pictured: Chloe Zimmerman....

  • Voters approve N/GRVSD school levy

    Rick Nelson|Feb 12, 2015

    Voters in the Naselle/Grays River Valley School District on Tuesday approved a three-year, $715,000 special levy for maintenance and operations. Total vote in Wahkiakum and Pacific County precincts was 418 yes, 205 no, 67 percent in favor. In Wahkiakum precincts, the vote was 129-97, 57 percent in favor, and in Pacific County, the vote was 289-108, 72.8 percent in favor. Election officers will count more mail-in ballots later this week. The levy's assessment would be $3.05 per $1,000 of assessed property value, one cent higher than the levy it...

  • Road closing next week for repair

    Rick Nelson|Feb 12, 2015

    The Hungry Highway in western Wahkiakum County will be closed three days next week so the county road department can repair slide damage. The closure is set for Tuesday through Thursday. The slope below the road, which connects the Salmon Creek and Upper Naselle River roads, slid away in a heavy rain storm January 5, forcing closure of a lane of travel and leaving utility lines hanging in open air. Public Works Director Pete Ringen said Tuesday that representatives of state and federal transportation agencies said they believe the repair will...

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Feb 12, 2015

    THURSDAY Lecture Series, Cathlamet Community Center, 101 Main St., 10 a.m.-Noon. Preschool Story & Craft Time, Cathlamet Library, 4 p.m. District No. 4 Fire Department, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire District No. 3 Commissioners, 7:30 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, fire training, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, 7 p.m. Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m. Puget Island Fire Department, drill night, 7 p.m. Port District No. 1, District Office, 500 2nd St., 5 p.m. Wahkiakum County Real Property Rights Advisory Board, Courthouse, 6 p.m. Senior Citizen...

  • Fundraising meals offer varied menus

    Trudy Fredrickson|Feb 12, 2015

    Even though we have had quite a bit of rain and wind, it looks like the warmer temperatures are telling the frogs to sing every night and the daffodils to bloom. I picked my first bouquet on Monday, and go to sleep each night to the frog songs. Ah, Spring is in the air. Naselle news: Sports calendar for Naselle Comet teams this week include: Saturday, District game for the girls basketball team with their opponent yet to be determined in Castle Rock at 7:30 p.m. Best of luck girls! Tuesday, middle school boys basketball with Ocosta in Naselle...

  • Naselle knowledge bowl team headed to state tournament

    Feb 12, 2015

    The Naselle High School knowledge bowl team, "The Force," competed at a regional knowledge bowl meet in Tumwater on February 5. During this meet, The Force squared off against 18 teams from 1B and 2B schools throughout Southwest Washington. The Force produced their strongest performance of the season in placing 5th overall and 2nd among 1B schools. This was good enough to qualify for the state knowledge bowl meet in Arlington on Saturday, March 14. The Force is comprised of seniors Abigail Bennett, Emily Gjovik, Brittany Waltemate, Amethyst...

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