Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 26
Wahkiakum Health and Human Services is reporting that two more Wahkiakum County residents have tested positive for covid-19, for a total of 22 confirmed cases. The two new cases have no known direct connection to the schools or day care, according to the press release. Both individuals have been advised to self-quarantine and people who were in immediate contact are being asked to do the same. WHHS is working to identify anyone who may have an exposure risk because of contact with these individuals. Those people with close contact will be...
A little over a week ago, the Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office was notified by Wahkiakum Health and Human Services that some of their employees had been in contact with two people who had tested positive for covid-19. “We’re talking close calls,” Howie said. “They were definitely with these people for a length of time. We did an emergency protocol, and made some changes in house.” Eight members of their staff were tested and went into self-quarantine. Seven have gotten the good news that t...
By Diana Zimmerman On Nov. 16, Wahkiakum School District learned that an individual at the school had tested positive for covid-19. On Monday, they learned that a second person, a member of the same tight cohort, had tested positive, as had a close personal contact who is not at the school. The district has posted a statement on their website, which says that both individuals from the school district are in self-quarantine, are symptomatic, and that the few people who had close contact during...
Wahkiakum Health and Human Services was notified on Monday that four more residents had tested positive for covid-19, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 20 in Wahkiakum County. Two were related to a case at Wahkiakum School District last week, one a member of the same tight cohort, another a family member. The other two cases have no known relation to the school district or to St. James Family Center. The four have been advised to self-quarantine and anyone in immediate contact...
By Diana Zimmerman When NovaLee Knopp joined the Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Department as a reserve deputy 20 years ago, she was surprised to learn that some of her duties came with the unofficial title of Elf. Surprise quickly turned to pleasure, as she came to appreciate The Star Program of Wahkiakum County, which was run by the sheriff's office, and helped bring Christmas to local families in need each year. Though she may no longer be a reserve deputy, she and her husband, John, might still...
The annual Winter Festival and Tree Lighting Ceremony is set for this Saturday, November 28 in downtown Cathlamet. Santa Claus will be at the Community Center from 3–6:30 p.m. and small family groups are welcome to stop by and say hello from the outside alcove. Because of covid-19, there will be no sitting on Santa’s lap this year, but the little ones are still welcome to talk to him, get a picture, and leave a Christmas list in the North Pole mailbox, which will be stationed nearby. He wil...
Throughout the fall season, The Eagle has printed letters to the editor reflecting a wide range of opinion. We have long been committed to providing that forum. Note that these, for the most part, are opinions. As seen on the increasingly widespread use of digital media such as Facebook and Twitter, some might well be labeled as lacking veracity. Moving on, there has been debate over the effectiveness of wearing masks to prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus. Our local, state and federal health professionals have all come to recommend the...
Last week's report on the meeting of the Cathlamet Town Council contained two errors. “Excise” tax is the correct term, not “excess tax;" and the council did not pass a motion to contract with ecological land services, it failed and was tabled....
To The Eagle: Local conservative reactionaries can be relied upon to rant that a national health care program (socialist medicine!) and tax laws that would impel the hyper-rich to pay their fair share ( Marxist redistribution of wealth!) will “turn us into another Venezuela,” but what’s really making us look like a banana republic lately is the President of the United States using the power of his office to try to overturn, by any means necessary, the fair and democratic election that will remove him from office. The integrity of this natio...
To The Eagle: We are frequent visitors to Erickson Park with our yellow lab Berkeley enjoying our walks around the park. The park is being well maintained and looks great. Kudos to the town’s landscape person for doing such a fine job maintaining our park. The restrooms are currently in need of repair and need new restroom doors installed! To discourage vandalism the town should consider installing a security video camera that will monitor the restroom and shelter areas. Additionally, placing more gravel in the parking lot to eliminate the m...
To The Eagle: Here we go again; another lockdown. I don’t like to label but it seems it’s mostly the Democrat states running the lockdown. President Trump is against lockdowns and would not order it saying it’s harmful to public health and the economy. We learned that to be true. He also would not mandate to wear masks; it’s our choice if we want to or not. The President encourages us not to let the virus dominate our life or be afraid of it. Look at him, he got it and he recovered as so many others. So what does our governor do? He completely...
To The Eagle: "If you give a man enough rope he will hang himself." Right now the election situation is entertaining me. I don't care who won. I do care if the system works. If Trump is right, and there was fraudulent events during the election: We need to know. A ship that has a hole will sink. Let's investigate. Make sure there aren't any holes. Best case scenario; no holes, ship is floating. Worst case scenario: the hull is designed like a collander and we all need to work together to fix it before we sink. Either way we are all still on a b...
To The Eagle: Democracy--count our votes! When did this country’s elections become corrupt? "Pennsylvania prevented us from watching much of the ballot count. Unthinkable and illegal in this country." "Nevada is turning out to be a cesspool of Fake Votes" and implied shocking revelations in that vein were imminent. "Georgia will be a big presidential win, as it was the night of the Election!" "Wisconsin is looking very good. Needs a little time statutorily. Will happen soon!" “REPORT: DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE. DAT...
On Friday, Wahkiakum Health and Human Services was awaiting test results for approximately 30 people who had been in close contact with the four Wahkiakum County residents that tested positive for covid-19 last week. Some were symptomatic, and WHHS Director Chris Bischoff believed it was likely that a portion of them would test positive. He was right. On Monday, four more Wahkiakum County residents tested positive. Two were related to a positive result at Wahkiakum School District, and two more...
What do music, magic, debating, basketball, and law all have in common? Meet Tom Garvey, Hanigan Law Office's newest associate. Garvey, 30, transplanted to Washington in 2015 after graduating from Kansas University with the initial interest of visiting his brother and getting to know the local music scene. His knack for research, stemming from a history of competitive debating, eventually led to pursuing Seattle University's legal writing program where he graduated in Spring 2020. Before launchi...
PRETTY WET--The beginning of last week was pretty doggone wet and we were happy to have a bit of dryness show up on Thursday so our "lakes" could recede from our fields before the next batch of rain comes falling down! With the King Tides, we saw a lot of water in the lowlands and places like Swedetown were seeing some pretty watery lawns and driveways. There were also some very impressive pictures being shared by folks regarding the massive waves on the coast which appeared to swallow up a lighthouse and another of the Coast Guard's...
Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, meetings and events usually listed here have been canceled or changed to online participation until further notice. The Eagle was advised of the following events: Online Recovery Meeting, Lower Columbia River Refuge Recovery. Mondays 6:30 p.m. Zoom ID 960 8413 9102. Community Center, Mon. 9-12 & 1-5. Tues-Thurs. 9-1. Friday by appointment. Cathlamet Library T-F 2-5 p.m. Covid restrictions enforced....
Washington's ocean beaches will remain closed to razor clam harvest until at least December 12 after test results on razor clams dug at Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Mocrocks and Copalis indicate levels of domoic acid that exceed the threshold set by state public health officials for safe consumption. “While levels remain too high for safe consumption on Washington’s ocean beaches, those levels have declined since the last test, and we hope to see that trend continue to the point where we can open,” said Dan Ayres, coastal shellfish manager with...
Learn to be a better home gardener and steward of the environment this winter with Washington State University Extension’s new online Home Horticulture Training program. Training focuses on a wide range of horticulture topics taught online by WSU faculty, staff, Master Gardeners, and other regional experts on Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., starting Jan. 9 and continuing weekly through Apr. 24. Training also includes access to WSU Extension’s online Master Gardener Training Modules and the extensive Master Gardener Manual. Those wis...
SR 4 Finally Open Back on January 23rd of 2020, most area residents remember when a good sized portion of a hillside slid, carrying rocks, mud and trees had fallen onto the roadway at mile point 25.5 on the KM Mountain. The hillside is now not actively moving and has been stabilized. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has already built a rock buttress at the bottom of the slide. To get an idea of how bad this landslide was watch the drone video of the slide: During the closure traffic had to use...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: November 16 – 1:27 p.m. A caller requested a welfare check on a Cathlamet resident who had not responded to any calls since October. 2:34 p.m. A caller reported that a tree was down and blocking both lanes of Altoona/Pillar Rock Road. 4:03 p.m. The Grays River ambulance aided an ailing Deep River resident. 4:45 p.m. A caller reported a boulder the size of a basketball in the westbound lane of SR 4 in the C...
The Wahkiakum Lions have chosen to honor Beau Carlson as the October Student of The Month. After a tramatic brain injury he is back in school and looking ahead to graduation and a future as a lineman or maybe a diesel mechanic. He likes living in a small community, enjoys hunting and loves his truck. Courtesy photo....
The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS) recently announced the recipients of 23 grants totaling $104,000 to advance the quality of life and enable economic development in communities served by members of NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association. Wahkiakum West Telephone has announced Wahkiakum Fire District Number 3 as one of these grant recipients. Wahkiakum Fire District 3 received $4,797 to purchase three Infrared Wi-Fi enabled cameras to be used for technologically advanced fire detection and for search and rescue emergencies. “Especially dur...
On Monday, crews reopened both lanes of State Route 4 west of Skamokawa, according to a report from the Washington State Department of Transportation. A landslide closed the highway last Jan. 23. On the following Feb. 8, crews reopened a single lane of the highway, keeping one lane closed for long term hillside stabilization work. Workers excavated sliding material and installed a rock key to hold the hillside in place. The location borders a similar project from a slide that occurred in February, 1996. While most of the construction is now...
Recreation and conservation lands managed by local, state and federal governments now can be viewed easily online in a new mapping application, the Recreation and Conservation Office announced November 21. The Public Lands Inventory Web app displays more than 18.8 million acres of public lands used for recreation or wildlife habitat in Washington. Information also is displayed about the type of use, owner, legislative district, year of acquisition, purchase price and acreage. “This map goes a long way to taking the mystery out of what land i...