Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 27
To The Eagle: Now another year has passed as have the many holidays on which we enjoy displaying our colorful national flag. It might be time to remember, however, that our flag has also a dark side, as have many other flags. We use our flag too often to drape the coffins of our young people whom we have sent to fight and die in parts of the earth where our military forces cannot prevail. So why do we keep sending them there? Over years? In one of Daily Astorian’s editorials last year we were reminded of President Eisenhower’s warning abo...
NICE BEGINNING--As the week begins, our Sunday morning was nothing but socked in fog for quite some time, but by lunch time, we had some nice sunshine, so that was quite enjoyable. I understand many parts of the area had sunshine on Saturday as well, but out here in West Valley, we didn't see any of it as it was gray and gloomy all day, so those who were elsewhere were quite lucky. After a brief rainy period, forecasters say we'll be in for more dry weather as the first month of this new year comes to an end. SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating bir...
When Wahkiakum County's new ferry arrives for duty at the end of February, it will carry light loads for a while. For a variety of reasons, upgrades to the ramps at Puget Island and Westport, Ore., landings won't be completed, Wahkiakum County Public Works Director Pete Ringen said last week. And the ramps may not be completely ready until March, possibly April, he said. Clatsop County is rebuilding the Westport ramp to accommodate the new, larger ferry. Ringen said the contractor experienced delays in approval of permits needed for the work....
All traffic on State Route 4 west of the community of Stella will alternate through a single lane between Stella and Bunker Hill Road (milepost 49.8) beginning Friday, Jan. 30. The Washington State Department of Transportation will close the eastbound lane for the safety of the traveling public until an aging bridge deck can be repaired. Flaggers will direct drivers to alternate through the westbound lane. This two-lane stretch of SR 4 was built in 1930, widened in 1950 and carries about 4,200...
Students at Julius A. Wendt Elementary School and John C. Thomas Middle School got a treat on Tuesday when the local Washington State University Extension Office and commercial fishermen got together to provide healthy and locally sourced salmon for their lunch. "We want to give the students an opportunity to get a taste of good fish," county Commissioner and fisherman Mike Backman said. "We're hoping to do this once a quarter or maybe once a month. We'll see how it goes and how much fish we...
Wahkiakum County commissioners expressed differing ideas Tuesday on how to move forward with the suggestion that Port District 2 assume management of the Wahkiakum County Fairgrounds and Fairgrounds Park. Commissioner Dan Cothren recently visited the Port District 2 board of commissioners to discuss the idea, and news of the talks caused concern among personnel and volunteers involved with the Wahkiakum County Fair. Those concerns came to the surface last week. Both county and port commissioners have emphasized they don't want to interfere...
To The Eagle: I would like to respond on behalf of Washington State Auditor Troy Kelley to Grays River Habitat Enhancement District Commissioner Poul Toftemark’s letter to the editor that appeared in your publication on January 22, 2015. Commissioner Toftemark asserts that “the Washington State Auditor demands a lengthy full report on our finances.” He is incorrect. It is the Washington State Legislature that requires local governments to file a financial report with the State Auditor’s Office within 150 days of the close of the local governmen...
Submitted by Robert Calkins, Captain, Washington State Patrol On January 4, 2015, troopers in Lewis County were called to a two vehicle collision on State Route 12 involving a passenger car and semi-truck. The driver of the passenger car, Mr. Jay Sume of Randle, was fatally injured when the vehicle he was driving crossed the center line, impacting the front of the semi-truck. The cause of the collision is still under investigation. This fatality collision presented another obstacle for troopers. The wife of Mr. Sume arrived on scene after...
In last week's edition, we incorrectly identified a Lady Mule basketball player. Savannah Burdick, not Baylee Olsen, was driving to the basket....
Local patrons got the chance to handle several different brands of tablets and reading devices last Friday at the Cathlamet Library when representatives from the Washington State Library in Tumwater stopped by with the tech goodies to provide training to library staff and volunteers in the morning and to the general public in the afternoon. "I think it's wonderful that the state bothered to come by a small community like this," local resident Craig Brown said. From 2-4 p.m., Washington State Lib...
On January 30, 1965, a quarter mile wide section of a cliff on the Oregon side of the Columbia slid into the river and caused a tsunami that struck Puget Island, killing a man and causing other damage. The Eagle will publish an article about the slide next week, and we're looking for stories from anyone who had a connection with it. Please contact reporter Diana Zimmerman by email,, or leave a telephone message at our office (360) 795-3391....
On February 2 at 6:30 p.m., Dr. Bob Buker will talk about greenhouse gardening. Dr Buker, a retired professor from Ohio State University, will discuss how to build an affordable greenhouse. The presentation will include how to greenhouse garden for best results. The class will be held for free in the Fair Exposition located in Longview on the Cowlitz County fairgrounds. The workshop is sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master Gardeners. For more information, contact Jessica Bischoff at 577-3014 Ext 0....
THURSDAY Financial Management, Community Senior Center, 100 Main St., 10 a.m. - Noon. Preschool Story and Craft Time, Cathlamet Library, 4 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, open meeting, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Congregational Church, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) GRVC at Johnson Park, activity room, 2 p.m. AA Meeting, Cathlamet Congregational Church, 7:15 p.m. Yoga Classes, Grays River Methodist Church, 5-6:30 p.m. Art Group, Grays River Methodist Church, social hall, 3-5 p.m. Open...
News from Naselle: Sports calendar for the Naselle Comet teams for the coming week: Saturday, girls basketball with MMK in Naselle at 5:45 p.m. followed by boys basketball with MMK at 7 p.m.; Monday, high school JV girls basketball at Three Rivers at 4 p.m. followed by middle school girl’s basketball at 5:45 p.m., middle school boys basketball at North Beach at 5:45 p.m. and high school V boys basketball at Three Rivers at 7 p.m.; Tuesday, JV boys basketball at Wishkah at 5:45 p.m. and girls basketball at Wishkah at 7 p.m.; Wednesday, middle s...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: January 20 — 1:42 a.m. Deputies responded to a report that an elderly Puget Island resident was missing. Search and rescue was activated and the resident was located and returned home at 3:04 a.m. 6:39 a.m. The Grays River ambulance responded to aid a Deep River resident with kidney pain. 9:59 a.m. A caller reported that a vehicle had been parked at County Line Park for several days. January 21 — 10:39 a.m...
Loggers, truck drivers and operators will gather once again on Saturday, January 31 at the Appelo Archives Center to celebrate the Center’s 5th Annual Old Time Loggers Reunion. Held annually, the reunion is intended to bring together timber industry workers of all ages and their families as well as other community members who want to honor the industry’s significance in the region. As is their tradition the Center will honor two locals, Harvey Johnson Jr. and Merlin Durrah. Each has a long history of working in the woods. Harvey Johnson Jr....
Evelyn Rosemary Dahl, of Cathlamet, died at home January 24, 2015, at the age of 81. She was born May 2, 1933 in Roseburg, Ore., to Lloyd H. and Irma C. (Moritz) Cornish. Evelyn graduated from Sutherlin High School in Sutherlin, Ore., and was a purchasing agent for a nationwide construction company. She retired from Seattle to Cathlamet in 2001. After retirement she worked for a local law office for 13 years. In her youth she was active with Girl Scouts, was a Job’s Daughter Past Honored Queen and Eastern Star with her parents who were very d...
The Wahkiakum County Fire Protection District #4, with the Cathlamet Fire/EMS Department and the Kiwanis Club of Cathlamet will hold a charity fundraiser for the Kiwanis-Doernbecher Children’s Cancer Research Program. The drive will be held Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Cathlamet Chevron Station on SR 4 (Fire Dept, #4) and Cathlamet Market & Liquor on Main St., Cathlamet (Cathlamet Fire Dept./EMS). Funds raised support research to treat and prevent deadly cancers in children and youth. Many in Wahkiakum C...
Sandy Gros is an 18 year old senior from a town outside of Stuttgart, Germany called Bruchsal. She has already finished her senior year at home but wanted to have an adventure through an exchange program after a friend had a great year in Texas. The only child of a Croatian mother and a Serbian father speaks English comfortably and is adding to her language acquisition by studying Spanish at Wahkiakum High School. One day she may add Croatian to her repertoire as well. She admits she doesn't hav...
Wahkiakum Lady Mule Tori Wegdahl, daughter of Stacey and Mike Wegdahl, signed a letter of intent to play volleyball at Walla Walla Community College last Wednesday. Coach Rob Garrett sang her praises and hoped she would consider playing basketball as well. Wegdahl plans to study nursing....
Just a few quick notes about what is going on at JA Wendt Elementary School. The PTO will host Movie Night on January 30 at 6 p.m., at the elementary school, in the multi-purpose room. Concessions will be available, donations will be appreciated and the movie showing will be “Dolphin Tale 2.” Starting the Week of February 2 we will be hosting an “Ibreakfast the Parfait Way” contest. All Students are welcome to join in the activity. It will also be for the Middle and High School students. All students that would like to partake in the Ibreakf...
OLYMPIA—School districts around Washington are priming their fiscal pumps in coming weeks, asking local constituents to support special maintenance and operations tax propositions to maintain current programs, as well as bond measures to support facilities development and transportation needs. Meanwhile, at the state Capitol, lawmakers have yet to come to grips in the early days of the 2015 legislative session with education financing plans to meet the state Supreme Court’s mandate that they must fully fund basic education as defined in the sta...
CAP & AARP Tax Aides expecting confusion due to new health care plans Lower Columbia Community Action Program (CAP) and the AARP Volunteer Tax Aides are partnering again this year to provide free tax assistance in Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties, starting with “Super Refund Saturday,” January 31, at the Longview Public Library, 12:30-4 p.m. Following Saturday’s launch, a free tax clinic will be offered at Cathlamet Monday, February 9, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Wahkiakum Health and Human Services, 42 Elochoman Valley Road. Call for appoi...
On February 7, 10 a.m., Billie Bevers, Washington State University Master Gardener, will discuss the skills needed for raising Mason Bees. Orchard Mason Bees are highly effective pollinators that are very non-aggressive. They become active in early spring when apple and pear trees begin flowering. The two hour class covers equipment, seasonal management, bee biology and management of pests. Cost for the course is $30 per person. Participants will receive a Mason Bee house and cocoons of hibernating Mason Bees. The program, sponsored by...