Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Articles from the April 14, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 28

  • Diking district strives to keep the Island dry

    Diana Zimmerman|Apr 14, 2022

    The Puget Island Diking District maintains 19.3 miles of dike and six pump houses as part of a flood protection system for the homes and properties that make up the 3,585 acres on Puget Island and 480 acres of Little Island. It takes people, mostly volunteers, and money to manage and maintain it. "People need to realize what we do, because a lot of people think all we do is collect taxes and pay the electricity bill on the pump houses," Puget Island Diking District Commissioner Tony Aegerter...

  • Three arrested, one sought for burglaries

    Apr 14, 2022

    Three individuals have been arrested and charged with involvement in a string of burglaries in Wahkiakum County, and one more is the subject of an arrest warrant. Christopher Damitz who is considered transient, is in custody awaiting a trial in May. He has been charged with two counts of burglary in the second degree, two counts of identity theft in the second degree, one count of assault in the third degree, one count of making or having burglar tools, one count of possession of another person’s identification, and one count of resisting arres...

  • Island residents seek expanded milfoil eradication

    Rick Nelson|Apr 14, 2022

    As the Wahkiakum County Noxious Weed Control Board prepares to eradicate aquatic weeds in Birnie Slough, Puget Island residents asked Tuesday to expand the planned area for application. The weed board has targeted Birnie Slough for treatment this summer. Last year, the program went after aquatic weeds in Welcome Slough on Puget Island and at the Elochoman Slough Marina. However, on Tuesday, former county Commissioner Mike Backman led a group of Island residents in asking that the county consider expanding the area to include waters upstream...

  • Covid-19 update

    Diana Zimmerman|Apr 14, 2022

    There have been no new cases of covid-19 officially reported in the last week, and the cumulative number of cases in Wahkiakum County stands at 309, with zero active cases known. The Washington Department of Health is reporting 30 hospitalizations and six deaths attributed to covid-19 in the county. According to Wahkiakum Health and Human Services Director Chris Bischoff, the dominant strain of covid-19 in the United States and other parts of the world is the BA.2 version of omicron. "Case...

  • Why attraction to 'strongmen'

    Apr 14, 2022

    To The Eagle: Not to be confused with strong men. In 1956, USSR brutally, with tanks and heavy force, put down an attempt by Hungarians to regain their freedom to choose. I was 12 years old, living in Denmark, and remember so vividly mine and others’ hope for USA to come and intervene. In 1991 Hungary finally got rid of Russian troops. Their elections went from flawed to now basically a farce, re-electing a Putin lover, for a third term, we had one such. Meanwhile their neighbor Ukraine, finally achieved Democracy in 2014, which Putin and R...

  • Oil is a complex and intricate global market

    Apr 14, 2022

    To The Eagle: The two proponents of the price gouging oil baron theory (last week’s Eagle letters) at least stumbled into “close but no cigar” territory. What the Trump administration got us into was genuine energy independence by making us an overall net oil exporter. Oil is truly a complex and intricate global market with lots of players and moving parts, so there will always be imports and exports. We had gained the advantage of being able to pick and choose our imports and exports, making oil into our proverbial “big stick” in the sanct...

  • Recent letter confuses this reader

    Apr 14, 2022

    To The Eagle: I found a recent letter by an apparently distressed gentleman to be both confusing and strange. There is much mention on this occasion, as there has been in his previous letters, about self flagellation, recrimination and masochism. He asks “Would a majority of our population, 20 years ago, be okay with two and a half million migrants crossing our southern border last year?” Who knows? Let’s just note that the Trump administration allowed the largest flows of migration at the U.S-Mexico border since the mid-2000s. Must be good. Tr...

  • What healthy relationships should look like

    Apr 14, 2022

    To The Eagle: This story can be about any two or more people in a relationship, whereby one person feels they are being oppressed by another: There was a young woman who came from a very abusive home. She wore a brave face and appeared normal on the outside but inside, she was scared and lonely. One day, she met a young man. He was kind, charming, attentive and gave her compliments. Before long, they started spending most of their time together. Gradually, he started to say things that made her feel uncomfortable. He became increasingly...

  • Arizona voters did not commit fraud

    Apr 14, 2022

    To The Eagle: The most closely watched attempt by Republicans to examine the 2020 presidential election in a battleground state lost by former President Donald Trump is coming to an embarrassing end in Arizona. These reviews go by various names: “audits” or “investigations,” sometimes with the word “forensic” attached. But their scope is not always well-defined or understood, even by those pushing them, and they really have one goal: to validate Trump's baseless claims that widespread fraud cost him the election, regardless of what the reviews...

  • June, 2021, heat dome desiccates local forests

    Apr 14, 2022

    By Glenn Kohler, Forest Entomologist, Rachel Brooks, Forest Pathologist, Matt Provencher, Service Forestry Program Manager Washington Department of Natural Resources In summer 2021, from June 26 to 28, an extreme heat wave hit the Pacific Northwest. Known as a "heat dome," it caused damage to new foliage and buds of several conifer species across at least 84,000 acres in western Washington. This heat wave was unprecedented in the region's history. Temperatures steadily built up to extraordinary...

  • Brent Hennrich seeks Dist. 3 seat in Congress

    Diana Zimmerman|Apr 14, 2022

    An informal conversation with Brent Hennrich, a Democratic candidate running for the position of U.S. Representative for District 3, was held on Saturday at Maria's Place in Cathlamet. Hennrich said his concerns included the climate crisis, which they spent much of the hour talking about, and making sure people were provided "equitable whole person health care," expanding access to education, and making sure that "overall we are doing more good for more people more often, every day in Congress."...

  • Election 2022 Dan Bigelow announces candidacy for prosecutor

    Apr 14, 2022

    Wahkiakum County Prosecuting Attorney/Coroner Dan Bigelow on Monday announced he would seek re-election to the office again this year for a fifth term. "Being elected to this position is the greatest honor I have ever had or ever hope to have," he said in a written announcement. "And certainly, during the last four turbulent years, I have worked harder than I have ever worked or ever hope to work! "I believe that work has paid off. Thanks to the efforts of a lot of people in our local government and a whole bunch of people outside it, I think...

  • Lots of Easter events happening this weekend

    Kay Chamberlain|Apr 14, 2022

    NEW CONTACT INFO--I’ve been “out of the loop” lately, and my former email address is no longer working and I can’t contact everybody all over again, so I’ve opted to put my new email address on here for those of you who would rather contact me that way: Here’s hoping this computer stays up and running! COLD START--As I begin this column, the hills around us are white and we even had some snow on the windshield of our rigs this morning, so when they said that snow levels were dropping, I guess they weren’t kidding! Folk...

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Apr 14, 2022

    THURSDAY Walking Group, Community Center, Cathlamet, 9 a.m. Food Addicts, Hope Center, 3rd & Maple, Cathlamet, 6-7 p.m. Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Puget Island Fire Department, drill night, 7 p.m. Port District No. 1, 500 2nd St., 5 p.m. District No. 4 Fire Department, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire District No. 3 Commissioners, 7:30 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, fire training, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, 7 p.m. Westside Play & Learn Group, Valley Bible Church, 9-11:30 a.m. Eastside Play &...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Apr 14, 2022

    Photo of the Week: It's hard to get grass cut when it rains and sleets and snows in April. I'm hoping, dear readers, that you won't judge me as irresponsible if my yard appears to be more field than yard. Not only was there snow, as seen in the photo looking north off Covered Bridge Road, but a tree in my front yard also came down last week. It just leaned over in the wind and landed in the yard without touching the house or decks. I'm so grateful for that. I tried for a couple days to find...

  • Sheriff's Report, April 14, 2022

    Apr 14, 2022

    April 3 — 1:45 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance aided an individual with high blood pressure. He refused transport to the hospital. 9:33 a.m. Two horses were loose and in the middle of Elochoman Valley Road. 1:41 p.m. A caller asked for assistance after getting locked out of a vehicle. 4:11 p.m. A sewer alarm was activated in the Skamokawa area. 4:24 p.m. The Cathlamet ambulance aided a Puget Island resident with kidney issues. 8:34 p.m. The Cathlamet ambulance aided an individual at Vista Park with chest pain. April 4 — 1:34 a.m. A Rosburg res...

  • Carol Cole

    Apr 14, 2022

    Carol Wood Cole, 80, of Cathlamet, passed away April 1, 2022. Carol was born to John and Lillian Reynolds on July 30, 1941 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Carol met her husband, Wayne, at a party in March of 1968 and he proposed to her on their second date. They were married June 14, 1968. She is survived by their loving children Spencer and Elizabeth Cole. Carol spent her career as a Registered Nurse. She graduated from University of Cincinnati with a BSN and later in life completed her Master of Public H...

  • Quin Bassi

    Apr 14, 2022

    Quin Don Bassi, 72 of Skamokawa, died April 6, 2022 at his home. He was born March 10, 1950 in Puyallup to Henry and Mary (Ryden) Bassi. He graduated from Puyallup High School in 1968 and began commercial fishing and working on charter boats. He fished in Alaska until 2007. After high school he was a bucking bronco rider in rodeos for several years. He also logged in Larson Bay and Kodiak, Alaska. On October 2, 2004 he married his wife, Connie. He enjoyed trips to Mexico and Jamaica. He loved his family and especially enjoyed time with his...

  • White Tail Run art contest winners announced

    Apr 14, 2022

    Janessa Tarabochia, a 9th grader at Wahkiakum High School was the winner of the 38th annual art contest for the Great White Tail Run. Her design was selected from 148 entries submitted by students within the Naselle-Grays River Valley and Wahkiakum School Districts. She will receive $25 and a shirt with her winning entry. Second place was awarded to Jaden Baldino, an 8th grade student at Naselle Grays River Valley Middle School. Third place award went to Anita Doubilo, a 4th grade student at J.A. Wendt. Jaden and Anita will receive art...

  • Coin show set for April 30

    Apr 14, 2022

    The Cowlitz Coin Club of Longview-Kelso will celebrate its 52nd coin show April 30 at the AWPPW Hall, located at 724 15th Avenue in Longview. Show hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and admission, parking and dealer appraisals are all free. At the show, the public can buy, sell and trade coins, currency, tokens and medals from numerous Pacific Northwest dealers. There will be hourly drawings, along with a raffle for a half-ounce American Gold Eagle coin and five one-ounce American Silver Eagle coins. You do not need to be present to win the raffle...

  • Klahowya Youth Volunteer Program offered April 16

    Apr 14, 2022

    Lewis and Clark National Historical Park offers a session on wood carving from 10-2 p.m. Saturday, April 16, as part of the park’s Klahowya Youth Volunteer program. The free workshops will be held at the Fort Clatsop Visitor Center. Sessions are limited to 10 high school or high school age participants. Pre- registration is required. Food and snacks will be provided. Instruction will take place inside and outside, so warm and waterproof layers are encouraged. Wood carving on the Northwest coast occurred prior to the Corps of Discovery’s sta...

  • STEAM kits available at the library

    Apr 14, 2022

    The last set of free STEAM kits for children ages 3-8 are available at the Cathlamet Library starting April 12. The theme is Beads--create your own bead bracelets! Parents are asked to fill out a short online survey to say what their children learned from the kit, or fill out and return a paper survey from the library. Kits courtesy of the Washington State Library. Free home COVID test kits are still available (two kits per person). It is now an option for healthy patrons to enter the library...

  • CWCOG housing needs survey available

    Apr 14, 2022

    The Cowlitz Wahkiakum Council of Governments (CWCOG) is asking residents to complete a short survey to assess the housing needs and issues of availability and affordability in Cowlitz and Wahkiakum Counties. The Housing Needs Assessment Survey includes questions related to your current living situations, are you renting/owning, size, and satisfaction, among others. The results will be used region-wide to support new housing opportunities focused on the needs, challenges and hopes of local residents. The deadline for the Housing Needs Analysis S...

  • Disaster assistance deadlines nearing

    Apr 14, 2022

    Low-interest federal disaster loans are now available to Washington businesses, nonprofit organizations, renters, and residents as a result of the winter flooding that occurred Jan. 5-16, 2022. The Agency Declaration covers Lewis County and the contiguous Washington counties of: Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, Wahkiakum and Yakima. The SBA deadline to apply for physical damage loans is April 18, 2022. For Economic Injury Disaster Loans, the deadline is November 15, 2022. People are encouraged to complete the SBA...

  • Poetry open mic set for April 19

    Apr 14, 2022

    To celebrate April’s National Poetry Month, Dayle Olson has partnered with River Mile 38 Brewing Company to host what they hope will become an annual event, Cathlamet Poetry Open Mic. In 2020, just before the pandemic hit, there were plans to devote an entire April weekend to poetry in Cathlamet, including a poetry reading by then-Washington State poet laureate, Claudia Castro Luna. Cathlamet resident and poet Dayle Olson was ready with a line-up of local readers, venues and posters to publicize the event. But it never happened. To heal that d...

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