Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 31
Wahkiakum Youth football came away with another big win October 9 against a much larger team, 13 to 8. We struggled getting our offense on track so we only rushed for 138 total yards with Hank Ferguson carrying the load,18 carries for 117 yards one touchdown and the extra point run. Zach Brown scored the other one following his blockers on a quarterback sweep for 10 yards early in the second quarter. Defensively we struggled and allowed 55 yards on five carries and the only touchdown Athletes Corner would score on their first possession. After...
The Wahkiakum Mule varsity volleyball team split another pair of matches with Central League opponents this past week. Last Thursday, the Mules swept Morton/White Pass in straight sets. Scores were 25-14, 25-23, 25-18. At the net, Blaine Land had 12 kills; Amy Gawith had five kills, and Ashley Silva and Caitlin Nicolazzi added two kills apiece. Nicolazzi had three blocks and five soft blocks. Madison LaBerge and Brieanna Olsen led the team in service points and serving percentage. Land and Brieanna Olsen each made 18 assists. On Tuesday, visiti...
The Raymond Gulls got on top of the scoreboard early and held on for a 27-20 non-league football win over the visiting Wahkiakum Mules last Friday. The Mules took the initial lead with a 92-yard touchdown run by Kyle Bergquist. The Gulls controlled most of the game from that point on and put four touchdowns on the board, one on an interception return. The Mules scored twice in the fourth quarter. The first touchdown came on a 45-yard pass play from Brandon Fudge to Ryan Helms. Wyatt Parker scored late in the quarter on a four-yard run. "The...
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WAHKIAKUM PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of: ) ) No. 10-4-00014-0 ) ELBER E. SAMUELS, ) PROBATE ) NOTICE TO Deceased. ) CREDITORS ) (RCW 11.40.030 ) The Co-Personal Representatives named below have been appointed as Co-Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.07...
WET AND NASTY--We are still seeing heavy rains and nasty weather, but that was nothing compared to the weekend storms that rolled through the area; not fit for man nor beast out there! I don't remember when we've had that long of a thunder and lightning event, but it was pretty spectacular. With a foot of snow in the mountains already and a couple of more feet expected, you may need to rethink any travel plans across the passes; keep the chains in the trunk and your emergency kit stocked up as well. If this is a sign of the winter to come, it...
October 25, 2010 Michael Sullivan, judge State versus Lisa Rene Moody: The defendant was charged with two counts of theft in the third degree. The state alleges she and her husband, who was charged separately, used a gasoline card belonging to the Cathlamet Fire Department First Aid Division to buy fuel for their personal vehicle without permission. Arraignment was continued to November 8, and a jury trial was scheduled from January 18. State versus Karl Van Kleeck Moody: The defendant was charged with one count of theft in the third degree. Th...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: October 18--9:36 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance responded to aid a woman who needed transportation to a hospital. 11:01 a.m. A motorist reported a car had sustained lots of damage when it ran over a rock on SR 4 at Milepost 38; the state patrol was notified. 3:19 p.m. A Cathlamet resident reported being harassed; a deputy made contact. 10:03 p.m. A Rosedale resident said it appeared a man was under someone's hou...
Pauline A. Setala was born on April 29, 1916 to Mary Saari and Gust Forsman at the family farm in Rosburg. She passed away August 10, 2010 at University Place Care Center in Tacoma. She went to a one room school house on Eden Valley Road. She had to walk several miles on cow trails through woods and farm lands to get to school. She was of Finnish/German heritage. Finnish was spoken at home and she learned the English language when she went to school. She continued with school up to the eighth grade and then stayed home to help on the family...
The arena surface received some serious attention last week! Neil Beerbower rototilled the whole arena (it took Neil over six hours) his goal is a uniform surface that is ideal for horse riding. We still need to add more dirt, sand and sawdust , then spend many hours driving tractor to get it just right. Before you ride, please spend a little time removing rocks from the arena. We have placed two big cans in the arena for riders to put the rocks into. If there is a 4-H club that could help remove the rocks please call me and we can pick a day...
The Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Office and Wahkiakum County Coroner's Office on Wednesday afternoon recovered the body believed to be that of a man who fell off his sailboat on October 10. According to a statement released October 20 by Coroner Dan Bigelow, the body was recovered in the afternoon on the south shore of Coffee Pot Island after having been reported by an area boater. The body matches the description of the missing man, Arlie M. Hoefling of Aurora, Ore.; it also carried his identification. His family was notified later that day. An...
Tis The Season Main Street’s newest business, ‘Tis the Season, opened Tuesday morning. Sisters Ashley Jones and Auburn Seal, their mother Vicky Keys, and their grandmother Fran Vandegrift are the owners. The boutique, which carries seasonal merchandise, candles, and scrapbooking supplies, will observe the Halloween season with its first organized scrapbooking event this Saturday, the day before Halloween. The Eagle spoke with Auburn Seal on Tuesday about her family’s hopes and dreams for their business. Why did you decide to open a busin...
Deege Insurance and Financial Services, LLC, has added specialists and a new face to the crew at the company's Cathlamet office. Cathlamet native Eric Schwarze has joined the firm as an insurance specialist. He worked many years in lumber sales but recently switched to insurance. He will work full-time out of the Cathlamet office. Dennis Rhodes, who has a 33-year career in business administration and insurance, joined the Deege Insurance staff in July as a specialist in insurance and financial products. He works out of the firm's Cathlamet and...
Hans Peter Ahlberg came to Grays River in 1875. Having a green thumb, Mr. Ahlberg planted many European and Midwestern trees on his own land and around the valley. Hardwoods like Elm were useful for creating milking stools and other durable farm tools. In 1902, Mr. Ahlberg was the force behind starting the Grays River Grange. Not only is this institution going strong, many of Ahlberg's trees still stand. There are mature elms next to our hall and at the Grange maintained Meserve Park. Unfortunately, in 2008 one of the grand elms succumbed to...
As Wahkiakum County officials began working on their 2011 budgets, they received a report from the state Department of Natural Resources on Tuesday regarding potential income from logging on trust timber lands. Steve Ogden, newly promoted manager of the agency's lower Columbia district, said income could hit $1.6 million this year, up from the $1.1 million the county commissioners anticipated a year ago when they wrote the 2010 budget. The income goes to the county's Current Expense Fund, which finances most county offices. Ogden said purchaser...
A Cathlamet couple has been charged with using a Cathlamet Fire Department credit card to buy gasoline for their personal vehicle. The couple, Karl and Lisa Moody of Cathlamet were charged in court on Monday; arraignment was continued to November 8. Karl Moody, a fire department member who has been on leave for about three years because of illness, has been charged with one count of theft in the second degree, and Lisa Moody has been charged with two counts. Law enforcement officers said First Aid Division Captain Beau Renfro learned one...
Wahkiakum County officials agreed Tuesday to explore the feasibility of constructing a public housing project. Chris Holmes, county mental health program supervisor, presented the recommendation to the board of commissioners. A group of citizens and county staffers have been meeting since early 2009 on housing issues. Survey data shows a declining trend in homelessness, he said, but the county probably won't hit its goal, which the commissioners set in 2006, of reducing the rate of homelessness by 50 percent in 2015. In a written report, the...
The Wahkiakum School District Board of Directors acted on a variety of issues at its monthly meeting October 20, including backing off on a restrictive policy about non-team members riding buses to extra-curricular events. In September, the board heard reports about the practice in which children of coaches or friends of staff or the bus driver accompanied the teams on bus trips. The board said the practice should end. However, last Wednesday, three bus drivers presented a case for allowing the practice. They said drivers need flexibility to...
Robert Michael Pyle will be launching his newest book, Mariposa Road, at the next WordFest gathering on November 2, at 6 p.m. at The Brits restaurant in Longview. Pyle, a Yale-trained naturalist living in Grays River, is the author of 14 books, including Chasing Monarchs, Where Bigfoot Walks, and Wintergreen. He will be discussing and reading from Mariposa Road, which relates his travels in 2008, when he set out to see as many North American butterflies as he could in one year. He relates the people, experiences, as well as butterflies he...
To The Eagle: As a retired public safety officer who served a major metropolitan area of California where liquor was available at all but four hours of the morning, 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., and had to respond to the consequences of that open market, I'm concerned that too many Washington voters have overlooked the most tragic potential of privatizing liquor sales in our state, initiative measure 1100 and 1105. I agree with the current sheriffs in Wahkiakum and Cowlitz counties as well as the current prosecuting attorneys in both counties who oppose...
To The Eagle: On Monday, November 1, supporters of Cathlamet Library will meet with Wahkiakum Board of County Commissioners, at 3 p.m., to request reinstatement of funding for the county’s public library in the form of $3000 for 2011. Wahkiakum County provided financial support for the library for over 15-years, until 2008. Rationale for the request includes the fact that over 60 percent of the library’s card holders do not live in Cathlamet town limits and pay taxes to support the library. Support of $3000 represents less than 10 percent of...
To The Eagle: A great American resource and bulwark of the American way of life has been withering on its branches and is now in danger of falling from the tree of liberty entirely, unless we get together and help it, now. I'm talking about your public library. Overstating the case a bit with that dramatic intro, you might be thinking? Think again. America is not just a place name on the world map. It is above all, about you, the story that is your life, and the billions of stories of all the people of this nation whose experiences and ideas ha...
To The Eagle: Throughout this month of October, The Charlotte House hopes you have noticed the large purple ribbons lining Main Street and on various businesses as well as individual homes. As October and Domestic Violence Awareness Month comes to an end, the ribbons will come down but our work to end violence against women, and to keep families and individuals safe continues. We hope the awareness continues as well. Why is awareness important? Domestic violence continues to be misunderstood and shrouded in secrecy and shame. It is painful to t...
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WAHKIAKUM PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of: ) ) No. 10-4-00016-6 ) HENRY P. JOHNSON, ) PROBATE ) NOTICE Deceased. ) TO CREDITORS ) (RCW 11.40.030) The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW...
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR WAHKIAKUM COUNTY In the matter of the Estate of ) ) No. 10-4-00015-8 LILLY E. OUGENDAL, ) ) PROBATE NOTICE Deceased. ) TO CREDITORS ) RCW 11.40.030 The personal representative named below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the persona...
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Wahkiakum Cemetery District No. 2 will hold a public meeting on Monday, November 8, 2010, at the Skamokawa Fire Hall, to discuss the District's proposed 2011 budget and conduct other business. The public is invited to attend. Irene Martin, Secretary, Wahkiakum Cemetery District No. 2. Publish October 28 and November 4, 2010...