Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Articles from the October 23, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 33

  • Commissioners hear requests; extend refuge road closure

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Oct 23, 2014

    Wahkiakum County commissioners heard a variety of reports and requests at their meeting Tuesday: --Cathlamet resident Ora Prestegard asked what the county could do to help establish a clean and sober house for people recovering from substance abuse; --After discussion with US Army Corps of Engineers Project Manager Gail Saldana, the board agreed to extend the closure of Steamboat Slough Road to allow a contractor to complete work on the Julia Butler Hansen National Wildlife Refuge setback dike; --Commissioners rejected a request from District...

  • Mules down Vikings on last second play

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Oct 23, 2014

    Joey Moore caught a 5-yard pass from Gunnar Blix as time expired to give the Wahkiakum Mules an 18-13 win over the visiting Mossyrock Vikings. The Mules battled adversity all game as steady rain made ball handling treacherous. Mossyrock scored at 5:23 of the first quarter after getting a Mule fumble at the Mules' 20-yard line. The conversion kick gave the Vikings a 7-0 lead. In the second quarter, the scene repeated as the Mules fumbled away at their own 20 and the Vikings scored at 4:44. The...

  • Council planning town hall on sewer rates

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Oct 23, 2014

    Members of the Cathlamet Town Council acted on a variety of business when they met Monday. The council will hold a town hall meeting November 10, 6 p.m., in the River Street Meeting Room, to discuss hookup fees for sewer and water systems. A Rosedale business man has suggested the county and town discuss and update utility line connection fees in the Rosedale area served by the Boege Road line. The town and county, which funded the extension, charge different fees. The town's is lower to encourage connections, of which there have been few, if...

  • School board has busy agenda

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|Oct 23, 2014

    The Wahkiakum School District Board of Directors approved several action items on the agenda at Tuesday's meeting. The district agreed to an interlocal agreement that will allow Wahkiakum County PUD to replace a failing light pole that illuminates the field at the high school as soon as football season ends. The board then heard about a one year interlocal agreement with ESD 112 to host the STEPS (Student Transition Educational Program Services) program which, according to Superintendent Bob Gar...

  • October is Disaster Preparedness Month

    Beau Renfro, Wahkiakum County Emergency Services Coordinator|Oct 23, 2014

    The Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Department of Emergancy Management (DEM) is happy to announce that October is Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month. Each week in October I am discussing a different aspect of being prepared. This week I am going to discuss the second component of being prepared “Creating a Plan” and an upcoming test of the Emergency Community Notification System (ECNS). Your family may not be together when a disaster strikes, so it is important to plan in advance: how you will get to a safe place; how you will...

  • Writer offers version of Sandy Hook killings

    Oct 23, 2014

    To The Eagle: Allow me to present a short list of things that indicate the ‘alleged’ Sandy Hook school shooting was no shooting at all, but an ‘enhanced’ FEMA drill that went viral on the national media. The school itself had been flooded more than once and had been shut down. Many first responders went to the wrong school, the one where former Sandy Hook students would have been. There were portable restrooms on site. There was an enormous number of cases of bottled water on hand. There was a sign that said you must sign in. A large number...

  • Couple endorses Howie for sheriff

    Oct 23, 2014

    To The Eagle: We first met Mark Howie shortly after we bought our home. Mark and his wife, Deb, were on a leisurely drive in the country and pulled into our driveway to introduce themselves, welcome us to Cathlamet, and to thank us for putting so much effort into transforming our home. He mentioned how much he loves Wahkiakum county and that he loves seeing people take pride in where they live. Mark mentioned that he worked for the Sheriff’s office, and asked if we had any problems or concerns. We told him that it was a little scary to walk a...

  • Wahkiakum PUD busy with budgets, projects

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|Oct 23, 2014

    Auditor Erin Wilson outlined the proposed 2015 budgets for the electric system and the Puget Island and Western Wahkiakum Water Systems during a budget hearing, and General Manager Dave Tramblie apprised commissioners of completed projects and coming plans at Tuesday’s Wahkiakum County PUD board meeting. A resolution to approve the 2015 budget was tabled after clarification and discussion of some line items, but Commissioner Bob Jungers declared the undertaking “ fairly bloodless.” The commi...

  • Hunters discuss elk hoof rot disease

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|Oct 23, 2014

    Dr. Boone Mora spoke to a roomful of hunters concerned about the health of the local elk population, whose numbers are being reduced by hoof rot disease. Mora, who had a career in public health and studied infections and communicable diseases for the Center for Disease Control believes the hoof rot is being caused by leptospirosis. Leptospirosis is transmitted by the urine of an infected animal. According to Mora, elk will choose to lie down in urine soaked areas and wallow in puddles filled wit...

  • Mark Howie seeks re-election

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|Oct 23, 2014

    Sheriff Mark Howie, who is running unopposed on the November ballot, has been working for 25 years in law enforcement. He came to Wahkiakum County as undersheriff for Jon Dearmore and has been the Wahkiakum County Sheriff for two years this October. His focus and goals are fixed on the health and wellbeing of his deputies and his community and he has a few ideas about how to address those issues. "I have real basic humanitarian thoughts on the community," Howie said. "I want the deputies to cont...

  • Blair Brady seeks re-election to board

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|Oct 23, 2014

    Blair Brady isn't bored yet. He is, however, surprised to find himself running unopposed for his third term as a County Commissioner for the Westend, District 3. Brady grew up in New Jersey, a poor kid in a wealthy town, seven miles out of Newark. He was educated in what he described as a kind of public private school, with professors as teachers and with such a great education he never felt compelled to go on to college. Brady only has two regrets from his youth. He passed on an opportunity to...

  • Harvest sale at United Methodist Church

    Kay Chamberlain, Wah. Co. Eagle|Oct 23, 2014

    RAINS RETURN--After a fairly decent weekend, it seems we are in for quite a soaking by the time you read this, along with some strong winds, so I hope you have the boots and umbrellas handy as Fall is defintely here, like in falling raindrops! I'm still shaking my head over the fact that we're already three weeks into October, a mere two months away from Christmas, oh my! SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from Oct. 23-29 are Valle M. Ledtke, Nathaniel Norris, Nick Vavoudis, Don Wages, Christie Davis, Victoria Wallin and Joel Havens....

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Oct 23, 2014

    THURSDAY Financial Management. Community Senior Center, 100 Main St.. 10 am. - Noon. Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m. District No. 4 Fire Department, drill night, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, fire/ambulance, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, 7 p.m. Wahkiakum Fire District 2 Commissioners, Skamokawa Fire Hall, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Congregational Church, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensiby), GRVC at Johnson Park, activity room, 2 p.m. AA Meeting, Cathlamet Congregational Church,...

  • Fall events offer variety of opportunities

    Trudy Fredrickson, Wah. Co. Eagle|Oct 23, 2014

    It’s time to start gearing up for the wintery weather. Looks like we are in for some wet and windy days ahead. Though we had a beautiful summer and a rather warm early fall, now the leaves are changing and the mornings are much cooler, not to mention the daylight hours are dwindling. I do love fall, and the changing colors. Naselle news Sports calendar for the Naselle Comet teams for this week include: Thursday (today), cross country at Ocosta at 3:30 p.m., JV volleyball with South Bend at 5:45 p.m., varsity volleyball with MM Knight in N...

  • LCC named National Leader College

    Oct 23, 2014

    Lower Columbia College is one of just 16 community colleges nationwide recognized as a Leader College by the Achieving the Dream organization. Leader College is a national designation awarded to select community colleges that commit to improving student success and also present clear evidence their efforts have resulted in improved student performance. Achieving the Dream, Inc., a national nonprofit funded in part by the Gates and Lumina Foundations, is dedicated to helping more community college students stay in school and earn a college...

  • Pacific county seeking proposals

    Oct 23, 2014

    The Pacific County Emergency Management Agency is currently seeking proposals from qualified consultants to update the Pacific County Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires that all local governments adopt an approved Hazard Mitigation Plan to be eligible to receive future hazard mitigation grant funding. Local plans will serve as the basis for the state to provide technical assistance and to prioritize project funding. The PCEMA seeks consultant services in order to update the exising plan to meet the necessary re...

  • Wild Mushroom celebration on Long Beach Peninsula

    Oct 23, 2014

    Chefs, authors, foragers and the mushroom loving public will come together on the Long Beach Peninsula from October through November 15 for the 13th annual Wild Mushroom Celebration. Highlights include special dinners, classes, workshops and wild mushrooms featured at participating restaurants and inns. New this year, The Painted Lady Lavender Farm will present “The Fungus Among Us” on Oct. 3 from 3 to 5 p.m., 1664 Hwy 101 South, Ilwaco. The workshop will cover the what, where, how and when of hunting, identifying and collecting locally fou...

  • Library to offer computer technology training

    Oct 23, 2014

    Local residents needing to learn new information technology skills for their current job, a new career or just wanting to add some skills for personal enrichment can do so through Cathlamet Public Library thanks to a partnership between the Washington State Library and Microsoft. Microsoft’s IT Academy program offers free training to participating Washington residents to help prepare them for jobs and careers in a global economy that is becoming more tech-dependent. Cathlamet Public Library patrons will be able to access 250 courses offered o...

  • Vessels may now be dismantled over water

    Oct 23, 2014

    OLYMPIA – Marine vessels may now be taken apart over the water under the terms of a new state permit that helps protect water quality and prevents pollution. The Department of Ecology recently finalized the new Vessel Deconstruction General Permit. Businesses and boat owners that plan to dismantle older vessels while they are still in the water will now need to get the permit prior to starting work. Ecology developed the permit in response to the growing problem of deteriorating and sometimes abandoned vessels that pose risks to Washington w...

  • Kreidler calls for insurers to review mental health denials back to 2006

    Oct 23, 2014

    Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler is directing all health insurers in Washington state to identify any policyholders who had mental health services denied because of a blanket or categorical exclusion since Jan. 1, 2006 and notify them of their right to have their claim re-evaluated. The Washington State Supreme Court recently ruled that Washington’s Mental Health Parity Act prevents insurers from using blanket exclusions for mental health services that may be medically necessary. Kreidler sent a letter to the insurers today (PDF, 371KB), o...

  • Artists paint birdhouses for Redmen Hall

    Diana Zimmerman, Wah. Co. Eagle|Oct 23, 2014

    Earlier this year, the Friends of Skamokawa sold hand painted birdhouses and raised enough money to install a donated bell in the tower of Redmen Hall. They are doing it again with a new series of birdhouses. Jody Fox, the office manager at Redmen Hall, found inspiration when she noticed the birdhouses at a craft store in Longview and realized that they looked a lot like the old hall. She brought several of them home, eventually painting 20 of them to look like Redmen Hall. She placed a bell on...

  • PUD's assistance program accepting contributions

    Oct 23, 2014

    PUD’s assistance program accepting contributions The Wahkiakum PUD is accepting contributions to their Residential Energy Assistance Program. This program provides an opportunity for customers to help each other by making voluntary contributions to assist low-income residential customers struggling to pay their electric bill. Anyone wishing to contribute to the program may donate in person, by phone, by mail or on the monthly billing statement. Customers may also elect to have REAP automatically deducted from a debit or credit card. Make d...

  • Celebration of Life--Dave Curl

    Oct 23, 2014

    A Celebration of Life service will be held for Dave Curl, former blacksmith, artist and teacher, October 25, at 3 p.m., in the Lovell Room at Fort George Brewery in Astoria. This will be a potluck affair where attendees will share stories about Dave’s life....

  • Fall festival set for Friday

    Oct 23, 2014

    The Tsuga Gallery, 70 Main St., Cathlamet, will celebrate with a Fall Festival tomorrow, October 24, from 5 to 7 p.m. Refreshments in the fall harvest theme will be served. Featured guest artist for the evening will be Jenny Kizziar, a member of Redmen Hall. Kizziar is a fabric artist, weaving textures and designs on her loom. Music will be provided by Randy Williams on guitar....

  • Neewollah Daze to be held October 31

    Oct 23, 2014

    The annual Neewollah Daze celebration is quickly approaching. This year’s celebration will be held at Bank of the Pacific, Cathlamet branch, on Friday, October 31 with judging of costumes to begin at 4 p.m. There will be several categories with a prize-filled bag for each participant. Cookies and punch will be served. This event is sponsored by the Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce. For more information, contact Penny Paulsen, event coordinator, at 795-3228....

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