Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Articles from the October 15, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 38

  • Ballot collection

    Oct 15, 2020

    A ballot collection box is in place on the wall of the county courthouse. Other boxes are installed in Skamokawa and Rosburg. Photo by Rick Nelson....

  • Wahkiakum has 9th covid-19 case

    Oct 15, 2020

    Wahkiakum County Health and Human Services (WHHS) has received a positive test result notification for a 9th COVID-19 case in a Wahkiakum County resident. The individual is in self-quarantine and is symptomatic, according to a WHHS Thursday morning announcement. "We are working to identify anyone who may have an exposure risk because of contact with the person," said Chris Bischoff, director of WHHS. "Those people with close contact will be notified by Health and Human Services (WHHS) staff. At this point, the possibility of additional...

  • Covid-19 update:

    Diana Zimmerman|Oct 15, 2020

    There are now eight confirmed cases of covid-19 in Wahkiakum County, with 611 tests conducted so far. Pacific County has two more cases for a total of 107. The two new cases include one male between the ages of 10-20 linked to a previously reported positive case, and another male, between 50-60 years old, linked to out of county travel. Of those 107 cases, 20 are considered active. Cowlitz County is up to 739 confirmed cases, with 163 considered active. Across the river, Clatsop County is...

  • Cathlamet woman charged with unemployment injury fraud

    Diana Zimmerman|Oct 15, 2020

    Wahkiakum County resident Linda Lashell Jordan, 52, was arraigned on Monday in Wahkiakum Superior Court before Judge Donald Richter, for one charge of theft in the first degree. Jordan has been accused of wrongfully receiving more than $186,000 in compensation and benefits from 2016 to 2019, after a 14 month investigation by the Washington Department of Labor & Industries. Counsel Joshua Baldwin entered a plea of not guilty for Jordan. According to court records, Jordan was working as a meter...

  • Elections officals prepare for 2020 general election

    Diana Zimmerman|Oct 15, 2020

    The Wahkiakum County Auditor’s Office was visited by Heather Sorgen, from the Washington Secretary of State’s Certification and Training Department on Monday afternoon, to certify the logic and accuracy test results on Wahkiakum County’s ballot tabulation equipment. The purpose of the test was to ensure that every vote is counted accurately. The procedure was successful and took about a half an hour to complete. Ballots will be mailed on October 16. October 26 is the last day to register to vo...

  • Chamber, commission critique business aid for covid-19 expenses

    Rick Nelson|Oct 15, 2020

    Tuesday was a day for discussions for Wahkiakum County commissioners and a variety of representatives of local organizations who came together for two online Zoom meetings. Economic relief for business was a major topic during the meeting of the county board of commissioners. The Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce introduced new Interim Director Stacey Lane who, with board member Sandi Benbrook Rieder, initiated a discussion about state and federal funding for assisting businesses in dealing with the covid-19 pandemic. The Chamber has handled an...

  • Ballots are coming; it's time to vote

    Rick Nelson|Oct 15, 2020

    And so we've arrived at the point in the 2020 election season when Washington voters receive their mail-in ballots. The adoption of vote-by-mail has changed the dynamics of elections; although election day is Nov. 3, two weeks away, this will be the time campaigns peak. With all the interest in the presidential election and national controversy around mail-in ballots, people will most likely be marking their ballots almost as soon as they receive them. I know I will. And as The Eagle still counts as a worthwhile media in this digital age, we...

  • Answers to questions posed by letter writers

    Oct 15, 2020

    To The Eagle: Almost everyone agrees there could be better forest management, but most forests are federally managed, with Trump appointees running the departments. So? I have been trying to find someone wanting our country to become Venezuela. Seems only Republicans have that idea; most Democrats would like to improve living standards and equality, for everyone, perhaps a little more like northern Europe. Republicans never refer to that democratic socialist segment with working capitalism: Denmark has the largest shipping line, registered in...

  • Don't let Long pull the wool over your eyes

    Oct 15, 2020

    To The Eagle: Our Congresswoman, Jaime Herrera Beutler, has worked across the aisle to cut the cost of prescription drugs. Meanwhile, Carolyn Long has run around promising to do like Jaime. However, it’s unclear how Long's going to accomplish this when she appears to be bought and sold by big Pharma. It’s been recently reported that her family has hundreds of thousands of dollars in retirement from big pharmaceutical companies. If you think she’s going to go toe-to-toe with the big pharmaceutical companies who are paying for her cushy retir...

  • Corrections/Clarifications

    Oct 15, 2020

    In last week's article about Samantha Boyce, it was incorrectly stated that the corrections officer/dispatcher for the Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Office had been named the 2020 Western States Detention Officer of the Year by Jail Con, a conference held annually for corrections personnel. The honor was actually bestowed at the conference by the National Institute for Jail Operations....

  • Equity and justice are worth striving for

    Oct 15, 2020

    To The Eagle: The fate of disputed federal laws depends upon how the unclear intent of the framers of our 229 year old constitution is interpreted by nine bickering judges, in order to align 21st century jurisprudence with 17th century standards. Every judge in the nation is subject to term limits and the will of the electorate. So too are the President and all legislators. There is a good reason for this. The political lawyers insulated within the robes of the Supreme Court should be no exception. Nor are they exceptional in the delivery of ju...

  • Reelect Jaime Herrera Beutler

    Oct 15, 2020

    To The Eagle: She has continued to be extremely effective as our representative in representing small businesses, military vets, those looking for employment and families in Southwest Washington. We need more people in congress that truly care about the people they represent and work on meaningful legislation, like our congresswoman, Jamie Herrera Beutler. Jaime Herrera Beutler was ranked by Vanderbilt University’s nonpartisan Center for Effective Lawmaking as the most effective legislator in Washington State throughout the last two years. T...

  • We need to keep Dean Takko in Olympia

    Oct 15, 2020

    To The Eagle: Given the current challenges we face due to the economic crisis, it is essential that the 19th District be represented by someone with an established track record of bringing dollars back to our county. State Sen. Dean Takko has proven he not only understands the needs of Southwest Washington residents but helped secure the funding needed to address those issues. And that’s exactly what we need in Olympia. Now is not the time for rhetoric, it is time to return Dean Takko to the senate. District 19 residents – do you really wan...

  • Voter likes Backman

    Oct 15, 2020

    To The Eagle: I met Mike Backman right after moving to Cathlamet in 2016. Mike asked whether I would put his election sign in my window. I asked him to tell me why I would do that. He convinced me while discussing his philosophy and goals; I put the sign in the window and then. boy, did I get grief about that decision. Mike continued to help shape my view of Cathlamet and Wahkiakum County by inviting me to the famous “Pot Forum,” introducing me to Johnson Park and the importance of supporting the entire county, asking for my family’s opini...

  • Secretary of State debate in Wahkiakum

    Oct 15, 2020

    To The Eagle: Last Wednesday we met Kim Wyman and Gael Tarleton up close and friendly in a virtual debate hosted by the Wahkiakum RandDTeam. Both candidates for Secretary of State were respectful of each other and appeared to enjoy the give-and-take of debate in presenting their views on issues of the day. They were friendly and having fun. The debate recording is available on YouTube at By the time you read this our second debate of the season will also have been completed, featuring the LD 19 Senator candidates:...

  • Backman respects the community

    Oct 15, 2020

    To The Eagle: As a life long resident of Wahkiakum County, I appreciate Commissioner Mike Backman as he works for all county residents. I recognize his efforts in building collaborations with local, regional and state entities to help make us stronger as with the creation of new board positions for Wahkiakum County on Lower Columbia CAP, S.W. Washington Workforce Development and working for continued Wahkiakum County/Town of Cathlamet representation on the Council of Governments Executive Board. Mike fought to increase funding for Wahkiakum...

  • Remember, we're just passing through

    Oct 15, 2020

    To The Eagle: I wonder in utter amazement how anybody that claims faith can support the likes of our candidates. Easy for me to say as a recovering Christian. Even a lost and wAndering lamb, such as myself, can tell which candidate seems less likely to further destroy what we once had. I speak from, according to some, what is considered to be old age. Ok. I am old and have watched one thing after another chipping away from what was normal. Can't go in the woods anymore because the roads we used to drive around in our hills are gated off. Can't...

  • Herrera Beutler works by and for the people

    Oct 15, 2020

    To The Eagle: Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler stepped up and helped her constituents in times of crisis. She has worked in Congress to expand access to healthcare, advocated for better service for residents trying to receive unemployment in Washington and Oregon, and now she is trying to force Congress to get to work and reauthorize the Paycheck Protection Program to save millions of small businesses and jobs. Attacks against her are partisan garbage that puts the party over effectiveness. I am proud to cast my vote for Jaime Herrera...

  • Eagle writer earns awards

    Eagle Staff|Oct 15, 2020

    She did it again. As she has done before, Wahkiakum County Eagle reporter Diana Zimmerman received prizes for articles entered in the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association Better Newspaper Contest. The awards were: First place, Sports Personality Profile, about Lee Tischer and his career helping run the yardage chains at Wahkiakum football games, published Nov. 7, 2019. Judges commented, "Reader does not have to be a football fan to appreciate this profile. Nor does a profile require a lengthy piece." Third place, General Feature Story,...

  • Body of man who jumped from bridge found at Cape Horn

    Diana Zimmerman|Oct 15, 2020

    Last Thursday, a caller notified the Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Department that they had discovered a deceased body, half buried, while walking along the Columbia River in the Little Cape Horn area. Deputies and the coroner responded. Fingerprints were obtained, and the individual has been identified as Mark R. Vinson, 61. He had no fixed address. Several attempts have been made to contact the next of kin. “We believe he is the same individual who was reported jumping from the Lewis and Cla...

  • Candidates for county commission to debate

    Oct 15, 2020

    The Wahkiakum County Republican and Democratic Virtual Debates Subcommittee has scheduled five virtual debates for candidates for District 19 state Senate and House of Representatives, two state wide offices and Wahkiakum County board of commissioners. The public has the opportunity to submit questions for the candidates. The schedule for next week is: Oct. 21, 7 - 8:55 p.m. Wahkiakum County Commissioner District 1 candidates Mike Backman and Lee Tischer and District 2 candidates Dan Cothren and Tim Lawry. Here is the link below to join the...

  • Ten Saturdays left before Christmas

    Kay Chamberlain|Oct 15, 2020

    NOT SO NICE--This past Saturday night was really a wild one out here in West Valley, with thunder and lightning and windy conditions hitting us late that night and into early Sunday morning.Crazy times and loud too! Some neighboring fields turned into lakes once again, so at least the ducks seemed happy with the overnight changes. Then along came Sunday night. That was wild as well, but this time, multiple trees came down and we had power outages everywhere it seemed! Ours was out for over seven hours, but it depended on where you were as to...

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Oct 15, 2020

    Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, meetings and events usually listed here have been canceled or changed to online participation until further notice. The Eagle was advised of the following events: Online Recovery Meeting, Lower Columbia River Refuge Recovery. Mondays 6:30 p.m. Zoom ID 960 8413 9102....

  • WDFW officials to lethally remove bighorn sheep

    Oct 15, 2020

    The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife will take steps this week to assess whether a deadly pathogen has infected the Quilomene bighorn sheep herd in Kittitas County. The Quilomene is one of the state’s largest bighorn sheep herds, numbering between 220 and 250. WDFW biologists anticipate having to lethally remove 15 sheep, and test 10 to 15 additional animals using non-lethal means, to assess if the herd is infected. Wildlife biologists were notified on Oct. 1 that an off-duty Kittitas sheriff’s deputy had observed a domestic ewe wit...

  • WDFW approves six-day razor clam dig

    Oct 15, 2020

    Shellfish managers have approved six more days of razor clam digging starting Oct. 16 after marine toxin tests showed the clams are safe to eat. The agency continues to emphasize ‘digging while distancing’ to support efforts by community health experts to ensure a fun and safe razor clam season. Razor clam diggers can find detailed beach maps that indicate locations and local names for beaches on WDFW’s razor clam webpages. The approved razor clam digs to date, along with low tides and beaches, are listed below: · Oct. 16, Fri., 7:00 pm, -0...

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