Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Articles from the October 15, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 33

  • Port 1 commission discusses budget, dredge, rate hikes

    Diana Zimmerman|Oct 15, 2015

    At last Thursday’s Wahkiakum County Port 1 meeting, commissioners approved the budget and suggested rate changes for 2016; they approved a resolution to secure a loan from Wahkiakum County in the amount of $250,000, and they continued discussions about the purchase of a dredge from the Rose City Yacht Club in Portland. During the budget and rate hearing, Port 1 candidate Brett Deaton suggested that the commissioners raise the monthly moorage to $3.50 while maintaining the electric rate at $...

  • County board discusses Johnson Park

    Rick Nelson|Oct 15, 2015

    Wahkiakum County commissioners took care of business Tuesday before recessing to executive session and then adjourning to continue their meeting Thursday morning. Commission Chair Mike Backman sparked a discussion during the report of Public Works Director Chuck Beyer. The county should pick the cost of heating of Johnson Park, Backman said. "Volunteers have paid $6,900 to keep that place from deteriorating," he said. "It's our building. We need to make something happen. They're holding bake sales and selling food to heat Johnson Park, which...

  • Election 2015--Susan O'Connor, Derek West seek election to the board

    Diana Zimmerman|Oct 15, 2015

    Susan O'Connor was appointed to the Wahkiakum School District Board of Directors in August of 2013. Now she finds herself in a race against challenger Derek West to retain the position. When former school board member Lee Tischer encouraged her to volunteer a couple years ago, she set aside her doubts and concerns about the time commitment and stepped forward. "It sounded good because I love school," O'Connor said. "Education is the nation's first priority. If you don't have intelligent, educate...

  • Election 2015--Susan O'Connor, Derek West seek election to the board

    Diana Zimmerman|Oct 15, 2015

    Derek West, who is challenging Sue O'Connor for position on the Wahkiakum School District Board of Directors, is a long time area resident who just wants to get involved. He has given thought to running for the school board since 2012. This year he decided to make it happen. West, who graduated from WHS in 1993, has history here. He grew up here as a son, grandson and great grandson of people who settled here. After graduating, he studied at LCC and worked as a firefighter for a couple years. It...

  • Gillnetters

    Oct 15, 2015

    Gillnet boats lay at rest Tuesday morning after their latest fishing period for coho. "There's no coho run," buyer Mike Backman said Tuesday morning. "Four boats had 700 pounds. It should have been 700 pounds for each boat."...

  • Thoughts about election issues

    Rick Nelson|Oct 15, 2015

    It's election time. We'll receive our vote-by-mail ballots soon, so here are some thoughts about issues. First, however, elsewhere in this issue you'll find candidates' responses to our invitation to fill out a brief candidate interview form. These are the local races, and it's very interesting to read the responses. We have many intelligent, dedicated people willing to step into the often unappreciated positions on local boards, councils and commissions. It is a true form of public service. Now, here are some thoughts on the initiatives on...

  • Local boaters endorse Deaton

    Oct 15, 2015

    To The Eagle: Thank you, Larry Bonds for your many years of service as a commissioner for Port District 1. As boaters we’ve seen the Elochoman Slough Marina evolve over the past four decades. It is what it is today because of strong, effective and practical leaders such as Larry, who have served our community well. The Marina has become a favorite destination for boaters, fishermen, campers and others throughout the Northwest. It’s simply one of the best marinas/campgrounds on the Columbia River and it is used by local residents and visitors. T...

  • Advice offered for veterans

    Oct 15, 2015

    To The Eagle: To all veterans: I would advise that they get supplemental insurance. Do not rely solely on Medicare or the veteran administration for help. My brother did and he’s gone. Olaf Thomason, Sr. Puget Island...

  • Accident victim thanks EMTs

    Oct 15, 2015

    To The Eagle: I want to publicly acknowledge the wonderful professional care given to me by the Wahkiakum EMT's after a fall I took last month while working in my front yard. As it turned out, the fall had shattered my femur near my hip. Without the professional knowledge and expertise shown by our EMT's in transporting me to the hospital things could have turned out much worse than they did. We have such an invaluable healthcare resource in our community in these people and the services they provide to all of us! I, for one, want to thank...

  • Commissioners to name representative

    Oct 15, 2015

    Commissioners from Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Pacific and Grays Harbor counties will meet October 22 in Kelso to appoint a new senator and representative for the 19th Legislative District. Senator Brian Hatfield resigned his position last summer to go to work for Gov. Jay Inslee. Following procedure set in state law, Democrat precinct committee members from the counties met October 3 to pick three nominations for final selection by the combined boards of county commissioners from the counties. First, Representative Dean Takko received the top...

  • Youth charged with threats at school

    Diana Zimmerman|Oct 15, 2015

    On October 5, 2015, a 16-year-old Wahkiakum High School student was taken into custody after allegedly threatening his classmates. He is being charged with two counts of harassment—threats to kill. Court documents said that during a conversation with the two classmates at school, the juvenile allegedly fantasized about torture, threatened to shoot up the school and when confronted, told his classmates that they “would be one of the first ones to go.” The parent of one of the students who had r...

  • Patrol vehicle hurt in Sunday collision

    Oct 15, 2015

    A Wahkiakum County Sheriff's department patrol car was slightly damaged in a two-car collision Sunday on SR 4. According to a report from the Washington State Patrol, Deputy Sheriff Bill Tawater was westbound on SR 4 3.5 miles east of Cathlamet in a 2006 Ford Expedition at 2:01 p.m. when he slowed for traffic making a left turn. A 2005 Jeep Wrangler driven westbound by Valerie J. Clappison of Portland was following Tawater's fully marked patrol vehicle and collided with it as it slowed for traffic. Both vehicles were damaged, but no one was...

  • Are you ready if the power goes out?

    Beau Renfro, Coordinator, Department of Emergency Management|Oct 15, 2015

    Our local PUD has taken great care in making sure our power stays on, but they have no control over Mother Nature. After a significant natural disaster like a severe earthquake it could take an extended amount of time for our power to be restored to all residents. There are steps you can take in advance of a power outage to insure you and your family are safe and comfortable. • If someone in your household has life-sustaining or medically necessary equipment you should register it with the PUD. • Consider buying a generator. When installing a g...

  • Most popular hunting seasons of the year open October 17

    Oct 15, 2015

    Most popular hunting seasons of the year open Oct. 17 Some of the most popular hunting in Washington gets underway Saturday when modern rifle deer and waterfowl seasons open across the state. Duck, coot, and snipe seasons also open Saturday. In addition, goose seasons open in all goose management areas except for Southwest Washington’s Goose Management Area 2A (Wahkiakum, Cowlitz and Clark counties). The exception is the brant season, which will open on selected dates in January. WDFW has created a hunting prospects webpage (

  • USFWS proposes downlisting of white-tails

    Oct 15, 2015

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed to downlist the Columbian white-tailed deer from endangered to threatened. The agency opened a 60-day public comment period on the proposal on October 6. The Columbian white-tailed deer joins a growing list of species listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) that are making progress toward recovery in the Pacific Northwest. That list includes the Oregon chub, delisted in February 2015; the Modoc sucker, proposed for delisting in February 2014; the gray wolf, whose population is expanding;...

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Oct 15, 2015

    THURSDAY Rosburg Community Club, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Congregational Church, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Cathlamet First Aid Division, fire hall, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, First Aid Division, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, ambulance training, 7 p.m. Wahkiakum Fire District No. 4, 7 p.m. Westside Play & Learn Group, Valley Bible Church, 9-11:30 a.m. Community Library and Computer Center, GRVC at Johnson Park, 1-5 p.m. West End Food Pantry, GRVC at Johnson Park, 1-5 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds...

  • Now is the time to get those flu shots

    Kay Chamberlain|Oct 15, 2015

    NASTY ONE--The winds blew and rains came down so heavy that our satellite went out at times, so it wasn't real pleasant here last Saturday night. We even had a mostly wet day Friday in West Valley, capped off with a power outage, which was a far cry from the weather 10 miles east, but then, we do live in Skamokawa, so you never know what you'll get! Luckily, Sunday started out the week with some sunshine after some morning clouds so at least the weekend wasn't a total bust. To end the weekend, Mother Nature splashed some dazzling colors across...

  • Fall activities continue with events to come

    Trudy Fredrickson|Oct 15, 2015

    It was so nice to see a little rain again. The leaves are sure showing that fall is in the air even though the temperature doesn’t seem to be reflecting that. This has always been my favorite time of the year. I love the slowing down of growth, new life taking on a whole new chapter of adventure moving in to the colder and quieter time of winter rest, only to begin again in the spring. News from Naselle Sports calendar for the Naselle Comet teams for the coming week include: Thursday, middle school football with Ocosta at Westport at 6 p.m., h...

  • Sheriff's Report, October 15, 2015

    Oct 15, 2015

    Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: October 5 — 7:45 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance aided a Rosedale resident who had fainted. 2:05 p.m. A Cathlamet resident reported that she had been harassed online. 7:18 p.m. A Puget Island resident reported a phone scam. 7:40 p.m. A man was seen on the roof of a Cathlamet restaurant. 7:45 p.m. A Wahkiakum High School student was taken into custody after someone reported he had threatened to bring a gun to s...

  • Holiday crafters wanted for annual FOS open house

    Oct 15, 2015

    The Friends of Skamokawa at Redmen Hall are seeking holiday crafters for the annual "Holiday Open House" November 27-December 13, Thursday-Sunday 12- 4 p.m. Holiday gifts will be displayed upstairs at the Redmen Hall. Crafters need not be present to sell their goods. Consignment terms in the gift shop are available for the duration of the open house and sales will be handled by gift shop staff. Call Redmen Hall at 360-795-3007 for more information....

  • Family Center hosting Halloween Carnival

    Oct 15, 2015

    The St. James Family Center Preschool Parents Group is sponsoring its annual Halloween Carnival to raise money for United Way. The carnival will take place October 24 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the family center on Columbia Street. Kids of all ages can participate in a costume contest and carnival games for the whole family. Admission is free, and game tickets will be sold five for one dollar or 25 cents apiece. Tickets are accepted for games, food and beverages. Individuals or businesses wishing to help are encouraged to contact St. James Family...

  • Raffle drawing extended

    Oct 15, 2015

    The Wahkiakum band has joined the cheerleaders in their fundraising efforts. The raffle drawing has been pushed to the Oct. 29 Senior Night football game vs.Toledo. The purchase of a raffle ticket buys a chance at winning the grand prize of a $2000 travel voucher from King's House of Travel and will help support both organizations. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased from any band student or cheerleader, or by contacting 612-716-2525....

  • Experience feel of old time coffee house

    Oct 15, 2015

    Remember the days of the old time coffee house? One person sings, the next act might be someone reciting poetry, the next might be the playing of an instrument. Free, fun entertainment is offered Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. in the meeting room of the Congregational Church, 3rd and Maple. Refreshments and beverages will be served. Anyone who can yodel, play the spoons, tell a good story, etc., is invited to join the entertainment. For more information contact Terry Dorn at

  • CNA bridge training offered

    Oct 15, 2015

    The Care Careers Academy will offer a state approved Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) “Bridge Program” for Home Care Aids (HCA’s) who want to obtain CNA Certification without having to attend a full 107 hour CNA class. The Bridge class is a 24-hour course that will be held November 3 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Students will need to take and pass the state CNA Certification Test to obtain certification. Prerequisites for enrollees consist of having an up-to-date certification from Washington State as a Certified Home Care Aid. CNA train...

  • WHS 2015 homecoming

    Oct 15, 2015

    Wahkiakum High School celebrated homecoming last Friday. Right: Senior Princess Grace Peacock was voted Homecoming Queen; her escort was Colton Mace. Above: Principal Stephanie Leitz places the queen's crown on Grace Peacock's head after she was revealed as 2015 queen. Other members of the court were, freshman Princess Ellie Leitz and escort Jaeden Mahitka; sophomore Princess Madison Mace and escort Josiah Romines; junior Princess Makenzie Anderson and escort Alex Mellis Peachey, and, seniors...

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