Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Articles from the October 13, 2022 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 32

  • Project completed

    Oct 13, 2022

    Above: Risk Road is open. Aaron West, a local subcontractor on the Columbia Land Trust project, removed the barriers from Risk Road after a project started in May was finally completed on Monday. Right: A new bridge on Risk Road spans a new waterway that connects Nelson Creek with the Elochoman River, creates habitat for salmon, and mitigates flooding in the area. Photos by Diana Zimmerman....

  • Updated: DNR: County could receive $1.8 million

    Rick Nelson|Oct 13, 2022

    As Wahkiakum County officials head into development of 2023 budgets, they received Tuesday a fairly good report of probable revenue from harvest of timber off state managed trust timberland. The trust timber revenue supports most courthouse departments. Revenue in 2022 should be about $1.7 million, and in 2023, the county could receive as much as $1.8 million, Department of Natural Resources District Manager Padraic Callahan reported at the weekly meeting of the county board of commissioners. Timing of small sales could increase or decrease...

  • Career exploration funds obtained for local school districts

    Diana Zimmerman|Oct 13, 2022

    Thanks to the efforts of Carrie Backman, the director for the Wahkiakum Washington State University Extension Office and volunteer Ron Wright, students at Wahkiakum and Naselle/Grays River Valley School Districts will receive the benefits of a $201,951 grant from Career Connect Washington. Career Connect is a statewide organization, Backman explained, that helps create opportunities for people in underserved or underrepresented populations. The two applied for funding for career exploration,...

  • Get ready to tidy up the town

    Diana Zimmerman|Oct 13, 2022

    Saturday, October 22, promises to be a busy day in Cathlamet with an Autism Walk in the morning, and a Halloween Carnival at St. James Family Center in the afternoon, but with all that fun, chores must get done as well. Instead of staying home to tackle that yard work, or mop those floors, consider inviting your friends, family, and neighbors to team up on various projects around the community with this fall’s Tidy Up the Town. “It’s a good idea for us to do little projects around the commu...

  • Updated: "David"

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: This story applies to any group of people who live as a family unit, where there is an aggressor and one or more victims of abuse. David kept his eyes on his cereal bowl, avoiding eye-contact with his mother, who was sitting across from him. He didn’t want to see the bruises on her face or the look of defeat, he knew he would find there (again). He put his bowl in the sink, slung his backpack over his shoulder and mumbled “bye”, as he slammed out the door. David arrived in his Human Development/Family Studies Class, where they wer...

  • Kent is totally against women and their needs

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: Like most of you I just received the voters' pamphlet. While reading through the folks running for congress I was stunned by the entry of Mr. Kent. Like him I'm an Eagle scout and a veteran. There the similarity ends. At 79 I'm several decades his senior and have attained a certain amount of knowledge apparently unknown or worse yet ignored by young Mr. Kent. History of 1930's Europe reveals eerily similar trends to his campaign. Germany First=America First. Championing the Big Lie. Lying about the current congresswoman who has...

  • Residents urged to show support

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Charlotte House, a program of St James Family Center, invites all of Wahkiakum County to show support to victims and survivors of domestic violence! Many victims and survivors of domestic violence have lost connection with their friends, family, and their community. Around town, you may notice an abundance of purple. There are purple lights in storefront windows, purple ribbons on cars and light poles, flyers around town, table tents in restaurants. The abundance of purple is to sh...

  • Dan Bigelow, the best choice

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: If you were a victim of assault, fraud or any number of serious crimes, who would be the best choice to represent you in a court of law? Wouldn't it be someone with the qualifications, skills and experience to successfully prosecute your case, using sound objective legal advice? Dan Bigelow is such a person. He has spent decades developing a body of experience in both misdemeanor and felony cases as defense and prosecuting attorney. His qualifications began with a law degree in 1991 at the University of Puget Sound. He has...

  • Praise given to local teacher

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: I want to send out a big congratulations to Jeff Rooklidge. I have watched and admired his Environmental Science classes for years, marveling at his commitment to teaching high school students about the world they live in, the fish they eat, the land they live on and the future it holds for their own children. He emphasizes the importance of teaching environmental science as a career, working in the many fields of science and giving them new confidence about how their lives can make a difference in the very place they grew up. Jef...

  • Your vote is important

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: With your midterm ballots coming soon, please think about how important this election is for preserving our democracy. Historically Wahkiakum County led Washington State in voting with the highest turnouts, unfortunately we have slipped in recent years. Your vote is important! In order to not be ruled by a minority of voters you must turn in your ballot to have your voice heard. Apathy is unacceptable in voting, as Americans we must exercise our votes. The number of people who gave up their lives to preserve your ability to vote...

  • Let's reelect Dan Bigelow

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: Dan Bigelow has done a fine job as our Prosecuting Attorney. I doubt very much that anyone could perform this job at a higher level. He has far more experience than his opponent, and has been performing public service for our county for over 30 years. He listens, asks, and clearly understands the issues before he makes a decision. With every interaction we’ve had, Dan has always been thoughtful and reasonable. I’m sure there are some who’ve been unhappy with the outcome of their case, but he rules with careful thought. Dan Bigel...

  • It's obvious that your best choice is Dan Bigelow

    Oct 13, 2022

    To The Eagle: I've had the privilege to work alongside Dan Bigelow as Assistant Victim/Witness Coordinator in his office for many years during my 10 year residency in Wahkiakum County before I moved to Indiana to be with family. Dan is truly honorable because of his fairness, high standard of ethics, caring, and commitment to your community and public safety. He has the experience, education, and skills to serve as prosecutor, coroner and EMT responder. His door is always open to anyone that wants to talk. I know that everything I have written...

  • Local photographers take stage at Redmen

    Diana Zimmerman|Oct 13, 2022

    A new exhibit, Rivertown, Through a Lens, highlighting photos taken by Wahkiakum County residents will open at Redmen Hall on Saturday. The interpretive center contacted Puget Island resident Rene Westbrook a couple months ago and asked the administrator of the Wahkiakum County Photography Facebook page if she would be interested in putting on an exhibition. “This Facebook page has people from all over the county that go out and look for the beauty,” Westbrook said. "Before they didn’t realize w...

  • Covid-19 update

    Diana Zimmerman|Oct 13, 2022

    The cumulative number of covid-19 cases in Wahkiakum County grew by one last week to 609 according to the Washington Department of Health. They also report one more hospitalization, bringing the total to 44, and nine deaths attributed to the virus. Disclaimer: With the easy accessibility of at home tests, the actual number of active covid-19 cases and actual cumulative numbers in the county, are hard to know. “Covid-19 case levels are lower in many parts of the state, but still at concerning r...

  • Work begins on Butler lot

    Oct 13, 2022

    Surveyors were at work on Tuesday at the Butler Street Lot. The lot will be a combination of parking and visitor information and include an electric vehicle charging station. Photo by Diana Zimmerman....

  • Skamokawa Grange sale set for Oct. 22-23

    Kay Chamberlain|Oct 13, 2022

    NICE--As this week begins, our cool and foggy mornings have been followed by some wonderful sunny days. While we's like to see this continue, we all know these days may soon end so I hope we're all prepared for the inclement weather that is bound to come our way. AUCTION--The Friends of Skamokawa want me to remind you that their online auction has begun as of last Saturday, Oct. 8. They hope you've been able to check out their items up for auction at FOS 2022. This is an important fund raising event so I hope you'll...

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Oct 13, 2022

    THURSDAY Walking Group, Community Center, Cathlamet, 9 a.m. Free Senior Fitness and Balance Class, Hope Center, 3rd & Maple, enter via door on 3rd, 12:45-1:45 p.m. Food Addicts, Hope Center, 3rd & Maple, Cathlamet, 6-7 p.m. Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Puget Island Fire Department, drill night, 7 p.m. Port District No. 1, 500 2nd St., Noon. District No. 4 Fire Department, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire District No. 3 Commissioners, 7:30 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, fire training, 7 p.m. Skamokawa...

  • Port 2 considering budget

    Rick Nelson|Oct 13, 2022

    Commissioners of Port District No. 2 will consider their 2023 budget when they meet next Tuesday, 5 p.m., in Skamokawa. The 2023 draft budget totals $1.05 million with $411,938 estimated operating revenue, $155,800 in interest and investment income, and $485,000 in beginning cash and investments. Estimated payroll expenses are $331,300 other operating costs $196,500, capital costs $454,877 and debt service costs $70,000. Potential capital improvement costs include $80,000 for an additional rental cabin at Skamokwa Vista Park...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Oct 13, 2022

    Good morning! Last year my garage flooded twice, so this year I searched for help to control the high volume of water coming down the hill behind my garage. My neighbor, Bob Torppa, is known as a top operator and I know how true that is, but his equipment is too big to get into the narrow area where the stream hits the culvert carrying water down to the county's culvert. So, I hired Tyson Vogeler who has an excavator that's "just the right size," to see what he could do to help the situation....

  • Killin' time in Cathlamet

    Karen Bertroch|Oct 13, 2022

    Last Saturday, I headed to Cathlamet to take Ben dog to the new groomer, Jenna Lefever, who has set up a lovely spa for dogs with new equipment accommodating big dogs. Ben is around one hundred pounds, so I was excited to have someone closer than the pet store in Warrenton. I set up an appointment right away when I learned Ben could get in. My conundrum was what to do while killing the two hour wait till she finished. She had graciously said she wanted to take plenty of time for him to get to...

  • VFW asks for submissions

    Oct 13, 2022

    Submitted by Mike Allen It is that time of year again when our local veterans group presents an award to an outstanding law enforcement officer in Pacific or Wahkiakum County. As you may know the award is in honor of Washington State Patrol Trooper Gene Bolstad who died on duty 64 years ago trying to rescue a teenager caught in a strong rip current in the surf at Long Beach. The purpose is to recognize exemplary performance by individual officers identified by the general public or by their peers or supervisors. Eligibility is for any current...

  • Lions Club student of the month

    Oct 13, 2022

    Malia Ana Silva is the Wahkiakum Lions September Student of The Month. She is pictured here with her parents Kellie Mendez and Kaliani Silva as she receives a certificate of Achievement and a check from Lions President Terri Elfers. Malia Ana is a student who is at the head of her class, excelling in math and calculus. Her goal is to attend WSU in Vancouver to get her Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Finance, and become a CFO....

  • Online presentation set for October 22

    Oct 13, 2022

    Writing The Picture Book with Mindy Hardwick will be held Saturday, October 22, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Via Zoom. Picture Books are the most beloved story form of children's writing. But how easy is it to write one? In this workshop, we'll look at how to create a memorable child character, how to craft a simple plot to be read multiple times, explore pacing, and discuss how to publish picture books. The workshop is designed for those interested in learning how to write a picture book story and...

  • Wahkiakum Autism Walk draws near

    Oct 13, 2022

    Time is running out to pre-register for this year’s 2nd Annual Wahkiakum Autism Walk. Kicking off next Saturday, October 22 at 10:00 a.m., at the Wahkiakum High School track, don’t miss your chance to help raise awareness and get your hands on the new Wahkiakum Mule must have T-shirt. Featuring our local mascot but made with jigsaw puzzle pieces, this shirt shows your spirit while helping our school district reach its goal of a sensory space for all students. If you are unable to attend but still want to get involved, you can purchase a T-s...

  • Free legal clinic offered

    Oct 13, 2022

    The Charlotte House, a program of St. James Family Center, will host a Free Legal Clinic on Tuesday, October 18. John McKay, an Attorney with Northwest Justice Project, will be at Johnson Park from 9 a.m. – noon and in Cathlamet from 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. He will help individuals with specific family law questions, such as how to get a divorce, determining primary custody and visitation and/or establishing child support. If you are interested in learning more about this clinic or to sign up you must call The Charlotte House at 360-795-6401 or tol...

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