Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Articles from the March 12, 2015 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 21 of 21

  • Lady Mules place second

    Mar 12, 2015

    The Wahkiakum Lady Mules basketball team earned second place last weekend in the state Class 2B Basketball Tournament. L-r are Coach Rob Garrett, manager Reigha Niemeyer, Maddie Mace, Sydney Hansen, Grace Peacock, Kaylee Bryant, Marissa Longtain, Savannah Burdick, Peyton Souvenir, Jessica Thomas, Tori Wegdahl, Baylee Olsen, Mya Kirzy and Sam Boyce. Not pictured are Assistant Coach Tina Merz and managers Ashden Niemeyer and Jansi Merz....

  • Teacher runs to raise theater funds

    Diana Zimmerman|Mar 12, 2015

    Audrey Petterson took a personal milestone to a whole new level last Wednesday when she decided to celebrate her 50th birthday with a 26.2 mile run. Spurred on by the need for more funds to support a coming visit to the high school by the Seattle Shakespeare Company and longing to provide students with even more opportunities, a marathon wasn't enough for the warm, energetic and joyful English teacher at Wahkiakum High School. Petterson decided to do a little fundraising for this, her 18th marat...

  • Technology, Olympia on county agenda

    Rick Nelson|Mar 12, 2015

    Wahkiakum County commissioners handled on Tuesday a variety of business ranging from technology to the legislature. Commissioners approved a recommendation from the county computer technology committee to contract for social media archiving service. The county already archives email, said Emergency Services Director Beau Refro; this new service will take care of Facebook, Twitter and similar communication. "Washington has very specific legislation," Renfro said. "It's not adequate just to erase." Cost of the service is $200 per month with a...

  • Ferry inauguration set for Saturday

    Mar 12, 2015

    Wahkiakum County will celebrate the start of service by the new ferry Oscar B., with a public ceremony this Saturday, 1 p.m., at the Puget Island ferry landing. Ferry service will be suspended after the 9:15 a.m. run from Westport and restart with the 4 p.m. run from Puget Island. The public is invited to participate. Guest speakers will include Senator Maria Cantwell, Congresswoman Jaime Herrera-Beutler, State Representative Dean Takko, and David Hodges SW Regional Director for Senator Patty Murray. Following the ceremony, cake and punch will...

  • Not all pathogens in biosolids are killed

    Mar 12, 2015

    To The Eagle: Greenwood residents are fully justified to be concerned about the odor being emitted from so-called Class A biosolids. Odor means that the material has destabilized and is still putrefying, emitting endotoxins and other harmful bioaerosols. It is incorrect to claim that all the pathogens in Class A biosolids have been killed. Many survive or are re activated when this material is stored. In fact, Class A often morphs back into Class B. In addition to pathogens, Class A contains the vast array of toxic and persistent chemicals,...

  • My new hero

    Mar 12, 2015

    To The Eagle: I have a new hero. Her name is Michelle Collupy (even though she is a Husky). She has taken it upon herself to clean up the roadside for all of East Valley. This has taken her several days and sometimes working until dark. She has even taken time off from work to finish up the task. She knows that we live in a beautiful place and is doing her part to keep it that way. I feel guilty because she cleaned up both sides of the road on the quarter mile that runs through my place. But I sincerely thank her for her toil and dedication to...

  • Feds report health insurance enrollment

    Mar 12, 2015

    In Washington, 160,732 consumers selected or were automatically re-enrolled in quality, affordable health insurance coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace as of Feb. 22, according to a report released recently by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Of the consumers with a marketplace plan selection, 79 percent (126,657 people) qualified for financial assistance to help with the cost of monthly premiums. In Washington, 44,844 consumers under the age of 35 are signed up for marketplace coverage (28 percent of all plan...

  • Sheriff's Report, March 12, 2015

    Mar 12, 2015

    Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: March 2 — 9:07 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance responded to aid a Skamokawa resident who was having chest pain. 10:30 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance responded to aid a Skamokawa resident who had fallen. 12:21 p.m. A caller reported a vehicle without appropriate tags parked in a disabled spot in Cathlamet. 2:26 p.m. Suspicious activity was reported at the marina in Cathlamet. 5:18 p.m. An Elochoman Valley r...

  • White-tail populations head toward delisting

    Diana Zimmerman|Mar 12, 2015

    According to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Biologist Paul Meyers, who is stationed at the Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for Columbian White-tailed Deer, there has been a proposal to downlist Columbian White-tailed Deer. This could mean a move from the highest level of listing, endangered, to threatened. Whether they will be delisted, or taken off the list of endangered species completely, he cannot say. The decision makers work in a different branch of the service while he works in...

  • Food bank managers seek new quarters

    Diana Zimmerman|Mar 12, 2015

    The Helping Hand Food Bank is looking for a new home. For several years, the food bank has been housed in the River Rat Tap building, built in 1890, but the old tavern is beginning to look like it has soaked up too much of what had been its biggest product. It has begun to lean and sag and the floor has a very definite slope. After a recent windstorm, the front door will no longer open all the way. A crack is beginning to spread along a beautifully painted mural and the 90 degree angles...

  • Last weekend for Redmen Hall sale

    Kay Chamberlain|Mar 12, 2015

    GORGEOUS--Wow, has this past week been great or what? The days were full of sunshine and the temperatures were up in the mid-60's and even got to 70 one day, so it has been wonderful, except for the fact that it made us start our spring chores a little sooner than I was hoping. No time to relax when there's things to do, like yard work! By the time you read this we are supposed to be back to some rainy days, so maybe I'll get to kick back and read that book I'd planned on reading during the "dreary winter days," which we just haven't had many...

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Mar 12, 2015

    THURSDAY Lecture Series, Cathlamet Community Center, 101 Main St., 10 a.m.-Noon. Preschool Story and Craft Time, Cathlamet Library, 4 p.m. TRSN Governing Board, TRSN office, Cathlamet, 1 p.m. District No. 4 Fire Department, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire District, No. 3 Commissioners, 7:30 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, fire training, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, 7 p.m. Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m. Puget Island Fire Department, drill night, 7 p.m. Port District No. 1, District Office, 500 2nd St., 5 p.m. Wahkiakum County Real Property...

  • Weekend menus have chicken, spaghetti

    Trudy Fredrickson|Mar 12, 2015

    It’s official, in my mind: Spring is here. I just found my first trillium blooming next to our driveway. Now it’s time to head into the woods and see if I can find the hundreds of trilliums that I was lucky enough to see last year. This year I will have my camera handy, so I can share. News from Naselle: Sports calendar for the Naselle Comet teams this week include: Tuesday, fast pitch and baseball at Cathlamet at 3:30 p.m.; Thursday, track at South Bend at 2:30 p.m. Go Comets! The Naselle-Grays River School Board will hold its regular mon...

  • Student exhibit at Redmen Hall set for March 28

    Mar 12, 2015

    Student exhibit at Redmen Hall set for March 28 The Wahkiakum Community, including the members of Friends of Skamokawa at Redmen Hall have become increasingly aware of a renewed energy in our school system. To celebrate this FOS will hold an exhibit of some of the award winning projects our county's students have been involved in. Included in this will be Mrs Moonon's art students, Mrs. Merz's arts students, Mrs. Niemeyer's graphic arts students, Mr Hurley's Ag Science and Forestry students, and Mr Rooklidge's robotics students. There will be d...

  • Super sale set for March 28

    Mar 12, 2015

    The Second Annual Community In-Door Super Sale will be held as a fundraising event for the Grays River Valley Center at Johnson Park in Rosburg on March 28. This is the old Rosburg School. GRVC serves as a community center for learning and human development activities for Wahkiakum County and the wider area of the lower Columbia River. It has many free resources for the community: a computer lab, an exercise room, an exchange and lending library, a gym that is maintained for area school use and aerobics, sewing classes, and most recently, the n...

  • James W. "Curly" Cochran

    Mar 12, 2015

    James Wallace "Curly" Cochran, 92, passed peacefully on March 8, 2015 at Canterbury Gardens in Longview. He was born on May 25, 1922 in Marvel, Alabama to Wallace and Mildred (Johnsey) Cochran. He came to Cathlamet in 1939 and in 1941 he married Delores Quigley. She survives him at home after 73 years of marriage. For 15 years he was employed at Crown Zellerbach before becoming the IWA Union Business Agent. He worked for the Union for 21 years before retiring in 1978. Delores and Curly enjoyed...

  • Strong runs of Columbia River chinook, Puget Sound pink and coho projected

    Mar 12, 2015

    Fishing prospects look promising for chinook in Washington’s ocean waters and the Columbia River, as well as for coho and pink salmon in areas of Puget Sound, according to state fisheries managers. The forecasts – developed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and treaty Indian tribes – for chinook, coho, sockeye, chum and pink salmon were released at a public meeting in Olympia March 2. The forecasts mark the starting point for developing the 2015 salmon fishing seasons. The public is encouraged to participate throu...

  • Parade to be held Tuesday

    Mar 12, 2015

    St. Patrick's Day is March 17, next Tuesday. The annual parade consisting of dogs and owners, will start at the north end of Main Street at 11 a.m., near the Bradley House and parade down the east side of Main Street to the cross walk at the south end of Main, and proceed north to the Courthouse parking lot. This is a one block parade - down one side and back to the cars on the other side of the sidewalk. Plan on lunch at Duffy’s Irish Pub in Grays River. Out door dining (dogs welcome), or, if it's bad weather, indoor dining (dogs welcome as l...

  • Workshop: What Drives Budget Decisions?

    Mar 12, 2015

    On March 19 at noon, Claire Hauge, Director for the Cowlitz County Office of Financial Management will discuss what drives budget decisions. It can be hard to see how the county budget works and even more difficult to understand why money is spent the way it is. Headlines in the paper and misunderstanding of government processes can lead to greater confusion. Hauge will clarify what revenue restrictions exist and how budgetary decisions are made. This program, sponsored by Washington State University Extension will be held for free at the...

  • Blood drawing March 23

    Mar 12, 2015

    The American Red Cross will hold a blood drawing March 23, 1-6 p.m. in Cathlamet. By donating blood, eligible donors can help save the lives of patients in need. Those who are unable to give blood can support blood donations by organizing a blood drive, volunteering to assist with Red Cross activities, or creating a SleevesUp virtual blood drive online at and asking others to make a lifesaving donation. To make an appointment to give blood, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call...

  • Lady Mules place 2nd in state tourney

    Diana Zimmerman|Mar 12, 2015

    The Wahkiakum Lady Mules basketball team brought home a second place trophy from the State 2B Basketball Tournament that was held last weekend in Spokane. The Mules crossed off Mabton and LaConner on Thursday and Friday, coming from behind each night to win in a progressively thrilling fashion. They were unable to continue their winning pattern on day three and lost to an unbeaten, number one ranked team from Okanogan, a team that until this year played 1A. It has been 34 years since a...

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