Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 25
Fair Manager Patty Dursteler has been working hard to bring back the old fashioned country fair to Wahkiakum County. There was plenty of good music, animals and food. The kids in 4-H were busy and the exhibits in the youth barn showed that there was a lot of talent bubbling up in our county. Unfortunately, the heat may have kept people away this year. On Saturday, visitors took advantage of the cooler temperature. People were mucking stalls in the horse barn as they made preparations to leave...
Wahkiakum county commissioners on Tuesday took another step toward setting up the fund raising mechanism for their flood control zone districts (FCZD). Commissioners Dan Cothren and Mike Backman--Commissioner Blair Brady was out of town at a county insurance pool meeting--recessed out of their board of commissioners meeting to convene as commissioners of the FCZD's and interlocal agreements establishing the funding relationship between the county and the districts. Officials say costs of...
Board members discussed the high school football program at the August Wahkiakum School District Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday, as well as the new superintendent job description. The principals gave assessment results and the board approved several other items under new business. The coach for the high school football team, Eric Hansen, was in attendance to ask the school board to consider allowing eighth grade students to play varsity football this year after a shift in rules at WIAA ma...
To honor late tribal leader Ray Gardner, members of the Chinook Tribe made a canoe journey down the river last week. Photos by Genie Cary....
To The Eagle: The letter submitted by a Mr. Paul Schreiber and published on 8/18 is at best ill informed and insulting to the previous writers on the matter of legal sales of marijuana in Wahkiakum county. He apparently fancies opinions to carry the same weight as fact, which is obviously ridiculous. Opinions are a great deal like a certain anatomical feature generally not discussed in polite company and of course everybody has one. Facts, on the other hand, are well researched and scientifically proven. It was suggested by Alex Docker that the...
To The Eagle: I, Olaf Thomason, Sr., being a beach front land owner, am against any assessment made by the Corps of Engineers or the county. The damage caused along the beaches was, or is not, caused by the adjacent property owners. Therefore, any assessments by the Corps of Engineers and/or the county, should be paid for by the Corps of Engineers, who with the port districts, want bigger ships and want a deeper shipping channel. If the county thinks they have a say with the Corps, they should remember what happened to the white-tailed refuge...
To The Eagle: This letter is in response to Dennis Gordon’s recent request for people in the community to air their concerns about activities of government agencies that we find disturbing. The one I feel is most diabolical is government agencies (FEMA, Homeland Security, and others) initiating emergency training events called Integrated Capstone Events (ICE), not be confused with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In these events participants are required by law to act as though the event was actually real. There are, in fact, legal p...
To the Editor: Regarding the upcoming local election, I propose that we the voters be presented with a detailed job description and the salary attached to each position so we can evaluate the past effectiveness of incumbents (performance review), monitor the job performance of newly-elected officials, and validate the remuneration attached to each position. Ursula A. Petralia Skamokawa...
Local bands will be performing at Grange Aid next Friday, September 2, to raise money for the Skamokawa Grange. The Grange is an old building and it's a great building," Erik Friend said. Lots of amazing things have happened here over the years. People who grew up in this town came here for ballroom dances, weddings and gatherings of all sorts. This place needs that energy. It needs a little bit of investment in upkeep. We want to restore the kitchen and dining hall, so we can have dinners and...
On Friday, August 26, from 10-5, the Wahkiakum County Department of Emergency Management will be conducting a training for a mass casualty incident in Cathlamet. Local law enforcement, emergency medical services, fire departments, mental health professionals and school district emergency response staff will benefit from the training. They are looking for 125 role players, 18 years and older, to aid in the training. Volunteers will be made up with mock injuries using the art of moulage before the event begins. There will be several moulage...
At their August 15 meeting, members of the Cathlamet Town Council agreed by consensus to put together a committee to plan increases for water and sewer utility customers. Council Member Dick Swart raised the issue for discussion. ""Our income is insufficient to meet our costs," he said. "The General Fund had to cover a deficit last year. "We need to take a hard look at our rate structure." Swart reminded council members that the town has had two rate studies in recent years. "Nothing was done when the council was told rates needed to...
PLENTY WARM--If you are one of those who love the heat, you sure got it last week and weekend! Wow, way too toasty for me! We joke about it "always raining" at least one day of the Wahkiakum County Fair, but that certainly didn't happen this time, as those drips you felt weren't from the sky but more than likely falling from your forehead! Luckily, a cool down showed up Saturday evening and we began this week with some nice cloud cover on Sunday morning and even some wetness on Monday morning before the sun returned by early afternoon. Cooler...
THURSDAY Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Congregational Church, Noon. District No. 4 Fire Department, drill night, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, fire/ambulance, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, 7 p.m. Wahkiakum Fire District 2 Commissioners, Skamokawa Fire Hall, 7 p.m. Wahkiakum Planning Commission, Courthouse, 6 p.m. Community Library & Computer Center, GRVC at Johnson Park, 1-5 p.m. West End Food Pantry, GRVC at Johnson Park, 1-5 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly...
News from Naselle: Classes will begin on Monday for the 2016-17 school year at the Naselle-Grays River Valley Schools. Be mindful when you are near the school grounds and remember the lower speed limit when our kids are present. The FinnFest is over for this year, but the preparation for the next one will continue. The next meeting will take place on Sunday, the 28th at Naselle High School, 4 p.m. Westend news: The Grays River Grange Farmer’s Market is held every Tuesday, 2-6 p.m. Shop local and get delicious produce for reasonable prices. F...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: August 15 — 8:02 a.m. The Prosecutor’s Office requested law enforcement. 9:58 a.m. A caller reported that fuel was stolen from Health and Human Services in the Elochoman Valley. The theft was caught on video. 10:44 a.m. A caller reported that an individual was speeding up and down a Deep River road on an ATV. 11:31 a.m. An Elochoman Valley resident reported that someone had broken into a trailer and sto...
"Chris told me he had the perfect job and the perfect house," Laurie Miller, the new pharmacist at the Cathlamet Pharmacy said of her predecessor, Chris Wuestefeld. "And now he's moving." Move he did. Wuestefeld and his family have relocated to the Tri-Cities. It may simply have been a case of happy wife, happy life. Many people were sad to see him go, especially his co-workers. But they also seem pleased with Miller, who stepped in to fill the vacancy at the Cathlamet Pharmacy. Miller, who...
Josh and Aimee Hoyt of Spokane Valley have announced the birth of their daughter, Ada June Hoyt, on June 10, 2016. Ada was born at Valley Medical Center weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz. and meausring 19" long. She joins brother Jaxton. Maternal grandparents are Pam Abena of Cathlamet, and Tim Abena of Kodiak, Ak. Paternal grandparents are Gary and Sarah Hoyt of Spokane Valley....
This year at the Fair, our Wahkiakum Master Gardeners awarded a prize to the youth entering the most creative potted plant incorporating the Fair's theme, "Catch the Fair Bug." They were required to use a plastic gallon jug, which gave them all an equal starting point -- and also utilized the concept of re-using (or recycling) an object. The winner was Haley Depoe. She created a fly out of her container and filled it with a variety of succulents. Two of the succulent plants were the fly's eyes....
Election officers in Legislative District 19 this week are performing a recount of the primary's closest election. While Republican Jim Walsh came out on top of the race for Position 1 with 28.96 percent of the vote, Democrats Teresa Purcell, 24.19 percent, and JD Rossetti, 24.0 percent, were within the narrow margin to require a recount. Once the recount is certified, either Purcell or Rossetti will face Walsh in the general election. District wide, Walsh had 7,675 votes; Purcell 6,411, and Rossetti 6,361. Other candidates for the District 1...
Live Music at Puget Island Farmers Market, 59 W. Birnie Slough Rd. On Friday, August 26, Doug Sheresh, Rick Nelson and Dale and Sylvia Costich will perform from 3-6 p.m., on the Up-Beet Stage. For more information call 360-560-3785. On Saturday, August 27 at River Mile 38 Brewing, Kyleen Austin and Rob Stockhouse will perform from 5-8 p.m. on the Crow’s Nest Stage, 285 Third St., Cathlamet. For more information call 360-366-4662....
Mary Ann Wood passed away in Seaside surrounded by family on Aug 22, 2016. She was born Feb 4, 1929 in Prosser, Washington to Ford and Leona Quarles. She grew up in Cathlamet, Washington working in her father’s grocery store and was a licensed beautician and business owner. She married Allen Wood in 1949, and together they raised their children in Japan, Okinawa and Iran for many years. She volunteered in the hospital gift shop, with the Lady Elks and the Seaside Ambassadors. Mary Ann is survived by her children Linda Ford Crow, Jeff Wood (...
Serious fireworks-related injuries from June 1 to July 31, 2016, in Washington state rose by 40 percent, according to the latest figures from the State Fire Marshal’s Office. The majority of these injuries occurred on the Fourth of July. This year, fireworks injuries resulted in amputations, first, second, third degree burns and hearing and eyesight loss. Sixteen percent of those injured were due to alcohol or drug impairment. In addition, fireworks-related-fires resulted in an estimated nearly $200,000 in property loss during the same p...
State wildlife biologists have received authorization to remove a wolf pack in Ferry County after investigating two calf carcasses and an injured calf in a grazing area August 19. The injured calf was classified as the subject of a confirmed wolf attack and the dead calves as subjects of probable wolf attacks. Since mid-July, WDFW has confirmed that wolves have killed or injured six cattle and probably five others, based on staff investigations. Jim Unsworth, director of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), authorized field...
Engineers at Oregon State University have completed one of the most precise evaluations yet done about the impact of a major tsunami event on the Columbia River, what forces are most important in controlling water flow and what areas might be inundated. They found, in general, that tidal stages are far more important than river flow in determining the impact of a tsunami; that it would have its greatest effect at the highest tides of the year; and that a tsunami would be largely dissipated within about 50 miles of the river’s mouth near L...
The Wild Fish Conservancy is seeking an injunction and restraining order to block the continued use of Mitchell Act funding for salmonid hatchery operations in the lower Columbia River system. The conservancy contends Mitchell Act funds were intended to support hatchery operations that help rather than harm wild fish populations. The complaint seeking an injunction and restraining order was filed July 13 in an Oregon U.S. District Court. It signals an effort on the part of plaintiffs to accelerate proceedings related to a March 31 lawsuit that...