Sorted by date Results 1 - 22 of 22
The Wahkiakum High School girls basketball team will hold a car wash and bake sale at the Cathlamet Chevron on August 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All the proceeds from the Treats to Help the Troops bake sale will go towards making care packages for American troops in Afghanistan....
ENOUGH HEAT YET?--When the temperature hit 97 degrees at my house last Saturday, I was saying "enough already!" Whew, it was hot! But thankfully, we had some cool evenings and the house cooled down so sleeping was easy. Here at least, we went from 97 to 61 in just a few hours! While we cooled down on Sunday, it was still very hot if you went to Portland or Seattle. I thoroughly enjoyed the cooler temps, and I'm sure the critters liked it better too. However, I was still seeing people with dogs in their cars during this heat wave and I just...
Michael Sullivan, judge August 16, 2010 A 12-person jury found defendant David Loren Waldeck, 45, Cathlamet, guilty of a charge of possession of a controlled substance in a one day trial Monday. The jury found Waldeck guilty of possessing heroin when a law enforcement officer pulled his vehicle over last February. The sheriff's deputy, Helen Coubra, witnessed Waldeck's vehicle speeding and behaving erratically on SR 4, and she pulled him over. While identifying Waldeck and his passenger, a former law enforcement officer pulled up and told...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: August 9--10:26 a.m. A caller reported a possible case of abuse at a Columbia Street residence; an officer investigated. 11:28 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance responded to aid a man with heart problems. 12:39 p.m. A Skamokawa resident reported someone had shot and killed her dog. 4:45 p.m. A Skamokawa resident reported someone was neglecting a dog and cat, which were scrounging the neighborhood for food; an...
Every year the Fair Board and volunteers of our community work together toward achieving a common goal. The planning is all done now and it’s time to enjoy what we have worked so hard to keep a part of our community. It's opening day at our Wahkiakum County Fair! Time to visit with friends, view entertainment, eat lots of delicious foods, and take a look at all the improvements that have been made to the fairgrounds. The Fair Board selects a special person to dedicate the Fair to each year. Nancy Corbin received this honor. Nancy has a long h...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is announcing the availability of the Lewis and Clark National Wildlife Refuge and Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White-tailed Deer Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (CCP/EIS). The CCP/ EIS was developed to provide guidance for the management of these refuges over the next 15 years. The CCP/ EIS was developed to provide scientifically grounded guidance for improving the refuges’ habitats for the long-term conservation of migratory birds and native plants and a...
Julius A .Wendt Elementary will hold a Back To School Night on August 31 from 6 – 7 p.m. for students to meet new teachers, see classmates, put away their supplies and enjoy some ice cream. The John C. Thomas Middle School Curriculum Night will also be August 31, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Parents will receive a letter in the mail with their child’s schedule and are invited to come meet teachers, hear about curriculum and classroom expectations. The evening will be divided into 10 minute sessions with parents and students attending each c...
Wahkiakum PUD commissioners discussed a proposal to include a private group’s survey in PUD bills and heard updates on current projects at their meeting August 17. Town resident John Dees attended the meeting as a representative of a group of private citizens who have been meeting to work on Main Street revitalization. The group has sent out a survey to all Town of Cathlamet water customers, Dees said, but acknowledges that survey method missed significant segments of the county population. They would like to include their survey with PUD b...
Wahkiakum Port District 1 commissioners discussed their holiday weekend reservation policy and an aquatic weed at their meeting August 12. Jerry Bain of Longview sent a letter to the commissioners protesting the three nights minimum stay policy in place for Memorial Day, Bald Eagle Day, and Labor Day weekends. He asked that the port commissioners consider amending the policy to a two night minimum stay. Port Manager Jackie Lea recounted past years when people had made reservations for only Saturday night of Bald Eagle Days, thus preventing...
Commissioners of Wahkiakum County Port District 2 worked through a light agenda Tuesday. Commission Chair Brian O'Connor reported that the port's well and water supply at Skamokawa Vista Park is scheduled to be operating by the end of the year. The port has been getting water from the West Side Water System and recently settled a back bill for $6,000. Now, Manager Bob Henderson said, the port and the water system will work out a wholesale rate so that they can sell water as necessary, and the purchaser won't be stuck with a higher retail rate,...
The Cathlamet Town Council voted 3-1 Monday to authorize Mayor George Wehrfritz to offer heirs of the late Effie Wright a refund of $10,000 she made to the town for purchase of land for use as a parking lot. Wehrfritz asked for council backing for his suggestion to ask the heirs if they would like a refund or if they would want the money to go into a fund for parking improvements. Council Member Wally Wright, a son of Effie Wright, abstained from voting but opposed Wehrfitz's proposal. In discussions over the proposed layout of Queen Sally...
Two coming events will wrap up Cathlamet's summer weekend festivities. On August 27, 28 and 29, Cathlamet and Puget Island will host the Second Annual Cathlamet Downhill Corral, a series of internationally sanctioned longboard races. On September 4, Buzzards' Breath Chili Cook Off will take place at the Elochoman Slough Marina. The Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring both events. The longboard races start Friday at 5 p.m. with dual races: A slide competition will begin on Main and Broadway streets and a tight slalom race that will...
Come and help the Grays River and Skamokawa Granges at the Wahkiakum County Fair. The Grange food booth will be open all day August 19 – 21. We need volunteers. This is the biggest fund raiser of the year for Grays River Grange. Cooks, prep workers, and counter people are needed. Just stop by the food booth and volunteer, we will be happy to put you to work. Food booth is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Along with workers, we need hungry people so stop by and have a bite to eat. The primary candidates forum held on July 27 at Johnson Park...
Washington's voters went to the polls and have almost concluded their first ever top-two primary election on Tuesday. The top two candidates in each race advance to the general election no matter their party affiliation. Wahkiakum voters had a few of those races to settle. County Auditor and chief elections officer Diane Tischer said election workers counted 1,435 ballots on Tuesday; they reconvened Wednesday morning to count approximately 200 more as The Eagle went to press, and those tallies could change some of Tuesday's results. They'll...
Based on the local watershed planning unit’s need for more time, the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) will allow more time for the rule making process in the Grays-Elochoman and Cowlitz watersheds. Instead of adopting the two water resource management rules by mid October, Ecology will let the current rule time line run out and expects to start again in 2011. Ecology uses locally developed watershed plans to write water resource management rules. The plans include information provided by local governments about growth and how much wat...
Wahkiakum County Commissioners will hold a public hearing September 24 on a proposed ordinance to govern application of biosolids in the county. The ordinance stemmed from a plan to apply biosolids to a Grays River farm, and area residents objected, saying they carried potential health hazards. In the preamble, the ordinance notes that the various biosolids can contain heavy metals and microorganisms which could be spread in floods and normal drainage. The ordinance recognizes three grades of biosolids--Class A, Class B and Septage. Class A bio...
To The Eagle: I write in response to George Hanigan's letter published August 12, 2010, under the caption "Town's obligations already too numerous," in which Mr. Hanigan impugns both my personal integrity and my professional competence, and that of Councilwoman Ruth Doumit. I will not allow those aspersions and the erroneous analysis that underlies them to go unchallenged and uncorrected. Mr. Hanigan claims that he has "heard the opinion expressed by several citizens" that Councilwoman Doumit and I, "as adjacent landowners... had a personal...
To The Eagle: Frank and Donnie are appalled? (Letter to The Eagle, August12). Being a World War II veteran and because of my age, disabled, I feel for anyone that is disabled, especially young people returning from the war missing arms and legs. I made it possible to ascend the stairs to the office without falling through rotten steps. I personally replaced them with steel and concrete. I personally assembled all of the steel and wood picnic tables Frank and Donnie probably have used over 15 years ago. I'm responsible for getting a dock ramp...
Well, it seems that summer is finally here, with a vengeance. The really hot days are not my favorite. Even my sister, Sharon, who is still here from California, said it is just stifling with the humidity. Lots of folks are really enjoying all the heat, though. Nancy George’s garden seems to be doing pretty good, especially in the lettuce section. She said she has an overabundance of it. News from Naselle: It won’t be long now before the kids will be back in school with homework, sports pra...
The Wahkiakum High School volleyball season will begin August 23 with practice from 9 a.m. to noon. Practices throughout the remainder of the week will begin at 9 a.m. Players are reminded to make sure they have completed a physical and turned in their paperwork to the high school office. Players are not allowed to practice under WIAA guidelines without first completing a physical and turning in the physical form to the high school....
The American Red Cross Blood Services is urging blood donors to take time to donate blood or platelets. They are especially looking for new donors to help combat the region's blood shortage. Any healthy person at 18 or over, or 16-17 with signed parental consent, and weighing at least 110 pounds may be eligible to donate blood. Valid identification is required for all blood donations. All eligible donors are asked to schedule an appointment to donate blood on August 30 from 1-6 p.m. at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, 3 Fern Hill Road by...
Dr. Paul Schneider and Carol Wegdahl are organizing a team of health care professionals to provide free athletic physicals to Wahkiakum student athletes. The physicals will be given from 9 a.m. to noon on August 21, at the Cathlamet Fire Hall. The physicals will be given on a first-come first-served basis. Physical forms will be available at the fire hall, although it is preferred that parents/athletes pick up a form at Wahkiakum High School and complete their section of the form prior to the physical being given....