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Wahkiakum County Fair week is here, and we are ready to take your entries! The website is now live. There is a fair entry button that takes you to the entry form. You can upload three pictures or one video per entry. It is so simple it can be done with a phone. You can take pictures while filling out the form. The form is like filling out the entry cards in the past. Look up Dept., Division, Class, and Lot from last year's Fair Book. If you don't have a fair book from last year it is also on the site....
The Cathlamet Woman’s Club invites the public to “Come Stroll With Us On Main Street” in celebration of the 100 year anniversary of the 19th Amendment and women’s right to vote. Grab your fancy hat and meet at the Hotel Cathlamet from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, August 18. They remind participants to wear a mask and practice social distancing. Courtesy photo....
The Cathlamet Town Council will consider two ordinances relating to control of dangerous dogs when it meets tonight, starting at 6 p.m. The ordinances are one of the items late on the agenda. 12.ORDINANCES: A. Ordinance 631-20, Amending CMC CH. 2.05 Relating to Elected Officials’ Compensation B. Ordinance 628-20, Amending CMC 6.10.020 Relating to Pitbull Dogs C. Ordinance XXX-20, Amending CMC 6.10.020 (Version 2, to include Rottweiler Dogs) Full text of the ordinances and other items on the agenda may be found at https://www...
Due to restrictions caused by the Covid-19 virus, Wahkiakum Youth Football will attempt to follow the WIAA schedule and play football in late winter/spring of 2021. Therefore, there is no fall football planned. For further information contact Brad Moon, 360-798-8721....
Where It All Goes Years ago I decided that I could save money by taking my trash to the KM Transfer Station. I saw all the recycle for glass, plastic, cardboard, etc. Although I was familiar with recycling, I wondered where all the rest of the trash went to. As a boy I was able to go to landfills and I was amazed at the tons of refuse that people throw away. What amazed me more was that there were people at the dump who picked through the trash looking for some kind of treasure to them. There is a saying that one man’s trash is another m...
On Friday evening, Deputy Billy Conrad of the Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Office was called to Rosedale to deal with a curious wayfarer that had drawn a crowd. "It looked like a boulder in the road," Deputy Billy Conrad said. "I was not expecting to see a giant snapping turtle." It was about one and a half feet long, and a foot wide, and was crossing Columbia Street near St. James Family Center. The whole neighborhood had come out to get a good look at the creature, Conrad said. After taking...
Wahkiakum School District administrators have been working long hours, consulting with Wahkiakum Health and Human Services, and Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to create a plan for students to return to the classroom for the new school year in the middle of a pandemic. In a special meeting on Tuesday, Superintendent Brent Freeman went over the details with the board of directors. Initially, school was scheduled to resume on August 31 for the new academic year, but they...
Tent campers at Skamokawa Vista Park recently heard a thunk as something struck a tree and hit their tent. The object was a bullet, ricocheting from nearby target shooters on private property. They reported the incident to park officials and the Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Department who investigated, determined that the round came from a large caliber pistol. And on Tuesday, the county board of commissioners hosted a discussion about establishing a no shooting zone in the vicinity of Vista Park. After the discussion, commissioners suggested...
As of Tuesday, Wahkiakum County’s number of positive cases of covid-19 remains at five. Pacific County’s number has risen to 51, and the number of confirmed cases has reached 501 in Cowlitz County, with 241 considered active. Five have died, and one person is currently hospitalized in the county. Across the river in Columbia County, they have had a total of 103 cases, with 17 currently considered infectious. There have been 88 cases in Clatsop, 22 of which are active. Coronavirus vaccine tra...
To The Eagle: Does truth matter? A friend of mine recently posted an article on her Facebook page that she took from a conservative leaning internet site that showed masked protesters in Portland Oregon pouring gasoline on a fire. The article that accompanied the post said that BLM protesters in Portland were burning Bibles and American flags, inferring that BLM protesters in Portland hate God and hate America. I have lived in Portland for over 45-years and still keep a home there, and was sad to read that some Portlanders might be using the...
To The Eagle: The fake news machinery has ratcheted up in stridency, probably indicating death throes, since all major mainstream media outlets are hemorrhaging in terms of ratings, employees, and revenue. Makes reliable data and statistics hard to come by, since both the media and lefty politicians tend to squelch all info that doesn’t support their depraved narrative – but it’s still out there if you look hard enough. Local officialdom has questioned the observation that children are relatively safe from the covid virus, but in a CDC chart...
To The Eagle: We’ve read here, again, how those dastardly Marxists are responsible for all the dissidents protesting in our streets and are even internationally financed! To this I say, thank goodness. We’ve sent out billions of dollars in foreign aid to feed the hungry, mitigate disaster, protect human rights and promote ‘The American Way.’ It’s about time some of that generosity found its way back to us through global organizations, Marxist or otherwise, who recognize our need for financial help in combating institutional racism in our own c...
Updated vote tallies late last week for Washington's primary elections produced no changes in results for local, regional or state wide races. In primary elections, the candidates with the top two vote counts advance to the general election. Also, in races for seats on a county commission, only voters in the commissioner district vote for the candidates, with all voters in a county voting on the races in the general election. Wahkiakum County had two races on the ballot, both for county commissioner, and both with only two candidates. In...
Skamokawa residents Paul and Daria Lacy pleaded not guilty to 11 charges of animal cruelty in the second degree and two counts of transporting or confining a domestic animal in an unsafe manner before Judge Heidi Heywood in Wahkiakum District Court on August 5. The pair were appointed attorneys, and conditions were set for pretrial. They have to remove any remaining animals from their property by August 21. They cannot acquire any new animals or provide care for any animals that belong to...
NICE ONE--We certainly had a nice weekend with a bit of heat thrown in there for you sun lovers, so I'm sure you all enjoyed it. The late night hours cooled things off a bit and the early morning hours weren't bad either, so for folks like me who don't like to work in the sun, those times really provided a great opportunity to do any outside chores that needed to be done. Of course, by the traffic I saw and heard going by, I know there were a lot of folks saying "forget the yardwork" and away they went to the coastal areas to enjoy a wonderful...
Do you have a favorite tomato, pepper, or other veggie that you'd like to grow next summer? On August 14 from 12-12:30 p.m., WSU Master Gardener Alice Slusher will explain about gathering and storing seeds for next year and beyond. Register for free by contacting Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3 for connection information. A 20 minute presentation will be followed by questions. The program can be accessed on-line by Zoom or by calling in by phone. The workshop is sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master...
On August 18 from 12:00–12:30 p.m., WSU Master Gardener and Master Food Preserver Helen Redmond will discuss basic canning techniques, stressing safety and tested recipes to safely preserve your bountiful garden harvest. Register for free by contacting Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3 for connection information. A 25 minute presentation will be followed by questions about the topic. The program can be accessed on-line by Zoom or by calling in by phone. The workshop is sponsored by Washington State University Extension M...
Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, all county buildings are closed to the public and meetings and events usually listed here have been canceled or changed to online participation until further notice. The Eagle was advised of the following events: Online Recovery Meeting, Lower Columbia River Refuge Recovery. Mondays 6:30 p.m. Zoom ID 960 8413 9102. Great Rivers BHO Governing Board, Friday, 351 NW North St., Chehalis, August 14, 10 a.m....
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: August 3 — 1:46 a.m. A Puget Island resident reported that a restraining order was being violated when someone sent her messages on Facebook. 3:01 a.m. The sheriff’s department was asked to be on the lookout for a missing and endangered woman. 3:14 a.m. A caller reported that dogs at a neighboring Rosedale home had been howling for about three days. She was concerned about their well being. A deputy res...
Pacific County will provide grant assistance for small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. These small business grants will be allocated from Pacific County’s portion of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Grant award amounts can reach up to $10,000 per small business. Grant eligibility requirements follow; applicants must meet all requirements to qualify. • The small business must be physically located inside Pacific County, Washington; • As of March 1, 2020, the business must employ no more than twenty (2...
Non-commercial radio station KMUN was awarded a Covid-19 relief grant from Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), a statewide philanthropy assigning donor funds for transforming change in Oregon. The $11,000 grant was secured in late July and it was good timing for KMUN’s fiscal budget. KMUN, which operates independently of public radio like OPB and rigidly formatted commercial stations, works on a very tight budget. Income to the station from businesses has decreased by 50 percent. Maintaining the quality of programming KMUN has been known for s...
Stanley Rangila, age 83, died peacefully at his home in Deep River on August 3, to be reunited with his wife Helen, who predeceased him in 2018, and his Lord Jesus. Born on February 12, 1937, Stanley was the only son of Eino and Martha Rangila and a lifelong resident of Deep River. He was both a farmer and a logger, loved doing both and took immense pride in having worked as a logger when logging was king. He had an inquisitive mind and a wicked sense of humor. He derived great pleasure in...
A celebration of life service will be held for Robert “Bob” Brons on Saturday, August 15 at 2 p.m., at the Elochoman Marina in Cathlamet. His full obituary was published March 5, 2020 in The Eagle....
The Town of Cathlamet's application for funding for renovation and repair of the Cathlamet Pioneer Cemetery has been ranked fourth out of 40 grant requests in statewide rankings, Council Member David Olson announced Monday. The ranking came Monday afternoon from the advisory committee to the Washington State Historical Society, in the course of a five hour public meeting conducted via Zoom, Olson said. The recommendations of the advisory committee, including to fund the Town of Cathlamet grant request, now go to the Washington Legislature and...
Meetings of the Cathlamet Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous at Hope Center have resumed, the group announced this week. The one-hour meetings have returned to the regular schedule: 7-8 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays and 6 p.m. on Sundays. Anyone with a desire to stop drinking is welcome, but hand-sanitizing (available on site), masks and social distancing are required for the safety of all. The Hope Center is located on Maple Street between South 2nd and South 3rd streets in Cathlamet....