Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Articles from the July 15, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 26

  • County, Port 1 study County Line Park needs

    Rick Nelson|Jul 15, 2021

    What are the highest priority improvements at County Line Park? Local officials discussed them Tuesday at the meeting of the board of county commissioners, focusing on deteriorating walkways, water system improvements, and, of course, how to pay for them. No decisions were made; county commissioners asked Port 1 Maintenance Manager Todd Souvenir to consult with the Port District 1 board of commissioners and return for further discussion in August. The state Department of Natural Resources owns...

  • SR 4 paving work to start Monday

    Rick Nelson|Jul 15, 2021

    Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) learned Tuesday that contractor crews are scheduled to start the resurfacing work on Monday. The contractor will start at Skamokawa and work eastward to Coal Creek Road intersection near Longview, placing a chip seal surface and making other improvements along the 25-mile route. Travelers will see signs installed first, followed by pavement repairs. "Things are dynamic in construction, and timing and order of work might shift depending on site conditions and material availability," said...

  • Bald Eagle Days festivities get going this Friday, Saturday

    Diana Zimmerman|Jul 15, 2021

    Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce Director Stacey Lane is excited to see the community reconnect at Bald Eagle Days after the last 18 months of the pandemic. “It’s going to be a great party,” Lane said, “the weather is going to be beautiful. We’re going to have a lot of great vendors. A lot of information. It’s a great reflection of what our county has to offer.” The annual Kiwanis breakfast was canceled, as was Friday night’s bull riding event in Skamokawa, but on Tuesday, planners were still addin...

  • Covid-19 update

    Diana Zimmerman|Jul 15, 2021

    After a nearly two week pause, Wahkiakum Health and Human Services (WHHS) reported a new case of covid-19 in Wahkiakum County on Monday, bringing the cumulative total to 159, with two cases considered potentially active. The individual is in self-quarantine, and there is currently no known connection with either Wahkiakum School District or St. James Family Center. WHHS is working to identify anyone who may have an exposure risk because of contact with the individual. Anyone determined to have...

  • More on vaccines

    Jul 15, 2021

    To The Eagle: CDC reported that over 4,000 adults, including children and teenagers, that did not have COVID in their system and got vaccinated ended up getting COVID. We’re learning more reports of those who took the vaccine shot are suffering ailments like blood clots, paralysis, heart inflammations and more. The numbers are still rising. Americas Front Line Doctors (AFLDS) used HCQ to fight the virus. They also wrote articles on what we can do to fight the virus. It’s simple. We need to build up and strengthen our immune system by eat...

  • Many resistant to education

    Jul 15, 2021

    To The Eagle: A lady’s recently expressed opinions were unfortunately based upon disinformation disseminated by the AFLDS (America’s Frontline Doctors), a very small club of ultra-right-wing conspiracy obsessed physicians. This handful of doctors, who have no specific training in epidemiology, virology or infectious disease, claim to have better knowledge of COVID-19 than the thousands of academic and pharmaceutical researchers who have forged specialized careers in these areas. They’ve been notorious for dispensing falsehoods about the Covid...

  • Eagle taken to task

    Jul 15, 2021

    To The Eagle: I understand that The Eagle has limited resources and isn't able to carry out much substantive reporting. But I have some complaints about your news items. You recently reported that the high school had the largest graduation class for several years. But carefully didn't tell us how large it was. My class decades ago was only 22--below average for then by a dozen or so. Would like to have known the current size. Likewise, you reported several times that a heat wave hit the county. But didn't say how high the temperature was. You...

  • PUD decision disappointing

    Jul 15, 2021

    To The Eagle: The recent decision by the PUD Commissioners to hire a general manager from out of our area in favor of a local applicant who knows the system in and out, was disappointing. On top of that, the article printed in The Eagle stated that the hiring was "subject to negotiation of employment contract." Wasn't the salary and benefit package set before the hiring? Why would there now need to be "negotiations?" I think a sampling of PUD customers would have favored the local candidate. Dennis Blix Cathlamet...

  • Corrections/Clarifications

    Jul 15, 2021

    Last week's report of county commission activities contained a typographical error: Remodeling of a courthouse vault to accommodate election activities is estimated to cost $4,950, not $49,050. In last week’s article about the town council’s consideration of a 32 lot development on Greenwood, Bob Jungers was quoted as saying the town had less than 10 sewer hook ups in the last 15 years. To clarify, he was speaking specifically about the Boege Rd. system....

  • Three run for mayor; primary election will narrow the field to two

    Rick Nelson|Jul 15, 2021

    Voters residing in the Town of Cathlamet city limits will soon decide which two of three candidates for mayor will appear on November’s general election ballot. The Wahkiakum County auditor’s Office will mail ballots and a local voter’s pamphlet this Friday for the Aug. 3 primary. The three candidates are incumbent Mayor Dale Jacobson and Council Members David Olson and Robert Stowe. Stowe and his wife moved to Cathlamet in 2016 to retire; he is a working artist and member of the Tsuga Gallery. He joined the Cathlamet Planning Commission in 20...

  • Bald Eagle Days are here; have fun

    Kay Chamberlain|Jul 15, 2021

    STILL WARM--It's not blazing hot outside like it was for awhile there, but it's still plenty warm, so don't forget to keep that hat on and slather the sunscreen on as well, as it doesn't take much to become a "crispy critter" when you're out on the water or playing on the beach! The forecast this week for temps in the high 60s and low 70s are much more welcomed to me, so here's hoping that these perfect temps continue for our upcoming big events this weekend; fingers crossed! SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from July 15-21 are Mariett...

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Jul 15, 2021

    The Eagle urges all organizations to inform us of any changes in your schedule since the covid restrictions. THURSDAY Community Center, Cathlamet, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Community Center, Cathlamet, 6-7:15 p.m. Learn to knit, crochet and mend, Sandra Sews, Community Center, Cathlamet, 10:30 a.m.-Noon. Walking Group, Community Center, Cathlamet, 9 a.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, The Hope Center, 3rd & Maple, Cathlamet, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Fire Protection District No. 1 Commissioners, Fire...

  • Downriver Dispatches

    Karen Bertroch|Jul 15, 2021

    Celebrate: Let's start by honoring a couple folks who mean so much to this community: Kay Weimer and Wilho Saari who both had birthdays this past weekend. Wilho turned 89 and Kay turned 81, so there were celebrations for each of them. Each of them has given so much to our area and both are loved by so many. God bless you both. Sad Loss: Beth Wirkkala passed away last weekend at 60 years old, way too young. Our hearts and memories and prayers are with her family at this time. We lose too many to...

  • Sheriff's Report, July 15, 2021

    Jul 15, 2021

    Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: July 5 — 5:11 a.m. A caller reported that a Cathlamet neighborhood was littered with the remnants of fireworks left by a neighbor who had spent five hours setting them off the day before. 7:14 a.m. A caller said that a man was causing a disturbance at a campsite at the marina. Deputies responded. 8:14 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance aided a Rosedale resident complaining of numbness in a leg. 10:08 An Alger C...

  • Cathlamet man dies in traffic accident

    Jul 15, 2021

    Cathlamet resident Gary Backman, 70, died and another man was severely injured when their vehicle crashed into a concrete barrier on July 2. According to information from the Washington State Patrol, the vehicle crossed the centerline of SR 4 at the Coal Creek Road intersection on the west side of Longview and collided with the concrete barrier. Backman, a passenger in the vehicle, died at the scene, and the other man, the driver, sustained severe injuries and has been hospitalized. Neither were wearing seatbelts. The accident is under...

  • Bull riding event cancelled; refunds to come

    Jul 15, 2021

    The Challenge of Champions Bull Riding Tour scheduled for this Friday at the fairgrounds in Skamokwa has been cancelled. Lore Twiet, local coordinator for the event, said the promoter canceled last Wednesday because of a shortage of riders. The Wahkiakum Fair Foundation will refund the pre-event tickets that were purchased. "We will have a booth at the Bald Eagle Days on Saturday if you still need to return tickets," Twiet said. She added that the Foundation would like to thank the sponsors who donated support for the event--Cathlamet Realty...

  • Free legal clinic scheduled

    Jul 15, 2021

    The Charlotte House, a program of St. James Family Center, will host a Free Legal Clinic on Friday July 16 at 2 p.m. in Cathlamet. Lisa Walgdovel, an Attorney with Northwest Justice Project, will help individuals with specific family law questions, such as how to get a divorce, determining primary custody and visitation and/or establishing child support. If you are interested in learning more about this clinic or to sign up you must call The Charlotte House at 360-795-6401 or toll free at 1-866-795-9381. Northwest Justice Project provides free...

  • LCC reopening July 19

    Jul 15, 2021

    Lower Columbia College (LCC) will reopen many areas for in-person services beginning July 19. Because LCC is closed on Fridays during the summer, the hours for most services will be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. A detailed list of services and hours is available at College staff will host a ‘Welcome Back’ booth between the Student Center and Admissions Building on campus from 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. July 19 - 22. Booth visitors will be eligible for daily drawings for $25 LCC Bookstore gift cards and...

  • Master Gardener On-line Workshop: How much water for your garden?

    Jul 15, 2021

    On July 20 at noon WSU Master Gardener Art Fuller will explain how to water your garden, lawn, and landscape. How much is enough? What are the best ways to water? Join them for an informative and timely talk. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 You can also call in by phone (no Zoom account necessary). Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782 775 605...

  • LCC to offer vaccine incentive scholarships

    Jul 15, 2021

    Twenty Lower Columbia College (LCC) students will be selected to receive $500 “shot of a lifetime” vaccine incentive scholarships as part of a vaccine incentive program funded by the state of Washington. LCC will award scholarships to 20 students whose names are randomly drawn and who can show they’ve received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by July 22. Eligible students must have completed at least six credit hours during spring quarter 2021 and intend to take classes this fall, winter or spring. Winners must verify that they have...

  • Rose novel named INDIES award winner

    Jul 15, 2021

    Bywater Books has announced that its novel, As If Death Summoned by Alan E. Rose, was named a winner in the 22nd annual Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards. Rose’s haunting novel about the AIDS epidemic won the gold award in the LGBT category. Foreword Reviews editors cited it, writing: “As heartwarming and hope-giving as it is heartbreaking, As If Death Summoned showcases the best and worst aspects of the fight against HIV.” The novel was released on World AIDS Day, December 1, 2020, by Amble Press, an imprint of Bywater Books. The news...

  • 2021 LCC Alumnus of the Year named

    Jul 15, 2021

    The LCCF Alumni of the Year award is to acknowledge Lower Columbia College alumni who have made significant contributions to the community, and whose accomplishments, relationships, and careers have exemplified the legacy of excellence at LCC. Lower Columbia College (LCC) and the Lower Columbia College Foundation have announced the selection of Dr. Edward L. Smith as the 2021 LCC Alumnus of the Year. Ed graduated from Castle Rock High School in 1949. In 1951, Ed’s music career took off and he traveled the U.S. It was during this time that Ed m...

  • WDFW seeks public input on coastal steelhead seasons

    Jul 15, 2021

    With recent and long term declines in coastal steelhead and last season’s early closure to the 2020-2021 coastal steelhead sport fishery, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife fishery managers will host a suite of virtual public town hall meetings this summer and fall to gather feedback from the public as they prepare for next season. Anglers and other interested members of the public are invited to attend a 6 p.m., Wednesday, July 28, virtual town hall and workshop to hear initial indications for 2020-2021 fishery returns, get more i...

  • WSP seeks community representatives for use of force investigations

    Jul 15, 2021

    The Washington State Patrol is looking for applicants to be community representatives assisting the patrol's Community Investigation Division in potential Wahkiakum County cases involving a peace officer and the use of deadly force. The representatives will serve on independent investigative teams (IIT); each county in the state will have one. With the passage of Washington State Initiative 940 in 2018 and SHB 1064 in 2019, incidents where the use of deadly force by a peace officer result in death, substantial bodily harm, or great bodily harm...

  • Primary election ballots going out Friday in Cathlamet

    Rick Nelson|Jul 15, 2021

    Ballots for the 2021 August 3 Primary Election will be mailed to Cathlamet voters this Friday. Wahkiakum County Elections Coordinator Kaelee Dearmore said the local ballot consists of one race, Town of Cathlamet Mayor, with three candidates printed on the ballot. Only voters within the Town of Cathlamet boundaries will receive a primary ballot. There are less than 500 registered voters eligible to participate in this election, Dearmore said. The Cathlamet mailing will also include the county's first Local Voters' Pamphlet (LVP), which should...

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