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Town of Cathlamet Public Works Department crew members on Monday put finishing touches on the town's new dock. Mayor David Olson said the dock should be in the river at the foot of Broadway Street by the start of Bald Eagle Days. Photo by Rick Nelson....
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Regular Meeting of the Cathlamet Town Council scheduled for Monday, July 18, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. has been canceled due to the lack of ready agenda items. The next Regular Town Council Meeting will be held on Monday, August 1, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in the DeBriae Meeting Room of the Cathlamet Fire Hall located at 255 2nd Street, Cathlamet, WA and via Zoom Meeting ID 789 428 4989, Passcode 418781. Respectfully, Sarah Clark Clerk-Treasurer...
Get ready to celebrate all things bald this weekend, because the annual Bald Eagle Days are here, and this year’s theme is “Bald is Beautiful.” Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce Director Monica Budd was in good spirits on Tuesday. She has 80 vendors signed up for the big event, and 35 entries for the parade, which begins at noon on Saturday. “It’s going to be fun,” she said. “We’re going to have more floats than we’ve had before. I think people are enjoying the theme, and it sounds like we’ve...
Culverts, roads, boats and finances dominated the business at Tuesday’s meeting of the Wahkiakum County board of commissioners. During public comment citizens pointed out two long standing issues with roads and offered advice while urging action on the problems. First, residents of the 600 block of Elochoman Valley reported that ditch can’t handle drainage during heavy rainfall; it floods the road and is eroding property, including underneath a fence and power pole. They said they’ve been told action to remedy the situation has been delay...
According to the Washington Department of Health, the number of covid-19 cases reported in Wahkiakum County rose by five in the last week for a total of 567. Disclaimer: With the easy accessibility of at home tests, the actual number of active covid-19 cases and actual cumulative numbers in the county, are hard to know. “Cases are surging in the state again,” Wahkiakum Health and Human Services Director Chris Bischoff said. “Go outside and keep your distance. Hopefully with the higher tempe...
Terry Bonny, who was a teacher, coach, and driving instructor at Wahkiakum High School, passed away in March. On Saturday he will be honored with the first Annual Terry Bonny Fun Run, a two mile/5K run/walk which begins at 8 a.m. at the high school track. Bonny was a gifted artist, a graceful and talented athlete, and a beloved teacher and coach. When he spoke, you listened, and you'd be glad you did, because what he had to say was likely either wise, or smart, or something that starts with...
I've decided to implement some changes in The Eagle policy for letters to the editor. First and foremost, letters need to be shortened. In the past, the limit has been 350 words; starting with the July 23 edition, the limit is now 250 words. We seem to have lots of people who want to comment; space is tight. Second, letters laden with disinformation won't be published. The Eagle won't be party to poisoning reader's minds with cons and conspiracy theories. Of course, there's room for debate on issues, but remember to keep it civil and avoid...
Here's a short commentary coming from Tuesday's House Jan. 6 Committee. It's testimony from witness Stephen Ayers: "People dive into the politics, and for me, I felt like I had horse blinders on. I was locked in the whole time. The biggest thing for me is take the blinders Here's a short commentary coming from Tuesday's House Jan. 6 Committee. It's testimony from witness Stephen Ayers: "People dive into the politics, and for me, I felt like I had horse blinders on. I was locked in the whole time. The biggest thing for me is take the blinders...
The language about the amount that would be added to the sales tax by the proposal outline was incorrect. The new tax for radio communications would be .02 percent. The proposed tax would be .02 percent added to the current sales tax. County officials say the tax would raise 20 cents on every $100 collected, or two cents per $10. Also, in Downriver Dispatches, the starting time for the Bald Eagle Parade in Cathlamet was incorrect. The parade will start at 12 noon....
To The Eagle: Last week’s AP (Jan. 6th Hearing) article had three paragraphs on “sworn testimony” of 2nd hand hear-say. A witness who saw nothing and wasn’t present during the event repeated what others had said, and they were just repeating what they had heard. Hear-Say = Rumors. Sworn testimony needs to be directly from people actually inside the vehicle. Media hyped the rumor testimony as being the “whole picture” of what happened. That created desired public prejudice and a rumor based reality. One writer forgot that the 2nd Amendment w...
To The Eagle: Our neighborhood troll’s “truly amazing” rejoinder to the previous week’s editorial reads like a MAGA rally speech, declaiming election fraud (disproved in every swing state), deriding the “false narrative” of climate change (on the way to making the Southwest uninhabitable) and declaring the 1.02 million fatalities caused by Covid to be part of some ”false narrative,” as well. Calling the Capitol riot of January 6th an insurrection, is not, a “false narrative.” That ongoing Congressional investigation is revealing it to hav...
To The Eagle: A writer in this column recently sought to remind us that the constitution has been amended 17 times, drawing the conclusion the Bill of Rights is not inalienable and insinuating these rights can be “amended.” The fact is if we look at those 17 amendments we will find nearly all of them are written to limit or control the government, not the people. Only one of those 17 amendments limited the freedom of the People. That was the 18th amendment which banned the sale and consumption of alcohol. This amendment proved to be such a bad...
To The Eagle: Dan Bigelow is a proven asset to Wahkiakum County. Dan has provided guidance through difficult union issues and shared his knowledge of proper reserve source usage. Dan is always available to advise our elected officials on legal issues pertaining to maintenance of our county government. Let’s show our gratitude to a job well done by re-electing Dan Bigelow as Wahkiakum County Prosecutor. Thank you, Dan Cothren Wahkiakum County Commissioner...
To The Eagle: All this talk about Roe vs Wade, how about preventing abortions? We all know it takes a man and a woman to make a baby. If you need sex and don’t want babies, it is the responsibility of both men and women to use condoms, diaphragms, or any form of birth control or just plain abstain to prevent making a baby. There was a time we saved intimacy and shared that with a mate we love. I hope it still exists. I understand tragedy can happen such as rape or a woman’s health is at a life and death situation. That’s different. Babie...
Wahkiakum County Prosecutor Dan Bigelow is running for a fifth term. Before he was elected to the position nearly 16 years ago, he was deputy prosecutor for two and a half years, and prior to that, he handled felony trials and felony defense for 13-14 years. He also worked as an appellate defense attorney. "It helps as a prosecutor to have been a defense attorney because you know what a defense attorney is looking for in a case," Bigelow said. "It also helps to be an appellate attorney when you...
It was life and career experience that led Holly (Graham) McKeen to pursue an education, and now, to seek office as the Wahkiakum County prosecuting attorney. McKeen graduated from Wahkiakum High School in 2003, and in 2006 began her career in the Wahkiakum County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, working under current Prosecuting Attorney Dan Bigelow as a part time Victim Witness Coordinator. When she got pregnant, McKeen said, she needed benefits and found work in Cowlitz County in the Office of...
NICE BEGINNING--We wound up with a real nice weekend and as this week begins, we’re off to another nice, dry, warm day and I do hope you’re all taking advantage of this wonderful stretch of “finally Summer” weather! It’s too bad we all have nine million things to do after such a long, dreary wet Spring, and so trying to pick what to do first in our long list of chores is fairly daunting, but here’s hoping you just took a giant leap and dove into that list head first. If we do get a lengthy spell of dry weather, just remember that we can dry...
THURSDAY Walking Group, Community Center, Cathlamet, 9 a.m. Food Addicts, Hope Center, 3rd & Maple, Cathlamet, 6-7 p.m. Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Puget Island Fire Department, drill night, 7 p.m. Port District No. 1, 500 2nd St., 5 p.m. District No. 4 Fire Department, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire District No. 3 Commissioners, 7:30 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, fire training, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, 7 p.m. Grays River Habitat Enhancement District, GRVC at Johnson Park, 5:15 p.m....
Dear Readers: It's Monday and it is getting hot. So, here's a flower garden report. Recently I realized I have a ferret around my property. The first time it was on my deck. The second time, it was running across Loop Road in front of my house diving into the county culvert under the road. Then I saw it watering at my little pond. Fun and fast! Evidently, they stink but get along well with dogs. The internet tells us most anything, I guess. I've noticed that the Mason bees are not showing up in...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: July 3 — 9:14 p.m. A caller said she was threatened after asking youths driving three cars to slow down on Eden Valley Road. She said the boys were speeding and doing cookies and that one of them told her they would come back and burn down her house. 8:50 p.m. A domestic disturbance was reported at a Rosburg home. The caller said threats had been ongoing. Deputies responded. 9:37 p.m. A caller on Ingalls R...
Donna passed away on July 1, 2022 at MultiCare Capital Medical Center in Olympia,Washington. Donna was born on April 13th, 1936. She was the first child of four children born to Lawrence and Veldonna Gorley of Skamokawa, Washington. Donna was raised in Skamokawa and graduated from Wahkiakum High School in Cathlamet, Washington. She worked as a secretary, on and off, for the Army, Airforce and Navy. A loving mother, sister and grandmother, great grandmother and great great grandmother, Donna is...
Michael R. Grasseth (Mike) passed away peacefully at his home on June 12, 2022 at the age of 69. Mike was born to LeRoy and Mary P. (Tootie) Grasseth on February 17, 1953 in Longview, WA. Mike graduated from Wahkiakum High School in 1971. Mike married Marnee in 1977. Mike was a devoted dad to Theresa and Serena. He taught his girls to waterski, run a boat, back in a boat trailer, ride a motorcycle and shoot targets at a very young age. Mike and Marnee later divorced. Mike spent many years...
County officials are implementing a burn ban in Wahkiakum County, effective 12:01 a.m., Friday, July 15, 2022. Officials from Wahkiakum County will enact a ban on all outdoor burning. As of July 15, 2022, all land clearing, residential and silvicultural burning is banned until further notice. This burn ban does not apply to federally managed land within Wahkiakum County. Recreational campfires are allowed if built in approved fire pits in designated campgrounds, such as those typically found in local, county, and state parks and in commercial c...
Starting July 16, callers can reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by dialing 988, and calls placed without an area code will no longer work in Washington. To make it easier for people to access help during times of crisis, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) designated 988 as a new three-digit dialing code to connect callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. While some areas may be currently able to connect to the Lifeline by dialing 988, this dialing code is now available to everyone across the United States...
The Cathlamet Public Library's Children's Summer Reading Program continues with Wednesday Events at Erickson Park. On July 6 the theme was lighthouses and shipwrecks. A fun experiment called for making an aluminum foil boat and seeing how many pennies it could hold before sinking. Eloise Plank, Nimue Schultz, and Renee Tobin colored coffee filters for a later jellyfish craft project. On July 20 the theme includes sharks, fish, whales, octopus, and squid. Crafts will include making an ocean in a...