Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Articles from the July 2, 2015 edition

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  • Lots of reunions set for the coming weeks

    Kay Chamberlain|Jul 2, 2015

    A NEW MONTH--June is over and that means we're on the downhill slide to the end of the year, amazing! But first, we've got the summer to get through and if this heat keeps up, we're going to have a challenging one as water is already in short supply in some places and the fire danger is very high. The rains that showed up on Sunday were welcomed by some, but were a huge headache to others who had a lot of stuff sitting outside for their big sale day on Puget Island, as well as for those who were in the midst of hay season, and for them it...

  • Eagle Calendar

    Eagle Staff|Jul 2, 2015

    July 2 - July 9, 2015 THURSDAY Preschool Story & Craft Time, Cathlamet Library, 4 p.m. Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Congregational Church, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Skamokawa Fire Department, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, work night, 7:30 p.m. Puget Island Fire Department, drill night, 7 p.m. District No. 4 Fire Department, 7 p.m. Westside Parent Support Group, Rosburg School, 9:30-11 a.m. Eastside Parent Support Group, Skamokawa United Methodist Church, 12-1:30 p.m. Cathlamet Public...

  • Redmen Hall exhibit extended

    Friends of Skamokawa|Jul 2, 2015

    Redmen Hall in Skamokawa has been fortunate to keep artist Carol Peacock around for one more week. Her vibrant paintings have been so well liked that her exhibit has been extended through the 4th of July weekend. There will also be a History of the American Flag Exhibit downstairs put together by their archivist, Keith Hoofnagle, with some of his collection of early American Flags. The hall will be open through the weekend, with cookies and coffee on Saturday the 4th. Redmen Hall is located at 1394 SR 4, Skamokawa and is open Thursday-Sunday...

  • Timberland Regional Library summer calendar of events

    Eagle Staff|Jul 2, 2015

    July 7-Aug. 25: Marvel Movie Tuesday, 6-8 p.m. for all ages. Marvel Cinematic Universe movies in order, one each week. July 8: Mary Shaver Puppets, 2-2:45 p.m., for children. See and hear a story, told through the magic of puppetry. July 8: Super Disguises, 3-3:30 p.m. for children. Make a superhero costume. July 15: Manga Artist Nicole Pelham, 11-11:45 a.m. for teens. July 15: Superheroes, 2-2:45 p.m. for children. Hear super stories, play super games and have superhero fun. July 15: Super Disquises, 3-3:30 p.m., for children. Make a superhero...

  • Sheriff's Report, July 2, 2015

    Eagle Staff|Jul 2, 2015

    Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: June 22 — 3:59 p.m. A caller reported a man sleeping in his car in the parking lot of an Elochoman Valley business. 7:23 p.m. A caller reported that cows were loose in the Skamokawa area. 7:37 p.m. A driver was taken into custody after a vehicle stop in the Elochoman Valley. 8:25 p.m. A dog was found on SR 4 near County Line Park. 11:29 p.m. A Skamokawa resident reported that a calf had been stolen and that so...

  • Please be careful with fireworks, and around the water

    Mark Howie|Jul 2, 2015

    It’s time for a reminder about fireworks safety and especially this year with the extra dry weather, it is extremely important that caution is taken when setting them off. Here are some safety tips from Only light fireworks on a hard flat and level surface to ensure stability. Do not set off fireworks directly on grass. Instead, use a wooden or board of non-flammable material. When selecting an area, make sure it’s clear of structures, vehicles, trees, dry grass, brush and other flammable items. When lighting fireworks nev...

  • Catch and release not always a benefit to fish

    Columbia Basin Bulletin|Jul 2, 2015

    Globally, 60 percent of fish caught by recreational anglers are released and many of those anglers use manual release techniques they believe will help the fish survive. However, according to a recent study, many of those fish will live just a short period of time. The delayed mortality rate can be as high as 35 percent and, as this study determines, catch and release is deadly for female fish. Overall, manual release techniques have little to no impact on survival, the study concluded. The study, published online June 2, 2015, in the...

  • Summer chinook, sockeye fishing underway

    Columbia Basin Bulletin|Jul 2, 2015

    With the spring chinook salmon run estimate rising above 282,000 fish, the two-state Columbia River Compact added more fishing time for both commercial and treaty Indian gillnetters, while recreational fishing remains open in all zones on the Columbia River up through the John Day pool. The US vs. Oregon regional technical advisory committee (TAC) met June 8 and updated its in-season estimate of the 2015 spring chinook run from 260,000 salmon to 282,000, according to Stewart Ellis, chair of TAC, who also represents the Columbia River Inter-Trib...

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