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The Wahkiakum County PUD crew has been known to go out in stormy conditions when the power goes out, but this Sunday, they were out in the hot sun responding to a few outages, some of which were caused by equipment failing in one way or another in response to the high temperatures. They crew began their day around 11:25 a.m., according to General Manager Dave Tramblie, when the PUD received a call to the 500 block of East Valley road, where some trees were burning. "I think what happens is that...
The Wahkiakum County Department of Health and Human Services (WHHS) on Wednesday reported an additional case of covid-19 in a county resident. That brings the county total to a cumulative total of 158 cases with nine of those potentially active. The individual is in self-quarantine. Health department staff are working to identify anyone who may have an exposure risk because of contact with the individual. Those people with close contact will be notified by Health and Human Services (WHHS) staff. There is no connection to the Wahkiakum School...
The Wahkiakum Historical Society Museum will open its doors for the season on July 17 for Bald Eagle Days, following the parade. They will also offer mini train rides outside, and root beer floats. It's a chance for Curator Kari Kandoll and other volunteers to show off new cabinets and lighting and display some of the museum's Chinookan collection and a special exhibit on Cathlamet town founder James Birnie and William Strong, a territorial judge who settled in Cathlamet with his family....
Wahkiakum County officials are asking people to refrain from using fireworks in un-incorporated parts of the county this Independence Day holiday weekend. Record setting temperatures and resulting dry conditions have created a fire danger throughout the area. Cathlamet resident Shari McKay reported seeing a reading of 113 degrees on Sunday at her Columbia Street residence. Other county residents have reported readings of 109 degrees on Sunday in the Cathlamet/Puget Island area. Last week, Wahkiakum County Public Works Director Chuck Beyer annou...
I was deeply saddened last week to learn of the unexpected death of former Cathlamet resident Mark Doumit. I think my first memory of him was in 1979 or 1980 when I went to the old cannery building in Cathlamet to photograph some gillnetters. Someone was unloading their catch, and Mark, then in high school, and another person were pitching the salmon into a tote so they could be weighed and sent to market. He started early in public service as a member of the Cathlamet Fire Department, if I remember correctly. After graduation from Wahkiakum...
To The Eagle: Interesting that Desantis, the governor of Florida, in his infinite wisdom, has determined that critical race theory (CRT) rather than being actual history, is nothing more than ‘a hotbed of stale ideology'. I can sort of see why some would think that considering our history is filled with the horrors of centuries of slavery, the near eradication of the societies our forefathers poisoned by small pox and starved nearly out of existence by killing huge numbers of the bison the plains Indians depended on for nearly everything. T...
To The Eagle: Happy Independence Day! On July 4th, 331 million of us will have occasion to celebrate the birth of our nation, and the dearly bought freedoms and liberties that are the foundation of our lives as its citizens. It is for us to continue to strive to make this nation a more perfect union. Let us do so by applying ourselves to: The Golden Mean: That virtue lies between the extremes. If we can travel the middle path of moderation and temperance, goodness and beauty will accompany us. The Golden Rule: That everyone on our national...
HOT HOT HOT--Hot was the word for this past weekend and the start of this week, so for all you sun lovers, I hope you got your fill of it, as the rest of us folks who don't enjoy it as much, have had plenty of it! Being nice and warm is one thing, but once temps climb into the 90-100 range, it's just so dangerous for man and beast, that I really dread it. I hope all of you came through this heat bubble unscathed, as getting sunburned or having health problems from too much heat is not only miserable, but in some cases, can be deadly. Let's...
Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, meetings and events usually listed here have been canceled or changed to online participation until further notice. The Eagle was advised of the following events: Online Recovery Meeting, Lower Columbia River Refuge Recovery. Mondays 6:30 p.m. Zoom ID 960 8413 9102. Community Center, Mon. 9-12 & 1-5. Tues-Thurs. 9-1. Friday by appointment. Cathlamet Library T-F 2-5 p.m. Covid restrictions enforced. Johnson Park, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Wahkiakkum Conservation District, Wed., July...
That heat we had will hopefully not come again. Yesterday's breeze from the ocean was heaven. That heat burned the new growth on a couple of my rhododendrons. And my lovely pink rose just wilted away. We and our plants are not meant for that kind of three-digit heat. That is for cactus! So glad I live close to Grays River and benefit from lower temps around water, or that's my theory! July 4th treats: The ladies at the Senior Lunch Club encouraged me to include recipes in the Dispatch, so in hon...
James (Jimmy) Omegna 04-05-1946 to 02-21-21 Jim passed away February 21st in Tacoma due to complications of pancreatic cancer. His absence leaves a canyon, impossible to fill for his family and friends. He will be missed but his kindness, generosity and all-around good-natured grumpiness as a human being will be remembered and celebrated by all who knew him. He will live on through our memories of his outsized personality and life well lived. Jim was born in Tacoma, grew up in the Fife Valley...
The Celebration of Life for Toby Liasjo, scheduled for July 11 at Riverside Park, has been canceled. His full obituary was published in the June 3, 2021 edition of The Eagle....
The Julia Butler Hansen Municipal Swimming Pool is closed on Sundays, even Sundays with record breaking temperatures. However, they were open in the days preceding as the temperature rose higher and higher. “It was definitely hot,” Pool Manager Charlie Ashe said. “The kids in the pool were fine, but the lifeguards were struggling.” In response, they plan to purchase umbrellas for the guard stands, which should offer some protection for staff, but cool off some of the surface areas around...
Once upon a time, local veterans were able to visit Cowlitz Family Health Center clinics, including the clinic in Cathlamet, to see a provider thanks to the Veteran’s Choice Program, instead of traveling farther afield to receive health care at a Veterans Affairs facility. Not any more. In a recent email, Family Health Center Director Jim Coffee cited several reasons the contract with Veteran’s Choice was dropped: “They stopped paying us for services rendered," he said. "When we received a pri...
Living on the Land teaches small acreage landowners in Southwest Washington practices that will improve their property and protect the environment. This course deals with the real-life issues landowners must address when trying to manage their land. The class will be held virtually by Zoom on Tuesday nights from September 7 till November 2, 6:00 – 8:15 p.m. Learn how to improve the soil, reduce mud and weeds, protect water quality, manage a small forest, develop a farm plan and more. Find out practical tips for making a small acreage farm m...
On Tuesdays at noon, WSU Master Gardeners present free weekly on-line programs. No need to register, just pop in. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android from this link: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 Phone Call: +1 253 215 8782, 775 605 6320# For help, contact Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3. Workshops will be held: July 13 Noon: Waterwise gardening--growing plants using less water. With...
Puget Island Garage and Yard Sales (PIGYS) transactions were muted a bit this weekend, according to some sellers, likely because of the high heat, which started early each morning and never did seem to let up....