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Former Deep River resident Gary Anderson will be reading from his book of poetry, My Finnish Soul, on July 10, at 6:30 p.m. at the Deep River Legion Hall. Nick Nikkila will also read prose he has written about growing up in Deep River. Coffee and cookies will be served. Books and wooden cooling racks designed by Steve Ullakko will be for sale. Admission is free. Lyle Haataja's Scandinavian Hour on KMUN, 91.9 FM from Astoria will feature an interview with Anderson on the same day from 2-3 p.m. The Deep River Legion Hall is located off SR 4,...
COOLER--We've started this work week a bit cooler, as we had some cloud cover and some light sprinkles and more are due I hear, but we sure had a great few days last week and a super weekend as well. That was very welcome after such a soggy spell of weather. I think we've not only dried out a bit but we've gotten our spirits perked up as well, as that ole rain was getting mighty depressing. Now I think we are all suffering from aching backs and sore muscles as we try to tackle those overgrown flower beds, lawns, and the weeds in the garden...
Michael Sullivan, judge June 7, 2010 State versus Sigrin Hjaltalin, 24: The defendant pled not guilty to charges of assault in the second degree and possession of marijuana with intent to manufacture or deliver. A jury trial was scheduled for August 4 and 5. State versus Michael Williams, 55: The defendant had pled not guilty on April 5 to charges of delivery of a controlled substance, morphine sulfate, and to delivery of marijuana. A new jury trial date was set for October 6 and 7. State versus Brian S. Montgomery, 16, Cathlamet: The...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: June 21--11:59 a.m. A caller reported a cedar tree was on fire below SR 4 2.5 miles east of Cathlamet; District 4 firemen responded to fall the tree and extinguish the fire. 10:40 p.m. A Middle Valley Road resident reported someone was making noise around the garage; an officer responded and reported seeing a family of raccoons in the area. June 22--9:29 a.m. A caller reported people were digging freshwater cl...
Former Cathlamet resident, Pauline Barbara Chase, 87, died June 26, 2010 in Longview. She was born July 27, 1922 in Sioux City, Iowa to William and Martha (Horne) Von Drasek. She graduated from high school in Orofino, Idaho and on August 8, 1942 married Ray Chase there. They moved to Cathlamet in 1951. Ray preceded her in death on May 27, 2007. She was a homemaker. She enjoyed clam digging, fishing, reading, crocheting, cooking and canning. She is survived by her daughters, Patty Prestegard of Longview; Juanita Irving of Cathlamet, and Lennie...
James Armon Spooner died at home on June 29, 2010. James was born July 17, 1922 in Bainville, Mont. to Armon C. and Elizabeth Spooner. James "Jim" Spooner was the Principal at Wahkiakum School District from 1961 to 1968. He was the Superintendent from 1968 to 1972. He retired as the superintendent of the Naches Valley School District in 1979. He is survived by Charlotte Spooner, his wife of 59 years, sons: Scott of Selah, Steven of Yakima, daughters: Becky of Seattle, Leslie Petty of Bothell, Laura Bales of Klickitat, son-in-law: Joe Bales of...
July has arrived and that means only seven weeks till fair! Fair Manager Lore Twiet is currently working on sending contracts out to craft and food vendors. If you would like to be a vendor at the fair now would be a good time to give her a call. We have some building projects to do in July and could use your help. Please call the office and have your name and phone number added to our volunteer list. We will call you when the project is ready to start. Volunteering is a good way to meet people if you are new to our area! I enjoy writing this...
People who sign initiative and referendum petitions may no longer expect their names to stay secret. The US Supreme Court ruled last Thursday that signing a petition is a public act. The case in the Supreme Court came from last year’s Referendum 71 on gay domestic partnership rights here in Washington. The case sparked a debate between gay activists and the sponsors (Protect Marriage Washington) of the referendum as to who blocked release of the names of petition signers. The nation’s highest court, however, has decided petitions are public rec...
The Wahkiakum School District Board of Directors called itself to order last Wednesday to deal with a short agenda. The board approved agenda items and then called for public comment and suggestions about improvements for the next school year. No public comment was presented. The board moved on to its consent agenda and approved the school’s supplemental contracts. It also accepted the resignation of the girl’s eighth grade physical education teacher, Mary Moonen. School Superintendent Bob Garrett was placed as trustee on the account of the...
Wahkiakum PUD commissioners met Tuesday to hear public comments on proposed water rate increases for Puget Island and Westend customers and to take action regarding their membership in the Washington PUD Association (WPUDA). Puget Island resident Pete Fleury shared his concern that many Puget Island residents live on fixed incomes. The incremental rate increases the PUD has implemented and plan to enact in the future are outpacing some island residents’ ability to pay their water bills, Fleury said. He asked if the organization had a cost m...
New Grange Member: Grays River Grange welcomed Clayton Easley, grandson of Grange member and State CWA Chairman Donna Moody, to its membership. Clayton Moody and Megan Agee participated in the Exemplification of the Second Degree which symbolizes summer on the farm. After the exemplification, Clayton became Grays River Grange’s newest and youngest member. Clayton was selected by the Boy Scouts to attend the 100th Boy Scout Jamboree this summer in Washington DC. Clayton will do a presentation on his trip to Grange member when he returns. U...
"It’s a mess! Everything is confused. It’s Balkanized." These are just a few terms used by residents and those familiar with the controversy to describe the problems at the Columbia Ridge Estates (CRE) in the Town of Cathlamet. The development, just off Columbia Street, is an unfinished housing subdivision started by Hanes/Zoller Joint Enterprises. “The original development was to build a mobile-home park,” said Building and Planning Manager Charles Beyer. He said he was the county’s building inspector at the time. Early in the developme...
Plans are jelling for Cathlamet's summer festivals. The Bald Eagle Festival and Wooden Boat Festival are just over two weeks away, and the Cathlamet Downhill Corral skateboard competition is two months away. Bald Eagle Festival coordinators are trying to add to the entertainment, said Lynda Gerlach, executive director of the Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce. "Chamber President Jen Hanigan is trying to schedule live music all day (Saturday) on Main Street," Gerlach said. "We'll have the rock climbing wall and inflatable plastic toys for kids." The...
To The Eagle: Recreation and rest or recreation and retirement, what does it mean for Wahkiakum County For years there are those of us whom have argued with the Lower Columbia Economic Development Council (LCEDC) and the Chamber of Commerce who continue to attempt to bring new businesses into Wahkiakum County. In my opinion you can have all the incubators in the world but they will die shortly after being hatched for lack of people using them. The LCEDC is still trying to bring businesses to Wahkiakum County but are not much help to the...
To The Eagle: On June 17, an editorial in the Daily Astorian stated, "Looking at the comparative economic success and diversification of Clatsop County and the Long Beach Peninsula and comparing that to the sad struggles of the hotbeds of National Heritage Area opposition, it is clear that our openness and other values are their own reward. Ultimately, we'll recover from the current downturn and do fine - NHA or no NHA. The same cannot be said of north Pacific County and Wahkiakum County where fear will continue to always interfere with...
"So much angst! So much anger! Big government! Elected officials are corrupt! Throw them all out!" While these messages aren't shared by all, there are enough people and organizations proclaiming them that confidence in all levels of government is weak. The reaction is to get tough and make them toe the line, "our line," what ever it may be to each individual or group. But with hard line, no compromise negotiating positions, it's hard to get differing groups together and address the troubling issues we face locally or worldwide. Cooperation...
Cathlamet Public Library’s Summer Reading Program will begin next Thursday (July 7) and will be held every Wednesday for six-weeks, through August 11. The Preschool Storytime and the Elementary School Age programs are at 11 a.m. and the Middle school Program is at 4 p.m. Sessions last about one hour. Summer Reading is free and is open to all children. For more information, contact librarian Connie Christopher at 795-3254 or e-mail