Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Articles from the June 29, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 31

  • Commissioners get, give an earful on SMP

    Rick Nelson|Jun 29, 2017

    Critics of Wahkiakum County's proposed update of the Wahkiakum County shoreline management program (SMP) had their chance Tuesday to voice objections to the county board of commissioners. In a public hearing for comment on the proposed program, citizens said the loosely written document was too open to interpretation; that the requirements of wetland buffers would most likely prevent any new use of the land, and that is essentially a taking of private property. Some speakers urged the board to...

  • PUD not interested in water system merge

    Diana Zimmerman|Jun 29, 2017

    The Wahkiakum County PUD Board of Commissioners gathered for a regular meeting on June 20 and listened to reports and fielded questions from a local business owner about the town’s water and sewer system. Laurel Waller, owner of the Hotel Cathlamet, asked if the PUD was considering taking over the water and sewer system from the Town of Cathlamet. “We are very reticent about assuming responsibilities that could be financially detrimental to the PUD as a whole,” Commissioner Bob Jungers said....

  • School board busy with art, personnel

    Diana Zimmerman|Jun 29, 2017

    Before moving on to other matters, the Wahkiakum School District Board of Directors heard a request for a future display of student art at the school entrance along SR 4. Sue Garn, the art teacher at the high school, talked about the origin and evolution of the project. At the time, students in her class did not seem enthused with what they had been working on when she decided to redirect them. As it was the school mascot, she asked them to draw mules instead. "Everyone was engaged," Garn said,...

  • County officials will implement a burn ban

    Jun 29, 2017

    Effective at 12:01 a.m., Saturday, July 7, officials from Wahkiakum County will enact a ban on all outdoor burning. As of July 7, 2017, all land clearing, residential and silvicultural burning is banned until further notice. This burn ban does not apply to federally managed land within Wahkiakum County. Recreational campfires are allowed if built in improved fire pits in designated campgrounds, such as those typically found in local, county, and state parks and in commercial campgrounds. On private land, campfires are permitted with the...

  • Verbal dueling of neighbors continues

    Jun 29, 2017

    To The Eagle: You can tell that Howard Brawn is back in town. He's barely got his dogs back into their kennel and he's already poking holes in my little shibboleths with that sharp pen of his. Some neighbor. I'd never sneak onto his property and toss pebbles at his hounds. He ought to show more respect for the creatures I've spent years nurturing, preening and polishing. I feed my shibboleths an organic diet, comb their coats daily and give them plenty of exercise by trotting them out and around for other people to admire as frequently as...

  • We may yet make America great

    Jun 29, 2017

    To The Eagle, I wait patiently for our weekly source of local news but mostly for the opinion section with the ongoing battle of wits, although some seem to be a bit short of the requisite wits. One frequent writer seems to be articulate and knowledgeable. Another that comes to mind is articulate but seems to have confused socialism with various dictatorships around the world who claim to be socialist. These dictators have told their easily led populous that they are a socialist society but what they have is exactly the opposite. Cuba, North...

  • Hiring town manager is a bad idea

    Jun 29, 2017

    To The Eagle: Doing more with less is a constant in local government. Only when that option is exhausted should doing more with more be considered. In Cathlamet’s case, the proposal to hire a town manager seems ill-conceived and potentially undemocratic. My concerns are as follows: 1) What evidence is there that our quasi-volunteer system is broken? Today, council members and the mayor receive nominal pay for significant work. But is the level of service now provided so deficient as to justify a salaried town manager? 2) Why not increase the m...

  • Pioneer Community Center plans grand reopening

    Jun 29, 2017

    To The Eagle: Before Cathlamet, our community was known as Birnie’s Retreat. James Birnie, a Scotch fur trader working for the Hudson Bay Company, is credited with landing his canoes on our shore in 1846. He didn’t come alone. Accompanying him were his wife Charlotte and a boat load of kids. Many boat loads, as the Birnies already had 10 kids and added two more after settling in. In addition to the Birnie Bunch, James brought along Native American slaves to cut down timber, help build shelters, dry fish and plant gardens and orchards for eve...

  • State VFW honors local vet Bob Roche

    Diana Zimmerman|Jun 29, 2017

    Cathlamet resident Bob Roche was named Veteran of the Year at the Washington State Veterans of Foreign Wars convention on Friday in Olympia. The honor was a complete surprise to Roche and his wife Esther, who socialize with the couple who not only nominated him but found out well before the event that he had won. "I can't believe they were able to keep that a secret," Roche said on Monday of Donn and Doreen Dale of Toutle Lake. In his letter of nomination, Dale cited Roche's many years of...

  • Museum now open on Saturdays and Sundays

    Kay Chamberlain|Jun 29, 2017

    HEAT WAS ON!--The forecasters were right when they said it was going to be a warm one this past weekend, as it was plenty hot out here in West Valley! The cloud cover and cooler temps on Monday made for a much more comfortable and welcomed relief from the heat. SLIGHT CORRECTION--If you read my column last week, you would see where the WCHS Museum in Cathlamet is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m., but unfortunately, the "header" on my column said it was open on Friday and Saturday, which is not correct. Sorry for any confusion!...

  • The Eagle Calendar

    Jun 29, 2017

    THURSDAY Community Center, Cathlamet, 9 a.m.-Noon. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Community Center, Cathlamet, 6-9 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Congregational Church, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Community Library & Computer Center, GRVC at Johnson Park, Noon-5 p.m. West End Food Pantry, GRVC at Johnson Park, 1-5 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) GRVC at Johnson Park, activity room, 2 p.m. Eastside Play & Learn Group, St. James Family Center, 1:30-3 p.m. Westside Play & Learn Group, Valley Bible Church, 9-11:30 a.m....

  • Redmen Hall needs painting

    Jun 29, 2017

    A Go Fund Me Account has been established by the Friends of Skamokawa for the River Life Interpretive Center at Central School/Redmen Hall in Skamokawa. First established in 1894 as a two-story schoolhouse, it served as a school from 1894-1927 and then as a lodge for the Order of the Redmen until the 1950s. It was refurbished in 1985 by civic-minded residents who formed the non-profit organization called “Friends of Skamokawa.’’ Since 1986 it has been home to the “River Life Interpretive Center” with a mission to house historical archives...

  • Community mourns loss of sudden passing

    Trudy Fredrickson|Jun 29, 2017

    I hope everyone made it through that heat wave Mother Nature threw at us last weekend. It was not what I like. With the dry weather predicted for the next few days, please think carefully and plan for safety if you are having fireworks for the 4th. News from Naselle: It appears that one young man who attends Naselle-Grays River Valley High School is being rewarded for his prowess in several sports by being chosen as Male Athlete of the Year by the Daily News. He is Donny Edwards, of Rosburg, a junior and he is an all-league football and...

  • Stella Museum season opening: Kids Day

    Jun 29, 2017

    The Stella Historical Society announces the opening day of its 2017 museum season on Saturday, July 8 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Opening day will feature a special Kids Day with a variety of pioneer games. Some of the games will be hop scotch, checkers, button spinners, cat’s cradle, a treasure hunt, bean bag toss and pin the tail on the donkey. And, of course, there is always the old school bell that anyone can ring. Jerry Kelly will have a variety of old axes on display to show what axes were like back in the olden days. Pennies will be awarded t...

  • LCC Continuing Education courses to begin

    Jun 29, 2017

    Registration is open for Summer quarter Continuing Education courses at Lower Columbia College. Classes range from Oregon Gardens to Camp Crime Scene, Safe Sitter, Art journal, Recycled Art, College of Collage, Writer’s Creative Mind Studio, Aquatic Fitness, Zumba Fitness, Pilates Core Challenge, Spin Fitness, Better Bones and Balance, The Power of Movement: Chair Exercises, Healthy Living Suite, Secrets of Better Photography, Genealogy Basics and QuickBooks 2016 Series. Some of these classes start as early as July 5 and some are online only c...

  • Sheriff's Report, June 29, 2017

    Jun 29, 2017

    Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: June 19 — 10:11 a.m. An Elochoman Valley resident reported that a trespasser had vandalized a vehicle parked on her property. 11:21 a.m. The Cathlamet Fire Department responded to an alarm at a Rosedale business. 1:36 p.m. Deputies investigated an incident involving drugs at the county jail. 9:04 p.m. An individual reported drug activity at the county jail. June 20 — 5:39 a.m. A woman called 911 because she...

  • At the hall

    Jun 29, 2017

    Right: There were pulled pork sandwiches and hot dogs at the Norse Hall for the annual Puget Island Garage and Yard Sale. The coleslaw got rave reviews. Below left: Treasures came in all shapes and sizes at the 50 sales on Puget Island last weekend. Below right: The Sons of Norway have been putting a lot of hard work into the Norse Hall and it shows. Along with the new paint, they have rewired the basement, replaced some lights, and more. Photos by Diana Zimmerman...

  • Nutrition program works for women and children

    Diana Zimmerman|Jun 29, 2017

    With the new administration in Washington D.C., there are concerns that federal funds for low income programs may be cut. “With all these proposals, we are still doing business as usual,” Sue Cameron, Director of Health and Human Services in Wahkiakum County said. “As much as we can because we don’t want to upset our clients.” One such program is being used by roughly 100 women and children in Wahkiakum County at any given time. And not everyone who is qualified to use the program knows tha...

  • Coming Events Community Center in Cathlamet

    Kelly Patterson|Jun 29, 2017

    This Friday Night’s movie is an animated film for youth and it begins at 7:00 p.m. Free Popcorn! Our Book Exchange will be extended. Come on in and pick up a free book! We are gearing up for Bald Eagle Days and happy to report what will be happening at the Community Center on July 15. We will host a respite station offering bottled water, healthy snacks and information to all visitors. Health and Human Services will be on hand with all departments represented. SHIBA (Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors) will be here as well. The Wahkia...

  • Ronda Rose

    Jun 29, 2017

    Ronda Lynn (Brown) Rose died June 14 in Reno, Nev. She was born January 26, 1951 to Ann and Earl Brown at Cowlitz General Hospital in Longview. They lived at Crown Zellerbach family camp at the time. After graduating from Wahkiakum High School in 1969 she attended beauty school in Longview. Mike Rose asked her to go to the Wahkiakum Fair in 1970, their first date. They were married on April 9, 1971 at the Congregational Church in Cathlamet. Mike preceded her in death as well as their parents. She is survived by her children, Nolan, Erin and...

  • WHS announces honor roll

    Jun 29, 2017

    The Wahkiakum High School second semester honor roll for the 2016-17 school year has been announced. The following students earned a 4.0 grade point average: Makenzie Anderson, Morgan Bashore, Kayla Bowcutt, Sydney Hansen and Ellie Leitz. 9th grade: Nai’a Freeman, Mark Goldinov, Novella Hokkanen, Tyler Jackson, Grant Leavitt, Julianne McKay-Beach, Aubrie Montgomery, Isaac Moon, Justin Rainey, Josesh Savelio, Tyler St. Onge and Solana Stanley. 10th grade: Jamal Ahmed, Charlie Ashe, Lucas Brown, Macie Elliott, Mckensi Fluckiger, Stephanie H...

  • Kennedi LaBerge named to OSU Honor Roll list

    Jun 29, 2017

    Names of students who have made the Scholastic Honor Roll Spring term have been announced by Oregon State University. A total of 1,245 students earned straight-A (4.0). Another 4,086 earned a B-plus (3.5) or better to make the listing. To be on the Honor Roll, students must carry at least 12 graded hours of course work. Students on the Honor Roll included Kennedi A. LaBerge, of Cathlamet, Freshman, Pre-Marketing....

  • Kathryn Brann named to SNHU's President's List

    Jun 29, 2017

    Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) congratulates Kathryn Brann of Naselle on being named to the spring 2017 President's List. Eligibility for the President's List requires that a student accumulate an academic grade point average (GPA) of 3.7-4.0....

  • Registration open for Bald Eagle Run/Walk

    Jun 29, 2017

    Registration is now open for the 2017 Bald Eagle Run/Walk Challenge. This event has something for everyone – a 10k run, a 5k run, and a 2 mile walk or run. Meet in front of Cathlamet Pharmacy at 8:30 a.m., to register and check-in. The runs and walk begin promptly at 9:00 a.m., and all three of the routes will end back at the starting point. The awards ceremony will be held immediately at the end of the 10K. The entry fee for the Run/Walk Challenge is $20 and all proceeds benefit the Wahkiakum High School Track and Cross Country Programs. T...

  • Four local HAMs passed test

    Jun 29, 2017

    On June 22 four local citizens passed their Amateur Radio operating license tests: Stewart Feil, Pat Conrad, Ron Seaberg and Lynette Wright. They are eagerly awaiting their callsigns from the Federal Communication Commission so they can begin operating. All four are interested in helping with emergency communications. Dave Basham, AE7RD conducted the six-week preparation class with assistance from Charles Boling AD7UF and Ron Wright W7ERY. Three seasoned amateurs from Cowlitz County ARC came over to Wahkiakum High School to help administer the...

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