Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 35
Puget Island farmers made hay this week as the sun shined. Photos by Rick Nelson....
The Wahkiakum County Board of Commissioners was happy Tuesday to agree to a request for a letter of support for a Wahkiakum PUD application for grant funds to extend the Western Wahkiakum Water System (WWWS) to an unserved area west of the Deep River. PUD General Manager David Tramblie said the grant could fund a 2.25 mile extension from an existing main on Salmon Creek Road to its junction with SR 4 and back along the highway over Salme Hill down to the Oneida Road intersection. Area residents have been asking for WWWS water for years, but...
Wahkiakum County commissioners hosted an energetic discussion of pandemic response issues when they met Tuesday. Two men and a woman who were unidentified questioned county officials about covid-response issues after hearing Wahkiakum County Health & Human Services Director Chris Bischoff make a short report about new covid-19 illnesses in the county. "We’re having a little spike," Bischoff said. The county had 118 cases a week ago; as of Tuesday, there were 11 new cases for a total of 129. Some were individuals, Bischoff said, and there w...
The Wahkiakum School District Board of Directors got a bit of feedback about masks, the policy around attending sporting events, and the district's decision to provide a location for a student vaccination clinic at their most recent meeting on May 18. Season Long, who filed last week to run for a position on the school board and was attending the meeting via Zoom, wondered why the district was hosting a vaccination site when the health department had one across the street. She asked if the...
Wahkiakum District Court Administrator Kristy Hendrickson received the Washington Courts Innovating Justice Award for dedicated work during the Covid-19 pandemic. Wahkiakum County lacks broadband internet in most areas, so it was challenging to establish remote operations. Ms. Hendrickson set up remote options for people who otherwise lacked them, worked with stakeholders to add dockets to clear caseload backlogs, and developed new procedures for interpreter access, access to counsel at...
The public is invited to a Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday at 9 a.m., at Greenwood Cemetery in Cathlamet. The event, hosted by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Wahkiakum Post #5297, will pay tribute to those men and women that made the ultimate sacrifice for this great country. Attendees are asked to bring a mask and observe social distancing. There will be no refreshments. Soon Wahkiakum Post 5297 will begin its Memorial Day Buddy Poppy drive. On Thursday, May 27, two members of the VFW Auxiliary will be at the Wahkiakum County Courthouse to...
To The Eagle: A recent contributor expressed pride in her Swiss heritage, but her claim of “zero home invasions” in Switzerland is false. That nation’s 2020 National Crime & Safety Report states“ Burglaries remain a primary concern. Home invasion remains more common than vehicle theft.” True, the Swiss population constitutes a standing national militia but military ordnance is kept at home under strict guidelines. The weapon is in the cellar, the firing pin in the cupboard, and the ammunition secured at a military arsenal. Does "A well regulate...
With four more cases of covid-19 reported on Monday, the cumulative number rose to 129 in Wahkiakum County, with 14 considered active. There were six new cases on Friday and four on Monday, and Wahkiakum Health and Human Services Director Chris Bischoff had been fielding questions about it being an outbreak. “Kind of,” was Bischoff’s response. “But there is not a central source. We are not seeing it come out of one place. There are several family units involved, and those families do not see...
Town of Cathlamet Mayor: Incumbent Dale Jacobson and, both council members, Robert Stowe and David Olson. Council: Position 3. CeCeila Raglin; Position 4, Jeanne M. Hendrickson, and Position 5, Laurel Waller. Port District 1 Positon 3: Brett Deaton, incumbent. Port District 2 Position 1: Allen Bennett and Mike Backman. Position 3: Austin Burkhalter. Wahkiakum School District Board of Directors Director 1: Shawn Merz; Director 3: Season Long and Susan O'Connor. Director 5: Bobbie Stefan and Brandie Conrad. Naselle/Grays River Valley School Distr...
By Diana Zimmerman “The future always comes to Wahkiakum about 10 years late,” Prosecuting Attorney Dan Bigelow said. “An awful lot of other counties in Washington have had to hire a full time person to deal with public records requests.” He recently suggested to Wahkiakum County commissioners that they consider a full time position to handle public records requests at the courthouse, as they are seeing the number of requests grow exponentially. Beth Johnson, who is the clerk of the board o...
NOT BAD--After some morning cloudiness, last Saturday turned out pretty decent although I still think the wind was a tadbit chilly, but then I suppose it all depended on where you were. Sunday morning was a different story as it was all wet when I got up and we had misty and/or cool conditions most of the day. The upcoming Memorial weekend was looking wet but the latest weather models are showing a much improved outlook, so let's hope that holds as it would certainly be nice to have a dry weekend, but it looks like we'll have to get through...
Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, meetings and events usually listed here have been canceled or changed to online participation until further notice. The Eagle was advised of the following events: Online Recovery Meeting, Lower Columbia River Refuge Recovery. Mondays 6:30 p.m. Zoom ID 960 8413 9102. Community Center, Mon. 9-12 & 1-5. Tues-Thurs. 9-1. Friday by appointment. Cathlamet Library T-F 2-5 p.m. Covid restrictions enforced. Johnson Park, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m....
From its craggy coastlines to its icy volcanic peaks, Washington is home to some of the world’s most stunning geology. A new website published May 11 by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) helps connect people to the state’s rich and diverse geologic history. Filled with images and information about geologic marvels spread across Washington’s seven physiographic provinces, the Washington 100 provides users with a thorough guide for exploring fossil beds, ancient lava flows, coastal sea stacks or alpine glaciers. Through i...
It’s Monday. A good rain is outside, but the dog and I are dry and warm inside. Aren’t houses a blessing when it rains? Since I work part-time at Torppa Construction’s shop, I think of “my” Torppa crew up high in the woods and hope they are all warm and toasty in their trucks and machines that the early logging workers sure would have loved to have. Their logging work was tough and hard. Many of those years were during the Depression years so they were glad to have a job of any kind. Life has changed now and keeps changing, but we can be re...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: May 16 — 10:10 a.m. A caller reported that there were a few garbage bags in the westbound lane of SR 4 just west of Skamokawa. 2:43 p.m. A caller reported that the driver of a truck and trailer heading east on SR 4 in the Grays River area was traveling about 100 mph. A deputy responded but was unable to locate the vehicle. 2:56 p.m. An east county resident reported that there were two adults, three children, a...
The Naselle/Grays River Valley School District Board of Directors held its monthly meeting on May 18. In personnel matters, the board acknowledged the resignations of Brian Macy, athletic director, Kathryn Green, assistant girls’ basketball coach, Andrea Pellervo, para-educator, and Rose Nisbet, head girls’ basketball coach. The board approved the hires of Andrea Pellervo, registrar/secretary, Kyle Higginbotham, middle school boys’ basketball coach, Kevin McNulty, head football coach, Aldrich Smith, athletic director, and a one year leave...
Randall William Shroyer 12/11/1950 ~ 05/22/2021 Loving father to three daughters Lisa, Tina and Toby and two sons Tony and Ryan. A proud Grandpa of eight and great grandfather of six. Randy was a patient, kind and caring husband to Trish for 26 years. He was a wonderful man. Randy seemed to make a new friend everywhere he went and was generous to help anyone that needed a hand. He found his little slice of heaven in Cathlamet, far from the city and close to the fish. Humble and quiet in spirit,...
Lure coursing event to be held this weekend The hounds will be running this weekend at Misty Rivers Plantation, 117 Cross Dike Road on Puget Island. The Willamette Valley Basenji Club is sponsoring an AKC sanctioned All Breed Lure Coursing Field Trial on Saturday and Sunday, May 29-30. Two type of lure trials will be held: a CAT or Coursing Aptitude Trial in which the dogs chase the lure around a random course, and a Fast CAT which is a timed 100 yard dash. After the Fast CAT, each dog receives...
Looking for something to dress up the landscape in your yard? On June 1 at noon, WSU Master Gardener Tracy Morgan will explain how to construct an arbor and tips to consider during construction. While requiring a minimum of materials, an arbor will add great eye catching appeal to your yard. Connection information (you must have a zoom account--sign up for one at, then join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: Meeting ID: 775 605 6320 Password: 12345 You can also...
Tyson Hjaltalin was incorrectly identified in last week's edition. His name is Tyson, not Jason, as was printed. Tyson is the son of Jamie Hjaltalin....
Cejay Bond grew up in Nebraska and Kansas, and when his family moved to the western end of Cowlitz County, he transferred to Wahkiakum as a freshman. He has been studying remotely all year, which he has found to be a lot easier than being at school. He's currently taking two history classes, one English class, an engineering class, Spanish 2, and chemistry. The engineering class is being taught at Wahkiakum, and is being overseen by Jeff Rooklidge. Cejay has been working on coding a game that he...
Cadence Hunt has been doing Running Start through Lower Columbia College for the last two years. "It's pretty good," she said. "The college atmosphere is pretty much the same as high school, but there are more grown up people. There are also kids younger than me. "Stop being younger than me," she laughed. "I feel like I'm getting too old too fast." She had two quarters of normal classes before the pandemic started and shut everything down. She hasn't minded too much, flexible enough to work in...
To use a phrase I haven't heard in years, Caden Tawater is a ham. His quick, dry wit had me laughing from the word go. He spends much of his days in his favorite teacher's classroom. Kayli Hurley is kind, Caden said. If he has to pick a favorite class or subject over the past four years, it has to be robotics, which he took with Jeff Rooklidge. It turns out that Caden enjoys building stuff. Which might be why he loves HermitCraft on, a channel devoted to building in Minecraft by a...
Wahkiakum High School senior Ellie Hiatt will be inducted into the U.S. Naval Academy Class of 2025 on Wednesday, June 30, in Annapolis, Maryland, before beginning "six challenging weeks of basic midshipman training as part of Plebe Summer." The Naval Academy received over 16,000 applications this year, and Hiatt is one of 1,200 candidates selected to join the freshman class, or "plebe." During the six weeks of training, plebes will have no access to television, the internet, or even music....
Nick and Martie Vavoudis have donated a SkyTrak Golf Simulator projection studio system with full cage at Skyline Golf Course. The donation is made in the spirit of providing a free of charge teaching tool for children learning to play golf or are on the Wahkiakum HS Golf Team. Nick and Martie collaborated with the course to donate and install a fully surrounded golf simulator, installation of electronic equipment and the software to provide professional results. The Skyline Golf Simulator Studio is a teaching tool that within seconds of a...