Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 27
After the 2007 basketball season, four freshmen, Cody Olsen, Andrew Weiler, Cole Claussen and Justin McClain and sophomore Chase Fritzie asked me if they could get school board approval to form the first high school golf team at Wahkiakum, if I would coach them. After almost an hour of discussing with the board if this idea could become a reality, it looked like it was not going to happen for one reason or another. But then board member Mike Quigley made the suggestion "Let's give it a try for one year and see if it works out." There was a seco...
SW Washington Class 2B District Meet May 20 at Raymond Boys: Willapa Valley 119, NW Christian 102, South Bend 90, White Pass 83, Mossyrock 52, Toutle Lake 43, Naselle 38, Wahkiakum 31, Ocosta 27, Pe Ell 25, Napavine 20, Vancouver Christian 16, North Beach 14, Adna 1, Raymond 1 Wahkiakum Mule and Naselle Comet results: 200m--3. Devin Thompson N 24.2. 800m--7. Connar Riley W 2:12.91. 1600m--7. Cramer Smith N 4:59.68. 3200m--8. Smith N 11:27.74. 4x100m relay--1. Comets (Kai Leach, Rob Baker, Thompson, Drew Macy) 45.88; 7. Mules (Jeff Vik, Shay...
WET--It's hard to believe that we're at the end of another month and well into Spring, but we are still experiencing plenty of rain. We got a bit of a break on the first day of this work week but as Tuesday morning rolled around, it was pouring once again. The forecast was not looking too great, so we can only hope that a batch of wind shows up and blows these rain clouds elsewhere, as this soggy and nippy weather is sure getting old! SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from May 27-June 2 are Don Anderson, 67'er Linda Toste, Mary Ann...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: May 17--10:16 a.m. Wahkiakum Fair officials reported a burglary occurred at the fairgrounds over the weekend. 5:15 p.m. The Cathlamet ambulance responded to aid Rosedale man with a burst blood vessel in his foot. May 18--7:11 a.m. A Morgan Drive resident reported someone had broken into a car during the night and taken a purse and 90-day supply of a prescription drug; the belongings were later found thrown on...
Smashed and flattened! It was a mighty wind storm that knocked over the big cottonwood tree at the fairgrounds. We were lucky it fell where it did, it missed the cyclone fence and fell away from the restroom building. Sadly, the two balloon toss little buildings are history. Looks like another project for Jeff! Some good things are happening too. Handyman Jeff Beerbower has built new steps and put new railings on the mini-stage. This is very important to entertainment committee chairman Jerry Ledtke, as he is planning to hire a country rock...
During the weeks of May 10-21 Wahkiakum Community Network partnered with Wahkiakum School District and Naselle-Grays River Valley School District to hold "No Drinking and Driving" pledge drives. Students were given the opportunity to sign the pledge which read: I promise not to drink and drive; to encourage my friends not to drink and drive; and I will not ride in a car when the driver has been drinking. Student leaders at both sites volunteered all week to host the pledge drive. There were a total of 235 students and staff who signed the...
Is it ever going to be spring? It has been so cold; I’m surprised any gardens are growing. Some folks haven’t even planted yet. Hopefully it will warm up soon. News from Naselle: It’s hard to believe another school year is about to end. The kids that are graduating this year are the class that I volunteered in when we first moved here. This class has come a long way and we should be very proud of them. No matter what they choose to do, I wish them well, and much success. On that note, I have received a graduation invitation from one of those...
Twenty four members of the Wahkiakum County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue unit attended the 2010 Washington State Search and Rescue Conference, May 17-23, held in Skamania County. The training conference is hosted annually by a Sheriff’s Department within Washington State and is designed primarily for volunteer search and rescue members, but includes training for law enforcement personnel with search and rescue oversight responsibilities. It is attended by SAR volunteers and law enforcement personnel throughout Washington State and SAR...
Cathlamet residents Margaret Strueby and Dixie Swart were honored this month at the Washington State Society Daughters of the American Revolution (WSSDAR) conference in Tacoma. Strueby, the Mary Richardson Walker chapter vice-regent elect and past regent, and WSSDAR corresponding secretary- elect received first place in the Northwest division in the American Heritage Fiber Arts category. She won with an authentic hand-sewn Revolutionary War woman's costume. Swart received first place in the Northwest Division in the Arts and Sculpture category...
May 1 was the re-opening of the Wahkiakum County Historical Society at 65 River Street in Cathlamet after being closed for the Winter months. We are now open Friday to Sunday 1-4 p.m. One of the changes you will notice as you walk in the front door is the host area. We have a new counter top desk area to replace the Sea-First wooden counter and the Groves Store Roll-top desk (both were moved to another area), which allows for better greeting of visitors and much needed office supply storage. Another change is that there will be different...
The Wahkiakum School District board of directors struggled with several decisions at their monthly meeting last week. After approving the minutes of their last meeting and their agenda, the board considered and passed Resolution 210051910. “We talked about this last month,” said School Superintendent Bob Garrett. “This resolution creates low monetary recognition awards for students doing good citizen type things.” In new business, Garrett announced needed upgrades to the school’s technolog...
Wahkiakum County Commissioners Blair Brady, Dan Cothren and Lisa worked on issues ranging from a capital projects plan to computer programming licensing fees when they met Tuesday. The board met with county department heads to continue discussions on how to prioritize capital improvement projects that can be funded through the Capital Projects Fund. The fund gets revenue from a tax on real estate transactions; the funds can only be spent on public infrastructure projects. After an hour of discussion, the group agreed to have to prioritizing...
The Wahkiakum County board of commissioners will schedule an evening public forum on a proposal to form the Columbia-Pacific National Heritage Area (NHA). Proponents say the designation would bring private and federal money into the region that would be distributed through a revolving loan program to people wanting to maintain and preserve industry and business unique to the heritage of the area. The proposal has drawn opposition from citizens afraid it will lead to tight governmental control over land use. Commissioners took public comment on...
Beginning next Tuesday, (June 1), Help Warehouse staff will resume food distribution to Wahkiakum County. Help Warehouse, a program of Lower Columbia Community Action Program (CAP), is the lead agency for Cowlitz and Wahkiakum food banks, receiving state Emergency Food Assistance Program (EFAP) funds to purchase and distribute food to food banks in the two counties. The distribution was suspended in October of 2009, when the Helping Hand Food Bank moved from the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Cathlamet. The food bank had been operating under...
It's how those English eyes see the world that makes Rachel Wolford the artist she is. Wolford’s new art exhibit is now installed at Redman Hall. The exhibit includes 40 paintings Rachel painted during the past year to reflect her thoughts about life on the Columbia River. “I had this idea in my mind,” said Rachel. “I wanted to see if I could capture a vanishing way of life. She speaks a little regretfully about life in Wahkiakum County and laments the fact that the times – they are a-changing....
On June 6, the Appelo Archives Center will host an Open House with not only a fresh new paint color on the Plaza building, but also a new shop annex downstairs at 1056 SR 4 in Naselle. From 1 to 4 p.m., a birthday reception will be held upstairs at the Archives Center celebrating Carlton Appelo's 88th birthday. The public is invited to drop in any time for a piece of birthday cake. The Appelo family's history, as well as Wahkiakum West Telephone Company's history, will be on display in the Center to honor the well known family's activities....
To The Eagle: In all of the pro and con letters to the editor I've seen since Bradwood closed up shop, I notice there's not been much said about what our community will lose. Many people might not realize that Bradwood Landing contributed more than $100,000 per year to arts, kids, senior programs, the needy, and sponsorships for community events locally and regionally. Some were major contributions of $5,000 or more, but often, Bradwood helped groups at a time they needed help. We made thousands of free photo copies for events. I offered free...
To The Eagle: I fall into the unenlightened camp in the debate over the national heritage area (NHA) and ShoreBank. I came away more confused after the meeting (last Tuesday with county commissioners), but now that I have read the great shining light on the hill, also know as The Eagle/Rick Nelson, it is all clear: "Let's get on with it." What's wrong with trying to get informed? Rick's opinion column took a page right out of the liberal playbook: If the people question, imply they spoke of death threats and/or that a revolution has to be...
To The Eagle: Like us, many of the property owners in Wahkiakum County have invested their entire lives into their property. It is their savings, retirement, future and more. If this makes us a "special interest group" then yes, we are a special interest group that is not interested in risking our investment to more government oversight. The equivalent for the stock investors would be being told what to buy, for how much and when to sell to whom and for how much. The stock investor would then become a special interest group like the property...
TOWN OF CATHLAMET STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT SEPA DETERMINATION DETERMINATIN OF NONSIGNIFICANCE PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Town of Cathlamet Park and Recreation Plan Update LEAD AGENCY: Town of Cathlamet PROJECT LOCATION: entire town PROJECT PROPONENT: Town of Cathlamet THRESHOLD DETERMINATION: The Town of Cathlamet, acting as the SEPA lead agency for this proposal, has determined that the Park and Recreation Plan update WILL NOT have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made...
WAHKIAKUM COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS In accordance with Chapter 39.80 Revised Code of Washington, Wahkiakum County is inviting statements of qualifications and performance from firms interested in providing architectural and engineering and other professional services. Categories of required professional services have been identified as follows: · Architect/Design Consultants · Mechanical Engineering · Electrical Engineering · Structural Engineering (bridge/retaining walls/buildings) · Geotech...
CALL FOR SEALED BIDS SALE OF SURPLUS FIRE TRUCK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that WAHKIAKUM FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. ONE will accept bids for the sale of one 1966 GMC Pump Engine fire truck, until 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 16, 2010, at which time said bids shall be publicly opened and read at the District's fire station. Said fire truck was previously declared surplus to the District's needs by Resolution of the District's Board of Fire Commissioners, adopted on May 19, 2010. The terms of the sale are as follows: The minimum accepta...
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that there will be a special meeting of the Board of Directors of Wahkiakum School District No. 200, beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 27, 2010. The meeting will be held in the library of Wahkiakum High School in Cathlamet, WA. The main purpose of the meeting will be to continue discussion and possibly take action regarding our extracurricular programs. The public is encouraged to attend if they are so inclined. There will also be an executive session to discuss negotiations, real estate and personnel...
TOWN OF CATHLAMET RESOLUTION NO. 280-10 A RESOLUTION IMPOSING A MORATORIUM ON THE ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMITS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION IN THE COLUMBIA RIDGE ESTATES SUBDIVISION(S) WHEREAS, the Town of Cathlamet has the authority to issue, or withhold from issuing, building permits and impose building and construction standards and conditions to protect and ensure the public health and safety; and WHEREAS, the Town of Cathlamet, when it approved of the Columbia Ridge Estates Subdivision, (with its multiple phases of development), imposed spe...
ORDINANCE NO. 529 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 526 ADJUSTING REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE 2010 BUDGET OF THE TOWN OF CATHLAMET WHEREAS, additional unanticipated revenue and expenditures have been accumulated by the Town in 2010; WHEREAS, some anticipated revenue will not be received; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF CATHLAMET: 1. Ordinance No. 526, the 2010 Budget of the Town of Cathlamet, is hereby amended in the attached form indicating increases in Revenues and Expenditures bringing the budget to...