Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 41
Last Friday, with next year's freshmen present, hopeful student leaders spoke to the Wahkiakum High School student body about why they wanted to represent them. The speeches ranged in length and ran the spectrum from serious to lighthearted. All were entertaining. "Wahkiakum is such a special place," said Charlie Ashe, who was running for Public Relations Manager. "I want all to be involved and I want to be able to help encourage this." She pointed out that some sporting events at the school...
By Rick Nelson Wahkiakum County officials are searching for a way to deal with the growing demands of information technology. For years, staff in the county auditor's office have maintained the system, but Auditor Diane Tischer has said the system has become too sophisticated and too time consuming for her staff. Members of the Information Technology Committee have been evaluating the situation and on Tuesday recommended the board of commissioners consider hiring an IT professional to manage the system. Commissioner Blair Brady was absent--he...
Last Wednesday morning, the PUD Board of Commissioners met and listened to reports from the manager and the auditor and shared some of their own news. Commissioner Bob Jungers said that he was considering filing for County Commissioner position 2. “I’ve done a little research about the potential for a conflict of interest,” Jungers said, “and it’s an issue that Tim Sheldon faced when he was a county commissioner and a state senator. He advises me that the Attorney General rendered an opinion t...
By Diana Zimmerman Wahkiakum High School student Sydney Hansen opened up the school district’s Board of Director’s meeting on Tuesday with a presentation on the Association of Washington Student Leaders Conference, which is coming to southwest Washington in October. Wahkiakum, along with several schools in Cowlitz County, is hosting the event, scheduled for October 14-16. More than 1,000 students are expected to attend from schools all over the state to learn leadership skills. Hansen, who is...
Could it be? Has Nessie, the Loch Ness monster, emigrated and taken up residence in Birnie Slough? Photo by Rick Nelson....
To The Eagle: Memorial Day was originally called "Decoration Day" and while communities across the United States would hold local events the first large event was held in 1868 at Arlington National Cemetery where participants honored the men who died during the Civil War. It wasn't until 1971 that the U.S. Congress changed the name to Memorial Day and made it a national holiday to be held on the last Monday of May. In preparation for Memorial Day the Seal River Cemetery Board and community members gather to clean the cemetery the Saturday...
To the Eagle: Flash back to July 1965 and Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones were at the top of the charts singing I Can’t Get No Satisfaction. Our country was conflicted by the war in Viet Nam while President Lyndon Johnson was waging a War on Poverty back home. The Older Americans Act (OAA) and Medicare/Medicaid were established in response to concerns about the lack of community services for older persons. At that time, nearly a third of older Americans lived in poverty. The OAA supports a range of home and community-based services, such a...
To the Eagle: When my son, now a Wahkiakum High School senior, was in preschool at St. James, a delicate lady named Mrs. Hauge would come to teach the children about classical art. Some might think preschoolers wouldn’t absorb the knowledge she shared, but I watched rapt three-year-olds, and, even months later, heard my son’s accounts of the art postcards she gave each child. Mrs. Hauge was my first -- and these children’s first - - introduction to our local art angels, community members who expose young people to the arts. Much more recently,...
To The Eagle: I have read with interest and concern regarding the topic of change to a few of our local landmarks. I understand the implication of prejudice, and I am in some agreement with that consensus. I also know that names tacked on to what began as neutral names for these areas were not intended to be offensive, unless naming a particular area of a river entry populated by large amounts of hungry birds is considered offensive. I have listened to and participated in a few of the conversations in which the name Jim Crow seems to be a catal...
At its regular semi-annual meeting May 19, the Washington State Committee on Geographic Names approved proposals from Washington residents to officially designate two geographic features in the state. The committee’s selections will go before the Board of Natural Resources (acting as the Washington State Board on Geographic Names) for a final decision at one of its regular public meetings. The committee agreed to advance the following proposals to the Board of Natural Resources: --Hix Bay in San Juan County. Originally named for Cynthia and L...
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is accepting letters of interest through June 17 for membership on its Waterfowl Advisory Group. The group, which represents a wide range of stakeholders throughout the state, advises the department on issues such as hunting regulations, hunter access, and conservation projects funded by sale of duck stamps. WDFW Director Jim Unsworth will appoint up to 20 members for the group. Members will be appointed to three-year terms beginning July 1. The department is looking for candidates with...
Washington's voters narrowly favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the Democrat party presidential primary election Tuesday. Statewide, Clinton received 53.63 percent of the vote, compared to Sanders's 46.73 percent. However, the Democrats use the caucus system to select delegates to the national convention, and Sanders won heavily in the caucuses. Wahkiakum County voters favored Sanders 274-266 votes, or 50.74 percent to 49.26 percent. Pacific County voters favored Clinton 1,364 votes to 1,263, or 41.9 percent to 48 percent. The only...
Filing for positions on the local election ballots wound up Friday with contests for commission seats. Filings include: --Dan Cothren, Independent, filed for re-election to position two on the Board of County Commissioners. Matt Barnhill, Indpendent, and Robert L. Jungers, No Party, also filed for the position. --Dennis Reid filed for re-election to position three on the board of commissioners of Wahkiakum PUD. The position is non-partisan. --Mike Backman, Independent, filed for re-election to position one on the county Board of Commissioners....
OFF AND ON--Last weekend wasn't a complete bust, as it seemed Portland got hammered with rain, while we stayed cloudy with only a few spinkles on Saturday. Sunday was pretty wet here in between sun breaks, so I'm glad the lawn got mowed while it was dry, and we could just let nature water the plants. I was expecting some rain for Monday and while some folks had some sprinkles, I was out doing yardwork and getting mighty toasty in the sun, at least during the first part of the day. The forecast looks like it will be another mixed bag of weather...
THURSDAY Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Congregational Church, Noon. District No. 4 Fire Department, drill night, 7 p.m. Grays River Fire Department, fire/ambulance, 7 p.m. Skamokawa Fire Department, 7 p.m. Wahkiakum Fire District 2 Commissioners, Skamokawa Fire Hall, 7 p.m. Community Library & Computer Center, GRVC at Johnson Park, 1-5 p.m. West End Food Pantry, GRVC at Johnson Park, 1-5 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly, GRVC at Johnson Park, activity room, 2 p.m. East...
News from Naselle: The Naselle-Grays River Valley Comet track team is off to Cheney for the State Track Meet this weekend. Go Comets! Students will be able to enjoy a 3 day weekend with no school on Monday, the 30th in celebration of Memorial Day. Next Thursday evening is the Evening of Excellence where all our incredible students receive their awards for their extra special efforts for the year. This event is one of the most impressive evenings of the year, and as a community, we have much to be proud and thankful for where our school, staff...
The Pacific County Emergency Management Agency has a long history of advocating for individual and community preparedness and endeavoring to educate the residents of Pacific County on how to prepare for a major disaster such as, a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake and subsequent tsunami. In June, PCEMA will participate in a Functional Exercise to gauge the agency’s level of preparedness and its ability to support a response to such an event. A functional exercise differs from a full scale exercise, in that, during a full-scale exercise there...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: May 16 — 9:14 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance responded when a Cathlamet resident fell down some stairs while carrying a baby in a portable car seat. 12:15 p.m. Deputies responded to the report of a domestic disturbance in Cathlamet. An individual was taken into custody. 2:40 p.m. A caller in the Skamokawa area reported that he was setting out traps after finding four dead sheep. 2:48 p.m. A caller reported t...
Cleave Vern Hedman 83, of Cathlamet, died in Longview on January 29, 2016. He was born April 22, 1932 in Whitefish, Mt to Vern and Edena Hedman. After graduating from Whitefish High School in 1951 he attended Eastern Washington University and graduated with a BA degree in 1955. He enlisted in the Army after college and served in Korea. After his return, Cleave married Audrey Sly on June 7, 1958. He received a Masters degree from WSU in 1962 by attending summer school, while teaching music in several school districts before moving his family to...
Cathlamet resident Dixie Swart, 72, died May 11, 2015 at the Community Hospice Center after a short battle with gallbladder cancer. A native of Tacoma, Dixie returned to Washington after retiring from a career as an economist in charge of managing California State Treasurer’s financial programs. She is survived by husband Richard Swart and son Byron Swart at home, and by daughter Stacey Browning in Sacramento, Calif. Other survivors include brothers John (Bobbie) Housiaux in California and Everett (Kristi) Glackin of Oklahoma and sisters M...
William Henry Schwarze, 84, of Cathlamet, died May 20, 2016 at Park Royal Nursing Home in Longview. He was born November 6, 1931 in Tamaroa, IL to Gottlieb and Charlotte Schwarze. He served in the Army and married Marie on August 6, 1960 in Albany, NY. Bill moved to Cathlamet in 1975. He proudly served as mayor and as a member of the council for the Town of Cathlamet for many years. He loved the community and enjoyed participating in community events, especially the Friends of Skamokawa play and Bald Eagle Days festivities. Survivors include...
Friends held a birthday party for 91-year-old Carlton Appelo last Saturday. When an old buddy showed up to tease him, Appelo's face lit up and he responded, "Well, hello, you old SOB." Photo by Diana Zimmerman....
The Puget Island Farmers Market will begin its 11th season Friday, May 27 at 59 W. Birnie Slough Rd., from 3-6 p.m. Live entertainment will be offered on the Up Beet Stage: Friday, May 27, 3-4 p.m. "Cliffs of Cathlamet"; 4-6 p.m., "Skamokawa Swamp Opera." Call 360-560-3785 for more information. Vendor booths include: Islands End Farm’s ferments; Little Island Farm’s flowers; Little Barn Farm’s USDA Puget Island grown lamb, beef and pork by the cut; Farm at 172 veggies; Backwater Farm’s fresh farm eggs; Skamokawa Farmstead Creamery’s artisan g...
In a June ceremony, the Washington Coalition for Open Government will honor former San Juan County Building Official John Geniuch with a Key Award at the WCOG regular board meeting next month. The Key Award is given on an ongoing basis to any person or organization that has done something notable for the cause of open government within the past 12 months. As the chief building official in San Juan County, Geniuch discovered the county was using building permit fees for services other than those required to process the permit, an apparent...
There will be an AKC sanctioned lure coursing trial at Misty Rivers Plantation, 117 Cross Dike Road on Puget Island this weekend, sponsored by the Willamette Valley Basenji Club. This event is open to all dogs, any breed, mixed breed, registered or not registered. Check in time for entrants is 9 a.m., and 1 p.m., on both Saturday and Sunday. Dogs will run singly, chasing the artificial bunny lure around a random course. Dogs who complete the course will be awarded a Coursing Aptitude ribbon which is registered with the AKC. The event is open...