Sorted by date Results 1 - 20 of 20
With an estimated 200 fans, friends and family in attendance, 13 former athletes and a coach were inducted into the Wahkiakum Mules Hall of Fame Saturday evening. The inaugural event, hosted by the Wahkiakum Coaches Association, raised nearly $6000 for the athletic department. The idea of creating a hall of fame had been discussed by coaches for the past several years and faced with possible funding cuts to the athletic department, the Hall of Fame was created to honor the athletes and raise funds for the department. The inaugural class into...
State Tournament, May 24 and 25 Meadow Golf Course, Lakewood Peek, Calvert, Good advance The Mules advanced three of their five players to the last day of the State 1B/2B golf tournament, Coach Nick Vavoudis reported Tuesday evening. Bradley Peek led the Mules with a score of 87. Brook Calvert shot 89. Freshman Austin Good shot 92 and made the cut of the top 40 of 80 golfers which was 93. The Mules' team scores put them unofficially in fifth place trailing Pomeroy by two points for the 4th place trophy. Also playing for the Mules but missing...
Five Wahkiakum Mules and four Naselle Comet athletes will head to the Class2B State Track and Field Meet this Friday and Saturday at Eastern Washington University, Cheney. Mule Blain Land claimed championships in the shot put and discus, and Comet Rob Baker won the high jump. Here are the results from last week's SW 2B District Meet at Raymond. Athletes had to finish fifth or better to advance to the state meet. Girls: NW Christian 118,Morton/White Pass 110, Raymond 87, Pe Ell 73, South Bend 62, Mossyrock 55, Willapa Valley 38, Wahkiakum 29,...
DAMP BEGINNING--As this work week begins, it's a bit on the damp side, but considering we had several nice, dry days last week, I guess we can't complain. With the calendar still saying Spring, showers are to be expected and they dampen those gardens, so that's a good thing. SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from May 26 to June 1 are Keil C. Parker, Tim Rushing, Katherine York, Don Anderson, Mike Johnson, Nancy Corbin, Penny Bonds, Wesley McClain, Serene Snow-Carroll, Jeanne Paulsen, Benjamin McClain, Amy Knowles, Stephanie Prestegard,...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: May 16--12:47 p.m. The Cathlamet ambulance responded to aid a Cathlamet woman who was unresponsive. 7:01 p.m. A West Valley resident reported people in a blue car were yelling and honking and then sped past the caller, who saw that a window had been broken out of the vehicle; a different caller reported that one of the people involved had been seen in Skamokawa and was very drunk; the state patrol was...
Superintendent Bob Garrett has issued reduction in force (RIF) notices to four teachers and has also notified teachers that he may not be able to offer the same contract terms in the coming school year. The RIF notices result in a decrease of 1.58 percent full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers, Garrett said last Thursday at the monthly meeting of the Wahkiakum School District board of directors. The letters to teachers was a formality, he said, based on whether the legislature enacts salary reductions. "These are standard, until we know more about...
In response to last year’s shooting of WSP Trooper-turned-Pacific County Sheriff, Scott Johnson, and the tragic murder of Rainier Police Chief Ralph Painter, Cowlitz County, Washington Sheriff Mark Nelson and Columbia County, Oregon Sheriff, Jeff Dickerson, discovered that no written mutual aid agreement for non-emergent situations, existed between their counties. Sheriff Nelson began contacting other lower Columbia sheriffs, on both sides of the river, but found that no agreement between these county law enforcement agencies existed. A...
The advisory group serving Wahkiakum County's human services program hopes to rejuvenate itself and expand its scope of work. The board includes citizens, most of whom have a connection in some way with a human services program. It meets to give input to the department on human services issues. On Tuesday, board chair Dick Swart reported that the group recently held a workshop to renew board membership and go over its purpose and goals. "The two strongest rated needs for the advisory board were to improve communication with the board of county...
Wahkiakum County's annual household hazardous waste collection day will be June 4. The Cowlitz County Mobile Collection Unit will be at the Wahkiakum PUD parking lot on River Street, Cathlamet, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to collect hazardous wastes from homes. People may bring pesticides, paint, thinners, solvents, motor oil, antifreeze, pool and hobby chemicals, cleaning products and toxic, corrosive or flammable materials. They may not bring material from businesses, farms, schools and churches, unlabeled products, empty paint cans, leaking...
Filing for positions on the 2011 election ballots will run June 6-10 in the office of the Wahkiakum County Auditor. Positions on the ballot will include: Fire District 1, Commissioner Position 2, six-year term; Jim Jespersen incumbent. Fire District 2, Commissioner Position 2, six-year term; John Lindsey incumbent. Fire District 3, Commissioner Position 2, six-year term; Dennis Nagasawa incumbent. Fire District 4, Commissioner Position 2, six-year term; Wayne Cochran incumbent. Cemetery District 1, Commissioner Position 1, six year term,...
The State Department of Ecology filed suit this week in Cowlitz County Superior Court to overturn Wahkiakum County's new ordinance regulating biosolids. The suit claims the county's ordinance conflicts with state law. "The ordinance there prohibits an activity allowed by state law when conducted pursuant to a valid state permit," the suit says. "Because it forbids what state law permits, it is in violation of article 11, section 11, of the state constitution." Ecology requests that the section banning application of Class B biosolids or...
The Appelo Archives Center in Naselle is sponsoring a Visitors Information Center in their downstairs entry so information will be available to visitors coming through the area. "We have many folks already stopping by to get directions and find out what's available for visitors so we decided to make it a formal addition to the local museum we already offer," said Karen Bertroch, Center Director. "We currently average over 100 visitors a month in the winter and more in the summer months. Naselle is a natural crossroads for folks driving by, for...
To The Eagle: Have you heard the word from the PUD lately? This is the time of the year that the annual ritual begins where management starts their lament about being underpaid. It starts out about how the ratepayers cannot afford to lose their PUD managers to other higher paying PUDs or private employers. The request for 10 percent increases were denied by the board the past two years and management had to settle for a mere four percent per year. However, by comparison, local county officials and many state workers have seen their salaries...
To The Eagle: The recent court defeat of Oregon LNG is especially relevant as this month is also the one year anniversary of the defeat of proposed Bradwood Landing LNG terminal and pipeline. It is good to live in a country of laws where sometimes ordinary citizens can prevail against overwhelming amounts of money and the influence it can buy. The Texas energy speculators promoting Bradwood Landing spent 100 million dollars over five years trying to buy our river. But estuary citizens rolled up their sleeves and went to work. They formed local...
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR WAHKIAKUM COUNTY In the matter of the Estate of ) ) No. 11-4-00006-7 LILIA O. DUTHIE, ) ) PROBATE NOTICE Deceased. ) TO CREDITORS ) RCW 11.40.030 The personal representative named below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal...
WAHKIAKUM COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS In accordance with Chapter 39.80 Revised Code of Washington, Wahkiakum County is inviting statements of qualifications and performance from firms interested in providing architectural and engineering and other professional services. Categories of required professional services have been identified as follows: · Architect/Design Consultants · Mechanical Engineering · Electrical Engineering · Structural Engineering (bridge/retaining...
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Pursuant to R.C.W. Chapter 61.24, et seq. and 62A.9A-604(a)(2) et seq. Trustee's Sale No: 01 -FMB-104293 I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee, REGIONAL TRUSTEE SERVICES CORPORATION, will on June 3, 2011, at the hour of 10:00 AM, at AT THE FRONT ENTRANCE TO THE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 64 MAIN STREET, CATHLAMAT, WA, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at the time of sale, the following described real and personal property (hereafter referred to collectively as the "Property"),...
News from Naselle: No school on Monday for the Naselle Schools in honor of Memorial Day. Don’t forget to attend the annual Athletic Awards ceremony on May 31 at 7 p.m. in the Naselle Commons. Show your appreciation for all the efforts our young athletes have put forth this year. They all deserve the honors they will be receiving. Naselle-Grays River Valley High School will send four athletes to the state track tourney being held in Cheney this coming weekend. Naselle’s Evening of Excellence will be held on June 1 at 7 p.m. in the Naselle Common...
Last week the plans for the entertainment stage, that the Fair Board would like to have built, were given to Chuck Beyer who manages the Building and Planning for Wahkiakum County. He will redraw the plans so a contractor can look at his blueprints and build the stage at the Fairgrounds. Soon we will have a new entertainment stage! We have been using cedar shavings in many landscaping projects on the Fairgrounds. The shavings smell good and are a red cedar color that looks really nice in our flower beds. We also like to use the shavings in the...
Last week was National EMS Recognition Week, and the Cathlamet Town Council and Mayor George Wehrfritz adopted this resolution recognizing the work of emergency responders. We heartily endorse the proclamation. The local volunteers make significant sacrifices and do wonderful work. Proclamation Whereas, May 15-21, 2011, has been designated as National EMS Recognition Week, and Whereas, It is fitting and proper to accord official recognition to our Cathlamet Fire Department and EMS services for their service and sacrifices to the Town of Cathlam...