Sorted by date Results 1 - 19 of 19
Sport fishing for spring chinook salmon will reopen this Saturday and Sunday (May 26-27) on the lower Columbia River below Bonneville Dam. Fishery managers from Washington and Oregon agreed to reopen the fishery for those two days to boat and bank anglers from Buoy 10 to Beacon Rock. Bank anglers will also be allowed to fish from Beacon Rock upriver to the deadline at Bonneville Dam. The daily limit is two adult hatchery salmon, two hatchery steelhead, or one of each. However, anglers may retain only one chinook salmon as part of their daily...
Runners and walkers from both sides of the Columbia River enjoyed favorable running conditions on May 19 for the 28th annual Great White Tail Run held on the Julia Butler Hansen National Wildlife Refuge. Results are as follows; 2 Mile Female Top Runner - Rory Heywood, 15:26. 12 and under: 1st Sophie Forsber-Crotty, 17:20; 2nd Shona Heywood 21:29. 13-19: 1st Alexi Forsberg-Crotty, 19:37; 2nd Sophie Gong, 28:38. 40-49: 1st Heidi Heywood, 15:47; 2nd Mimosa Eckert, 32:28. 70 and over: Barbara Olafson, 38:53. 2 Mile Male Top runner - Keith Reitz,...
Track and field athletes from Naselle and Wahkiakum High Schools won district meet championships last Friday at Raymond. Naselle Comet Rob Baker won two; he claimed the long jump title with a mark of 20'4" and the 110m hurdle race in 15.61. Team mate Chandler Chapman cleared 6'2" to win the high jump title. For the Wahkiakum Mules, Blaine Land won the discus, 110-5, and the shot put, 37-0. Brett Chaput won the boys discus, 150', and placed fourth in the javelin142-6. They'll all head to Cheney for the state Class 2B meet Friday and Saturday....
BIG CHANGE--Just as we were getting used to those sunny, dry days, the rains came back and have really put a damper on all those outdoor projects. By the time we get back to the dry weather, the flower beds will need weeding again. On the bright side, if you had an aching back from all that yard work, the rain gave you a break and saved you from having to water all those plants and bushes you just planted! Don't forget to check out Skamokawa Gardens Nursery on Steamboat Slough Road for all your new plants! ALMOST HERE--We hope the weather...
Rain, rain, rain is back again with a vengeance. Just as we get used to the sun and dry weather, we are brought back to reality. The plain facts of living in this beautiful part of the northwest. At least it isn’t cold and the gardens that have been planted will benefit. News from Naselle: The Naselle Comet track team will head to Cheny to compete in the state track meet on May 25 and 26. Good luck team! In honor of Memorial Day the students from the Naselle-Grays River Valley School District will have May 28 off. Classes will resume on May 2...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: May 14--2:20 p.m. A Waranka Road resident reported the theft of various items including tools and an engine. A deputy was advised.11:26 p.m. One person was taken into custody following a traffic stop on SR 4 near Rosburg. May 15--8:03 a.m. A caller reported a vehicle in a ditch on Risk Road. 12:07 a.m. A caller reported a sexual assault that occurred last summer. The case was referred to Child Protective Servi...
Donald W. “Don” Strong Sr., 87, died at his home in Sherwood, Ore. on May 16, 2012. Born in Groveland, Calif. on June 20, 1924, he was the son of Delbert and Helen Strong. He graduated from Quincy High School. Following graduation from high school Don worked on the railroad repairing boilers. In February 1943 he joined the US Army, serving until honorably discharged in 1945. His military duty complete, he began civilian life driving log truck, then freight trucks. In late 1945 he bought an old Army truck and built a lumber truck out of it. He...
Wahkiakum County's rate of unemployment continued its recent downward trend, according to the latest report from the state Employment Security Department. The drop came with a reduction in the number of people in the labor force. Statistics released Tuesday said the county had 170 of 1,490 in the labor force, 11.4 percent, were out of work in April. In March, 190 of 1510 in the labor force, 12.8 percent, were unemployed. In April, 2011, 200 of 1,540 in the labor force, 12.7 percent, were out of work. Statewide, unemployment fell from 8.9...
At the May 15 meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Wahkiakum PUD, Manager Dave Tramblie reported that the PUD is working with the County Emergency Services and Public Works to install new antennas for the radio system on Radar Ridge, KM Mountain and the JA Wendt Elementary School. “The PUD pays for the electricity consumed at the KM site even though the county, sheriff’s office, and Public Works use that location as well,” explained Tramblie. “The county takes care of all of the maintenance and equipment though. "I think that it’s a...
Every parent knows that choosing a baby name can be a daunting and difficult task. Couples peruse the internet and baby name books; they take suggestions from family and friends and create lists which they systematically eliminate names from until only one remains. “Picking out a name is very difficult" says Casey Barber Johnson of Naselle. Johnson anticipates the birth of her fourth son very soon. "As we are thinking of names we play rhyming games to see what words rhyme (therefore how he could get made fun of). We also are trying to pick a s...
Wahkiakum County will have a busy election season this year. Candidates filed last week for positions on the 2012 election ballots, and three races will appear on the primary election ballot in August, with the top two advancing to the general election regardless of party. These positions include: Wahkiakum County commissioner, District 1: Stephanie Prestegard (Independent); Greg Prestegard (Democrat), Mike Backman (I), and Bill Wilkins, (D). Wahkiakum County commissioner, District 2: Dan L. Cothren (I); Joan Harvey-Chester (I). Cothren is the...
Members of the Cathlamet Town Council handled a variety of business when they met Monday night. The council approved a new Public Utilities ordinance that will implement increases in rates for sewer system customers in order to finance improvements to the town's waste water treatment system. While the new ordinance increases sewer bills, it will also lower connection fees in an effort to attract more customers to the system. Inside the town's corporate limits rates will increase in $5 increments from $45 per month to $55 for June-December,...
Wahkiakum County commissioners approved the hiring of a new public health nurse and a contract for a film company's use of the ferry Wahkiakum when they met Tuesday. In a busy session, commissioners also discussed preferred solutions to repairing the eroding Steamboat Slough dike, and they approved a contract to support the Cathlamet municipal swimming pool and the purchase of a new patrol car for the sheriff's office. The county ferry will be out of service for six hours on June 6 for the filming of a television commercial for an insurance...
To The Eagle: I am writing to express my appreciation and admiration of the kids who have been sending their letters to The Eagle. I am impressed with the quality of writing and also the care that the students are showing for their school and this town. The school pride is refreshing. I live on Glen Gate and so I see a lot of kids coming and going during the week even during the day, high school kids walk through because they take so many online classes. Based on this, I haven't really had any confidence in our local school. The kids say that...
To The Eagle: Rural property owners of Wahkiakum, beware the wolf is trying to sneak in our back door. Are we back to the Shorebank of Chicago and the National Park Service? Are backers of that now trying to place the votes they need to put our entire county under the park service by trying to put individuals on our county commission who will back their proposal. If they succeed in this, we, the rural property owners, are in trouble. The park service attempts to change our building code, etc. by waving money at small counties to place zoning...
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING for FRANCHISE APPLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Wahkiakum County, State of Washington, will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, June 12, 2012, at 11:00 A.M. in the Public Meeting Room, Third Floor, Wahkiakum County Courthouse, 64 Main Street, Cathlamet, Washington, to consider a franchise application submitted by Cascade Networks, Inc. to construct, maintain and operate telephone and data transmissions lines in, under and along and over the public roads and highways in Wahkiakum County, Washingto...
WAHKIAKUM COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS In accordance with Chapter 39.80 Revised Code of Washington, Wahkiakum County is inviting statements of qualifications and performance from firms interested in providing architectural and engineering and other professional services. Categories of required professional services have been identified as follows: · Architect/Design Consultants · Mechanical Engineering · Electrical Engineering...
CALL FOR BIDS Diking District #1 of Wahkiakum County Equipment Storage Building Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Diking District #1 of Wahkiakum County, Washington, at the office of their Attorney, William J. Faubion, 260 Una Street, Cathlamet, WA 98612 until 2:00 p.m. local time the 12th of June, 2012, and will then be opened and publicly read at their regular meeting June 12th, 2012 at 8:15 p.m. at the Puget Island Fire Hall. All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier's check...
The Fairground's west side of the arena new drainage system has experienced the first big downpour of rain since we installed the big pipe underground. I am happy to report there is no standing water in sight! To finish the arena drainage project we still needed to do some ground leveling in the arena area. Bill Chamberlain brought his backhoe to the Vista Park sand dunes with plans to meet up with Shawn Merz who was bringing a dump truck for Bill to load with sand. They moved quite a bit of sand to the arena area. Then Ed Stevens smoothed and...