Sorted by date Results 1 - 21 of 21
In a season that has been a tough one to swallow for the Lady Mules softball team, things didn’t get a whole lot better over the past two weeks. Interspersed amongst the relentless periods of rain, the Lady Mules fell victim to defeat a total of seven times dating back to April 18, including a trio of double-headers. In the most recent action, the Lady Mules played host to the Timberwolves of Morton-White Pass last Friday evening. Despite MWP’s slow starts in both games, the Lady Mules ended up dropping the opener 15-0 and the nightcap 16-...
GOOD DAY--How was your Mother's Day? I hope you had a nice day; I know I did. I always enjoy hearing from the kids and enjoying their surprises, along with a fine dining experience thanks to hubby! We even got surprised by the sun after a few showers. SPECIAL DAYS--Those celebrating birthdays from May 12-18 are Christeena Bassi, Bryce McClain, Kerrie McNally, Marty Kuller, Vicki Bergseng, Betsy Nelson, Steve Doumit, Patrick Thompson, Masen Anderson, Brian Toste, Ed Smith, Rachael Reynolds, Rian Blain, Leslie Monroe and son Pete Sechler. Happy...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: May 2--11:13 a.m. District 2 firemen reported a Silver Streak trailer was parked and blocking a fire hall and it should be removed. 1:47 p.m. An East Valley resident reported a theft of metal; an officer investigated. May 3--1:13 a.m. The Grays River ambulance responded to aid a man with chest pain. 3:21 p.m. Wahkiakum School District officials reported a student had left campus without permission. 4:30 p.m....
Mary Vik has retired after working for Wahkiakum County residents off and on since the early 1990s. She’s worked fulltime as information and referral coordinator at Wahkiakum County Health and Human Services since 2000, connecting people with food, clothing banks and resources for emergency help with shelter, utilities, rent, and prescriptions. She’s helped children get school haircuts, winter coats and school supplies and has been a point of entry for state Department of Social and Health Services services such as food stamps, Temporary Aid...
Washington prison inmate Gregory Phillips's winnings from a successful Public Records Act lawsuit will go towards paying a long-overdue criminal fine, according to Wahkiakum County Prosecutor Dan Bigelow. Phillips's judgment of $3,336 negotiated against the city of Kelso after officials there failed to respond to his public-records request for information about the police officers who arrested him, was reported in the March 8 edition of the Longview Daily News. Diana Plampin, administrator of the Wahkiakum County District Court, read the...
Filing for positions on the 2011 election ballots will run June 6-10 in the office of the Wahkiakum County Auditor. Positions on the ballot will include: Fire District 1, Commissioner Position 2, six-year term; Jim Jespersen incumbent. Fire District 2, Commissioner Position 2, six-year term; John Lindsey incumbent. Fire District 3, Commissioner Position 2, six-year term; Dennis Nagasawa incumbent. Fire District 4, Commissioner Position 2, six-year term; Wayne Cochran incumbent. Cemetery District 1, Commissioner Position 1, six year term,...
Wahkiakum County commissioners on Tuesday rejected a proposal to replace aging locks in the Wahkiakum County Sheriff's Office. Commissioners objected to the $2,700 price tag for three touchpad locks. Two would have been at entrances to the office; the third would have been a new lock for the door between the dispatching center and officers' offices. One existing lock, in particular, is troublesome to operate, said Chief Civil Deputy Joannie Bjorge. Sheriff's office supervisors had asked Building and Planning Director Chuck Beyer, who also...
The Washington Department of Ecology has threatened to sue the Wahkiakum County board of commissioners over the county's new biosolids ordinance. "Bring it on," the commissioners said in effect on Tuesday. In a May 5 letter, the director of the state Department of Ecology threatened to file suit over the ordinance adopted April 26 to prohibit the application of all but the highest class of biosolid in the county. In the letter, DOE Director Ted Sturdevant says the department will file suit unless the county rescinds the ordinance. The letter...
Wahkiakum County Commissioners today approved the hiring of Michelle Budd to fill the new position of Deputy Assessor/Clerk 1 as recommended by Assessor Bill Coons. “I was blessed to have many well qualified applicants," Coons said Tuesday afternoon. "After conducting 18 interviews, using the same interview format, I chose Michelle due to her extensive knowledge of the local real estate market.” Budd will no longer practice real estate, and her real estate license will become inactive when she begins county employment on May 16, Coons sai...
Patrick Carrico starts his day writing, then works as a para-educator in special education classes in Cathlamet. He leads students in art and writing projects, completing the assignments himself, which he said, “give the children an example of what an adult male focused and finishing something looks like.” He paints at home in the evenings, using some of the sketches he started in class. Carrico’s paintings are being exhibited at Redmen Hall in Skamokawa through May 29. The works are colorful and vibrant, capturing the pain he sees aroun...
To The Eagle: On behalf of the Kiwanis Club I would like to say last night’s “Reading is Family Fun” program was a big success. I will let someone else suggest the exact number in attendance, but I was impressed by the large number of children, and equally impressive was the number of mothers and fathers in attendance. While there were some difficulties with the audio in the auditorium, it didn't totally distract from our guest speaker’s ability to make a few points as to the importance of reading and reading skills, and captivate the young p...
To The Eagle: Two men were quoted in the Daily News of Longview on May 3 as saying they didn't think they had broken any laws when they sprayed septic sludge on a Grays River Valley farm on April 30. They may not have broken any laws, but it seems to me that the farm owner knew that an ordinance would soon be passed, and so they intentionally went against the wishes of most of the people who live in the Westend. They knowingly put those same people, myself included, at risk from as yet unknown health effects of long term exposure to the septic...
To The Eagle: This week is national Nursing Home Week. At Columbia View Care Center, we are celebrating. I am very proud of the continued fine work of the nursing home staff; their passion for the work they do enhances the lives of the residents. I appreciate the dedication of our volunteers. To all who come routinely to visit, play music, lead a group and add life, thank you! Residents especially enjoy children, anyone performing, and well-behaved pets. If you are thinking that one day you would like to add volunteering to your life, do it...
NOTICE: ANNOUNCEMENT OF AVAILABILITY OF DRAFT PERMIT PERMIT NO: WA0022667 APPLICANT: Town of Cathlamet P.O. Box 68 Cathlamet, WA 98612 FACILITY: Town of Cathlamet Wastewater Treatment Plant 390 2nd Street Cathlamet, WA 98612 The town of Cathlamet has applied for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination system (NPDES) permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of Washington (RCW), Chapter 173-220 Washington Administrative Code (WAC), and the Federal Clean Water Act. The town of Cathlamet presently owns or operates...
SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR WAHKIAKUM COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF Case No. 11-4-00005-9 THE ESTATE OF ALMA E. WIRKKALA, PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Deceased. RCW 11.40.030 The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Representative or th...
SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR COWLITZ COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of ) No. 11-4-00089-1 ) THOMAS S. PFIEFLE, ) AMENDED NOTICE ) TO CREDITORS ) Deceased. ) ) The Personal Representative named below has been appointed and has qualified as Personal Representative of this estate. Persons having claims against the decedent must, prior to the time such claims would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, serve their claims on the Personal Representative or the attorney of record at the address stated...
Notice of Trustee's Sale Pursuant To the Revised Code of Washington 61 24 et seq File No 2010 125441 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee RECONTRUST COMPANY N A on May 20, 2011 at 01:00 PM At the front entrance to the County Courthouse 64 Main Street Cathlamat WA 98612 State of Washington (subject to any conditions imposed by the trustee to protect the lender and borrower) will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder payable at time of safe the following described real property situated in the county(ies) of...
Finally, it appears like Spring might really be here. We are even seeing a little bit of sun now and then, and the daytime temperatures are above 40 degrees. Welcome, Spring! News from Naselle: Sports coming up this week for the Comets: Thursday, the 12th-middle school track at North Beach; Friday, the 13th- high school track at South Bend. Go Comets. There will be a Naselle-Grays River Valley school board meeting on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. On Wednesday, you can enjoy the elementary music program at Naselle School, featuring students in first thro...
File No.: 7713.21010 Grantors: Northwest Trustee Services, Inc. U.S. Bank, N.A. Grantee: Larry A. Havens and Kimberly L. Havens, who acquired title as Kimberly L. Barnes, at that time both single persons, as Joint Tenants with Right-of-Survivorship, and not as Community Property, and not as Tenants-in-Common Ref to DOT Auditor File No.: 2013893 Original NTS Auditor File No. 2016880 Tax Parcel ID No.: 150806430018 Abbreviated Legal: Ptn. SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec 15, T 8 N, R 6 WWM Amended Notice of Trustee's Sale Pursuant tzo the Revised Code of...
I have heard that rainy weather doesn’t stop people from traveling to rummage sales; I know that this is a true fact now. Even though it was raining so hard it was knocking blossoms off flowers, at 10 a.m. cars started pulling up! They came to shop, visit and look over the projects going on at the Fairgrounds. We had neighbors, friends and travelers stop by and everyone left with sacks of treasures. Many were amazed at the variety of items that have been donated to support our Fair. Special thanks to Jerry Ledtke and Ursula Petralia for v...
The populist political movement that swept the nation last year is alive and well in Wahkiakum County. A group of conservative citizens upset about perceived threats to private property rights last year convinced the county board of commissioners to form the Wahkiakum County Property Rights Review Board to advise the board on issues that might affect private property. The board gave its first report this year, advising the commissioners to oppose a state Department of Ecology permit to allow a Long Beach company to dispose of septage biosolids...