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The fire fighter training exercise last Thursday night was more than just a control burn of a dilapidated old county owned house; it was a night of inspiration as more than 30 volunteer fire fighters converged on the KM to burn down this historical landmark. It may not be a landmark to most; however, it was of particular interest to many who were there. Grays river resident Dan Anderson was there to watch his son-in-law; Robert Maki and his grandson Kevin Maki work on the fire. Dan and his...
The stars seem to be aligning for Wahkiakum County's efforts to obtain dredge spoils for eroding beaches. County officials, their consulting engineers, and representatives of the US Army Corps of Engineers met last week, and the parties agreed that after some final adjustments, the beach nourishment project permits will be approved. "It looks like we're there," Commissioner Dan Cothren told residents of the Cape Horn zone on Tuesday. Cothren added that there appears be sand available for Cape Horn and Pancake Point on Puget Island, where...
Candidate filing for this year's elections runs Monday through Friday next week at the office of the Wahkiakum County Auditor in Cathlamet. Some potential local candidates have registered their candidacies with the state Public Disclosure Commission (PDC). Offices on the ballot this year include: Wahkiakum County Assessor (4-year term) William H. Coons incumbent, filing fee $ 688.75. Coons and Brian McClain have already filed with the PDC. Wahkiakum County Auditor (4-year term) Nicci Bergseng incumbent, filing fee $ 688.75. Wahkiakum County...
To the Eagle: I continue to be amazed and pleased with Cathlamet’s community organizations and volunteers. I went to the Summer Lunch Program meeting at the Community Center last Monday at 1 p.m. I was impressed with the history of the program the last few years and the planning for this year's program. The program is run entirely by donations and volunteers to ensure good nutrition for children and adults in the summer. Good nutrition is essential to our children’s development, learning, health and feeling good. Volunteers are needed for this...
To The Eagle: January 2018, Western Wahkiakum County received a 34 percent, per month, increase in the electric base rate. The West End also is charged $56.23 before the water tap is turned on. If Wahkiakum County does not have the population to keep the base water and electric rates at a rational, family wage level; it certainly does not have the population to pay the exorbitant salaries; retroactive mind you, the PUD commissioners have authorized for their staff. Colleen Haley Grays River...
To The Eagle: On behalf of the Wahkiakum Chamber of Commerce, thank you to all the volunteers who came together with us to help beautify our downtown. The planters are gorgeous and the flowers are beautiful. The Chamber board voted overwhelmingly to finance this project. The Chamber is very excited by the enthusiasm and creativity of our new Community Development Committee and looks forward to supporting more beautification projects in the future. Sandi Benbrook Rieder Chamber Vice President...
Ruth Doumit, a lifelong resident of Wahkiakum County is Tsuga Gallery's Artist of the Month for May. This Friday, there will be an open house to celebrate Mother's Day, meet Doumit, and see her work. Mother's Day is an appropriate day to celebrate Doumit. The obvious would be to say that she is the mother of three, a grandmother, and a great-grandmother. But it would also be important to say that her life and her art acquired an urgency when 25 years ago, she found out she had cancer in a part...
The three big topics at the Wahkiakum County Port 1 commissioners meeting last Thursday were parking, the farmers market and how to get the dredge out of the water. Because of scheduling conflicts, the meeting was held a week early. When fishing season kicks in, the usually empty parking lot at the marina becomes a kind of free-for-all. Single vehicles take up spaces intended for trucks and trailers. Cars get blocked in by trucks and trailers. Trucks and trailers get blocked by cars. “Boating is...
WEATHER--It was pretty nice at the beginning of last week, and then we cooled down a bit, with even a few showers falling here and there, but I was still able to get some flower bed work done, so I hope you got to enjoy the sunny times. This past weekend, we had a warmish Saturday but high clouds and sprinkles started in West Valley by late afternoon, so it wasn't as sunny and nice as some folks were experiencing. Sunday saw us taking turns between sunshine and clouds and quite a cool breeze, while just a few miles down the road, it was sunny...
THURSDAY Community Center, Cathlamet, 9 a.m.-Noon. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Community Center, Cathlamet, 6-9 p.m. Girl Scouts, Community Center, Cathlamet, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Learn to knit, crochet and mend, Susan Sews, Community Center, Cathlamet, 10:30 a.m.-Noon. Walking Group, Community Center, Cathlamet, 9 a.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, The Hope Center, 3rd & Maple, Cathlamet, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Food Addicts Meeting, The Hope Center, 3rd & Maple, Cathlamet, 5:30-7 p.m. Cathlamet Fire Department, 7 p.m....
News from Naselle: Sports calendar for the Naselle Comet teams this week: Today (Thursday), middle school track-league meet at North Beach at 3:30 p.m., baseball district playoffs in Naselle with opponent and time to be determined; Saturday, baseball district playoffs at Knights Field in Bremerton; Wednesday, high school track district meet in Naselle. Go Comets! The Naselle-Grays River Valley school board will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Do you have a child entering kindergarten in the fall? It’s time for the K...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: April 30 — 1:52 p.m. The Grays River ambulance aided a Grays River resident with respiratory issues. 7:09 p.m. The sheriff’s office received an Amber Alert for a child last seen in Tacoma. 10:23 p.m. A person was seen sleeping in the doorway of a Cathlamet business. The individual was located and ousted by a deputy. May 1 — 6:59 a.m. A caller was concerned about an unattended boat. A deputy investigated and s...
Here's a quick look at some of the activities that our CTE and FFA programs have participated in over the month of March: -- District 8 FFA district competition. Naia Freeman placed second in extemporaneous speaking. Jenna Mellis place third in the creed. Jansi Merz, M.J. Neves, Kaden Anderson, and Nalani Schultz placed second in the greenhand competition. -- Natural Resources class. Students and WDFW employee Steve Collie release juvenile fish into Birnie Creek. Mr. Hurley's Natural Resources...
The Wahkiakum Lions have honored McKenzie Menard as their April Student of The Month. He is pictured with his father and L.C. President Brian McClain as he receives a Certificate of Achievement and a check from the Lions Club. McKenzie is a very active, dependable student at Wahkiakum High School. He has been recableing, reimaging and organizing the School Computer Labs and started The Video Broadcasting Club. McKenzie's goal is to work for the W.H.S. District before going to Digi Pen in the...
On Monday Students from John C. Thomas Middle School took a field trip to Seattle, to visit the Museum of Popular Culture or MOPOP. The student body, from the fine arts program; architecture, art, music and ceramics classes, participated in an event filled day which included architecture and music workshops, exhibitions of Marvel comics, films, gaming and sci-fi, and they were fortunate to take an additional achitectural tour of the futuristic Frank Gehry designed building....
Two members of the local quilting group River City Strippers have taken a break from quilting to make dresses for little girls around the world. Charlene Damitio and Laura Borak have created 20 cotton dresses (so far) and are shipping them to the "Dress a Girl Around the World" organization ( This organization will distribute the dresses to little girls in Africa, India, and other places where girls may never have the opportunity to own a dress, no less a new...
Join them on “The Oregon Trail” when the ladies of the Grays River Methodist Church host their 16th Annual Spring Tea & Luncheon. The event is held at the Rosburg Community Hall, Hwy 4 West, Rosburg, on May 20. It is a complete lunch with entertainment consisting of music and stories of courageous women of the Oregon Territory. There will be the usual “Pick Your Own Prize Raffle” and a silent auction with proceeds going to the Food Bank. Raffle tickets are $1.00 each. Suggested donation at the door, $8.00 a person. Doors open at 11:30 a.m., t...
The Seal River Cemetery annual clean-up is scheduled for Saturday, May 19 at 1 p.m., at the cemetery in preparation for Memorial Day on Monday, May 28. The Veteran’s group will begin putting flags on the graves of those men and women who served in the military during the next week. Bring your favorite tools/equipment, soft bristled brushes (jugs of water) for cleaning and rinsing headstones, rain gear or sunscreen depending on the weather. The kids enjoy cleaning the headstones and stories are told about those who are buried in the cemetery a...
On the night of January 24, 2018 our son Nels Hansen, left on his next spiritual adventure. He was born July 24, 1991, on Puget Island to Debbie and Steve Hansen. An Afghanistan War Veteran, Nels had left work in Mammoth and was on his way to Reno to attend the five-year reunion of his unit’s return from the war in Afghanistan. Hurricane force crosswinds caused him to lose control of his car. Nels is survived by his parents; his sister Annika; Aunt Carol; and grandparents Vera and Gordon Oman; and Nicole, who cared so much. In Nels’s mem...
Greetings from the Wahkiakum Community Center and from your new Community Center Coordinator, Sarai Burke. I would like to thank my predecessor, Kelly Shumar and our awesome volunteers for making this an easy transition. I am excited for the future of our Community Center. Please stop in if you are interested in volunteering or just want to visit. I look forward to seeing you. You can find our calendar of events online Exciting Reminder! Wahkiakum Outdoors is hosting a presentation:...
Tsuga Gallery of Cathlamet has announced its second annual Cathlamet Art Festival, “A River of Art.” Scheduled to take place on August 3 and 4 of this year, it will be in conjunction with the Cathlamet Elochoman Marina Wooden and Classic Boat Show. Vendors wishing to participate can find applications at under the events tab. Vendor spaces are a very reasonable $30 until July 1, then the price is $35. Deadline is July 28, 2018. The Cathlamet Art Festival will open Friday night, Aug. 3 with a reception at the Tsuga Gal...
Come to the River Street Meeting Room on Friday, June 8 at 3:00 p.m., to hear from the Wahkiakum Chamber’s guest, Nan Devlin, tourism director for Tillamook County. Wahkiakum County is full of potential and the public’s voice and involvement can help reach it. Help the county craft their economic development future....
The public is invited to join friends of the Tuner-ville Campground on May 19, 10 a.m., for a potluck and a day in the woods. This is a state Department of Natural Resources primitive camp just outside of Naselle. One finds it by turning off SR 4 on to Salmon Creek Road and just keep going. It is paved for about seven miles and then turns to logging road for three miles. Be advised the bridge just before the camp is condemned, and although scheduled for replacement, for now use the marked detour. Friends of Tunerville, two different horse...
On May 29 at 6:00 p.m., Mike Thomas will discuss how to grow peonies. He will cover everything from buying peony root stock, proper planting, care, and fertilizers to use. The class will be held for free in the Event Center located in Longview at the Cowlitz County Fairgrounds. The workshop is sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master Gardeners. For more information, contact Gary Fredricks at 577-3014 Ext 3....
Greetings from the fair office! Wow, here it is already May. Dollars for Scholars will be here June 2. The Fair Foundation Dinner and Auction was a huge success. Thank you to the many volunteers who helped put the event on so they can bring the "Challenge of Champions" to the fair grounds on July 20. We will have two clean up days this year one on May 12 and one on May 19 both starting at 10 a.m. If you wish to volunteer please come on out; there will be a list to do. If you have a weed eater you can bring it. All volunteers will get a BBQ...