Established as The Skamokawa Eagle in 1891

Articles from the May 6, 2010 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 26

  • High School Track and Field

    May 6, 2010

    April 29 at Ilwaco Boys: Kalama 109, Ilwaco 70, Montesano 62, Wahkiakum 19 Mule results: 200m--5. Bryce McClain 27.51; 6. Adam Vasion 28.79. 800m--4. Connar Riley 2:17.33. 3200m--6. Chris Hokkanen 11:44.6. 4x100m relay--3. Mules (Shay Bingham, McClain, Zach Schneider, Jeff Vik) 47.4. Shot put--5. Brett Chaput 37-9. Discus--1. Chaput 128-4. Pole vault--2. Bingham 10-0. Long jump--3. McClain 19-8.5.0 Girls: Kalama 100, Montesano 67.5, Ilwaco 64.5, Wahkiakum 37 Mule results: 100m--4. Evelyn Clark 13.78. 400m--5. Clark 1:08.61. 800m--4. Ashley...

  • High School Golf

    May 6, 2010

    May 4 at Three Rivers, Kelso Assistant Coach Nick Vavoudis reports: The sun broke out just long enough for the Mules to post wins over Columbia Adventist 249 and Three Rivers Christian 217 in Kelso at Three Rivers Golf Course. The Mules posted a solid 176 running their league match record to 20-0. Posting scores for the Mules were seniors Cody Olsen 44, Andrew Weiler 44, Justine McClain 44 and Cole Claussen 48. Breaking into the line-up of four lowest scores was freshmen Peter Weiler, posting 44. Other freshman also scoring for the Mules were...

  • Baseball, Fastpitch Districts

    May 6, 2010

    Class 2B SW District Fastpitch At Ft. Borst Park, Centralia May 19 1. Central 5 vs. Central 1, 12:00 2. Central 3 vs. Pacific 2, 2:00 3. Pacific 3 vs. Central 2, 2:00 4. Central 4 vs. Pacific 1, 2:00 5. Losers of Games 1 and 2, 6:00 6. Losers of Games 3 and 4, 6:00 7. Winners of Games 1 and 2, 6:00 8. Winners of games 3 and 4, 6:00 May 22 9. Winner Game 5 vs. Loser Game 8, 1:00 10. Winner of Game 6 vs. Loser of Game 7, 1:00 11. Winners of Games 9 and 10, 5:00, winner 3rd, to state 12. Championship: Winners of games 5 and 6, 5:00, both to state...

  • Refuge run will be held on May 15

    Kay Chamberlain, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 6, 2010

    SPOTTY--Our sunshine has been sort of hit and miss lately, and the days that had been forecast for sunny last week, were pretty spotty. Wound up being more clouds and rain showers than sun I think. Of course, it all depended on where you were, as I heard some folks were able to mow their lawns, while others would have been needing a snorkel to manage that! It looks like we may have a few days of dry weather by the time this gets delivered, so I sure hope so as the "April Showers" are getting a little old and the hail and the pounding rains...

  • Wahkiakum Superior Court

    May 6, 2010

    Michael Sullivan, judge May 3, 2010 State versus Tonya D. Jastrow, 34, Longview: The defendant entered a plea of not guilty to charges of possession of a controlled substance and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. A Washington State Patrolman responded to the District 4 Fire Hall at Cathlamet on April 25 where emergency medical technicians were aiding the defendant, who was the driver of a pickup. She was in and out of consciousness and said she had taken prescription medication. The patrolman searched the defendant's vehicle and...

  • Sheriff's Report - May 6, 2010

    May 6, 2010

    Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: April 26--10:24 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance responded to aid a Cathlamet woman who was very ill. 11:08 a.m. The Grays River ambulance responded to Rosburg to aid a woman who was acting very strange and a man with an injured foot; an officer investigated the reports as a possible domestic disturbance. 2:20 a.m. The Cathlamet ambulance responded to aid a man trapped when an excavator rolled over at a West...

  • Bartley D. Stanley

    May 6, 2010

    Lifelong Longview resident Bartley Devlin Stanley, 26, passed away April 25, 2010 at his home. He was born December 2, 1983 in Longview to Lori Rose and Rick Stanley. He attended school in Longview. Bart was a member of the Blue Clan of the Cherokee Tribe. He was proud of his Native American heritage and learned the culture from his late grandma Clara Stanley, "Rustling Leaves." Bart's native name was "Gentle Bear" which he was given by his grandma. He commercial fished in Alaska for several years for his family's fishing business. Recently he...

  • What's Happening at the Fair?

    Becky Ledtke, Wah. County Fair Manager|May 6, 2010

    It’s time for our next Fair and 4-H Rummage Sale! The date of the rummage sale is May 15 (Saturday) and we will be open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you didn’t get a chance to donate items to our first sale, here’s another chance. We already have tables covered with books, collectables, cute cookie jars, small kitchen appliances, Christmas items and Easter items plus a small sofa, exercise equipment, clothing, tables, desks, a microwave, picture frames and all kinds of little and big odds and ends. If you have something to donate to our colle...

  • Wahkiakum PUD works on varied projects

    Betsy Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 6, 2010

    Wahkiakum PUD commissioners and staff discussed system maintenance and upgrades at their meeting on May 4. PUD Manager Dave Tramblie reported a contractor had completed an infrared survey of the electrical system and found the connector that serves the medical clinic and a nearby restaurant was excessively hot. A PUD crew replaced the connector last week and is scheduled to work on voltage regulators in the substation that are not operating correctly. A replacement voltage regulator costs approximately $18,000, said Tramblie. The Bonneville...

  • Tuesday update: Cothren, Brady oppose biosolids plan

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 6, 2010

    Wahkiakum County Commissioners Dan Cothren and Blair Brady on Tuesday expressed their opposition to the plan to spread biosolids on the Grays River ranch of Phil and Sulema Zerr. At the board's weekly meeting Tuesday, Health and Human Services Director Judy Bright commented that she had attended the Department of Ecology's Monday public input meeting in Grays River and was impressed at how well the meeting went and how well informed the people were. Cothren agreed and added he had received many phone calls in the past few days from constituents...

  • Public has its say on Grays River biosolids

    Stevan Morgain|May 6, 2010

    A public hearing on the proposed dumping of Biosolids on a Grays River ranch drew nearly 100 concerned residents to the Rosburg Hall Monday night. The hearing to consider using biosolids was in response to an application made by Evergreen Septic of Seaview, WA on behalf of the Phil Zerr ranch. The hearing was moderated by Washington Department of Ecology’s (DOE) Kyle Dorsey. He opened the meeting with a presentation that explained the state’s position that there is no problem with the application of biosolids to farm land - even land bordering...

  • NorthernStar drops LNG plan

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 6, 2010

    NorthernStar Natural Gas, LLC, announced Tuesday afternoon it is suspending its attempt to site a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal at Bradwood, Ore. “The extended delays in the processing of state and federal permits for Bradwood Landing and the difficult investment environment have forced us to suspend development,” NorthernStar President Paul Soanes said in a press release. “In particular, the challenging regulatory environment gives investors pause, especially considering that Bradwood Landing would have such a positive impact on the Nor...

  • Farm Market begins new season Friday

    May 6, 2010

    The Two Islands Farm Market will begin it's 2010 season this Friday at Stockhouse's Farm, 59 W. Birnie Slough Road, on Puget Island. Farmer's Market hours have been extended and the market will run Fridays from 3-6:30 p.m. through October. Fresh, Wahkiakum grown vegetables, cut flowers, veggie starts including 23 varieties of tomato plant, perennial plants, artisan breads, local art, eggs from pastured chickens will be available as well as USDA certified beef, lamb and goat by the cut. Vendors for opening day include the Farm at 172, Little Isl...

  • Lore Twiet named fair manager

    Stevan Morgain|May 6, 2010

    The Wahkiakum County Fair Board has found a gem of a new manager right in their midst. Lore Twiet was hired the first of April to manage the fair, and she’s perfect for the job. Twiet said she has been involved with the fair since 1988, and for the past few years, “I’ve worked with the different fair managers and probably with the last three or four I’ve helped familiarize them with the rules,” she said. Twiet said she’s always been in the background helping with the fair. She became a fair board member soon after she moved to Wahkiakum County....

  • Grange News

    Darlene Ammer|May 6, 2010

    Grays River Grange member Norman Anderson received his 75 Year Membership Pin at Grange Booster Night. After receiving his pin, Norm recalled how he and three other high school seniors joined the Grays River Grange in 1933 so they could play in the Grange Band. The band soon went by the wayside but not Norm. Norm has also served as Grange Master. Congratulations to Norm and the others who received membership pins. Visit the Grays River Grange website for pictures and more information. http://gra...

  • County supports Elochoman conservation plan

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 6, 2010

    Wahkiakum County commissioners addressed issues ranging from habitat conservation to speed limits at their meeting Tuesday. With Commissioner Lisa Marsyla out of town, colleagues Dan Cothren and Blair Brady gave initial support for Columbia Land Trust to convert Elochoman Valley timberland into a habitat conservation area. The land trust, a private, non-profit group with a goal of preserving natural habitat, wants to buy a stretch of timberland in the upper Elochoman Valley, roughly lying between the river and the county road. The land trust...

  • We must work to find solutions

    May 6, 2010

    To The Eagle: Our community was stellar last night at the DOE hearing. Though most people would rather have a tooth pulled without pain killer than speak publicly, everyone had valid, well thought out statements and questions. I’d like to thank all those who came from Pacific County to lend their support. This, more than anything else is a reflection of how very much people care about our ecosystem and recognize how fragile it is. Many spoke to the issue of our five threatened species in the Grays River and the inevitable migration of waste i...

  • Valley overrun by outside interests

    May 6, 2010

    To The Eagle: Our once peaceful and "remote" over the hill valley seems to have become overrun by outside interests. We now have NGOs voting (40 votes) on local flood control issues, when they are in the business of taking out dikes. To top that, it is with your tax and ratepayer money, that is fueling this NGO ownership of local land. LCFRB wanted to install a plan for the valley without consulting the affected landowners. This is 10 years after a WDFW letter announced it wanted the whole valley to be flooded. WDFW was not allowed to buy up...

  • Reader clarifies school board comments

    May 6, 2010

    To The Eagle: I read the Naselle school board article in The Eagle last week and noted my comments were not reported correctly, practically regarding Board Policy 1440-Minutes. I have talked to several people who attended the meeting, and they said they were not able to hear everything I said. If possible, I would appreciate a correction in your next addition to reflect what I said. Superintendent Rick Pass, without board action or approval, unilaterally stopped taping the meetings at the March 16 meeting and that is supported by my verbatim co...

  • Property owners need to demand answers

    May 6, 2010

    To The Eagle: What is a National Heritage Area? Is it a historical area? Is it a specific zoning area? What does it hope to accomplish and by what means? Who will administer it? What is the time frame to opt out and how? Most of the areas that fall into any of the above are usually administered by someone outside the affected area, that is, a board, (non-elected) who is based in another area with more population. The usual targets for historical and heritage sites are to restrict any development through the permit process. They will try and...

  • Just who owns Shorebank Cascade?

    May 6, 2010

    To The Eagle: I stopped my work day to attend the county commissioners meeting regarding ShoreBank Cascadia's proposed National Heritage Project. My first question was "Who owns ShoreBank?" Not one single person could answer. None of the people present knew with whom they were proposing to endow such a thing. The commissioners told their audience that just the day before, they had learned that those of us that did not want to participate could opt out! Are they just now being informed of what they can or cannot do? What about having all those...

  • No. 54-10

    May 6, 2010

    NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF MEETING DATE FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF WAHKIAKUM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the May 11, 2010, Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners for Wahkiakum County shall be cancelled. DATED this 28th day of April, 2010. ____________________________ Marsha LaFarge Clerk of the Board of Wahkiakum County Commissioners Publish April 29 and May 6, 2010...

  • Delays, economics scuttle LNG plan

    Rick Nelson, Wah. Co. Eagle|May 6, 2010

    Death by 1,000 cuts was the way one opponent of NorthernStar's proposed Bradwood Landing liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant described his group's strategy. It seems to have worked, for NorthernStar announced Tuesday afternoon it is suspending the project because of delays in permitting and "the difficult investment environment." Groups such as Wahkiakum Friends of the River and Columbia Riverkeeper opposed the plant every step of the way, saying the environmental and community safety concerns outweighed any economic benefit of the plant. While...

  • WHS releases honor roll

    May 6, 2010

    The Honor Roll as announced by Wahkiakum High School this week includes full time students grades 9-12 (3.25) or above for the third quarter ending April 12, 2010. The following students earned 4.00: Erin Turner, Jordyn Wirkkala, Ryan Helms, Ashley Silva, Haylee Budd, Eli McElroy and Eva Mari Vik 9th grade: Bonnie Beck, Lars Blix, Cody Bodine, Bryan Burchim, Brysen Coleman, Mitchel Dault, Cody Hauff, Shanna Havens, Elia Hoover, Jo-Ceph McCall, Kevin Niemela, Bradley Peek, David Tsybikova, Marissa Washington and Peter Weiler. 10th grade: Kyle...

  • Park garden offers community plots

    May 6, 2010

    The Wahkiakum County Department of Health and Human Services has partnered with WSU Extension, 4-H, and the Town of Cathlamet to create a youth and community oriented garden. The garden is in Erickson Park and is roughly 100ft square. There will be communal and individual plots available. An open house will be held at the River Street Meeting Room on May 10 from 5-7:30 p.m. for those interested to register for garden plots or to volunteer for planting days. WIC families are encouraged to participate. For more information, contact Kelly Guest...

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