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HALF NICE--The first half of the Easter holiday weekend was great as the sun was shining and it even warmed up quite a bit on Saturday; great for the Lion's Club Easter Egg Hunt and for those who were enjoying family gatherings. However, on Easter morning, we woke up to wet roads and drizzle and then as the day went on, some heavy downpours. I hope everyone got to get out and enjoy the dry half of your Easter weekend! THIS SATURDAY--Whether you are young or old, if you'd like to check out some 4-H activities, head to Johnson Park in Rosburg...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: April 18--3:54 a.m. An East Valley resident reported someone had entered his home and taken $1,000 from his wallet and left, headed to Longview. April 19--12:30 a.m. A Cathlamet resident reported that a person who was very drunk was pounding on doors and asking for things; a deputy made contact. April 21--4:20 a.m. A Puget Island resident reported a man had taken a box from a residence and driven away in a...
Just two months after celebrating his 100th birthday with family and friends, Herbert (Hub) Faubion died on April 22, 2011 at home surrounded by his children and grandchildren. He was born to Herbert, Sr. and Alma Kent Faubion on February 19, 1911 and lived in Cathlamet until 1956. It was in Cathlamet that he met Rosemary, his wife of 66 years and began raising their four children. She preceded him in death in 2007. In 1956, they moved to Lacey where he was appointed the first Executive Secretary of the newly formed State Board for Volunteer...
A cargo vessel carrying logs struck a pier and two barges and damaged a building at the Wauna Georgia Pacific paper mill Friday evening. The motor vessel Susaki Wing out of Panama struck the pier at approximately 5:53 p.m. after losing propulsion. The ship was headed down stream. It dropped its anchor and swiveled around and was pointed upstream after the collision. No pollution or injuries were reported, but one of the barges was pushed to shore by tugboat after paper mill staff determined it might sink. Coast Guard Sector Columbia River in...
A higher-than-anticipated early commercial catch of upriver spring chinook in Columbia River estuary “select areas” forced Oregon and Washington officials to rescind six fishing periods that had been scheduled this week. The upriver spring chinook are bound for hatcheries and tributary spawning grounds above the Columbia’s Bonneville Dam in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Some, however, on their journey inevitably wander through the off-channel select areas, where terminal fisheries are intended to harvest hatchery produced chinook that are r...
That exciting time is here again; it’s high school prom and graduation. Do you remember those days? I sure do. But let’s be real, sometimes you find yourself in a situation you may not want to be in. As Naselle High School and Wahkiakum High School have their proms and graduations in the next couple of weeks and months, be sure to do the right and safe thing. Parents, please talk to your students and know their plans, time frames, who they are with, where they are going, and speak openly and candidly about drinking. Young people need to hea...
The Rayonier Foundation, which is a nonprofit, philanthropic corporation founded in 1952, has designated $500 to the Grays River Grange #124 for the western part of hamlet rehabilitation. On June 8, representatives from Grays River Grange will join all 2011 Grays Harbor grant recipients at the Elks in Aberdeen for a breakfast were they will be presented the grant check. This grant money will be put to good use in the Grange’s rehabilitation efforts. Speaking of the renovation of the hall, the new windows have arrived and will be installed in t...
To help promote reading skills among parents and their children, an evening’s program entitled “Reading is Family Fun” has been organized by the Cathlamet Kiwanis, Cathlamet Public Library and the Wahkiakum School District. Parents with children ranging in age from babies and toddlers just picking up a book, up to the 5th grade are invited to this joint parent-child event. The “Reading is Family Fun” program will start at 5:30 p.m. and will last until 7:30 p.m. in the J.A. Wendt Elementary School, Multi-Purpose Room. Pizza and soft-drin...
The Wahkiakum School District Board of Directors adopted Wednesday evening a policy offering students thought to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol the opportunity to provide a urine specimen for drug testing. The board also updated the policy's practices for handling students suspected of being under the influence to include language offering the opportunity to provide a urine sample for testing. Superintendent Bob Garrett said he had discussed the policy with Prosecuting Attorney Dan Bigelow and that the policy had changed a little...
Local officials and the Columbia Land Trust are nearing final agreement on a dike project on Mill Road near Rosburg. The land trust, a non-profit organization dedicated to restoring salmon habitat along the Columbia River, proposes breaching an existing dike to create a 45-acre tidal wetland and replacing the dike by constructing a new dike along a stretch of Mill Road. Relocating the dike as the new road bed requires approval of the Wahkiakum County Board of Commissioners, and last year when the land trust proposed the project, commissioners...
Wahkiakum County commissioners voted 2-1 Tuesday to adopt an ordinance prohibiting the application of certain grades of biosolids in the county. The ordinance, which will take effect after it is published, allows application of only the highest grade of treated human waste, Class A biosolids, and bans application of lower grades, Class B and septage biosolids. Commissioners held a public hearing on a biosolids ordinance last year. This year, they asked Prosecuting Attorney Dan Bigelow to provide an ordinance with tighter controls. Bigelow furni...
Following Veteran’s Day last year, I proposed a joint project between the Naselle-Grays River High School (NHS), The Appelo Archive Center in Naselle and the American Legion Post 111 in Deep River. The project was to have NHS juniors in my US History class interview veterans living in the school district and video tape those interviews so their experiences could be preserved for future generations. As a part of that project, Tavish Hammonds and Rachel Underwood interviewed William (Billy) Wuorinen, a resident of Naselle. As the interview u...
To The Eagle: Mike Mouliot, writing in last week's Eagle, focuses like a laser on the realities of our local property tax woes. Sad truth of the matter is that even after overcoming his predecessor's backlog, training barriers, computer glitches and county commissioner obduracy, our nimble and hard-charging new assessor, Bill Coons, is unlikely to have much success at jockeying our taxes into any zone that reflects either fairness or reality. What is needed is a change, actually a simplification, of state tax law recognizing a fact of life that...
To The Eagle: As a property owner with Columbia River frontage, I am concerned about the possibility of a tsunami event. As a member of the Elliot family, I learned of a tidal wave that took the buildings from our dock at Dahlia. This event happened in the 1930s or 1940s. I don't know what caused it or if it went upstream or downstream, but to the best of my knowledge, it happened. I think that event should be researched and evaluated for possible reoccurrence. That wave could have come from the ocean or been generated by a landslide on the...
To The Eagle: What could the Senate possibly be thinking?? They’ve passed a bill (SB 5542) that ties any funding for the Tobacco Prevention Program to monies that might be collected to license cigar bars - where people are allowed to smoke indoors. How ludicrous is that! Our county in particular needs help getting people to quit – as just pointed out in the Pathways 2020 report. You know, it is not just lung cancer that is caused by smoking – it also plays a role in a number of other cancers. Contact your Senator. Let’s put a sto...
To The Eagle: In the April 21 issue of The Eagle, Dale and Sylvia Costich voiced complaints about the county's response to the Japanese tsunami. It is interesting to note that when a public hot wash, (a discussion of the event and the response to it,) was held, neither were present to voice their concerns. They speak of the county's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) and specify items that should be in it as well as identifying what responders should do when responding. The plan is a comprehensive, all-hazards plan covering any...
To The Eagle: On Monday in the Wahkiakum Superior Court two Cathlamet residents are scheduled to accept a plea agreement in their alleged misuse of Cathlamet Fire Department credit cards. The alleged misuse of these gasoline credit cards over the period of February, 2008, to August, 2010, totals $5,840. The nature of the crime warranted that both individuals be charged with felony offenses with maximum penalties of five years in prison, and/or a fine of $10,000 plus restitution, assessments and court costs. While the specifications of the plea...
NOTICE OF SALE Of SURPLUS PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that Wahkiakum School District has surplus equipment for sale. The items are as follows: 1977 International School Bus, 1978 International School Bus, 1980 Crown School Bus, and a 1976 International Flatbed Truck. All equipment will be sold "as is, where is" and must be removed within 10 days after receiving notification of winning bid. Anyone interested should contact our Transportation Supervisor, Calvin Grasseth, at 431-8250. Written bids will be accepted up until 4:00...
LOAN NO. xxxxxx4729 T.S. NO. 1309026-12 PARCEL NO. 20805240007 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee, Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation of Washington, will on May 27, 2011, at the hour of 10:00am, At the county courthouse, 64 main street in the city of Cathlamet, State of Washington, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County(ies) of Wahkiakum, State of Washington to-wit: That portion of tract...
SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR COWLITZ COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of ) No. 11-4-00089-1 ) THOMAS S. PFIEFLE, ) AMENDED NOTICE ) TO CREDITORS ) Deceased. ) ) The Personal Representative named below has been appointed and has qualified as Personal Representative of this estate. Persons having claims against the decedent must, prior to the time such claims would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, serve their claims on the Personal Representative or the attorney of record at the address stated...
The Wahkiakum County Fair Board's Easter Bingo was a successful fund raising event! By 6:30 p.m. the multi-purpose room at the grade school was filled with people ready to play bingo. The first number was called, the room turned quiet and all attention was focused on watching bingo cards. Each bingo game winner would take home a big delicious ham or two fresh frozen chickens! After 10 rounds of bingo, it was time for some raffle tickets to be drawn. The generous donations from our community were piled high on a table, raffle ticket numbers call...
Preschool registration starts St. James Family Center's preschool pre-registration for fall, 2011 opens April 28 for the community. Parents may fill out a pre-registration form at the front desk of the family center. Classes are on a first come, first served basis. For more information, contact St. James preschool at 795-8612. YAP program seeks teaching volunteers The Summer Youth Adventure Program (YAP) is approaching and St. James Family Center is seeking volunteers to teach classes. Those with special talents or hobbies such as arts and...
Thank you, Wahkiakum County Commissioners Blair Brady and Dan Cothren for stepping up to the plate and passing an ordinance, two votes to one, restricting the use of septic sludge and any biosolids not determined to be Class A in Wahkiakum County. Also a thank you to Prosecuting Attorney Dan Bigelow for putting it all together to be voted on. Another thank you to the folks who have supported passing an ordinance, through their letters and phone calls and for attending meetings with regard to this issue. You all know who you are. News from Nasel...