Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 31
On Sunday evening, local fire crews responded to a brush fire, which burned 1.5 acres, at a logging site on Brenner Road in the Elochoman Valley. The District 4 Fire Department, along with manpower and equipment from the Cathlamet Fire Department and the Puget Island Fire Department, were on scene from about 7 p.m. until midnight. The Cathlamet ambulance also responded. The Department of Natural Resources took over what is now being referred to as the Duck Creek Fire. "The terrain was tough,"...
Several southwest Washington counties, including Wahkiakum County, implemented a ban on outdoor burning for land clearing, residential and silvicultural purposes. Wahkiakum County Public Works Director Chuck Beyer said Tuesday the ban will expire April 21. The ban could be lifted sooner if weather conditions improve, he added. The ban came after state and local agencies had responded to four separate fires on Sunday. One occurred on a logging site up the Elochoman Valley near Duck Creek. It burned 1.5 acres, according to reports. Crews from...
Wahkiakum County government should receive close to $1.3 million in revenue this year from the harvest of state-managed timber on county trust timberland, county officials learned Tuesday. Padriac Callahan, St. Helens District manager for the Washington Department of Natural Resources, said market conditions had resulted in higher revenue than the $1 million which the agency had estimated last fall. However, because of the covid-19 virus pandemic, markets are deteriorating, leaving future values unclear. The report came Tuesday at the online...
As of Tuesday night, the number of positive tests for the coronavirus remained at two for Wahkiakum County. The first case became official on Friday, April 3 and the second on Saturday, April 4. “We are monitoring the cases,” Wahkiakum Health and Human Services Director Chris Bischoff said. “Neither of them have required any additional medical care. At this point, just due to the amount of time since symptomatic, we would list one as recovered and the other is pretty close.” “The CDC would lik...
Wahkiakum School District may have closed their doors to help slow the spread of the coronavirus in the community, but teachers, including the high school teachers profiled here, are reaching out from their own homes using technological and traditional resources to draw students back into the classroom, one constructed in their own homes and in their own minds. Since Washington State Governor Jay Inslee issued a statewide order to close public and private schools throughout the state, WSD...
To The Eagle: These are very tough times for everyone but especially you young people because you may be experiencing your first crisis. When you walk down any street just about anywhere you will pass adults that have lived through the loss of loved ones, the horror of combat and so many other things that have made them strong enough to make it through yet another time of crisis. When you pass these older folks remember too, that aside from all they’ve been through they go to work for their families and fellow Americans everyday providing us a...
To The Eagle: What does it say about a society that, in the first throes of a major crisis, shutters its libraries, schools, and parks and declares liquor stores, marijuana shops, and fast food drive thrus as “essential service providers?” Don Cox Longview...
To The Eagle: In our few forays into the Greater Cathlamet Metropolitan Area during Covid Incarceration, we’ve been heartened to see the town proceeding with pleasant equanimity highlighted by cheerful professionalism by our grocery store and drug store. However, there is a disaster in progress just across the river. Usually, Oregon provides us with political comic relief, having a bureaucracy more clumsy and a governor even more incompetent than our own, but this has more tragic potential. Federal financial relief has finally arrived, but is b...
Testing people for covid-19 is one of the tools often mentioned to control the spread of the illness. On Tuesday, I posed some questions to Chris Bischoff, director of Wahkiakum County Health and Human Services, about testing effort in the county. Here is is response: Initial comment: One general thought as the state starts looking to ease restrictions, testing needs to be widely available to keep this from happening again and seeing another shutdown. The state should also make available antibody testing widely as well. Q. Who is being tested...
In compliance with the Washington Department of Health’s recommendations, Dr. Corey Blankenship of Cathlamet Dental has reduced hours to one day a week, and only to assist patients with emergency dental issues. Blankenship will be in the office every Monday, but there will be someone available to answer the phone Monday through Thursday during normal business hours. Cathlamet Dental will not be performing cleanings or other elective procedures until the restrictions are lifted, possibly as soon as May 18....
The Dollar General in Cathlamet is working hard to keep stock on their shelves and provide a safe place for shoppers during the current health crisis. According to Shawn Wood, store manager, they are dedicating the first hour, beginning at 8 a.m., to senior shoppers, and asking everyone else to be courteous and wait until 9 a.m. They are also offering a 10 percent discount to first responders. They are trying to sanitize and spray carts and baskets between every use, but they get busy and it’s not always possible. There are also sanitizing w...
The sun was shining on the fairways at Skyline Golf Course, but no one was teeing off. The Washington stay at home orders include golf courses. Photo courtesy of Kim Rodahl Herren....
SUPER NICE--As this work week begins, it's a really gorgeous day and if it wasn't for the pollen outside, it would be terrific to be out there! It's still nice, but if you're an allergy sufferer, it's not quite so neat. Still, it beats the rain! We did have below freezing temperatures this past weekend out here in our valley though, so I hope it didn't get that cold where you were. Are you one of those who had just done a lot of planting? I hear we may have a chance of some showers this week but it only looks to be for a day, so here's hoping t...
New contact information for covid-19 questions Do you need information or answers to your questions and concerns about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)? You can call 1-800-525-0127 or text 211-211 for help. The state Department of Health is partnering with Washington 211 to answer your questions about coronavirus from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time seven days a week, and better provide the information you need, the way you want it. Washington 211 replaces the department’s novel coronavirus call center. Callers can continue to d...
Greetings from the fair office! Hope everyone is doing okay. The Fair Board is taking it day by day due to Covid-19. We have not canceled the"Cruzin to the Fair" as of this time; we will play it by state guidelines for everyone. We will know more after the May 4 date. So keep an eye on my column and the fair Facebook page. Same goes for the May Flea Market and the Silver Buckle. Everyone stay safe and have a great week....
Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, all county buildings are closed to the public and meetings and events usually listed here have been canceled until further notice....
Best Friends Reunited While I had my feet up on my desk reclining in my office chair in deep thought about nothing in particular with my eyes focused on Krsto Novoselic's painting of three ships on the horizon, I was abruptly brought out of my reverie by excitement coming from the living room. The room was dimly lit, and I could barely see that my daughter was holding something in her arms. I was surprised to see her holding a little black and tan Chihuahua. She brought this little precious,...
Republican Joel McEntire announced April 9 that he will run for the state House of Representatives for the 19th District. “Today we begin our campaign to guarantee that the people of Southwest Washington will be heard in Olympia,” said McEntire. McEntire, a fourth generation resident of Southwest Washington, stressed his commitment to our community, “Our little corner of the world is a gem. It offers not only beauty, but opportunities to work and raise a family. I was raised in the 19th District, and I intend to raise my family here. I hope...
On April 21 at 12 noon, WSU Master Gardener Alice Slusher will discuss how to encourage shrubs to bloom. Are your plants just not performing like they used to? Learn what are common problems that limit plant growth and how to resolve it. A 20 minute presentation follows with questions. The program can be accessed on-line by Zoom or by calling in by phone. To register for free, contact Gary Fredricks at or 360-577-3014 Ext. 3 for connection information. The workshop is sponsored by Washington State University Extension Master...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: April 6 — 12:31 a.m. A caller reported that two people were parked in a driveway in the Skamokawa area. He said they told him that they planned to sleep there. Twenty minutes later he said that they had gotten out of the vehicle with flashlights, and were making a lot of noise before getting back in the vehicle and heading east. 12:35 a.m. A caller said that there were people with flashlights walking around th...
July 11, 1938 – April 10, 2020 Born to Allan E and Edith (Spellenberg) Orr, and joining big sister Nancy, Robert was born and raised in Chicago Illinois. Robert (Bob) attended Michigan State University 1956-57. In 1958 Bob enlisted in the Army and served active duty in Missouri and Alabama. February of 1959, Bob left Chicago and moved to Portland Oregon. He worked at General Mills (Betty Crocker). December 4, 1959 Bob married Joyce A Goodrich. They welcomed a daughter in 1960 and a son in 1964....
The Pioneer Community Association is continuing to respect and follow Governor Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy Proclamation which requires all residents to cease participating in public gatherings. As a result, the PCA has canceled their annual Tidy Up the Town (TUTT) Spring 2020 community wide clean up event. TUTT happens on/around Earth Day (April 22) and this year was scheduled for Saturday, April 25. “The health risks that the Covid-19 virus presents are serious and easily spread from person to person. We can tackle the weeds, ove...
Wahkiakum High School will be joining other schools across the state this Friday night in honoring the Class of 2020 by turning on the stadium lights at 2020 military time, or 8:20 p.m. It is expected to be a quiet tribute for a class who are collectively missing out on all the good things that happen during senior year because of the coronavirus: competing in their final season of spring sports, the senior prom, a traditional graduation, and so much more....
I’ve been thinking about you all quite a bit. I hope you are taking care of yourself. I hope you have your needs met. I hope you have things to be grateful for and that laughter is finding its way to you during these quiet spring days. Today I have for you two recipes. One is for your heart/mind/body and the other is for your stomach. In this edition of Quarantine Cuisine, I present: Dream Cakes. Gourmet food doesn’t have to be expensive! Do you have stacks of canned salmon (or tuna or crab) in your doomsday closet? One great thing about canned...
Wahkiakum County Fair volunteer Neil Beerbower took advantage of good weather to do some mowing this week at the fairgrounds in Skamokawa. Courtesy photo....