Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 42
Members of the Cathlamet Town Council are ready to move forward with development of the controversial parking lot at the intersection of Main and Butler Streets. At their monthly meeting on Monday, council members supported Mayor Dale Jacobson's moves to turn the parking lot into a small park. Also at the meeting, council members heard a report from Sheriff Mark Howie about law enforcement activity in the town during the past two years, and the council addressed issues with the municipal...
The Wahkiakum County PUD Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday morning to listen to reports and to pass a resolution to give the general manager a 3 percent cost of living adjustment. General Manager Dave Tramblie reported that the PUD had expended almost all of their conservation funds for the biennium and that new funds will become available in October. “I think we’ve done a good job of getting projects out to people who are willing to do them,” he said. A meeting to discuss a project to ex...
Wahkiakum County commissioners and local residents had a chance Tuesday to discuss fish and wildlife issues with Kessina Lee, the new regional director for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Lee visited the board of commissioners meeting for a workshop discussion that focused on management of salmon and strayed into department politics. Commissioner Mike Backman commented that it's difficult to have good communication with the agency. Different parts of the agency, such as biologists and habitat managers, don't communicate well...
Fires have prompted a burn ban in Wahkiakum County. Local fire departments responded to three fires on Tuesday night. Two fires started around the same time, according to Sheriff Mark Howie. One, at Milepost 42 started as a controlled burn that got out of control, working its way all the way up to the ridge above. The second fire was on Deep River Road, but it was quickly contained. A third fire started in the Beaver Creek area. It was on state land according to Howie and he believed they had...
Thanks to Wahkiakum Community Network, Mike Feurstein, the creator and founder of the Don't Wait to Unmake a Bully project was back in town last week to work with Wahkiakum High School students. Feurstein's project is a boon for local students. It gets them talking about how to handle pressures they face as teenagers, but it also gives them an inside look at the film industry, and the moving parts in making a short film, from lighting, to directing, to acting, and more. This year, Audrey...
To The Eagle: The Wahkiakum County Assessor’s Office will be out, as always, doing the annual revaluation inspections of properties. The county is divided into four areas. We will begin the inspections in Area 3 over the next few weeks. Area 3 includes all properties on the west side of KM to the western edge of the county. As we begin this inspection season, we wanted to remind property owners of what is entailed in an annual revaluation inspection. The state of Washington requires us, here in Wahkiakum County, to physically inspect p...
To The Eagle: While attending Kay Cochran's funeral at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church on Puget Island on Sunday, I was giving thanks for the architect and builders who put the building on a sure foundation and built it sturdy and well to last all these years. The entire sanctuary and overflow room were filled to capacity with people squished together and some left standing around the edges, which is a wonderful testimony to the life of the woman who left an indelible imprint on so many hearts. What a great community! Victoria Block...
Last week's opinion column comment about the passing of Kay Cochran contained an error: Kay served as county assessor, not auditor. We became friends in 1979 when she was the assessor's clerk. I can't believe I wrote that and that we missed it in proof reading. --Rick Nelson....
To The Eagle: Sounds like Mike Swift (letter March 7 edition) swallowed a couple of irony pills before he wrote his letter for last week's edition. I suppose even such a miserable outlook deserves a hearing. I draw the line, however, at his clueless critique of John (not Vladimir) Lennon’s gentle masterpiece, “Imagine.” If you’ve never heard this ethereal classic or pondered its lyrics, the internet is there to oblige you. Lennon’s song “Imagine” is much more than a “silly anthem” to those of my generation who treasure it. It can be read as a...
To The Eagle: I have been watching the socialist meltdown in Venezuela and can’t help but think if the people had the right to “bear arms” they would not be under the tyranny and dictatorship of a corrupt government. There is a growing population in this country that support socialism, especially among our young adults, but when asked to define what socialism is they draw a blank and cannot tell you what it is. Socialism is a system of society or group living in which there is no private property. There is no ownership of personal property, lan...
To The Eagle: Living in the state of Washington and seeing how left-leaning it is, is like when I was a kid in school playing teeter-totter with the fat kid on the playground. His extra ballast kept me up in the air wondering if I would ever touch the ground again. Fast forward to the present after the landslide vote on I1639. The passage by the deep thinkers in King County of this unconstitutional measure that limits the rights of young people to a semi-automatic weapon, but still allows them to acquire a driver’s license, vote in all election...
Wahkiakum County citizens got together last Friday in a bipartisan effort to express their concerns and desires for their community. Members of the county's Democrat and Republican central committees sponsored a day-long program that brought three members of the state Democrat party's ag/rural caucus to the county in what they called a listening tour. The goal of the visit, said visitor Don Schwerin of Walla Walla, is to get people working together across party lines and to gather input to highlight issues that rural dwelling members of both...
With the arrival of spring and warmer temperatures, construction work resumes on the SR 409 Puget Island Bridge Deck Replacement and Painting project. Beginning tomorrrow (Friday), crews will close a single lane of the bridge around-the-clock for bridge painting work. The single-lane closure is expected to remain in place 24/7 until construction is complete, said Tamara Greenwell, Department of Transportation communication director. At this time, there are no full closures of the bridge scheduled, Greenwell said. Later this year, crews may...
The Wahkiakum County Port 1 commissioners met last Thursday to talk about mergers, trunk shows, grant applications and more. Commissioner Brett Deaton gave an update on talks between Port 1 and Port 2. “We met Tuesday and talked about approaching an interlocal agreement first,” Deaton said. “Sharing equipment, sharing personnel to make it a little better between ports. Merging ports wasn’t even touched at that meeting. I think there is reluctance on both parts. They were pretty positive about an...
Coastal waters are cooling and attracting higher value, more fat-rich food -- a good sign for salmon, steelhead and ocean predators, such as Orcas -- after several years of unusually warm conditions (2014 – 2016), when the warm water “blob” dominated coastal conditions, according to a report released last week by NOAA Fisheries. However, ocean conditions are still mixed. The good news is that copepods off Newport, Ore., are mostly of cool-water, lipid rich species; krill lengths off Northern California have increased, an indicator of avail...
• Already passed the Senate, • Would give tenants 14 days before eviction process begins OLYMPA (March 19) -- Protecting tenant rights through increasing the length of eviction proceedings is part of eviction-reform legislation, currently in the state House of Representatives. The House Committee on Civil Rights and Judiciary heard public testimony on Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5600 on Tuesday. The bill would extend from three to 14 days the time a tenant has to comply with a notice to pay rent or vacate before unlawful detainer action. T...
• Allows non-traditional addresses to be used for voter registration on tribal lands • Election officials must have access by public roads to ballot drop boxes on tribal lands OLYMPIA (March 15) -- The Native American Voting Rights act was signed by Washington Gov. Jay Inslee at a widely attended ceremony on March 14. "We believe these three steps will allow tribal members to help us form a more perfect union and make good decisions about our destiny," Inslee said of the changes the bill mak...
GORGEOUS--With blue skies and sunshine and temperatures in the 60s, it meant those with outdoor chores were in seventh heaven. Even if you didn't want to start a garden or work out in the gorgeous weather, it was definitely time to take a walk and soak in a little Vitamin D, along with some warmth, which had been missing from some of those other clear days, as we got up to the mid-70s here; wow! I hope you've enjoyed the sunny days we've had, as according to forecasters, it looks like we may have a few Spring showers by the time you read this....
THURSDAY Community Center, Cathlamet, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Community Center, Cathlamet, 6-7:15 p.m. Learn to knit, crochet and mend, Sandra Sews, Community Center, Cathlamet, 10:30 a.m.-Noon. Walking Group, Community Center, Cathlamet, 9 a.m. S.A.I.L., Hope Center, 3rd & Maple, Cathlamet, 12:45-1:45 p.m. Senior Citizen Luncheon, The Hope Center, 3rd & Maple, Cathlamet, Noon. Senior Citizen Luncheon, Rosburg Hall, Noon. Fire Protection District No. 1 Commissioners, Fire Hall, 5:30 p.m. Fire District No. 4, 7 p.m....
My New Friends the Corvid Family Most people have met corvids yet did not know that was their name. The family of corvids I am referring to is birds of the Corvidae of which there are 120 species worldwide. Commonly recognized in English they are known as the crow family, corvids or the genus Corvus which including the jackdaws, crows, rooks, and ravens, constitutes over a third of the entire family. Where I grew up, I only occasionally saw a raven or a crow and I didn’t know the difference. The reason I became interested is that while I was sl...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: March 11 – 11:48 a.m. A caller reported that a neighbor in Deep River had started a large burn and was burning trash despite only having a small burn permit. The Grays River Fire Department responded and found that the Deep River resident was not burning trash, just brush. 1:23 p.m. The Grays River ambulance aided a Rosburg resident who had been injured after falling. 2:13 p.m. A caller said he had been v...
On Tuesday, a special meeting was held at 5 p.m., prior to the regular board meeting to continue dialogue about upgrades and repairs to the district’s vocational and music wing, constructed in 1957. At 6:30 p.m., the regular board meeting was called to order. In personnel matters, the board acknowledged the retirement of Darrilyn Eastham, effective at the end of the school year. Mrs. Eastham has worked in the district for nearly 23 years. The board also approved the hire of Kathryn Green as middle school track coach. In special a...
On Saturday, March 23, at the Skamokawa Grange there will be an Open Mic & Jam Session. Musicians and singers are invited to share their talents, everyone is invited to listen and enjoy many types of music. Admission is free. Sign-up to play at 3:45 p.m., the music starts at 4:00 p.m. Skamokawa Grange is located at 18 Fairgrounds Road, Skamokawa. For more information contact Jerry Ledtke 1-360-795-3434....
Sugar & Spice 4-H members will host a soup fundraiser and bake sale on March 30 in the Grays River Valley Center located at Johnson Park, Rosburg, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Featured soups will be Split Pea, Chicken Noodle and Taco accompanied by a flatbread. The suggested donation of $5.00 will go to benefit the West End Food Pantry. The bake sale, spearheaded by Brooke Davis and Aubrey Katrynuik will support Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. Thrivent has provided a grant for the "Hands to Larger Service" project....