Sorted by date Results 1 - 20 of 20
SPRING?--I'm not sure folks were thinking it was too Spring-like as the rains were coming down sideways and winds were blowing like crazy, but according to the calendar, Spring officially begins this Sunday, so put on those bright and happy dresses and let's hope the sun shows up to make it a truly Spring-like day. Flowers are blooming so it's beginning to look like Spring, although when it froze awhile back, they looked a bit sad with their heads bowed to the ground, but by golly, the snowdrops, primroses and daffodils are obviously more...
Wahkiakum County law enforcement officers and emergency response personnel handled a variety of reports during the past week, including: March 7--2:07 p.m. An officer responded to a report of a domestic disturbance at a Skamokawa valley residence. 2:52 p.m. The Cathlamet ambulance responded to aid a Cathlamet resident needing transportation to a hospital. 5:01 p.m. A caller reported a man had violated a parenting order; an officer investigated and determined a criminal violation hadn't occurred. 10:28 p.m. An Elochoman Valley resident reported...
Maurine Ruby Clark, 93, of Cathlamet, passed away March 11, 2011 at Columbia View Care Center. She was born April 12, 1917 in Roseburg, Ore. to Thomas and Ethel (Mitchell) Van Brimmer. She moved to Cathlamet from the Long Beach-Seaview area in 1974 after retiring from Ilwaco Hospital where she worked as a nurse’s aid for 20 years. She loved cooking, gardening, camping, crocheting and sewing. She was preceded in death by her husband Vernon Clark in 1989; a daughter, Dorothy Montgomery in 2006; a grandson, Thomas R. Torppa and great-grandsons, J...
The Wahkiakum County Fair is an event enjoyed each summer by our community. Our Fair creates part time jobs each summer that are filled by local people from our community. Teenagers are hired during Fair time to keep the Fairgrounds looking trimmed up and clean. Many organizations set up at our Fair for their major fund raising event of the year. Our Fair plays a vital role in economic development for small businesses. For many businesses the Fair is an opportunity to show and sell their products to the community. The Fair is a great place to i...
Ken Morrison is going to be 100 soon, but he’s not one to make a fuss about it. “It’s kind of strange,” he said. It’s not something he’s spent a lot of time thinking about and his family isn’t particularly long-lived. Morrison said, “One day is pretty much like another.” There’s a pack of playing cards crisscrossed with rubber bands on Morrison’s dining table by the deck overlooking Deep River. That’s where Morrison was sitting when a bear walked by one day, “and he wasn’t in much of a hurry,” Morrison said, giving a glimmer of a smile....
After several weeks of raising funds for Doernbecher’s Children Hospital in Portland, Wahkiakum High School Key Club President Ashley Silva said she’s excited that Wahkiakum students and community raised $3569.81, almost double last year’s total of $1800. Silva told elementary and middle school students at the closing assembly Monday that students should aim at surpassing that next year. The effort is part of a Doernbecher’s program that involves school youth raising money for the hospital in association with the Kiwanis Clubs. Silva, a junio...
At its meeting Tuesday, the Wahkiakum Public Utility District board of commissioners reviewed Residential Exchange Settlement details from Bonneville Power Administration and entertained questions about its emergency plan from potential candidates for commissioner. General Manager Tramblie reported that a new contract from BPA for the next two years gives the district 5.08 megawatts, which is close to current average annual use. The Residential Exchange Settlement that will change how BPA shares energy between public utility districts and...
Commissioners of Port District No. 2 decided Tuesday to cease sponsorhip and maintenance of navigation buoys in Grays Bay. At the urging of citizens several years ago, the port purchased and installed buoys to mark a channel from the mouth of Deep River across the bay's shallows to the main channel of the Columbia. They are not part of a regular shipping channel, so they aren't maintained by a federal agency such as the US Coast Guard or US Army Corps of Engineers. The port purchased buoys; boaters familiar with the bay marked the channel, and...
In a quick meeting Thursday night, commissioners for Port District No. 1 signed vouchers and heard about two projects in the works that could piggy-back upon Town of Cathlamet grants. Commissioner Brett Deaton was not present. Port Manager Jackie Lea said the spring salmon season was slow, “the cold is hurting us.” Lea told the board that the town has received an enhancement grant for upgrading lighting in the downtown area. The grant would include new lights around the sewer lagoon across the parking area to the boat ramp. Lea said she met...
Due to ongoing refurbishing of the Grays River Grange hall, the membership celebration scheduled for Saturday, April 30, is being postponed until May. Grangers reaching landmark years of membership from 25 to 75 years will be honored and receive commemorating pins at that time. We’re hoping that the hall will be done so we can show off the restoration! Our hall was built in 1905 and is a survivor of the Pioneer Era. Restoring the Grange to its original splendor is taking many hours of hard work and dedication from the Grange members on the B...
For the second week in a row, a majority of Wahkiakum County commissioners have refused to support Assessor Bill Coons's hiring of a temporary employee to help his office address pressing demands. Coons and the board of commissioners will meet next week to go over the situation and find a way to resolve it. Coons, who took office January 1, has said his office is far behind. Previous Assessor Sulema Zerr struggled to implement a new computer program for the office. Coons learned just as tax statements were sent out in February that many...
To The Eagle: Responding to the ancient but oft unheeded principle that the best way to spark the economy and job growth is to cut taxation, regulation, and spending (short version: shrink government), the tea partiers, conservatives, and other happy warriors that we sent to that other Washington last November are off to a great start. They have preserved the Bush income tax cuts, tackled the budget mess, joined the fray to behead the Obamacare monster and are struggling to control the antics of that weird cult of global warmers and green jobbe...
To The Eagle: In the first two months of this year, the state of Washington has had three exemplary employees die on the job while serving and protecting the public. Our hearts go out to their families and the loved ones that have been left behind. Every day state employees perform potentially dangerous jobs in uncertain and changing conditions. It might be a law enforcement officer working to preserve public safety, an inspector working to ensure roads and bridges are safe, a firefighter putting out a forest blaze, or a social worker working...
To The Eagle: I am extremely disappointed with the actions taken by the Wahkiakum Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) today (Tuesday). It is unfair to the taxpayers of Wahkiakum County. I ran for assessor in order to improve the services delivered by the assessor’s office to the citizens and taxpayers of Wahkiakum County. I had hoped to have the opportunity to utilize the resources in my budget to address the many severe problems left to me in my office. It seems quite reasonable to use the funds in Professional Fees to obtain the help needed...
To The Eagle: Duck hunters who favor Alternative 1 of the Comprehensive Conservation Plan for Willapa National Refuge have sent letters to several local newspapers. They argue that walk-in hunting access should take precedence over breaching dikes to restore salt water marshes. One "fact" in these letters is that a similar dike-breaching project at Nisqually Wildlife Refuge has resulted in death of waterfowl, so that only seven percent remain. This would be shocking if true--but it is not supported by refuge staff when recently contacted. Bird...
Wahkiakum County Notice of Determination of Nonsignificance Wahkiakum County issued a determination of nonsignificance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) for the following project: Forest land conversion of 2.5 acres for future single family residences. The proposal is located at 13 Shannon Road, Grays River, WA 98621. Proposed by Dennis and Carol Larson After review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the agency, Wahkiakum County has determined this proposal will not...
Notice of Trustee's Sale Pursuant To the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee, RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. on April 15, 2011 at 10:00 AM outside the main lobby of the Wahkiakum County Courthouse, 64 Main St., in the city of Cathlamet, State of Washington, (subject to any conditions imposed by the trustee to protect the lender and borrower) will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the county(ies)...
File No.: 8237.20379 Grantors: Northwest Trustee Services, Inc. Beneficial Financial 1, Inc., successor by merger to Beneficial Mortgage Corporation Grantee: Richard J Acosta and Georgia L Acosta, husband and wife Ref to DOT Auditor File No.: 2001573 Tax Parcel ID No.: 200905-430006 Abbreviated Legal: LOTS 3 & 4 VOL. 1 OF SHORT SUBDIVISIONS, PAGE 33 Notice of Trustee's Sale Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. I. On April 15, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. Outside the main lobby of the Wahkiakum County Courthouse, 64 Main Street in...
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I hope every reader hooked up with a leprechaun and found his pot of gold! Oh well. It was a nice thought anyway. I didn’t find one either. News from Naselle: Sports on this week’s calendar include: Today (Thursday)-home track meet in Naselle at 3 p.m., baseball and fast pitch at North Beach at 3:30 p.m.; Saturday-baseball at Ilwaco at 3 p.m. and fast pitch at Seaside at 3 p.m. Go Comets! Wednesday is an in-service day with early dismissal at 12:30 p.m. The two performances of “King Arthur’s Quest” last weekend wer...
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Wahkiakum County Planning Commission will hold a public meeting on Thursday, March 24, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room on the 3rd floor of the Wahkiakum County Courthouse, 64 Main Street, Cathlamet, WA 98612. Agenda items are: · Shoreline Substantial Development/Con- ditional Use Permit No. 2011-2-3, NoaNet - Washington Rural Access Project - Installation of fiber optic line along SR-4 from Cowlitz County Line to Pacific County Line. Secretary Wahkiakum County...